Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 108 – Another Three

Chapter 108 – Another Three


[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 199]

[Health 40,000*/40,000*]

[Stamina 16,402*/20,000*]

[Magicka 29,245*/40,000*]

[You currently have 24500 unassigned points]

'Aesa... you have any advice on what I should do?'

During the flight back over to capital, then back to the islands, us three are on Ariza's back right now and I'm currently pondering what to do. Sure, I know me being indecisive on this is probably starting to become boring but it's a serious decision! It's not like I'm starting to get bored of it too.

I guess I could ask Petra who I'm currently cuddling up to right now for some advice but I kinda feel like Aesa might be able to help more this time around though, I can see it turning into a tease and I'd rather just enjoy this right now. Of course, there's no funny business going on other than the hug, that would be weird to do something like that on someone's back.

[<Aesa already knows what -user- will do just from past experience alone. -User- will inevitably invest some points in some stats, then buy ability -sacrificial lamb- 3 times with leftover points>]

'You really can be rude at time... I guess you're right though, that does seem like something I'd do'

I feel like she's becoming more and more snappy recently, maybe being cooped up inside my head has that effect at times I suppose. No point asking her about it though, already know how that conversation would go so I'll just try and deal with her moodiness, she'll probably cheer up soon anyways.

'Okay then Aesa, invest four thousand in both health and magicka please'

[<Confirmed, stats have now been adjusted and doubled accordingly>]

'And now for the confirmation status check'

[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 199]

[Health 48,000*/48,000*]

[Stamina 16,400*/20,000*]

[Magicka 37,249*/48,000*]

[You currently have 16500 unassigned points]

'And now we're ready to go. Aesa, first purchase please'

[<Does -user- wish to purchase ability -sacrificial lamb-?>]

'Yes, I 'confirm' it... this copy and paste confirmation thing is getting boring now'

[<Just to clarify, -user- is just as snarky to Aesa as well... confirmed, ability -meteor shower- has been unlocked>]

Clearly Aesa took offence from the way I sarcastically thought the word confirm but let's just move on otherwise an argument is bound to happen between us. This type of thing does happen time to time, that's just our odd voice inside head relationship I guess.

'I like the sound of that, you know the specifics on what it does?'

[<*Sigh*, Aesa would like to point out -user- has been getting too lucky recently. Like previous purchases, ability -meteor shower- is another top tier one>]

'Oh come on! You can't seriously be grumpy that I've unlocked something good, we're in this together, right?'

She actually sounds like she wants me to get something bad! That literally goes against common reasoning, anything good I get just increases her survivability as well.

[<Aesa is concerned because luck cannot remain at this level indefinitely and consistent good luck must at some point lead to bad...>]

Oh, it's just a deep worry she has for us both, I definitely agree with that logic since my luck for the most part has been really good recently... if you exclude what literally just happened with the lying dryad but that wasn't really bad luck since it's ended with more level ups. Is luck something that's guaranteed to turn terrible though? Regardless, I do now share her worries.

[<... As for what new ability does, Aesa assumes it is another AOE attack that withholds EXP but provides a great deal of devastation and damage. Aesa suggests -user- obviously put off testing this for a bit>]

You know, I would kinda like something a bit different as well now. Sure, having the greatest top tier shit is cool but none of it is practical and some of the purchasable abilities are actually supposed to be useful for when NOT fighting off an invasion of thousands... heh, I can't believe I'm complaining about getting this powerful, I'm more likely to die by a single person than an army now. What a weird turn of unbalanced fate has fallen upon this bird's shoulders.

I'll give this a test someday but it's name is literally meteor shower, I've to be careful once again. Aesa hasn't given any warning that it might destroy the planet like supernova but clearly this must do a lot of damage and caution should be needed. Also, I'd rather do it at my two-crater testing site but that's a little out of the way and I just want to get back to the island asap now. Just back to the capital alone will take three days and besides, this ability should be pretty easy to imagine what might happen, just the sizing of it is unknown just yet. Still though, I guess I have another ability to add to my over the top collection.

