Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 124 – Monastery’s Shield

Chapter 124 – Monastery’s Shield

And so, I charge towards the heavily armoured paladin equipped with my vampiric blade and readying a powerful charged tornado attack in the other hand. Swiftly releasing it towards him, it lands but looks to barely do anything. It actually looks like this guy might be completely resistant to fire.


[Name: Francis | Species: Mecha | Level: 100]

[Health 7,699/20,000]

[Stamina 8,238/10,000]

[Magicka 13,619/20,000]

'Petra was right, that basically did nothing but twenty points'

This fight is going to be difficult if charged attacks basically do nothing, at least it's interesting to know fire does in fact do damage. Maybe there's a workaround there but not too sure just yet.

[<Magicka reserves are currently at 72%, does -Ikarus- wish to activate -aspect of gigantomachy-?>]

'Of course, you read my mind'

While I'm preparing for my next attack, it seems whatever the stationary mecha was planning is now ready to go. Aiming out his mechanical arm, an attached crossbow looking device starts to shoot out projectiles.

'Hang on... are those fucking missiles!?'

Easily managing to dodge the first few on the ground, without even thinking about it I change my approach once I see that they have an explosive effect upon impact. I open back up my wings and try to avoid the incoming explosives and luckily enough manage to get out of the way of any of the incoming shots. That was way too close for comfort though.

This is so fucking dumb but enough complaining, I've got to deal with this guy but those explosive arrows on his arm really make things difficult. Without having wings right now, these would be nearly impossible to avoid, I can definitely see why Petra struggled a little. She doesn't have the benefit I have when it comes to having wings and arms, I also couldn't see her power kicking this guy to death as well. She's way too graceful for that sort of thing and I could definitely see myself stubbing a talon or two doing that.

"Trying to fly about will not save you from redemption sinner!"

Again, I'm still flying about trying to avoid getting hit at all costs, it's a good thing the sun is currently setting behind me otherwise I could see him landing a shot or two. It must be blinding him slightly, it's either that or his aim is shit. Could be both but I've already made enough terrible aim references for one day.

After that first barrage of attacks has finished, he seems to be out of ammo and needs to quickly reload. Knowing I have a chance, I rapidly descend flying head first into the path of the white armoured mecha and slash my blade towards him while gliding past. That would've looked baddass but all I want to do is rip this guy's throat out right now.

The impact from aspect never leaves anything to be desired so the mecha finds itself being tossed back a slight distance away. Unfortunately, he gets straight back up nearly instantly making me question my life choices.

"Whoa... that's the second one of those attacks you two creatures have tried now, it's always a mystery how God allows such power to fall into unworthy hands but his will shall never be questioned"

'Thought that wouldn't fucking work, status again'

[Name: Francis | Species: Mecha | Level: 100]

[Health 2,699/20,000]

[Stamina 8,236/10,000]

[Magicka 12,626/20,000]

'Exactly five thousand... say Aesa, you think his resistances are around ninety percent? At least minimum wise, I've never known my magic to be that low so it must be varied... this is going to be a right grind now, I wonder if that could wor-'

[<Aesa advisers -user- DO NOT try what -Ikarus- is currently thinking, that plan holds too much risk to be viable and is not guaranteed to work>]

Aesa rudely cuts me off from the master plan I'm thinking of, I don't think there's much else I can do though. How else am I going to take him out when my most powerful magic attack can only do twenty damage?

'What else am I supposed to do!? You do the maths behind such a thing; I can't drain his health any normal way and I've only really got two abilities I can use for damage. One of which would kill everyone on this entire island!'


I've already exhausted my daily use of the nuke, meteor shower and aspect now. I should've bought more abilities if I knew a foe like this was around but there's no time for regrets, I'm bringing this fucker down one way or another. Even if the method I'm thinking of does hold some risk, it's got to work differently to magicka, right?

By now, it seems Mr Mecha has reloaded his explosive crossbow and is aiming for another round of explosive fried bird. Might as well try and ease the tensions despite this fight looking pretty bleak right now, Aesa better not deny me access otherwise this fight is going to go on way too long, that's if I can even take him out alone. I still don't thing even downing a magic potion would allow me to get through enough of his health though and if Petra couldn't finish him with a sword, then what chance do I hold?

I make my way back into the cover of sunlight and once again, his accuracy sucks while the sun works as my shield. I'll be unable to use this tactic in ten minutes or so once the sun completely sets.

"You blasted coward! Come back down here and face your fate! Otherwise... I'm going to switch my attention elsewhere"

As soon as he says that, I stop trying to dodge the attacks and charge back down. I know he's talking about the downed Petra; she may be out of sight right now behind a wall but we both know exactly where she is trying to recover. If he dares lays a hand on her, I'm purposely going to stop this just before he dies and hopefully make this hurt even more...

