Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 111 – Birthday (Part 1)

Chapter 111 – Birthday (Part 1)

---Apologies, had to split this up into two parts otherwise the chapter would've been too long and bits would've been cut unfortunately.

"Crap crap crap!"

"You're still running away orangey?"

"Shut it kid and don't rat me out"

"Please don't involve us in your thing with Petra please Ikarus"

"Quiet brother, I'm enjoying orangey's suffering"

'He's such a dickhead'

It's been... just under a month since last time and right now, I'm currently desperately trying to get away from Petra and am currently 'hiding' in the room Zeki and Ariza rents out even though it's more like fleeing from her. Is that weird that they still sleep in the same room together when they could choose separate inn rooms? Ah, forget it, they still have separate beds so it's just like having a roommate I guess.

Any updates to give before I explain my reason for running... ah, me and Petra have gotten proper intimate a couple of times in the last month. I mean, both times were mostly as awkward as the first and were nearly identical to what happened as well, at least the build up is always a little since that seems to be something we could improve on. It doesn't help that her 'teasing' seems to have gone back to how it was the first time but that's to be expected, that's just who she is after all. I guess it technically does make things even greater albeit extremely frustrating but I seriously need to get away from pervy Petra asap! Even if she's not actually being a perve this time.

"I don't get why you're trying to hide from her Ikarus, she'll be able to find wherever you go"

"It's not hiding brother; she's fleeing from older sis. The second she gets close, orangey will run like a chicken once again"

[<-User- is such a coward>]

'Must you start as well!?'

There's quite the few reasons why I'm fleeing like a coward from my girlfriend but all valid goddamn it! I should probably explain a little for context though.

You see, a bored Petra is something I've yet to properly experience till recently and it's honestly hell, imagine constant nonstop flirting and teasing combined with basically being a dress up doll. I guess it's true things have been pretty stagnant after building work started on the new district that actually might be done sooner rather than later since there's loads of people on that side of things but there's one reason that might topple everything else... it's my birthday tomorrow.

Slowly footsteps creep down the hallway to the bedroom portion of this inn and by dear God, I already know who that is. Just leave me alone woman!

"Heh... you really can't be getting away that easily"


Without even thinking about it, I climb out of the bedroom window and continue to flee...


Listen okay, I know I made the mistake of actually agreeing to allow Petra to plan a party for me even though I didn't want one nor do I even plan to celebrate it but the preparations have been astonishing. She's been going on nonstop about this for a couple of weeks now constantly asking for my opinion about how I want it and that sort of thing while frankly, I just don't care! It also doesn't help right now she's trying to get me back into a clothing store to pick out something for tomorrow, I'm sick to death of these clothing type shenanigan's now! Just let me wear this!

I'll end up being twenty-six tomorrow and frankly, I'm the type of person who hates getting older so the entire idea of celebrating it is a little annoying. At least on the dragon side of things it was just a gift but Petra's too nice for her own good so wants to celebrate it... I really do have bitter old man tendencies it seems, it's just another year closer to death after all...

"Heh, seriously Ikarus? You're like a lost cat up a tree"

Crap, she's found the tree I'm hiding in, I'm tired of running now so wanted a quick break so clearly that backfired... for the record, I do understand I could just fly away but then Petra will definitely change form to chase me, she's not allowed to be in pain so running it is.

"No! I'm not doing it this time; it's not happening so leave me alone!"

Stand your ground Ikarus... or tree branch right now.

"Heh, it's just the one more time Ikarus, you already agreed to it and seemed fine earlier"

"That was earlier though... it's never one more time though and we both know it! Find someone else to be your human mannequin cause I'm done with it!"

I only reason I'm reacting this way compared to last time we had to do this sort of thing is simply because that was necessary, turning up to that royal party dressed how I normally do wouldn't have worked. It's supposed to be my freaking birthday so let me live woman! Also, if it isn't obvious yet, I'm probably being a little over dramatic again.