'That's the first of the three then, meteor shower. Aesa, the next please'

[<Does -user- wish to confirm purchase of ability -sacrificial lamb-?>]


[<Confirmed, -user- has unlocked ability -second chance-. While this may not be one of the many powerful attacks, -user- should also like this one>]

'You actually sound pretty happy about this, what's second chance do?'

[<Ability -second chance- allows -user- to revive any specified target after death>]

'Hold on... you mean to tell me... I've unlocked something that can literally cheat death!?'

No no no, there's no way something so unbalanced would be allowed to exist, right? There's got to be some serious problems with this.

[<The ability can only work on one target excluding -user- and obviously has its drawbacks, the main three being the target cannot be confirmed dead for any longer than 60 minutes, has a cooldown timer of 1 year and cannot be used on same target twice. Considering this ability isn't classified as highest class, Aesa is starting to suspect most -sacrificial lamb- abilities are just overpowered, not that -user- is lucky now>]

Erm... I'm unsure what to make of this. The ability is great and all but a year's timer seems like something that is a problem for a different reason then you'd think. The issue is simply what happens if I use it and Petra finds herself in trouble? Imagine if Zeki or Ariza died, I'd use this to save one of them and then in that year's period, something happens to Petra God forbid. No point even mentioning the fact the same target can't be revived twice, it is called second chance after all.

I can actually see myself never using this and always saving it for Petra even if my dragon family were in danger as well... this ability has basically forced me to pick a goddamn favourite and has now pissed me off. Sighhh, at least it's broken as fuck I guess, the thought of having to choose someone to save is a clusterfuck waiting to happen though... even if everyone knows there's no choice to make. No point thinking about this any further, hoping I never have to experience any loved one dying but I'm not that naïve. Also, no point wondering about old age, seriously doubt that would work.

'Eh, I guess it's really good then even if it's made me feel a little down now, I should probably talk to Petra about this but I can only see her being selfless about the whole thing and it might cause an argument between us... Aesa, next please'

[<Aesa advises -user- not to worry so much about choices and consequences. If put in that situation, Aesa agrees with the action -Ikarus- would take, it is -user's- ability after all...>]

I guess even system can be reassuring at times, at least that's cheered me up a little, I'm surprised Petra didn't say mention something about my aura being down since I'm still clinging onto her but maybe she didn't pick up on it this time around?

[<... Does -user- still wish to confirm another purchase?>]

'Yup... hang on... did you just use my name a second ago!?'

I've only just noticed that, she called me Ikarus. The system who refuses to use my name definitely just said it by accident, right?

[<Must be -user's imagination, Aesa has no records of such a thing happening... hmm... -user- has unlocked ability -personal domain->]

'I guess we're just going to ignore that then, I'm proud of you Aesa... what's that do anyways?'

[<*Scoff*... ability -personal domain- allows -user- to create a personal realm for whatever use -user- pleases. From a pure power point of view, it would be one of the weakest unlocked ability but -user- may find some use out of this>]

Even her scoffing has made me smile a little, I swear there's way too many people around me who have the slight tsundere tendency but obviously Aesa definitely DOESN'T have any of them otherwise I'm worried that suicidal package may 'accidently' be installed...

'I'm guessing I'll have to sit crossed legged, close my eyes and hum, then I'll be taken into a place where time flows a lot slower?'

Aesa did say something about a realm, my thinking of course has to go to cultivation or being a monk because I'm weird.

[<Unfortunately, information is lacking on this one. Aesa is even unaware if we'd still be able to communicate inside>]

'At least I've one thing to test... I wonder if Petra knows anything about this if it's cultivation focused, you did say something about it being a realm after all'

[<-User- may be correct, target -Petra- may know something about this>]

When we stop next, I'll ask her since her cultivation system and all that. Having a personal realm could be great and all but honestly might feel a little lonely if Petra or Aesa aren't inside with me. I'd feel a little guilt getting Ariza to stop already but I might not need to ask...