'Aesa, activate it'

[<Please -Ikarus-, use this in a different way than your intention>]

It almost sounds like system is concerned for me right now. The option to draw this out and try to round up Penelope and Zeki to give a hand is a possibility but for all I know, this guy has some hidden healing capabilities and the fact he's basically brought Petra down to her knees... No, I'm ending this now, I can outlast this fucker.

'Aesa, it'll work, just trust me'

[<Fine... ability -star blaze- has been activated... good luck>]

Now that I know that it's building inside me, I need to get as close as possible and the only way I can do that is rapidly closing the distance between us. Unfortunately, there's only so much you can do against a rapid firing weapon when you're charging into it, I've managed to just about avoid most of them but not all.

'Fuck! My wing!'

One of the arrows just made impact with my wing and has blown a decent sized hole through it. Despite this, it hasn't slowed me down in the slightest but the pain is pretty unbearable.

"What are you doing heathe-... Huh?..."

And that's when I know I've got him. Grabbing onto the mechas back once the distance between has been closed, he's now going to experience something I bet he never expected. I'm not letting go till he drops dead now.

"What the devil is thi-... arghhh!"

Star blaze always takes a little time to cook and now the fire is starting to expand slowly consuming us both. Other than my magic, there's not much else I can realistically do and this seems to hold more power than normal fire for whatever reason, maybe because it's an ability. It is supposed to based of a star as well, 

'Argh, that still bloody hurts... status'

[Name: Francis | Species: Mecha | Level: 100]

[Health 2,614/20,000]

[Stamina 8,234/10,000]

[Magicka 11,926/20,000]

'It already done that much? This might just work'

Just in that initial split second of contact, his health has already dropped more than any magic attack could've achieved. Since this does continues damage, I thought this would be the most effective way of dropping his health despite the obvious stupidity of me basically bearhugging this guy to death.

"Blasphemy! Let go of me you stupid creature!"

He starts to violently try shaking me off and realizes that won't work so he decides to take a little more of a risk already knowing I'm going to have to bite down and prepare for the impact. Despite being able to grab on to his back and slowly cook this guy, he can still find a way to get a shot off but his visibility would be terrible seeing that both of us can't see shit inside this fireball.


Three of the arrows find their way into me somehow, two into my hip and the other into my arm. There are now two problems he has now though... he needs to reload again and I won't let him!

'Fuckkk... status'

[Name: Francis | Species: Mecha | Level: 100]

[Health 2,161/20,000]

[Stamina 8,233/10,000]

[Magicka 11,627/20,000]

'This is working, it hasn't even been a minute'

The mecha starts trying to throw me off from his back once again but he ain't gonna escape this, clinginess is like my specialty! Just trying to use humour to dwell the pain right now, this is agony! I really hope I don't have massive impact holes in me right now.

"Arghhh! Get off me you disgusting vermin!"

"Heh... no chance"

To think I've has to resort to such an odd fighting technique to deal with this guy... no matter though, anything that get's the job done is enough.


[Name: Francis | Species: Mecha | Level: 100]

[Health 1,362/20,000]

[Stamina 8,232/10,000]

[Magicka 11,629/20,000]

"Disgraceful sinner! Arghhh... let... me... go!"

I can feel this guy slowly getting weaker as well now, any second and he'll be finished. Just burn goddamn it, burn!


And just like that, the mecha finally loses this fight collapsing face first with me still attached to his back. He's definitely gone now, right? Yeah, that smell of burnt corpse alone should be enough to tell.

'Damn, I'll check my wounds in a sec... I need to check on Petra real quick...'


(Temporary Perspective Change)


"So boy... you still think that orange phoenix still holds no threat even now? The battle's finished and after all that, you still think the prophecy is meaningless?"

"*Sigh*... you do understand she was completely in her right to use something like that? Those priests attacked first"

"Bah, you're still trying to convince me otherwise Dionysus!? You just saw firsthand what she's capable of... has my boy got a crush on the orange phoenix or something? I'm sure that horrid brother of mine in the underworld could spare her soul if you asked nicely"

"Real funny..."

Fuck fuck fuck... why the hell did Zeus have to walk in at the start of that battle!? He witnessed everything that just happened! He rarely visits, maybe once a month and he just had to pick this moment, it almost makes me think he knows something about those religious freaks but I've already confirmed that was a complete coincidence. He'd make a deal with nearly anyone except fanatics.

Maybe if he had walked into the viewing room midway through the battle, then things might've gone differently but that still isn't a guarantee. The fact she has an explosion that huge and can even use the power of the giants? It's over, there's no way he can let this go...

"...It wouldn't make any difference anyways, you're always as stubborn as a phantom. You care to explain what the plan is going to be going forward then? You going to pay a visit to the mortal lands in person?"

