Reincarnated As A Wolf With Cheats

Chapter 450 Transforming into DEATH!

Chapter 450 Transforming into DEATH!

Chapter 449: Transforming into DEATH!

"Mama, where are you?" a young voice wailed, lost amidst the smoky haze. "Please, somebody help us!" pleaded another, their tiny hands reaching out for salvation.

In the midst of the heart-wrenching cacophony, there were voices of solace and hope, attempting to quell the despair that threatened to consume all.

"Stay strong! Our leader is here, he will protect us!" shouted a resolute voice, fighting to instill courage into those around them. "Keep faith, my friends! Help is on the way!" another voice called out, desperately trying to rally the shaken spirits.

Tear-stained faces filled the streets, their grief and anguish mirroring the devastation that surrounded them. "Where is my family? Have you seen them?" a distraught mother pleaded to anyone who would listen, her voice choking with despair. "I can't find my sister! Please, has anyone seen her?" sobbed a desperate sibling, their voice trembling with raw vulnerability.

In the midst of the turmoil, acts of heroism and compassion emerged like fragile buds amidst the scorched earth. Strangers extended helping hands to one another, offering support and aid amidst the devastation. The cries of the wounded mingled with the fervent prayers of those seeking divine intervention.

As he cradled his frightened child in his arms, the desperate father scanned the chaotic landscape for a sliver of hope. In that vulnerable moment, a loud crack reverberated through the air, causing his heart to skip a beat. He turned his gaze towards the source of the sound, his eyes widening in terror as a massive tree trunk began to topple in their direction.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as the father's instincts kicked into overdrive. With a surge of adrenaline, he made a split-second decision to run, hoping to escape the impending disaster.

But in that moment, the realization struck him like a thunderbolt - he was no match for the tremendous weight and speed of the falling tree. In the face of an inevitable tragedy, his heart sank, resigning himself to the cruel fate that awaited them.

In a miraculous twist of fate, their lives were snatched from the jaws of disaster by a guardian angel named Mike. With lightning-fast reflexes, he had spotted the treacherous crack in the tree trunk and propelled himself into action.

Time seemed to bend to his will as he raced towards them with an otherworldly speed, his determination shining in his eyes.

As he reached them in the nick of time, Mike scooped the trembling child into his strong arms, while extending a protective shield towards the parent. The weight of relief washed over them, their grateful eyes locked on their newfound guardian.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, the parent's lips trembled, ready to express their heartfelt appreciation. "Than-"

However, before they could utter a single word, Mike's focus shifted with a sense of urgency. His eyes locked onto another person, trapped amidst the encroaching flames, their pleas for help echoing in the air.

Without a moment's hesitation, Mike tore himself away from the grateful parent and child, his feet pounding against the scorched ground. His purposeful stride carried him towards the next soul in need, his determination undeterred by the swirling inferno that threatened to consume them all.

Their hearts swelled with admiration and gratitude as they watched Mike disappear into the chaos, his unwavering courage and selflessness driving him to aid more souls in distress.

The child, with innocent eyes wide open, gazed at Mike's retreating figure in awe. The heroic image etched in his young mind, forever imprinting the concept of a true hero. He stuttered with excitement, unable to contain his admiration.

"H-h-hero!" the child exclaimed, his small voice filled with wonder and admiration. His father, who stood by his side, looked down at his son, his heart swelling with pride and hope. He gently ruffled the child's hair and shared in his excitement.

With a gentle smile, he leaned closer to his son and softly whispered, "Yes, my boy, that's a hero."




"Alright, we don't have much time. Let's go. Kekeke," Ros said, his voice filled with a sinister undertone, as he approached Shin's motionless body.

Shin, who had regained consciousness, feigned unconsciousness, his eyes shut tightly. He knew that his only chance of escape was to deceive Ros, buying himself precious moments to gather his strength.

With a calculated move, Ros released the chains that bound Shin, their metallic clinks echoing through the dimly lit room. As Shin felt the weight of the chains lifted off him, a glimmer of hope sparked within his weary soul.

But his relief was short-lived.

In an act of cruel dominance, Ros roughly seized a fistful of Shin's hair, yanking him forward with a merciless grip. Sharp pain shot through Shin's scalp, intensifying with every agonizing step.

Shin focused on channeling his inner strength, his pain nullification abilities rendered useless, as he braced himself against the torment.

'System, can you hear me?'

[Yes, master.]

'Reactivate my passive skills,' Shin commanded with unwavering determination, knowing that these dormant abilities could be the key to turning the tide in his favor.

[As you wish, master.]

The system complied, awakening the latent power within Shin's body. A gentle glow enveloped him, emanating a faint green light as his dormant skills surged back to life.

The sudden burst of radiant energy caught Ros off guard, momentarily startling him. In that fleeting moment of distraction, he involuntarily released his grip on Shin, allowing him to break free from his clutches.


"What's happening?" Ros's voice quivered with uncertainty, his mind struggling to comprehend the spectacle unfolding before him.

"What's happening, you ask… haha," Shin's voice echoed, his tone dripping with a newfound confidence.



Shin's laughter reverberated through the air, the sound tinged with a hint of madness. His eyes glowed with an intense determination, as if fueled by an unseen force.


Silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the echoes of Shin's chilling laughter. Ros's heart pounded in his chest, a mix of fear and anticipation coursing through his veins.

"I'm transforming…" Shin's voice resonated with an eerie calmness, each word dripping with a dark resolve. The ambient light intensified, casting eerie shadows that danced along the walls.

"Transforming into your DEATH!" Shin's words were laced with a chilling finality, as if a sentence had been passed, sealing Ros's fate.


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