Like the Gods looking down at me from above, a literal flash of lighting lights up the dreary sky and ocean rains down from above. I'd say that's unexpected but the clouds were inevitably going to burst at some point just by looking at the colour of them, it's always a nightmare to fly in the pouring rain .

And the Lord said, let the heavens rain down upon men! Sighhh, sometimes my cringe is just another level, I should really stop that now... I bet Ariza would be willing to land if asked though, this weather is terrible. Fortunately once again, there's no need to ask.

"You lot mind if we land? It must be terrible up there"

(Ikarus) "Of course Ariza"


"Yeah brother, fucking rain, just don't think I'm flying next shift though"

My life is full of coincidences, let's just embrace it at this point...



We've set up a temporary large tent all four of us are under while the lighting and rain thunders throughout the night in the forest, both the other two are sleeping while me and Petra remain alert and awake. Main reason for this other than Petra rarely sleeping is I've been telling her in quick detail what I've unlocked and it judging from her reaction, she seems to have thoughts.

"...We've definitely got to give personal domain a quick try, the area around this area is safe right now so up to you if you want Ikarus"

She actually seems a little eager about this, is there something I'm missing? She also said we, does that mean we can go inside my head together? I'm always the master at making something sound really weird. How comes she's only focusing on that though? You'd think she might be a little more focused on the first two but I guess Petra has just as weird tastes as I do.

"Wait, you can enter that place as well? If you can, let's definitely do it now then!"

"Sure Ikarus, it's not as complicated as you may think. Let's hold hands and activate it, just let me get in the right headspace and I should be able to join you inside"

I go to sit alongside Petra and copy her cross-legged monk pose, I'm not trying to mock it but it always feels like this when I copy her like when I accidently use her trademarked laugh. Anyways, now on this stupid damp floor that's still wet despite putting something down, I lightly take her hand and she closes her eyes, do I also need to do that? Ah, let's just activate this damn thing already.

'Aesa, activate personal domain'

[<Confirmed, -u-...>]

And in a split second, Aesa's voice disappears and everything fades to black...


"For fuck's sake! Not this fucking place again!"

Remember that shitty void place I got stuck in for weeks when that stupid curse was cured? Yeah, well looks like I've ended up in the same situation except this time around, I can speak. I've got slightly bad memories just simply down the the frustration this place managed to achieve...

[<-User- does not need to worry, both Aesa and target -Petra- are here as well>]

"It's been a while since I've heard a voice like that... Ikarus, give me a second and I'll help with the darkness"

And just like that, all the darkness disappears and an endless greyish-blue void seems to span forever. Fortunately, I can now see my own body and Petra's standing as well, I've got to ask how she did that in a minute but it appears Petra can understand Aesa. The last time something like this happened was with the knight and priestess back in that blasted confusion dungeon.

[<Target Petra can understand Aesa? It may be pointless but -user- will never understand the joy of communicating with someone intelligent>]

The first thing she says to Petra in person is an insult towards me, why am I not surprised?

'Heh, Ikarus was right, you definitely are unique'

That's literally the nicest comment I could say to Petra about Aesa without her having a go at me during a conversation I can't even remember. She's snarky but she doesn't like me calling her that.

[<Hmph, you have no idea what goes on inside -user's- head fully. Example being after -user- was cured, those three weeks inside -user's- head were full of pervers->]

"Hang on! Oi, have a little confidentiality Aesa! You're part of me so you're just incriminating yourself as well, right?"

I've got to cut her off, stop being a dick system! Don't be revealing shit like that especially to Petra who I've got to appear my best to because that's the pointless shit you do towards your partner! Even if Petra smiles, not everything I want known about that time especially when it comes to explicit things.

