Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 93 – Gold

Chapter 93 – Gold

"Ah, you two are already back? It's only been a day, hope you're not expecting an entire backpack full of ore"

Me and Petra are back in the dungeon speaking with the mine master Jaxon, both of us thought it would be good idea just to check quickly to see if things haven't gone completely to shit.

It's honestly a little surprising how even just a day of progress can make things different down here. Near one of the pillars, it seems that all eleven bed rolls are around a burnt-out campfire with the barrels next to it, a sleeping bit down here would be expected though. What isn't is that they've already gotten tree logs down here and are starting the first section of an uncompleted mineshaft, this kid definitely knows what he's doing.

As for last night, still couldn't share a bed with Petra just yet even after our love confession, did come very close to suggesting it though. I seriously reckon give it a week or two, sleeping together could be very much possible, I do wonder who might be in the 'spoon' position but I'd be happy with it either way...

(Petra) "Nothing like that"

(Ikarus) "Yeah we're just visiting... so anyways, how's it going then Jaxon? Any issues come up yet?"

Maybe we might appear over eager but it's not exactly like there's anything else going on. As much as I love romantic things with Petra and all, feel like my heart would give up if we spent too much time with a goal in mind, mostly because that's when all the romantic stuff seems to happen. It would make sense that it would happen in our relaxed times but still, I've got to be careful otherwise I think I'll end up loving this woman too much, might get clingy or something like that.

"Nothing too major but there is a slight one actually, the workers you've employed really haven't got a clue what they're doing"

It seems two of the vocal four who are currently down here have something to something to say about Jaxon's comment, they might be smashing rocks in the work in progress mineshaft right now but that still doesn't mess up their hearing.

"That scrawny little shit somehow shows all of us up"

"Yeah, that kid is misleading as hell! How can someone as weak as him smash rocks that easily?"

Great, I feel like I'm going to have to do something if these lot are referring to their boss as kid or little shit, he seems to have a response lined up for their complaining though.

"Shut your wagging tongues and get back to work! You don't want me to put in a bad word to our wealthy backers, do you? I wonder how much money we could save if you want to keep it up"



It's a really good thing this kid has a backbone and also sounds pretty strict, even if he is misleading as hell. Seriously though, you would think someone this scrawny couldn't do such a physical job, I still can't get over it.

"Now back to what I was speaking about, the slight problem is food. While we've got more than enough and the quality is excellent, it might be better to focus more on things that can be preserved for a long time like more of the meats and for stuff which isn't, only focus it around protein-based things like eggs and milk. Need to whip these lot into shape so sweets and things like that for these lot aren't deserving"

Oh, that wasn't what I was expecting, was thinking more along the lines of there might be dangerous animals around, not him pointing out the food isn't the greatest for building muscle. I mean, cake does have eggs in so it's kinda protein based? Forget it though, next time I'll make it less varied and more boring, meat's good and all but too much salt can be overwhelming, at least for my tastebuds but obviously not for those muscle gains.

I'm also sure I heard a few of the lot smashing into the ore grunt at his comment there, they are working for a good wage after all so shut it and don't moan! It's not exactly like I didn't give you bottles and bottles of alcohol to get through as well so losing cake privileges isn't the end of the world. Hang on, if I had to choose between cake or alcohol, what would I choose?... That's like an impossible challenge! If Petra were involved in that choice, then there wouldn't be much of a choice but can't decide if they're only the two options.

"Understandable, we'll keep that in mind next time"

"You know that's a little ironic kid?"

While I also understand what he's getting at like Petra, that last thing he said about whipping them into shape is a little bit funny, shouldn't he be doing the same? It's not exactly like he's got much muscle despite clearly being the best miner down here.

"Ah, got a slight condition that causes my body this way, unsure what it's called but I've never been able to build up physical muscle"

Oh, well now I feel bad bringing it up even if he sounded perfectly fine mentioning it, I guess his strength comes from something else then? Maybe his muscles are small but dense? This is stupid, not going to ask further about something like that.

Thinking about it though, I haven't checked his status out yet, already know it won't be high but I'm still curious.


