Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 122 – Invasion

Chapter 122 – Invasion

"Fuck... this wasn't supposed to happen, right Petra?"

"Erm... sorry Ikarus, they're actually here? Already?"


Now getting in sight of the island with Petra and her new sister dragon, we can see quite the sight off in the distance surrounding the three islands. Dozens and dozens of ships look to be preparing for an invasion and whilst they haven't docked just yet, it's obvious what their intention is. It's extremely lucky we've returned right now otherwise we'd be returning to an island completely under foreign control, no amount of our guard force would be able to deal with such a large invading army.

"Petra, I thought you said we'd be alright for a while and that the monastery wouldn't attack?"

It's got to be them, right? We're still quite the distance away but if I squint hard enough, I can see religious crosses on some of the ship flags.

"I... those visiting priests were a last warning before the attack... how did I not notice that? I can't believe the monastery were this well prepared already, they must've known about us for a while"

It's obvious Petra's made a right fuck up in judgement here and sensing her aura, it seems really down. If she were basing this off previous experience, then you can understand why she might think their ways would be different.

"No point beating yourself up about it Petra, it's not like you can predict everything so we'll just deal with it"

I think Petra's a little irritated with herself for making such a big blunder though and is clearly not listening.

"Yeah Ikarus... hold that thought for a second"

"What are you-... Petra!"

Petra jumps off my back and then does something I haven't seen in a long time; she switches back into her scarred phoenix form. There's no time to worry about how much pain she might be feeling here, I can see why this might be necessary as she starts to fly up and returns back to continue our conversation.

"Listen Ikarus, we need to split up and deal with things separately, we haven't got the time to deal with this together since they're only minutes away from landing. If you can find the flagship, take out as many others as you can and I'll handle the defence... you mind giving me a hand too Mute?"


The navy dragon still alongside us named Mute nods her head almost looking happy to give her sister a hand, at least I shouldn't have to worry about Petra getting hurt if she has a dragon alongside her too. I wasn't worried anyways but there could be a lot of fighting about to happen.

Petra does have a point with her suggestion though, this might as well be an armada of ships the monastery have sent and any clinginess cannot be factored in right now. Any hesitation will only lead to further fuck ups, no mercy as well...

"You know what's funny? I was thinking the same exact thing... how far can I go with this though?"

Honestly, the sight of endless ships especially all coming from the northeast is slightly an overwhelming sight, to think the monastery have gone this far to take out just a simple heathen settlement. I'm going to destroy as many as possible and prevent the invasion force building up, it's inevitable they'll land now so it's just stopping the reinforcements from behind.

"Erm... might be best to not use the percentage based attack Ikarus, anything else should be fine though"

So anything other than supernova? That's pretty understandable, we still want a settlement to return to after all and a gigantic tsunami goes against that.

"Gotcha... before we split though, let me change form as well quickly, need hands for this to work..."


(Temporary Perspective Change)

"High Paladin, the message about the first ship landing has been received, we'll now be able to bring order to the sinful heathens!"

One of the recruits from our ship reads off the message received by pigeon and then the rest of the paladins, priests or servants aboard this ship all cheer in unison. It looks like this crusade has gone down without any concerns so far and appears to be heading in the right direction. The militia on the island will put up a small fight but with our vastly superior numbers and soldiers, it's only just a matter of time before we can fully bring order to these foreign lands.

To think we were given rumours of the sinful leaders having extreme power and even befriending a dragon, I'm never one for underestimating how far sinners can go but this has always sounded absurd. Seriously, a dragon, really? They probably came up with the idea to draw off attackers in the first place, anyone with half a brain knows same sex relationships go against the natural order of things. It's just disgusting really.

This fleet we have has been on standby hidden away in the mountains for quite some time now, it just so happens a powerful foe has presented itself pretty close by and is an easy enough target to start with. It's a perfect opportunity that his holiness clearly understands as well.

It's a shame we've had to focus the first of our attacks around a group of islanders who just want to live their lives peacefully but the sins of the leaders do carry through to everyone I suppose. The pope himself was sure to make everyone aware that any person that doesn't bow down in fear of the one true God and his army be treated as a heathen. Personally, I've never enjoyed killing but if it's to bring order in this chaotic world, then I'll happily be his sword and shield.