"Heh, you make it seem like I'm forcing you to do this Ikarus... how about we compromise then? You wear something I pick out... and I'll wear something very special for you hidden underneath"

Wait... she's on about that lingerie... No! Don't be tempted by the seductress Ikarus, you must set down some ground rules otherwise I'll never win against this woman!

"But I'm still getting the short end of the straw, no one except me will even know what you're wearing!"

"Heh, it's not like I can wear that with nothing else on at a party... unless you're into that sort of thing, naughty Ikarus"

Urgh, she already knows I'd never make her wear lingerie in front of everyone, I should just go with it since that could be a way of teasing her but she might actually go through with it and that sight is reserved for this bird alone. Ain't no one else seeing my sexy girlfriend in that getup other than me!

"Why do I even need new clothes anyways? Why can't I just wear this?"

"I'm just trying to enhance your beauty even further Ikarus. I'm not forcing you to do anything and we can always go as we currently are, just thought the fancy dress code would be nice to see you all dressed up again, that's all"

The thing is, I know what she's doing by going down the compliment route now... actually, I don't think she is this time. This entire thing is more just me putting up with the patience of doing another dress up session... once again, I've made a simple situation stupid. Stuff like this is what I used to do way back when I was naïve as hell so screw it... it's not exactly like I'm going to turn down that lingerie offer though.

"Fineee... I'll come down then... if we're not done within half an hour, then I'm running away again though"

I won't but I will complain immensely about it though.

"Heh, don't look so good in everything and we can finish even quicker"

I hate her at times... I mean, I love her more than anything in the entire world but still...


"Must we go through with this birthday cliché thing? It's not exactly a surprise party, is it? I already know what's happening so this is pointless really"

"Heh, just wait a little bit longer Ikarus and I'll take that shortly off, just shut up and embrace it"


And now, the dreaded day, the day I turn twenty-six and get closer to death... it's pretty morbid but it's not exactly like I have to really worry on that side of things for now if phoenix age is anything to go off and I don't end up dying by something else. Enough about the impending doom about death though, this is supposed to be a happy occasion yet I can always find someway to make things odd and stupid apparently.

Ironically, I'm now the blind one in our relationship, Petra's got me blindfolded going to God knows where for my party after going through the endless preparation women go through trying to get ready. Say what you want about me accepting the gender thing so quickly but makeup, hair styling and putting on a cute dress sucks! It doesn't help Petra's taste always seems to be more on the cutesy side of things and this time around, it's this pale pink sleeveless dress I've got on. Sighhh, let's just get through with the rest of the day I guess, it'll be nice to get some cake and booze as well since I've cut down massively on that side of things.

As hard as it is to imagine, I don't actually like attention on me and I already know Petra's gone out of her way today for this party. At least this will be an excuse to get pissed like an alcoholic in a brewery but still... that analogy is terrible.

Being led a little further still in complete blindness, I'm pretty sure we've entered a building and like with all surprise parties, I guess I'm supposed to act surprised when I see Zeki and Ariza in front of me... it might be one or two others as well. Ah, let's at least try and be happy about this, it would be pretty selfish not to after what Petra's been doing.

Petra takes off the blindfold and I'm immediately greeted by a room filled with a surprising amount of people. In this inn, there's a table filled with food and cake, obviously a bartender with a nearly every drink imaginable as well as there being banners, balloons and everything you might expect from a small little party.

Of course, the banners look more like sideways flags and the balloons I'm pretty sure are made from animal guts but it's the thought that counts goddamn it! Petra's actually gone to great lengths to prepare something like this and it actually resembles something you might see on Earth... although I never actually experienced something like this as a kid or adult, I bet that's the reason why I was dreading this more than anything.

(Mother) "Happy birthday Ikarus!"

(Father) "Congratulations little one"

(Minos) "Cu!"


(Zeki) "Now we can finally have the cake since orangey's here"

(Ariza) "Try to be a little more patient Zeki, happy birthday Ikarus"

(Ria) "Slow down girly boy, the first slice is reserved for person whose party it is"

"Erk, I hate you wench"


(Penelope) "Happy birthday Petra's lover! The Magi guild says hello... even if it's me alone!"

