Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 117 – Happiness

Chapter 117 – Happiness

(Ariza) "Uh... Mr Loki, was something supposed to happen or does it take a while?"

Just after clearing the catacombs full of cultists, the paper map we were given starting glowing and onced placed on a table inside this circular room, switched back into a crystal ball. Then after that, a beam of light struck out of it hitting Ariza and the God Loki started speaking to us again. It truly was a weird turn of events but there's a reason why I've kinda glossed over it. It actually was a little underwhelming as well since I'm used to this sort of thing by now but that's not the main reason though.

You see, why I skipped the congratulatory message he gave is simply because how long this is taking, we've been literally waiting over half an hour now for Ariza to change and nothing is happening. Seriously, nothing. If this is one of his elaborate pranks, I fail to see the humour in just making us wait around.

<Erm... let me get back to you in just one second>

Oh great, he takes this long to respond and he sounds confused like that!? This better not be him being a dick.

"Please don't tell me we've been screwed over, this type of 'prank' ain't funny if that's what this is"

<I can hear you orange phoenix, my pranks have a little more class to them than just screwing you over... why is this stupid magic not working!? It works for nearly everyone else...>

He actually sounds stumped; please don't tell me this is about to be dragged out even further and we actually need to do more things before this is over. Just because I said I was enjoying this doesn't mean I want this to keep going on indefinitely like a shitty written quest where the developers just want to make it longer by adding another dumb fetch quest or something. Everyone's looking unsure but I'm always going to turn to annoyance first.

<...Ah, that might be it... my apologies blue phoenix, it appears I've made a slight misjudgement on something>

'Oh great, here comes the follow up quests'

"What is it Mr Loki?"

<I forgot to take into account you technically aren't from this world and that overcomplicated system stuff doesn't allow some types of things to get through its protective barrier. It's honestly just a big oversight on my part, I assumed it would work the same like for everyone else but you birds really make everything unnecessarily complicated>

"Uh huh... that's a shame but thanks for trying anyway"

Why is it Gods know so much about us birds and even the system stuff? Actually, he didn't say anything about knowing it in detail, just that it interferes with that effect he's tried to place on her. Forget all that though, I'm not allowing him to treat Ariza like this even if she'll jus take it apparently.

"So, what does this mean then God? Have we just wiped out that cult for literally nothing!?"

"Ikarus is right to be a little annoyed though"

"Yeah Mr Loki! This really isn't fair!"

Frankly, I'm more pissed off for Ariza's sake though, it's like dangling a carrot in front of a rabbit on a treadmill. Weird comparison, I know but my point is that false hope is absolutely terrible even if she says it's fine. Gotta be looking after our healer after all.

<Apologies but it seems I've misinformed you a little once again. What I was planning to do is a permanent change with no need for anything else to go alongside it... I'm not saying I still can't change the blue phoenix though! It just requires something a little more basic and cruder... something like a lifetime supply of potions might suffice... wait, how long do you birds live again? Ah, forget it, I'll keep sending them just until the blue one dies however long that'll be>

Then like how this guy seems to do things, that crystal ball shatters once again with no goodbyes but this time the shards of glass combine together into a blue looking potion of sorts with a note underneath. Since I'm the closest and Ariza still hasn't moved to get the items on the floor, I'll quickly read it before giving them both to her. I know it's technically for her but she's not doing anything other than looking confused.

"Huh... it says... he'll send one a month so make sure to keep the note on you. Also... don't take it with alcohol or drugs, for some reason... there shouldn't be any pain taking it though"

Reading this note the God Loki left really is a challenge just by how poor his handwriting is, I guess Norse is basically Viking so expecting one of their Gods to write clearly might be a little bit of a stretch. Ah, who cares about that? This quest is finally over! I almost want some celebratory music or a respect plus gangster message appearing right now.

[<*Sigh*... since Aesa is in a relatively good mood right now...>]

[Mission Passed!]

[Respect +]

'I actually can't believe you did that! Even without the music to go with it, you've just made my day!'

Aesa in her infinite wisdom actually made two blue bars appear in front of my eyes like mini status screens! Sure, they only lasted a second and I have no idea why she's being that nice but maybe it might be down to liking target Ariza perhaps? I'm going to consider that my reward for helping now.

"Yes Ariza! You can finally become the clearly superior sex once again! I'm so happy for you!"


Me and Petra just chuckle and shake our heads at Penelope basically being excited for Ariza, she should probably be a little less hands on since she's basically bear hugging Ariza right now but everyone knows you can punch her if you want, I've already done that to Penelope way back. She should probably stop now though, Ariza's starting to look a little awkward.

Now that Miss gender bender has finally taken her arms off Ariza, it seems that she has some words to say but look to be having difficulty saying them.

"Uh... I'm... thank you everyone!"

She actually bows to us and looks like she's about to cry, there's no need to get this worked up over it. Urgh, I don't like all this sappy crap, don't be so grateful Ariza! Be selfish and a right tsundere! Everyone else in this poxy world seems to be.