[Name: Jaxon | Species: Human | Level: 6]

[Health 300/300]

[Stamina 258/300]

[Magicka 0/0]

'Never judge someone on their numbers, even if they're pretty low... I need to get him to kill something as some point to help him out though... hey Aesa, how would he be able to last a day mining and not pass out half way through? You'd think his stamina would be too low to mine, he seems to be involved as much as the others anyway then just doing advising work'

I ask that simply because of how much it seems to drain, you'd think having stamina that low wouldn't even last a day.

[<Is -user- seriously asking that question? We've already had this discussion, stamina drains doing various different activities, some drain more than others>]

'That's not my point though, I can lose close to a thousand a day by barely doing anything, you'd think he wouldn't be able to last that long'

[<Apologies -user-, Aesa misunderstood the question. Stamina drain does seem to be more percentage based then other stats. Point being, higher levels would drain more from basic activities but would always be worth it, example being -user's- longest time without sleep, record still standing at 9 days>]

'Fair enough... that really wasn't a fun flight though'

I guess that answers it, should probably go back to our conversation instead of getting sidetracked like usual.

"Fair enough then kid, we'll be sure to pop over quite a bit so if any other problems like packs of wolves roaming about or stuff like that, let us know"

"Erm... you know there are no wolfs on these islands, right? They seriously are safer than literally any other place, it's why so many people fork out their life savings getting a boat out here from all over the place"

(Petra) "At least that explains the question on why this place is so varied, standard of living isn't that bad as well"

"Yeah, for most it's a fresh start where other than starving, there isn't much else to worry about really. If there were more jobs and money floating about, then I could see this place attracting a lot more but for now, it's more than pleasant enough"

There's seriously not a single wolf over here? The kid also makes it sound like starving isn't a big deal, I'm guessing a lot of this world really have it pretty bad then. Need to check in with the capital at some point to see how things are going, already heard the odd rumour about there being a lot of change over there but it's not exactly like news can get around that quickly in this world, we are on an island not actually part of the empire after all.

"Well regardless then kid, still give us a heads up if there's any other problems, we'll head back now and let you get on with it"

Just before we turn and go to head back, it seems our conversation isn't just over yet.

"Ah beforehand, take a sample back with you... Sir-, no, that grumpy dick of a blacksmith would like to see it. Tell him in that he'll need to prepare for a hundred times that amount, it's not literal but he'll understand what I mean"

Jaxon picks up and passes me quite a heavy lump of gold ore, I take it nearly dropping the damn thing due to the weight and then place it nice and safe inside my ring, I'm a little unsure why he needs a sample but the kid knows best.

On the way-out holding hands, can't help but have a few words with my lovebird, that's kinda cute calling Petra that, might do it more often.

"Hey Petra, we've really got lucky with him"

Seriously though, I already owe priestess's God a lot and now another, our luck seems to be brilliant right now, just look at the abilities I've unlocked as well. Even if there is or isn't a God controlling luck behind the scenes, I've got to make the most of it right now, I'd buy a lotto ticket to go with this streak if they existed in this world.

"Heh, yeah, this will make this a lot easier going forward... The question is, how do we precede next?"

It would be better if we could automate everything and transport the ore we get later on without having to fly back and forth, can already tell that's going to be a nuisance but I guess it'll have to do for now. Maybe someday might even set up a forge out here in the mine for smelting or even better yet, build a huge bridge connecting this island to the town, lots of plans but all pointless if we don't have manpower or money. Huh, could also build a dock over this side as well, need to stop thinking so far ahead though.

"That's obvious, right? We sell it!"

"Then guessing we'll be paying the dwarfs a visit in the near future? Still might take some time but things are progressing"

Still got a little ways to go but things are looking good right now, need to ride this high as much as possible before things inevitably start to mess up. I used to be pretty optimistic but with everything in this world, things always can take a turn for the worse at any time so need to make the most of everything... like for example, currently sharing this moment with Petra before I have to change form outside the mine.

"Oi Petra... you know we actually are lovebirds, right?"

It's really cute that, I'm trying to ignore the pun but I surprisingly like it, Petra and Ikarus, the two lovebirds taking on the world as mine owners! I'd say alongside each other but she is on my back a lot...

"Heh, funny how you can say it perfectly fine like that"

Saying lovebird is easier than actually saying I love you though, that should be obvious for someone of my unique mind.

