Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 95 – Dwarven Kingdom

Chapter 95 – Dwarven Kingdom

"Hey Aesa, when was it the last time we were over here?"

[<-User- and target Petra were last in dwarven kingdom 212 days ago>]

"Wow, it's basically been seven months? Doesn't time flyby"

I'm purposely speaking out loud simply because Petra seemed interested on the last time we were over here as well; Aesa is basically a portable calendar after all. Actually, I'll discard that comparison otherwise it might piss her off being compared to that.

"Heh, wonder the reason for time flying by Ikarus"

Is she being serious or was that her being playful? Either way, it's down to her being around, she does end up taking up a lot of my focus after all.

"Do I seriously need to say the reason out loud? It's obviously because you're so distracting in a good way"

"Heh, good answer"

Quite a lot has happened in the last month, maybe not that much but we did spend more than half of that time still on that island transporting ore to the smithy. Now when we come back, there's going to be loads of smelted gold waiting for us ready to be sold in bulk. Of course, there is the possibility that guy can't be trusted and he tries to flee with it, I actually have a plan for that in mind.

See, all I need his scent and with the help of two dragons, he could basically be tracked to any part of the world so I made sure to take something of his before leaving just to be on the safe side. Sure, that's sounds a little weird taking something for someone's scent but then with this amount of gold at stake, it really isn't that weird.

There was also some more progress down in the mine but it's still going to go pretty slow, there's a lot of makeshift wooden scaffolding all around the place as well and the starts of several mineshafts are currently being built. There's no point really giving constant updates on what's going on down there anymore since Jaxon is pretty damn brilliant at handling anything mine related.

Oh... there is something else I might need to mention, an update that you might be a little disappointed about not knowing straight away, me and Petra kinda slept together... NO! Not in that way, ahem... What I actually mean is that we slept together in human form in an extremely family friendly way like two girls having a sleep over, no funny business of anything like that, just a bit of hand holding and a quick kiss before going to sleep.

It only happened the once and was before we set off, Petra did me some more of her famous chicken and that clearly manipulates my mind into making another step forward. Blame the fried chicken, not this orange bird obsessed with it and the person who makes it. That being said, the reason why it hasn't happened more than once since then is because of Petra, she still rarely sleeps and is an extremely light sleeper waking up at nearly anything when she's out. Seriously though, I think even my blinking might've kept her up, didn't actually sleep great as well but that's Petra's fault this time. If she wasn't so beautiful to look at, then it might've been easier to sleep.

Next time we share a bed together, should we hug or do something else as well?... I really need to give it some proper thought, that night surprised me on how little it actually flustered me out. I was even giving it some serious thought about it and even then, the idea of potentially doing anything further didn't feel like something that seemed completely overwhelming. I'm not saying we're going to try something tomorrow or even the next night she sleeps but it might be sooner rather than later at this point...

Let's just move on was all this Ikarus being ready crap, the return to the dwarven kingdom is here! The journey was long and uninspiring but travelling the continents do have that effect I'm afraid, most of this forest is unpopulated with the exceptions being the odd elven tribe, bandit group or ruin. We follow the coast so other than that old vampire village Petra wiped out, there's nothing much of note.

Before getting back here, we did have to go through the long and bending caves again to get across the bridge, I guess I could just fly that part but by the sounds of it, dwarfs actually have something that sounds like an air defence harpoon turret that uses gunpowder.

Petra seems to remember something about that and it's because wyverns used to flock to these mountains to be close to the volcano, not obviously that close but apparently the heat that surrounds this huge island is attractive to them since they dislike the cold. Also, dwarfs are a fan of the meat harvested from the flying creatures so you can see why flying into this place isn't the greatest of ideas. This bird be eating fried chicken, not becoming one for a dwarf.

Enough recapping though, let's push ahead, not really sure where we should go though.

"You've been here a lot Petra, where should we go to set up a trade deal then?"

Despite Petra pausing and taking her time to answer, this is something she would have a lot of experience on, she has spent a lot of time over here helping a lot of people. If there's someone interested handling the purchase of large quantities of gold, then she should know, if her memory allows it though.

