Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 129 – Reactions

Chapter 129 – Reactions

(Temporary Perspective Change)

"... How many times is this now Esmerelda? If I go out onto the battlefield, we can get this over so much quicker"

"Thou is needed here and not allowed to shirk responsibilities, one knows Des only wants to fight to skip emperor duties"

Currently is the war room, Desmond and Esmerelda have been constantly 'fighting' about how to precede with the next upcoming battle. You see, the emperor wants to join in the upcoming battle to destroy the heart of the rebellion in the east and the empress is completely against it. By this point, I'm surprised they haven't excused themselves to settle things in battle like they normally do but it's not like the empress can really change form anywhere close by and not be seen so arguing it is.

This room in particular has been used a lot more recently with this whole war going on, the huge round table itself has probably seen better days but both those two have never been pedantic on something pointless like a war room looking neat... Ah, I've known Esmerelda was a dragon for quite some time now, it's not exactly a huge secret if you've known Desmond from his bastard days but it's still not commonly known. Pretty sure the royal knight next to me Nathan doesn't even know about her yet, wouldn't surprise me if he still has that dragon stutter of his.

As for the war, things against the rebellion have been going well for the most part and we've finally gotten them back up against the capital and have even progressed further nearly surrounding the city. The rebels in the east have always been a significant problem and now that we can block them off from resupplies, it's just a matter of time now. We're trying to avoid starving the population though since there still is a load of citizens inside that place who support the empire... Well, I should probably say new empire since these two handle things way differently compared to the dead prince.

"*Sigh*... we really need to stop these sorts of arguments Es especially in front of people"

"Don't ask one's opinion if thou doesn't like the answer then Des"

In all honesty, they really should be listening to the generals and captains for advice but both the empress and emperor are pretty stubborn on that sort of thing. I think it's more a lack of trust in most people so those two prefer to handle everything themselves, there is obvious exceptions though especially considering Desmond is now looking towards me.

"Say... what's your opinion on the whole thing Jekyll? You're oddly quiet about this considering you're more involved in this than anyone else"

"Your majesty, everybody knows not to get in between a warring couple. If you were to order me to answer though, then I'd say the empress is spot on"

The bastard did always get slightly grumpy if people disagree with him but to actually here the emperor scoff at me? He was always rough around the edges but that surprisingly works in his favour at times, at least that got a smile out of the disguised dragon though.

"*Scoff*, it appears you've chosen your side Jekyll... what about you Nathan? Any thoughts?"

"Sorry Emperor Desmond, but I'm only here to protect you, this isn't really my sort of thing"

"Gods, you two are useless at times..."

For some reason, me and the promoted knight seem to be heavily favoured by the new leaders. I'm only speculating of course but I'm guessing it's a trust thing? We both have ties with Petra and Ikarus so maybe that's the reason? It is weird we both seem to have more say then the acting generals and even advisors at times though.

Speak of the devil, an advisor rushes into the room with a concerned look on his face obviously about to spill something terrible. No one with that sort of face is about to give good news.

"Your majesty! I have very important news that's just arrived from the north!"

"What is it then? This must be important since you're interrupted our meeting so speak!"

That came across a little nasty from Desmond but things can get like this when asking for advice, he'll still follow it despite that slight grumpiness he has over being stuck in the palace though.

"Your majesty, the monastery... is gone. Apologies, I mean it's completely destroyed! The only thing that's been left behind is a crater further than the eye can see caused from an explosion"


A dreaded silence fills the room that quickly gets swallowed up with the emperor making a statement after he receives the paper report as well from the messenger.

"Everyone leave us to process this huge news! Except Jekyll and Nathan, you two can stay"

The entire war room leaves as soon as possible just leaving the four of us remaining. Three of us have concerned looks of confusion from what's happened yet Desmond himself looks like he's desperately trying to hold something in.


"Why is thou laughing!? Citizens under your thumb lie dead yet Des finds this a joke?"

