Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 11: Thank You

Ning started looking to his right, it was dark. His left was dark, so was his front and back. The entire room had no openings from where light could enter.

Ning started to freak out for a moment. 'Am I going to be stuck in here forever?' his panic had left him unable to think properly. After a minute or so after the panic slowly went away, he finally started using his head.

'Hmm… no, people will definitely come here for the different weapons and armors, right? I will just have to wait until then.'

An hour passed, and nobody came. Another hour passed and nobody came. Three hours passed, and Ning was done waiting. During this time, he realized in the darkroom, he neither gained energy nor lost it.

Ning looked to the ground he was touching, 'can I switch bodies with that?' he wondered. 'Hey, system. Can I switch bodies with the ground to go outside?' he asked.


<You cannot switch bodies with the ground itself>

<You can only switch bodies with a lump of dirt on the ground>

<The ground is not considered a single entity, so you will have to switch bodies multiple times to get out of this room>

The system wasn't stingy with answers when the question had nothing to do with the upcoming unlocks or something he could get from the shop. 'So the ground is a no-go, huh? What do I do then?' he thought for a brief second and came up with something.

'Hey, system. I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when that door opens, okay?' he said and fell unconscious.

Suddenly, he woke up once more to the sound of the half notifications from the system. He immediately looked towards the door and saw a small slit open, bringing in the much-needed light to the room.

The door then fully opened and 2 middle-aged men walked in. These men had a grayish-blue robe on them along with a black sash on their waist.

After they walked in, they made way for 3 teenagers to enter. They looked to be no older than 18 years old and wore the same clothes like the two men, except they had a white sash instead of a black one.

The two men spoke something that Ning couldn't understand, and the 3 teenagers nodded and walked towards the weapons along the wall.

Of the 3, 2 were young men and while the last one was a young lady. The young lady happened to walk towards him and started looking through the weapons just beside him. She picked a weapon, turned it around, felt its weight, and then put it down.

She did the same thing with the other weapons as well. When she reached him, she picked him up as well, when suddenly the two men said something that made the lady immediately gasp and put him down.

'No, NO! System, switch my body with whatever I am touching right now' he screamed internally.

Suddenly, he felt his whole consciousness shift bodies as he found a hard time adapting to the changed structure of himself. 'Where am I?' he wondered. He could never see the object he inhabited himself, so what he was currently in was a genuine question for him.

He suddenly started to feel something; something smooth all over him and also, he could feel two big lumps. 'Uhh…' if he had a face right now, one could visibly see his face shift from white to red. 'No way!!' he started to look in all directions, and finally realized, he was in the girl's robes right now.

Naughty thoughts started appearing in his head. 'Should I peek? NO! But, maybe a little. It won't do any harm right?' his curiosity took the better of him, and he slowly shifted his vision to take a peek. Unfortunately, or maybe, fortunately, the inside of the lady's robes was dark, so he couldn't see anything.

'Aww…' he was disappointed. 'Wait no!! Stop feeling like that. You are not a pervert' and also berated himself for feeling disappointed. His amplified emotions were quite hard to control right now.

The girl walked around the room looking for weapons, while Ning had a hard time focusing on the surrounding with everything he was physically feeling. Finally, the lady stopped across a thin rapier-like sword. The sword itself had a blue handle, and the sheath it was kept in was also a darker shade of blue.

The lady looked at it for a while, and nodded to herself, keeping it to herself. 'I can't do it anymore!!' Ning shouted to himself. 'System, switch body with the sheath.'


Once more, he felt his consciousness lurch forward and leave the robe only to enter the sheath. 'God that was so distracting.' He said to himself.

The girl and the other 2 young men walked outside, followed by the middle-aged two men. 'Ah, finally! I'm outside. I was scared for no reason earlier.' He thought to himself. He laughed a little remembering how panicked he was minutes ago.

'Oh, by the way, system, how long did I sleep this time?' he asked.

<You were unconscious for 6 months, 14 days, and 5 hours>

'What? I was unconscious for so long? Does that mean no one entered that room for half a year? What is that room exactly?' he wondered. He suddenly felt a chill on his body. He looked back towards the outside and was stunned by what he saw.

Snow was falling from the sky. The land was covered in snow, making everything white. The side of the buildings was frosted while their roof was also filled with snow. Black smoke rose out of the buildings.

'Snow…' he was surprised. This was his first time seeing snow. He had always lived in an area where it never snowed even during the winter, and he had only ever seen it on the TV.

Finally, seeing it in real life for the first time, he felt incredibly happy. He understood that the snow meant he would not get any heat energy from the sun, but he didn't care. Just seeing the snow was more than enough for him.

'Thank you system. If you hadn't brought me here, I would have probably never seen such a beautiful sight in my entire life.'

<The system acknowledges your thankfulness>


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