"Our best bet would be someone from the kingdom itself but I'm pretty sure they hired a new Jarl and had a shift about recently so I'm not too sure if that will work. If anyone will know, the gnome should"

Ah, looks like we're paying another visit to Garry the gnome and his misses again, don't think I actually thanked them for completing my dress so I guess I can show my appreciation. Actually, I'm not going to do that, dwarfs do prefer insults to compliments after all, except with elves, most of these lot up here just simply hate them.

'Looks like we're heading to the train station again...'


"Heh... you're snoring again Ikarus"

"Wha-... don't care... don't be so comfortable and I won't snore"

"Heh, that's more of you problem but we've just arrived now"

Sleeping on her shoulder while on the train has basically become a thing at this point so no point even describing it in detail. In all honesty, I might just be a bit clingy to Petra so having the rare nap on her shoulder is probably comfortable just because I'm next to her more than anything else. I mean, it's a shoulder, not something really comfortable like a lap pillow for example. Need to make an excuse up for another one day but for the life of me, I'm unsure how to go about it other than just be blunt.

It's a shame we've got to get up now but business awaits I guess, I do tend to snore when in deep sleep and did just fly quite the while without stopping so that at least would explain that, even if I could sleep another hour or two. Oh well.

We both get up exiting the train and head towards the gnome's shop traversing the endless stairways within the huge cave of this part of the dwarven kingdom, it's not long but it does allow me some time to wipe the sleep out of my eyes and focus on something Petra is doing.

"You alright Petra?"

She's seems a little tense, mostly because she's holding my hand a little tighter than usual. It's not like it hurts or anything but picking up little differences like that can be noticeable when we basically hold hands all the time.

"Huh? Ah sorry Ikarus, unsure why I feel this way"

Well, even if she doesn't know why's she feels tense, then there's not really much I can do. Sure, there's always ways to put your mind at ease but Petra does normally have a reason so maybe her mind is just wondering right now. I'll just leave her be but if she wants to talk about it, then I'll listen.

Anyways, we've now arrived back at the dwarf's shop and find the door is open, more specifically it's torn down and the culprits behind such a thing seem to be still inside.

"Oh come on... you stupid bastards! Did you really have to break that vase? That's not even mine, the wife will kill me when she finds out"

"Then you should paid your dues old man"

"Yeah gnome, this is compensation for screwing us over"

In Garry the gnome's shop, there are two other dwarfs smashing things and basically tearing the place apart. Now I know why Petra was feeling tense, she could probably feel the angry aura radiating from outside the shop, these two do seem pretty pissed off at the gnome. It doesn't look like anyone's getting hurt right now but the entire store has seen better days, looks like a tornado has ridden through here.

"Hey, it's not my fault you lot decided to lie and raise the price up even further, I'm not paying for something you are tripling the price for"

Despite the gnome trying to calm them down, they are having none of it and another vase finds itself being thrown smashing into the wall, the old dwarf does sell quite a few various things despite there literally being a forge inside this place.

"You agreed to pay regardless of the price"

"Should've read the agreement gnome, you're not talking your way out of us smashing and burning this place down this time around... we've put up with your shit for long enough"

I'm a little unsure who's at fault here, it sounds like he agreed to buy something from them but it sounds like they raised the price causing him to back out of the deal? If that's the case, then he wouldn't be in the wrong, right? It matters little, we were going to help him regardless, even if he's screwed someone over.

(Petra) "You want a hand gnome?"

Before I even get the chance, Petra steps into the destruction the store is currently facing seeing if she can be any help. At the very least, he can add another debt he owes to her.

"Urgh, even you won't stop using that name... it's up to you Petra, it's a good idea but I'd rather not have to make the wife clean up all the blood though"

This guy actually want's Petra to kill them? Maybe it's just a bluff but even so, I'm not opposed to giving him a hand, he did help me with my dress after all... and it's been a little while since I last killed, kinda looking forward to this.

(Ikarus) "Would a little ash work instead?"