The thing is, me and the knight don't actually seem that concerned if you compare us to how the purple haired empress is getting pissed off at her long-haired blonde husband. The strange thing about this news is if you look at it logically, this isn't bad news at all. Of course, having so many people die is never good but with an enemy like the monastery? They've been getting irritated with our refusal to assist them for a while now.

After being scolded from his wife, he starts to compose himself a little better.

"Apologies Esmerelda but you have no idea how annoying those preachy those bastards were... it even says the monastery sent an armada of ships towards the islands owned by the two queens and this was in retaliation. The attack is even justified, that makes it so much better"

I might be the only one who shares Desmond's happiness here. Of course, we've always been aiming for less casualties but that religion was always going to try something especially considering how secretive they've been recently. You don't go from being a constant annoyance to shutting yourself away without something happening behind the scenes.

Just checking the report now, it's an extremely good thing they were dealt with this quickly otherwise we'd have been in real trouble just with the pure size of that fleet. Imagine hiding an entire fleet near the mountainous coast and no one had any clue, looks like we owe Petra and Ikarus a drink or two.

Esmerelda still looks a little concerned but Nathan is just full of confusion right now.

"Your majesty... isn't this a bad thing? I'm a little confused"

"Ah, you see my young and inexperienced Nathan, the monastery has always been a pain in the backside ready to blow up at any second-... don't look at me like that Es! It was just a bad choice of words, not a purposely made pun..."

All it takes is a glare from the empress to frighten the emperor but I'd rather not be getting that look from a dragon as well if I'm being honest.

"...The fact they've pissed off someone and aimed their swords towards Petra was something guaranteed to end badly. This isn't Petra's handiwork though, I'm pretty sure that crater is Ikarus's work"

That explosion was Ikarus's? Huh, she really has gone far from when me and that dead witch were training her but it's obvious we had nothing to do with that. What sort of power allows someone to make an explosion that large? Is this related to the voice she once said she has?

(Nathan) "You think Ikarus did such a thing your majesty?"

"Probably, but I'm not sure who else would be responsible... Those religious zealots finally got what's coming to them and I almost want to drink over it"

I do find it weird just how none of us have even discussed the fact other casualties outside the monastery may have occurred but it's not exactly like we're able to confirm anything. Just from the report alone, they haven't found a single body. That explosion must've been something that destroys everything, even evidence.

"Despite enjoying this situation Emperor Desmond, we should probably discuss anyway of defending ourselves... even if that seems like an impossibility"

Without even giving it a second, my comment instantly gets shut down. I've known Petra basically forever and I trust both of them but it would be nice if we had some sort of counter to this, just to be safe and all.

"Well, that depends Jekyll... just how much do you trust those two?"

All of a sudden, Desmond's aura completely changes and gives me a serious glare. This reminds me a little of my time serving under Alistair when he used to interrogate people but I know for a fact, this isn't something so sinister. Desmond's only doing this for dramatic effect since he's not worried in the slightest.

"Honestly your majesty... I'd bet my life on it. Those two would only ever attack us in self-defence. Still needed to bring the point up regardless"

"Agreed, there's no need for waging your life on it though, I've always trusted Petra as well. What sort of counter could we even do for something like that anyways? If she fully trusts Ikarus, then there's no need to ever worry about the two queens..."


(Temporary Perspective Change)

"This is the news Jarl Denver. As you can see, the two queens seem to have done us all a huge favour if the size of the holy army was anything to by, that fleet could've ended up on our coasts next if it hadn't been dealt with"

Having just received the news and report on the failed invasion from the monastery, also the aftermath they inflicted upon themselves, I can't help but rest my head against my fist reading through this. I just wanted to eat breakfast but this sort of news always comes at the most inconvenient times. This really seems pretty mundane if I'm being honest.