Zeus ponders for a second from my question but doesn't seem to sense I'm being a little snarky. Whatever happens now, it's out of my hands.

"No... something a little more subtle that's been in the works for a while, obviously revealing our existence down below is something not allowed so-... Why am I telling you this? What I've got planned could take some time but you don't need to concern yourself with such a thing Dionysus! You can relax while I take care of the problem that plagues all us Gods"

"Yeah, 'problem'..."

Zeus after making his point leaves me alone in the viewing station to go enact whatever deal it is he's made; this really hasn't gone well. At least on the lighter side of things, he isn't doing something direct and hasn't witnessed that other explosion attack just yet... the funny thing is, seeing that would either make him go down personally to destroy that phoenix or fear would be so strong, he'd sue for peace. Whatever the case, he's now decided on who his enemy is so this now means war is about to happen one way or another. There's no way I'm allowing him to do this without repercussions though.

'It's time to inform some people what's going to happen... I'm probably going to Tartarus for this, literally as well if I get caught'

I've had no words back from Hades and those lot but I've already made contact with some other Gods and Goddess's who wishes to oppose father's rule. Actually attacking Zeus is an unrealistic task that will only lead to a painful death but there's more subtle ways to handle things. Problem is, the risk element is about to skyrocket now, I'm finding out about that deal one way or another.

'This might take a while... ah, I'll give Charlotte the quick news but she still doesn't need to know everything just yet...'


"Ikarus... is that a little better?"

"Yeah yeah... your hands make everything better"

"Heh, you're actually trying to flirt right now?"

"Well, the battle's now won, I think... and you do the same exact thing in public that's far worse"

"Heh, fair enough"

After fucking up that robotic bastard, I returned to Petra and she's giving me a quick hand applying the healent simply because why not? In all honesty, it's obvious she's still not in a great state despite the bleeding and her wounds being fixed. Maybe it's just exhaustion from low health and stamina?

As for me, you'd think for an actual explosive would mess me up a little further than it actually did. Other than a few small bloody holes and my wing still hurting like a bitch, I'm as good as new! I'm probabaly down playing it a bit, my wing is still fucked and this hurts like a bitch right now. I'm not if it's the healent or injuries causing the pain though.

"Oi Petra, let's head back to the town proper now, I'll give you a lift"

I mean, I've still got strength in me despite the injuries, she really doesn't. I'm always for heroically carrying Petra back into town anyway, any pain is irrelevant when it comes to this sort of thing.

"Heh... you sure? If you're adamant Ikarus... please pick me up the right way this time around"

"What do you take me for..."

While I'm picking up Petra and princess carrying her back to our settlement, I can't help but get curious on something else despite Petra giving me the hungry eyes right now... gotta look away real quick.


[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 306]

[Health 24,782*/50,000*]

[Stamina 7,136*/20,000*]

[Magicka 52,620*/70,000*]

[You currently have 43000 unassigned points]

'Damn, no wonder why everything hurts... Aesa, why is my level that high!? Those points as well... I swear my kill all abilities don't give out EXP?'

[<-Ikarus- must be forgetting the few remaining ships sent burning with fire just after abilities -nuclear hellfire- and -meteor shower- ended-. That would've been the main cause of 63 level ups combined with most recent battle against species Mecha>]

'I got so caught up in that battle... completely forgot about all that'

Once again having such an oddly designed levelling system really is weird, not that I'm complaining though. Now, I'm going to have way too much to buy but judging how bad that last battle could've gone, I may need it. Anything additional may be of some help, just hopefully I don't end up with too many AoE attacks again. 

While I'm conversing with Aesa still heading back, it appears I've accidently pissed someone off a little.

"Heh... can't believe you're more interested in Aesa than me right now Ikarus, you even just looked away"

Petra's actually pouting!? Look, I thought she was looking at me like that but still, can we really kiss while I'm carrying her sorry ass back into town?

"Don't look at me like that! If we start kissing right now, it won't be a quick peck and I'll probably fall over carrying yo-"

And like the devil she is especially when it comes to kissing, she makes her move without giving me a chance to defend myself especially considering my arms are both in use... damn, they never get old even if she's already stopped.

"Heh, looks like you were wrong Ikarus"

"Y-Yeah... can we just go back now?"

"Heh, sure..."


"Erm, Petra... why are people looking at us funny?"

"Heh... could be that you're still holding me Ikarus, could be your wings are still out or even the dragon that's currently flying above us. The only thing missing from this scene is Zeki being in phoenix form as well"


"Do I seriously have to switch form sis? I've had a long day of killing and I want to chill now"

"She was being sarcastic kid"

Having just returned from the docks, we've just so happened to bump into Zeki and are now in the main square of the town. It looks like the attacks on every side have died down and what's left is a forming crowd with strange looking eyes all glaring in our general direction. Ah, can't forget about Mute being with us as well, didn't bother asking if she had a human form since I really couldn't care about secrecy right now.