(Marcus) "Celebrations Ikarus, happy twenty-sixth"


(Garry) "Happy birthday lass, that old grumpy blacksmith would rather focus smelting than take a day off and besides, he'd just ruin it anyways"

"Yeah, he is pretty grumpy, isn't he husband?"

(Jaxon) "I won't be here too long Ikarus, got to obviously return to the mine soon since no rest for the wicked and all that, those workers will slack if I'm not back soon"

[<Aesa would also like to wish -user- a happy birthday... even though we both see the whole thing as being pointless>]

Bloody hell! We've got the dragon family, the other phoenixes with the dryad, miss gender bender with Marcus and then last but not least, the gnome, his wife and Jaxon. I'm actually pleasantly surprised I know all these people, was expecting Petra to either invite the entire settlement or just a couple of people but I know literally everyone here! Even Aesa actually said something nice for a change as well, I probably should've expected Petra to do something I actually wouldn't mind I guess. 

Having an entire settlement celebrating a birthday with us and we end up cooking for them is that stupid cliché I don't want no part in... I've got an agenda about cooking for loads of people it seems, I am a lousy chef after all.

It should be pretty obvious by now that why we're at an inn, it's the one we've been staying at recently ever since the old one burnt down and frankly, why go somewhere else? The main tabled area is decent sized, there's more than enough room for ten plus people and we've already got the bar and kitchen to go with as well.

As for the guests, everyone's got slightly fancier clothing on except my family, even Petra's got that white and black dress on that she wore back at the royal showdown... Heh, I know what she's got under that as well but let's leave the pervy thoughts for later, I'm more than curious how she went about doing this.

"Hang on, when did you invite my parents Petra? You kept that pretty well hidden"

I did expect the parents to pay a quick visit since earlier birthdays are more rememberable than later ones for beings that live ages but to actually prepare this when we were together most of the time like usual... actually, my running away may have helped her keep up that secrecy a bit.

"Me and Jekyll still use bird to communicate time to time, it actually wasn't difficult to just get him to send a message to your parents seeing that the route was still in place"

Ah right, I forgot that the empire are still employing father for the odd wyvern massacre, they do use message pigeons occasionally to update each other but then father has been known to 'accidently' kill one or two every now and then. Obviously, that deal has continued on with Desmond and Esmerelda. Father still protects the empire from non-human threats but that's basically just an excuse for him to sit on his arse really.

Despite saying all this, Petra does seem a little down about something else though.

"Also... did try getting Jekyll, Nathan and Charlotte to come over. All three wanted to but for the two knights, it would've been impossible with what's going and Charlotte is currently off on a sacred pilgrimage? I'm unsure what that means but they did send over small gifts"

Ah, the rumour is the empire is finally going to put an end to the war one way or another, everything has been heavily focused on that to the point where they'll either win it via battle, sue for peace or just simply wipe them off the face of the earth... It's a little morbid for such a happy occasion but news is still news I guess.

"I mean, that's to be expected though Petra, it's not exactly like they can really visit this far away..."

I actually wouldn't have minded seeing them again but a week's flight for us could potentially take them weeks to a month to get over here, the continents are huge after all and not everyone has wyvern access or ship. We always have the added benefit of skipping huge amounts of travelling time. Anyways, Petra it's never impossible to give her a quick smile.

"...Come share a drink with me anyways since the party is now kicking off, that'll make you smile again!"

"Heh... fine then Ikarus"

In all honesty, my superpower might as well just be making Petra smile using words but I can always use that as an excuse to start drinking though. Besides, everyone else appears to already have drinks in their hands... obviously except Minos and father for some reason, he's really looks uncomfortable right now. That should also be pretty obvious Ikarus, we're in a room filled with puny mortals after all...

'I'll slowly work my way around the room talking to as many as I can...'


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