"This conflict was always inevitable; their beliefs would always conflict at some point so this really isn't that big of a deal"

Shrugging off the concern from my most trusted advisor is something I try not to do but I've seen all these types of things for centuries already. So much discrimination, racism or homophobia so when something like this happens, it should be a cheery occasional for all but it never is unfortunately.

"Please don't take this as me bringing your lack of experience Jarl Denver but isn't what happened extremely worrying? An explosion of that size could end up wiping out any city off the map in an instant and no one would have any counter or defence, even us in the mountains. You seem to be taking this like it's nothing"

I am still technically twelve in this life so I guess it could appear I'm being like that but honestly, this is nothing. If you start to view everyone who holds power as an enemy, you might as well give up existing at that point. I've seen firsthand, it always leads to hell breaking loose...

"No need for concern, we'll probably end up being allied with the two queens at some point anyways so this really isn't something to get worked up about"

"But that power! If we accidently angered them, then they could wipe out the entire kingdom!"

This old guy might have a heart attack someday especially if he knew everything but the less he knows, the better. I do sometimes feel a little guilty about the whole thing since he has basically been my carer this entire life but it's for his own good, I guess.

"Advisor, use your head for a second. The monastery attacked first with a view to purge all sinners; in what situation would we accidently do something like that? You fail to see just how useful those four birds could potentially be especially in the future"

There's no real need for that secret anymore especially now that their settlement has seen Ikarus's form and even multiple dragons apparently. Besides, I can always share with him information found from all around the world when we have eyes everywhere. It's not exactly like they even try to hide anything so Garry himself would probably provide information himself if asked.

"But my jarl, you rarely share your plans with anyone so how would I know?"

The main problem with the dwarfs if I were to reveal the truth about who I really am, it would probably end with them seeing me as a deity. I've already ended up by the volcano I wanted to and it was only ever down to extreme coincidence I was reborn as a son of the old leader. Sometimes the fates align and this was just absurdly lucky allowing me to start working much earlier than anticipated.

The intention was never to steer the dwarfs in a peaceful direction as well as take control but as time has gone on, I've found myself taking up this mantle and it would be disrespectful to not try my best. Having them see me as a simple dwarf prodigy then who I actually am works out better for all and besides, there's no real need for pointless wars anyways.

"True, but there's always good reason for secrecy. All you need to know is that there might be a day the dwarfs need to fight an enemy more powerful than words can describe and those four will hopefully be alongside us as sword brothers and sisters. Whether it's by choice or circumstance is irrelevant... it actually reminds me of an old saying. The enemy of my enemy, is my friend..."


"Let me get this straight then, you two lasses snuck into the monastery, stole the holy Excalibur us blacksmiths have been trying to observe for centuries, then blew the place up in an instant from the skies!? I'm buying the next round since the more I hear it, the more disbelief I'm in! I'm heading to the bar now"

"I wouldn't have believed it If I hadn't witnessed the splendid defence you two orchestrated, feel like I need another glass of wine as well"

Celebrating in a bar with Garry the gnome, Marcus and Petra, we've just revealed the details of what happened and this entire place is in a cheerful uproar after hearing what we did to the homophobic religious bastards. Seriously though, this entire bar was listening intensely to our retelling of the story and it's obvious news is going to spread fast now that the Sierran religion is no more! You mess with the lesbos; this is what you get! Is lesbo offensive or is it alright since I am one? Ah damn it Ikarus! Stop being pedantic...

Why we're in a bar is like I just said, this time around celebrations are definitely deserved! No casualties on our side as well as completely destroying any opposition in sight sending then to the afterlife. The only regret I have is the lack of EXP from the attack but can't be getting too greedy after all, the supernova alone was more than enough.

Am I supposed to feel any sense of guilt from killing who knows how many people though? If anything, it kinda felt good, almost as if that was my true purpose in life or something... Okay, it's little thoughts like that get me slightly worried. You're are not ending the world because it feels natural Ikarus, end of!