Should I address the crowd or something? No one else seems to be saying anything.

"Erm... is everyone just going to stare at us like we're strangers or something? You can't all be seriously scared of a dragon looking at what just happened"


Still no response from the crowd, I guess it's not the dragon then. Apparently, Zeki actually holds the answer for my questioning right now.

"You really are something orangey, that ain't fear they've got in their eyes. That's awe, fear is soo much better though but after what you two just did, it should be pretty obvious why'd they look like that"

If what Zeki says is true, why are they all quiet then? Just as I'm about to leave and go see if we can find Ariza, two people from the crowd finally speak up.

"So... the battle is finally over?"

"We actually managed to defeat the church!?"

Then like it was prepared, the entire town slowly starts to roar in cheers from these two setting it off. Ikarus dot executable isn't working right now? Is beating those fanatics that celebration worthy?

"I don't get it Petra... aren't we the cause of all this?"

The atmosphere in our town has just gone mad, there isn't an ounce of hatred towards us and it's astonishing me. If we had hidden the gay thing, then this entire attack could've been avoided. There must've been loads of causalities from our side in that battle so those deaths should be aimed at us, right? Maybe I'm just being an idiot.

"Heh, you're asking someone who leaves after saving the day Ikarus. This is brand new to me as well"

So, I'm not the only one this clueless on this then. At least everything is over now, I guess.

"Let's find a place to relax, then get a bite to eat..."


Okay... remember that cliché I've said I hate multiple times already? The one about the entire settlement guiding around Petra cooking them a meal? That's basically come partially true...

See, obviously at the moment the settlement is similar to the aftermath of a warzone so trying to find an inn or restaurant that's currently serving food is impossible. After I suggested about food, the entire crowd basically surrounded us and decided we must celebrate and eat with them. The darkness has already fallen yet the celebrations have only just started, it would be nice except I still don't like being the centre of attention especially in a large crowd.

At the very least, they refused Petra cooking for them since she couldn't help offering so the cliché wasn't completely the same but they answered saying the idea of having one of the two queens doing such a thing is absurd! I really, really am starting to dislike how that's becoming an unironic thing now but I'll just accept it since it's not like I'm going to argue with a crowd of drunk and happy people. Queen Ikarus and Queen Petra people, sighhh...

Ah yeah, the alcohol has been brought out while we wait for this huge cooking pot powered by a bonfire to be ready but it's basically done now, I think? I'm not really focused on that right now though, something else just happened as well.

Garry the gnome happened to pass by while doing something else and gave us a quick update on some things. The fighting has now obviously completely ended; Ariza was working overtime and now needs a long rest since the worst injuries have been sorted, Penelope and Marcus are already organizing the cleanup and the mine is back to work as well. It's almost as if nothing's happened except that the streets have the odd corpse loitering around and the coast, well that's just a complete mess of ships.

So... that basically leaves us being the figureheads of everything sitting back relaxing while everyone else is working or fixing things with the celebrating crowd, it's almost as if this is what I wanted but was it? Ah, I don't care about having too many duties anymore. As long as I'm with Petra, nothing else even matters. Heck, she's still on my lap even now but I'm focusing on something else again.

'Heh... looks like Mute has been given responsibility of all the kids'

A bunch of kids are using Mute the dragon as a climbing frame right now and it looks like she's loving the attention. There's gonna be a day where any type of species can remain on these islands with no issues whatsoever and we may already be there especially considering the reaction the navy-blue Mute. No one even looks afraid of her in the slightest. While my father and mother might be a step too far for the average joe, I bet Minos would be fine now.

"Say ah Ikarus"


While I wasn't paying attention, it just so happened we got the first bowl of this completed stew the people made and Petra with her infinite wisdom decides she has to feed me now. Normally, I just suck it up and power through but this time, it's a little different. I know I can't do it myself since she still won't get off my lap even while we're on this bench.

"...Urgh, must you Petra? There's literally a crowd watching us right now!"

I'm going to throw something at the onlookers in a minute! Stop looking at us in awe! Petra's being cutesy right now and you're just putting me off my stew doing something like this!

"Heh, why do you think I'm doing it Ikarus? Everyone gets to see you blush"

"Urgh, you're terrible at times... that good enough?"

As soon as I accept my fate and sip from the spoon, the crowd watching us decide to give us loads of cheers. It doesn't help Petra teases enough yet the crowed are cheering her on! This entire island is against me and I'm going down the evil route if this is my fate.

"Nope... we've got the entire bowl to get through first"

"*Sighhh*... you're lucky I love you so much"

"Heh, as do I... now come on, have some more"

Still watching on while I'm being force fed by my girlfriend, this island is full of weirdos...

'It's obvious the people have chosen a favourite queen... this stew is pretty good though...'


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