(Garry) "Ikarus... was it? If you're implying what I think you are, try not to burn the place down, I know nearly everything's made of stone or metal but still"

Despite us literally talking about killing those two who have decided to turn this guy's shop into a dump, they really don't seem that concerned with the threats and still go around smashing glasses, ripping apart leathers and just doing whatever they can to make annoying noise in the background. Also, they are both armed but what's a little dwarf going to do with an axe that big against fire?

"Stay out of this humans, your height won't mean shit against us"

"Yeah, we can play with you after if you want but stay out of dwarven matters, this is a man's job so you just sit there and look pretty"

Urgh, did the second guy really have to say that? At the very least. There's no guilty conscience about killing them even if I didn't really care beforehand, imagine coming across a sexist dwarf in this day and age!

'They look pretty weak to be fair, status'

[Name: Rain | Species: Dwarf | Level: 9]

[Health 450/450]

[Stamina 278/450]

[Magicka 0/0]


[Name: Dirk | Species: Dwarf | Level: 6]

[Health 200/200]

[Stamina 194/400]

[Magicka 0/0]

'That's... disappointing, at least it's another level or two I guess'

I do have the slight thought that maybe Petra was just bluffing about that though. Sure, both of us don't mind killing but is it okay to kill thieves just like this? Even if I really want to now and I doubt she'd stop me.

"If you two don't leave this second, we won't be so nice ladies"

"That's of course unless you want us to be rough with you"

These two are making me sick, it's taking all my willpower to not just burn them to a crisp but now I'm past caring, hopefully Petra agrees with me.

"Petra... I'm getting irritated now"

"Heh, was never going to stop you Ikarus"

'Looks like I was overthinking this...'

Without even giving the gangster dwarfs a second to react, I pull out my arm and release sweet fiery flame towards them coating their bodies. Both of them are basically incinerated within a second leaving just ash and the clutter of weapons on the floor. Damn, I may have put a little too much into that but the gnome did say he doesn't want a terrible mess.


A slight silence ensues from my display, Petra's all smiles and the dwarf is just shocked really, at least he has something to say now.

"Remind me to never piss you two human ladies off..."

Well... that was a breeze, the dwarf does look a little concerned after seeing my handiwork in first action but I was only protecting his store after all, it's his fault really. 

'Status check'

[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 176]

[Health 40,000*/40,000*]

[Stamina 19,888*/20,000*]

[Magicka 38,910*/40,000*]

[You currently have 13000 unassigned points]

'Two more levels, nice... I've just realized how high my doubled stats actually are now, another twenty levels or so that gets buffed, I may have stats similar to father... damn'

[<-User- should hear Aesa's advice, do not get ahead of yourself otherwise -user- may regret it. Despite having two abilities stronger than dragons, that still doesn't guarantee -user- can win against target -Dermakvar->]

'You seriously don't have much faith in me, do you?... Don't answer that, of course I know that doesn't guarantee a win but it could at least hold my own against him now, right?'


'Your silence says more than giving an answer, I'm just being realistic over getting ahead of myself really. I know I'd still lose'

It's not exactly like I'm going to have a serious fight with father but it's just a comparison really. With the way things work in this world, it wouldn't surprise me if him and mother both could survive one of my end the world attacks just down to being insanely resistant to nearly everything. Despite that, I do doubt if they could survive both attacks though... this is of course all hypothetical! I love my parents despite their quirks.

Now back onto the conversation with the dwarf since that 'fight' has made me think about hypotheticals against stronger opponents, the situations he finds himself in do always seem to be a little odd. I'm pretty sure it's just because he'll trade with anyone despite knowing if they're good or bad so these things do seem to be pretty frequent. He also seems clumsy as hell but dwarfs are supposed to be a little odd, even a master blacksmith like himself.

"... Now, what can I do for you? I'm really not in the mood for working with some more enchanted clothing if that's what you're here for, I've got this mess to clean up now"

While speaking to us, he's got a broom sweeping up all the broken glass and putting loads of destroyed things into a bag, feel a little sorry for him so I'll give him a hand and so does Petra while we're discussing.