Despite the celebrations, someone always has to ruin it. You'd think it would be Zeki but I have no idea where the rest of the gang is right now so this time around, it's Marcus having slight concerns.

"It does make me worry slightly though; couldn't the empire see this as an act of aggression? The monastery was on their lands after all"

Me and Petra both chuckle about Marcus's worry though. Considering how easily news seems to get around, it'll probably become obvious we we're involved and would Desmond the bastard really go to war against us? We're the reason he's even in power in the first place.

"Heh, no need for worry Marcus. I've known the bastard since he was a child and even helped him flee the capital once upon a time, it wouldn't surprise me if he's laughing about the whole thing right now"

Petra's calmness actually appears to calm Marcus down a little but that just leave me with questions, why is Petra's past so complex?

"Wait, you helped Desmond flee the capital Petra? When was this?"

"When he was really young Ikarus, it actually ties nicely into how I first met Jekyll. Was training in the woods one day and came across him with a child sleeping in the woods, the child being Desmond of course. Long story short, he had to sneak him out the palace otherwise he would've been executed... it always surprised me the empire never found out Jekyll was the one responsible for doing it but every witness to the 'kidnapping' did die after all"

Well damn, Jekyll's older than I first thought if he's the reason the bastard is even alive in the first place. You know, Petra herself could write a book about the amount of small tales she has hidden away, it would be like the prequel to my story! I could see it getting really dark and depressing at times and frankly, I'd hate to read how much agony she's experienced though...

"Did Jekyll secretly raise him then or something like that afterwards?"

"No, he's always been serving the empire so he gave him to an old caring couple but can't remember their names unfortunately Ikarus. I'm pretty sure they looked after Esmerelda for some time as well so that probably explains how those two met"

Well, doesn't that wrap the bastard's story up in a nice little bow? His life actually sounds like the starting to some corny romance novel but enough about that now.

The thing is, Marcus has now gotten himself worried again about something else now. You'd think the alcohol would help a little but I guess he has got a right to be worried since he basically handles anything anyways.

"What about the dwarfs though? Can we be sure they won't see this as us holding too much power or something?"

Now that he's said it, Marcus might have a point. Despite that kid jarl being pretty friendly towards us, he's always been hiding something really important. Even Petra who may have met him once as a child as well doesn't seem completely sure on this so there could be something to worry about there though.

This time around, it's actually Garry returning with our drinks that helps the worries now.

"You think that smart arse kid would be worried about us? Please, Jarl Denver might as well be a pacifist, everyone loves the kid because of his brain but I doubt he'd be able to kill a fly. He'd find some other solution to make peace with it first"

Despite Garry being pretty relaxed, he says this with surprising conviction. I disagree with him though, there's no way someone hiding that much power I could sense would be a complete pacifist...

(Ikarus) "You sure about that gnome? You sure he ain't hiding extreme power and uses it against his enemies or something like that?"

"Ha! No chance, he actually seems to like you two. Really don't worry about it so much lass, I'm telling you, he's practically harmless! It wouldn't surprise me if he sends rewards for taking them out, the monastery would've come for the dwarfs at some point because of the different religions so he's bound to appreciate your work"

Huh... maybe I'll put my faith in the gnome then, he does know the kid Jarl Denver more than all of us so less worrying. We're all at a booth with more booze so let's keep this going.

"Then screw worrying then, let's keep on drinking!"

The odd thing is, Petra whispers something into my ear after my cheerful announcement

"Heh, you fancy doing something later on Ikarus? Maybe try to limit the drink if you do"

Petra wants to do something and I should avoid too much drink, what on earth could it be? I'm obviously being sarcastic, this bird ain't that dense.

"Actually, I'm going sober tonight... after this one since it's already poured after all"


We haven't had sexy time in quite the while now, normally I'm the one to suggest it so Petra's probably got a new idea or something...


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