"Heh, it's fine Ariza, stop worrying so much"

"Yes Ariza! Why are you crying?"

"Uh huh... okay... they're happy tears though Penelope"

Ariza actually wipes her eyes while responding but does she seriously need to show this much gratitude? Eh, it's a nice heartfelt moment I guess but there's always the chance we were just screwed over by Loki though.

"Not trying to spoil the moment here but there's always the chance that guy could have done something to the potion, this quest was sketchy enough as it is"

Even though it did spoil the moment, at least it'll stop the happy tears. The potion is probably safe and I can kinda tell when someone is lying but still, he is known for pranks.

"It looks similar to the ones Zeki used to get me ages ago Ikarus so it should be fine, I think it's safe to trust Mr Loki on this"

"Heh... we could always get you to drink it first if you're so worried Ikarus"

"Yes! I'd love to know how Petra's lover as a man would look!"

At least I'm not the only one ruining the moment, blame Petra this time around. At least Ariza finds the conversation funny seeing that it's her potion, should probably give it to her now as well.

"Haw haw you two... there's absolutely no chance I'm doing that and be real for a second Petra, would you want me as a guy? I get the feeling your preference is this way around anyway"

I'd probably end up being like Zeki or Ariza, basically looking female but being technically male so there wouldn't be that much of a difference. I guess it could be fun to have a third leg for a month or so but I'm still not doing that... even if you exclude taking away Ariza's chance at having the body she wants since I'd be using that potion. Frankly, I'm happy as I am right now.

If I were to wake up in another body like at the start of this whole thing, I might be pissed at first for another random gender change but I really don't have that much preference either way. That being said, I do kinda like being female especially inside the bedroom though...

"Heh, wouldn't be fussed either way Ikarus, you'd still be you even in a different body. You could change and it really wouldn't be any problem"

It's comments like that really prove the difference between us, she's able to see past what body I have regardless and yet I'm so freaking insecure about the whole thing that we had to delay our relationship for a while in the beginning because of that royal dungeon thing. I really don't deserve her and I want to snuggle now, it sucks that it's not really the time for something like that especially in a place with bodies and those two.

"Urgh... l-love you Petra"

"Heh, love you too Ikarus"

"Read the room you two! Let's make a move if you're going to start to all lovey inside a crypt!"

Sometimes Penelope is just bleurgh... we should probably make our way out now though.

As we're finding our way out of the tunnels back to the surface as well as trying not to make those other two awkward so only holding hands it is, might as well start asking some stuff simply because the silence can be deafening down here. Ariza hasn't drunk that potion just yet so I'm expecting she'll down it when we get back home.

"Just outta curiosity... does anyone know what this place is even for? Not the skeletons since you already said but the other thing like the room filled with magic"

Of course, it originally would've been a catacomb but as for why these mage cultists were down here worshipping in that magical room with the demonic statue that looks a little similar the last cultist hideaway we found, it truly is a weird experience but this entire quest has been similar.

"Hmm.... it might be down to something like necromancy and trying to store the power away Ikarus. As for why they are worshipping or even the point of it all, have no clue I'm afraid"

"Ah yes! Petra's right, they were probably trying something like summoning the souls from the dead and trying to harness the power from it! You can see why Mr Loki wanted us to take care of it since even the Gods hate people messing around with souls! Everyone despises necromancy even if it's like one of the coolest magics around!"

"Don't take what she says as fact though Ikarus, we both haven't got a clue"

"Hehe, Petra's also right there too!"

This world and always with the unanswered questions... ah, at least I can feel that breeze once again, we seem to be on the right track which is good...


Now back outside the catacomb, none of us fancied sticking around the elven settlement so we're heading back straight away. Normally, this would be when I decide to spend a load of points on abilities but this time around, I'm going to take a much more cautious approach simply because everything I seem to get is either minor or really good. Basically, I'm being extremely boring and adding some more into stats, I'll still leave some over if I get that gambling itch but as for now, I'd rather just focus on improving this time around.


[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 243]

[Health 48,000*/48,000*]

[Stamina 12,868*/20,000*]

[Magicka 29,216*/48,000*]

[You currently have 23500 unassigned points]

'So let's see here... let's put six thousand into mag-. No actually, let's go for eleven thousand into magicka instead'

[<-Ikarus- wants to focus on magicka this time around? Ignore the question, points have been confirmed>]

My thinking is just on that encounter we experienced, nearly all my abilities in that situation would've resulted in friendly fire so having more magic is never a bad thing. Of course, I could've used aspect to basically one hit a single enemy but that does need to be kept just in case something goes bad. I guess I've returned to my over cautious days but I'd rather this then have my leg broken again by something dumb like a goblin though.

'Then... ah, let's just round out health just with a thousand then, I doubt I need more but I'd still rather do that than invest in stamina'

Maybe next time I'll focus more on bringing energy up but it's still more than enough for relaxed flying like now for days upon end. I've still got the chance to buy two more abilities if I wish as well but I'd rather just get home then have to think about everything else, there's probably problems back on the island that need to be sorted as well like the usual.