"It's something a bit different this time around gnome, me and Ikarus have come across a large amount of ore that we're mining and are looking for buyers"

'I'm guessing it's safe to reveal to him about the mine? Not even going to question it, trust her instinct more than enough'

The dwarf for some reason seems a little confused and stops the cleaning up process.

"So then why would you come here? We're literally in a mountainous kingdom where mines flow through this place like veins, why would we need more ore? Heck, I could understand if we were low on things like iron and copper but we have to ship most of spare stuff to the desert, Maladonia or those damn elves... oh, can't forget about the eskimos in the north as well"

What the fuck? These dwarfs actually trade with the elves!? It must be the city of Aurora since it's on the gigantic river but that's shocked me, they literally despise them yet they are still willing to sell ore? Sometimes I realize I know nothing about this world, it doesn't surprise me that the other three buy ore though since there's supposed to be cities on the coasts, the northern settlement is pretty large as well but they are extremely long trips to make since you do have to go around the entire landmass to get there from this corner of the world.

"Heh, I think you'll be a little surprised, show him please Ikarus"

"Sure sure"

I get out the already completed small golden bar and another chunk of ore from the mine and place it on top the shop counter, the dwarf instantly stops cleaning up and goes to focus on the two things I've brought. Unlike the previous blacksmith we had look at this, his reaction is a lot quicker and more envious than that other guy.

"You know... you two are absolutely lucky shits... to come across a gold mine that I presume isn't within the empire's borders and something this rich in quality is nearly unheard of. Huh, guess I was wrong, you could very easily sell this off in the kingdom, we'd even handle all the shipping since gold is pretty rare and extremely useful for most of us..."

It doesn't matter what species or race you are; everyone can always see the attractiveness of gold; it looks like this dwarf in particular has shining eyes right now.

"... If you're expecting specifically me to buy this from you or convert it into currency, then you might be a little disappointed Petra"

"Why's that?"

"Because I retired from handling those types of roles years ago... although, I still do have some contacts within the big cave so I'll send word that you're looking to set something up. The Jarl himself might want to speak with you since gold is handled by the treasury and I'm guessing he'll see you as soon as possible if it's about something this important..."

So, looks like we finally have a way of selling all this potential wealth, maybe some day we could directly turn it into actual coins and make our own currency but that's just a dumb dream for now. If we did though, Petra's face is definitely going on the coins, I'd get to look at her face and the shininess of gold at the same time! I joke but I do actually like the idea despite it being pretty stupid.

"...Make sure you don't let the kid jarl take you for a fool though. If he senses any weakness in your negotiating skills, he will exploit it, little brat may look weaker than a broomstick but has the tongue of elf negotiator... you really wouldn't think that from a kid who's just turned twelve"

(Ikarus) "Hang on, hang on... is the leader of the dwarven kingdom a child!? You just said he's twelve, right?"

This obviously is pretty big news despite the gnome not really making it out to be that serious, he seems more focused on the lump of ore than discussing their leader's age.

"Jarl Denver  the third... little brat hasn't even grown a beard yet and controls everything in these mountains. I may complain but things have been a lot more peaceful despite him having the face of a newborn and the tongue of a viper, even if the irony isn't lost on me that those two attackers you just killed don't really count as peaceful. As for the Jarl, you know I had to babysit him once? And even back then, he still wouldn't shut up and kept talking more than me!"

I'm not the only one who seems shocked that a bunch of dwarfs that can live even longer lifespans than some humans literally have a child in charge of everything. I mean, I know there have been child kings in history before but a child dwarf Jarl?

"Heh, to think a child replaced that old relic, did his father die of old age then?"

"No Petra, he's still about and kicking at the ripe old age of just over a century now, apparently he picked the forty second child simply because he was the most intelligent out of the lot. It's a fair point because the rest of them couldn't lead a duck to water"

"The previous Jarl had forty-two children!? You know what, I'm kinda looking forward to meeting this kid now"

Even if you exclude my weird awkwardness I have around children and causing them to cry, there's no chance this kid will be the same, right? Heh, imagine having forty-two kids as well, that's really not a pleasant thought...


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