'Hopefully this doesn't take too long'

After this crusade, I'm definitely going to have a long break, getting too old for this sort of thing now but I'll always be ready for the pope's call anytime he needs it. 

"High Paladin, there's something approaching us in the skies!"

"Preposterous priest! You must be seeing things"

Huh? No, there can't be a dragon, right? Must keep up appearances and not let fear show...

"No sir, Paladin Ceto just confirmed it as well... it doesn't appear to be the size of a dragon but it is getting closer"

We did actually prepare some ancient taboo technology for dealing with dragons just in case something like this came up but what could be flying around if not a dragon? At least that's an unnecessary worry gone.

"Well... don't just stand there, man the turrets!"

"High Paladin, it's too small and far to hit... is that a human with wings?"

"What is God's name is that?"

"Is that an angel or devil?"

Nearly every person on this ship is now looking to the skies, is it really that interesting they have to stop manning the ship? Sure, it's hard to see with the sun light beckoning behind it but it's of no concern if it's not attacking.

Catching just a glimpse of the flying creature, it's clearly not a wyvern nor a dragon and has a surprisingly humanoid shape to it if you exclude the wings. There's no way an angel has come to help us on our journey, right? Regardless, such a threat cannot be allowed to remain and potentially spy on us.

"Have you all gone mad all of a sudden? It's probably just a bir-"

Suddenly, my ears are ringing and my vison turns to white...


'...I'll never grow tired of hearing that explosion...'

Having just launched my nuke attack at the largest looking ship of this armada, there's always something satisfying about watching destruction happen firsthand. Sure, I'm a little close to see the mushroom cloud rising but that flash and explosion never fail to disappoint... fuck all these religious bastards!

See, the thing with this fleet of ships is that despite me clearly throwing a nuke at the centre flagship, this makes that pirate one I destroyed ages ago look like child's play and has barely taken a dent out of them all. It's a shame I haven't got the time to kill off any survivors right now as well but needs must and all that.

'I'm going to have to start using magic nex-... hang on... could that work?'

Two ideas have just presented themselves to me. The first is that I could use myself flying with my sun fireball ability and kinda turn myself into a fireball crashing into as many ships as I can within that five-minute period. The second attack is something a little newer... that meteor attack I have...

[<Aesa would like to advise -Ikarus- there is some obvious risk involved. However, that ability does last longer and could provide a much greater deal of devastation>]

'Then I've got no time for this. The longer I leave it, the more ships are going to get on the islands... Aesa, activate meteor shower'

I seriously don't think I've got enough magicka to get through this many ships alone... why the fuck have the monastery put us this high a threat? It just seems a little random if I'm being honest.

[<Confirmed... hold on for one second -Ikarus-... attack meteor shower appears to be aimed around -Ikarus's- current position. Worries about attack harming settlement is unnecessary as long as -Ikarus- is far enough away>]

'Are you sure about that? Nothing's happening-...'

As soon as I think that, a meteor the size of a small car falls right by my face and crashes into the ocean... and then another, and another and so forth. It's a pretty huge splash all things considered so this should be more than enough to do some damage.

'...Yet... let's get to work then...'


Okay... I seriously like this attack, all I have to do is basically just fly in the general area of the monastery's ships and wouldn't you know it, all of them receive crushing attacks sending all those bastards down to Davy Jones locker. It's only really just started but witnessing flaming rocks fall from the skies all around me crashing and splitting the ships in half is something beyond satisfying.

All those religious dickheads have started clocking on to what's going on and I'm pretty sure I've had one or two harpoons shoot in my general direction now. Figures, I'll just fly a little higher since they have stormtrooper accuracy and this devastating shower that follows me around destroys all... this must look like a miracle or something divine from down below. Like they've angered the Gods or something.

Positioning myself to be close enough in range of another ship, the still continuous flow of meteors showering from the heavens start to batter another ship down below and most of the armoured soldiers try to avoid the impacts but none can avoid their fates. Pretty sure that armour looks heavy too so they'll probably drown, it's time to move on from that battered wreck though since I'm trying to optimize this as best I can.

It's a cruel fate but no room for mercy when they attacked us first... I've only got fifteen minutes of this so I best get a move on.