"Well obviously! I am pretty odd when it comes to everything after all"

"Wouldn't change you for the world"

"Urgh, that should be my line..."

Before we head back, let's have a quick kiss though...



Back in the blacksmith's shop showing him the lump or ore, he seems to be staring at it a lot on his shop counter. Look, I know he's a blacksmith so he can probably tell how good ore actually is but it's been like ten minutes already! Hurry up and start smelting it down!

"... Whatever you two kids have come across; I want in even if the risk is extremely high. Despite not actually seeing raw gold before, it doesn't take a genius to tell this is some quality rock"

Heh, the people over here really don't care that much about breaking the law, even if there doesn't seem to be much of a law to break in this town. As for the ore comment, good then I guess, it freaking should be good since it's gold after all.

"It's nothing illegal like that, Jaxon made sure to pass a message on"

"Yeah, the kid said something about preparing this a hundred times and that you'll know what it means?"

Look at us finishing each other's sentences, I'm not sure that was what she intended but it seemed to give her a smile.

"Hmm... you kids really must've have stumbled across a large amount of this then. Listen, I'm still up for this but if a band of blood thirsty pirates come looking for all this gold you're stealing, I really don't plan departing this life that way, even if my lips will remain sealed"

This old blacksmith really can't get it into his head that we haven't actually stolen this, why is finding a gold mine so hard to believe? Maybe it's that dungeon that causes it, most people don't dare go over to that place since the dungeon is supposed to be cursed, the workers we hired all must be a little more carefree about such a thing. Well... it obviously isn't, just that there's no chance a normal human could ever defeat that gigantic bastard so the curse is just people getting pummled by his club.

"Heh, your worries are unneeded"

"Stop worrying over it old man, it seriously ain't nothing like that so let it go"

"I'll shut it then... though, I've normally charged down to weight when it comes to ore. Seeing that the risk factor is pretty high and this will take a lot of time, that won't really cut it..."

Oh, so that's what he's trying, negotiating a higher fee. I was always just going to offer him a decent wage but if he's just trying to be sly about it and do this, I'll just let him get on with it.

"... Also, if there's that much of the stuff, I might even need to hire some more recruits... this will unfortunately have to be a high fixed wage for such a demanding constant working job..."

This old guy... he really thinks he's bargaining from a position of power here, might need to knock him down a step if he keeps it up.

Before he has the chance to continue hinting at a higher wage, Petra's had enough of it and steps in.

"Listen blacksmith, don't be acting like you're irreplaceable, we're paying a visit to the dwarfs at some point and there will definitely be smiths willing to work with the gold over there as well"

"True, but most aren't as close as my shop here, the shipping costs would be enormous"

He hasn't realized it yet but he's not just trying to debate with anyone, this is Petra we're talking about here.

"What about the other blacksmiths in this town? You also really think we couldn't convince some dwarfs to relocate? Keep it up and we'll stop this slight exclusivity we're already offering you for the time being... you'll get paid enough so whatever it is you're doing, it's pointless and boring"

Petra is really good at killing a guy's hopes and dreams, I guess we both do need to have a slight amount of authority if we're going to have people working for us after all, carefree Ikarus has been developing so that might need to be something I better myself on.

"Hmph, fine, don't knock an old guy for trying his luck though, I'd love some of that gold for myself but obviously that's isn't something I'd ever think of doing"

"You've already seen both our weapons, no point even giving a warning"

I do actually like seeing take control of the situation Petra come out to say hello, it's been lacking a bit recently since I've been doing most things but it's always good to see her bossy side return. That's not sarcasm, I actually like every aspect of her.

"Yeah yeah, it's not exactly like I could sell it anyways, no one of this boring place has the coins for such a thing... I'm a blacksmith anyway, not a bloody thief! Those little shits have always made us shopkeepers jobs more danger filled, I mean..."

He complains about the risk, then also complains it being boring? Make up your mind old man, and now it sounds like he's rambling about something else. I'm pretty sure he also just said something about most of the modern generation not wanting to work, I've basically stopped listening at this point.

After an annoyingly short time later, that conversation has now finished and we've left him with the gold, it'll be doubtful if he can even make a decent size bar out of that since the richness of it could depend greatly but I guess we'll find out very soon...


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