[<Confirmed, Aesa will now bring up status screen since stats have been adjusted>]

[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 243]

[Health 50,000*/50,000*]

[Stamina 12,866*/20,000*]

[Magicka 51,220*/70,000*]

[You currently have 11500 unassigned points]

'Huh... and I always thought I had to think status for it to pop up...'

[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 243]

[Health 50,000*/50,000*]

[Stamina 12,866*/20,000*]

[Magicka 51,220*/70,000*]

[You currently have 11500 unassigned points]

'...I'm such an idiot for opening that up again'


Ignoring her, the unfortunate thing is that I agreed to fly back since it was getting pretty late and it was only ever going to be me or Ariza flying. Eh, I probably fly the fastest out of us all so it'll helps a little getting back even faster, it also stops me wanting to gobble up Petra in my arms since I'm really wanting some lovey dovey crap right now but it's not the time...


"So Marcus. Since we've just arrived, give us the bad news then"

"Heh Ikarus"

Every time we leave, something seems to come up so there's no point even thinking about relaxing just yet. To say I doubled timed it back would be an understatement so the returning trip only took a few days from that settlement. I think we've been gone just under two weeks doing Ariza's ark so time has gone pretty quick I reckon. Also, I like the alliteration so calling it Ariza's ark works nicely, it technically is true as well.

"We've got two things but they're not huge issues just yet. The first is that the Adventuring guild have requested an audience seeking a new place to set up a headquarters, I can handle it if you'd like but inviting another guild to stay is entirely your choice since I have no opinion on it either way"

Huh... I can't really understand why the Adventuring guild would want to set up a headquarters over here but maybe it might just be good for northern location close to the ocean? It would make adventures like travelling by sea much easier I guess. By the sounds of it though, we're going to potential issues with Miss gender bender.

"Those adventuring pigs dare to show up in this town!? How dare they do this when they know we arrived here first!"

There must be some bad blood between the Magi and Adventuring guild. The thing is, she can shut it and it appears I'm going to have to say it this time around.

"Calm it Penelope, we don't share your grudges towards other guilds over here so play it nice. You fine with them coming over here Petra?"

I've only ever heard good things about that guild and if you think about it, more jobs would open up from the headquarters and we'd gain even more visitors to this island, what adventurer wouldn't want to spend a night at the hot springs for example? Sure, there might be a few more fights from the drunk ones but this seems like a good thing to have, we may lack in wolves and other low tier quests with enemies but the other two islands are ripe for the picking when it comes to herbs and stuff but I'm just thinking about some stereotypical isekai guild crap now.

"No reason why not Ikarus"

(Ikarus) "Then it's settled then"


Looks like that's quickly settled then, good. It's unfortunate that Penelope's now sulking at me but I couldn't care less. Ah, almost forget Ariza's still with us, she has been pretty mute constantly smiling since she's been able to be female again, I guess she's just enjoying the moment. The thing is, she looks nearly the exact same except the two smallish things on her chest area now. It seems a little underwhelming seeing that me and Petra are bigger but as long as Ariza's happy, then that's enough. I'd never want huge jugs like mother anyways but it's still nice to have some size though...

(Petra) "What's the other thing then Marcus?"

Marcus pauses probably for dramatic effect, then reveals some information that he really sounds worried on.

"The second thing is a little more concerning... a couple of priests from the Sierran religion have arrived wanting to set up a church. I've tried to talk them down but we should apparently embrace the fact they're bringing religion over to a heathen land... whatever that means. Clearly word has gotten out we're expanding the settlement and this is just an unfortunate thing that's showed up now of all times, I'm not really sure how to handle this though"

Well fuck, this just had to come up right now, didn't it? There's no chance we can allow a church to be built based on a religion that literally goes against what me and Petra do. Is there any way this can end peacefully or is this just delaying the inevitable now? Fucking religion man, I'd rather not have to wipe them from the face of the earth just yet but now it seem inevitable.

"Any suggestions Petra or should we just go over there and rob them of their lives?"

"Heh, know you're joking Ikarus but let's try taking a calmer approach... at least at first and see what happens"

Eh, I guess what I said was a joke but I could see resorting to murder beneficial though, we'll decide later on.

"I'll leave you two ladies to get on with it then, I'm still not sure if we can handle an invasion force sent from the monastery if you two weren't here but you never know. Miracles have happened before"

Marcus is clearly being sarcastic about the miracle thing but hey, it's not like Zeki and Penelope are always here to help defend from any invasion but let's leave that scary thought for now.

(Penelope) "I'll stay here and no longer burden you two! I really need to get to work and find a place to set up the tower... damn Adventuring guild..."

"Uh huh... you two will be fine alone, right? I kinda want to go find Zeki for a bit"

Looks like our travelling party is abandoning us then, good. I like them both but it's always best when it's me and Petra alone, even if it's probably going to end up with us killing someone. Oh well, let's go see what this is all about.

"Let's just go find the bigots then..."


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