It's getting to the point where the enemy is abandoning ship before I even have the chance to sink them now, less and less harpoons are flying my way as well so this really is like a walk in the park. It feels a little cheaty if I'm being honest but time's slowly starting to run out.

There's only a handful remaining in the northern sea now. Sure, I know for a fact there's still an absurd amount currently attacking the island but I reckon this must be around half the current fleet gone, I've nearly done the job Petra's requested.

'I'll burn the last few ships down with a few fire tornados, then hopefully go find Petra...'


(Temporary Perspective Change)

"Die you sinful wit-..."

"Dirty heretics-..."



'Good... now those last three are finished'

Having just dealt with another group of attackers, I've just finished off another ship load of paladins and guess I've got a breather for a second now. The blood is really flowing like water today it seems...


Mute looks at me with a questioning face, I'm thankful she's able to provide a hand defending but her water magic is only really good at knocking them over a little but is more a stagger than anything else... ah yeah, Mute's specialty is water, she is a blue dragon after all. Pretty sure it would be more powerful if she could speak as well but that's just her curse, I guess.

"Sorry Mute, this has barely even started yet... please go find Zeki, he's extremely red and has a temper that could rival the Gods. Give him some help and put out any fire he's neglected to put out"


"Heh, don't look like that... I'll be fine, "

I've allowed Zeki to go full blitzkrieg as he calls it burning as many as those homophobic scum as he can handle, Mute might be needed just simply to keep the wildfires in check, they could spread if he's doing what I think he may. Thankfully, the dragon gives me a slight concerned nod and reluctantly flies off leaving me all alone...

Before I landed and switched back into human, had to make sure everyone was informed what was going and help organize the defence a little. Currently, Penelope's handling the west coast, I've got the south and Zeki's got the east as well as everyone else remaining defending the citizens in the town proper. The north channel isn't wide enough to land large ships filled with soldiers but already know some have made their way through and would be attacking the town. We should have enough to defend that part without us but I've already assumed wrongly with these fuckers already... looks like I'm getting a little annoyed now.

"Heh... this brings back horrid memories"

Can't help but give out a little smile seeing the docks now swarming with another ship about to unload loads more paladins, could just let them burn and have destroyed a few ships already but I'm trying to play bait here, we could even use the undestroyed ships for afterwards.

It seems my plan is working considering that there's already a large pile dead by my feet. Just where have they found these numbers though? All abled bodied men wearing white stained metal armour and all ready to die for their cause without a care in the world, they must've improved relations with the city next door to the monastery but I'm just getting distracted now. Heh, pretty sure Zeki would call these braindead NPCs right now, maybe even Ikarus as well.

"There! That's one of the sinners who owns this island!"

"The black-haired demonic witch! How dare she kill so many of our brothers!?"

"God destroys all who defies his will!"

Another group charges towards aimed with longswords all ready to cut me down like the witch I apparently am... none of these are going to provide any threat unfortunately, they still aren't sending anyone of note but they will soon. Mark my words, this can't be the strongest of what they have to offer or this is just an insulting.

The first leading the group aims for my head but quickly finds my blade slicing through his neck before he gets the chance to swing, quickness always beats a slow heavy moving blade after all.

Another goes for a suicidal charging attack but all it takes is a quick move to the side and his head goes flying... that's pitiful.

"Die heathen!"

"You will be purged!"

Two more try to swing towards me forcing me to duck and while I'm down here, might as well take a deep swipe at their stomachs causing them to fall down, two fatal wounds guaranteed if no treatment. That armour may look heavy but it holds no protection to the stomach it seems... at least from my samurai blade as Ikarus calls it.

After witnessing those four die in the blink of eye, the other charging paladins seem a little less willing to charge directly head first into me and try to surround me a little giving me less space to fight back... good, I can use less ki up this way.

As soon as they think they've gotten the upper head, I release that devastating black inferno all around me incinerating them where they stand... looks like that's another ship done. I've still got more than enough magic left... or ki, it's basically the same thing at this point.

All I need to do is stand here in the open waiting for them to charge like moths to a flame, it's almost as if they're under a spell but know better than that. If someone believes in something, they'll sacrifice everything for that cause. 

'Great, more paladins seeking death... Hopefully, Ikarus finishes up her side sooner rather than later, this seems never ending...'

To be continued...


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