[<Fine, Aesa won't reveal how much -Ikarus- adores target -Petra- then... even if some of it could appear as creepy and perverted>]

Damn it! I've got no chance if she can actually reveal shit to Petra now, I'm just hoping she has an off switch inside here but my luck isn't perfect after all... she used my name again as well...

"Heh, don't worry about it Ikarus, mine actually had a similar personality as well before-... it doesn't matter..."

Sighhh, Petra's system voice always brings a slight amount of sadness to her, I'd love to help her bring it back but by the sounds of it, system voices have a set lifespan but that's only a complete theory. I'm assuming that since me and Zeki's are somewhat healthy, Ariza's seems to be going on the fritz and Petra's is long gone, clearly age might have something to do with it. As for Petra herself, I'm never going to like seeing her in pain so that's always going to remain a taboo subject.

"...To think you're able to do something even the top martial artists struggle to do though, my realm is only a fraction of what you have here hence why I only use it for storage. This is honestly brilliant"

I'm shocked seeing Petra in awe so much changing from sadness that quickly, you'd think being told that I can rain meteors down on the earth or able to revive someone from the dead would be a much bigger deal than just having a park sized room inside my head.

"I really don't see what the big deal is, this place is pretty bland though"

What can we actually do inside here in this cloudy foggy looking place? Not actually sure how big it is but judging from Petra's reaction, I'm completely wrong.

"Heh, this place is only limited by your imagination Ikarus, think of something and it'll come..."

And just like that, Petra summons a different sword from her usual into her hand. Then with a snap of her fingers, it disappears.

"...It's the perfect training venue, you can summon any enemy you wish as well as make the environment however you like, death is also supposed to be nearly impossible to achieve. Time flows at a decayed rate as well, it's something like a day inside is roughly half an hour... or was it less? Regardless, you honestly have no idea how envious I am"

Okay, maybe I can see why she's so pumped about this now, that does sound pretty brilliant especially for in our free time. We still do spar in the background even though progress has been limiting and it would also allow more free romantic time alone together if time is slowed.

"Well... you can also share this place as well you know..."

At least that gets a further smile from her. The thing is, my mind has now wondered into a much more perverted place now, damn romance...

"...Wait, does that mean we'd be able to do you know what inside here? The nasty business that is so unbelievably great? The incredibly shit that doesn't need any explanation?"

I mean, I could've been a little less obvious by what I said but she would've pressed me if I wasn't obvious about it since her teasing be like that.

"Heh... and I'm the more perverted one between us?"

Damn it, I'm was going to get teased regardless of what I said there, she always has a comeback lined up.

"I was only joking, alright!? Still though, I guess this place could be pretty great for loads of reasons. The only problem I can see is that is defence for our bodies outside"

"That shouldn't be too big of a deal Ikarus, it should automatically bring us out when danger is detected if I'm remembering that right"

Oh, so there's no risk as well. I quite like this thing now; sure it doesn't have the explosive power as other things but it definitely is a nice and needed change. I would like to know why she's the encyclopaedia on this though.

"Why do you even know about all this stuff anyway? This doesn't seem like a system would be able to tell you all this stuff, at least mine has no knowledge on any of that"


"That's... let's just say I had a tutor at some point and leave it at that"

Oh crap, that's caused her to look uncomfortable and sad, sometimes I forget just how old she is and that the amount of death she's experienced. Seriously though, I'm only assuming her tutor is dead but it's a fair assumption seeing that most people don't tend to live hundreds of years.


Uncomfortable silence... how can I cheer her up a little? Hang on, I know what we can do.

"Erm... how about we create a bed or sofa and have a nice, long and relaxing cuddle then? Maybe no funny business this time around though"

If it's my imagination, then I can just create shit, right? It would also be a lot nicer inside here especially away from the rain and thunder and we can spend way longer doing it as well! Okay, I really need to limit and saviour the amount of romance between us, just more for my own sanity really. Clinginess is a serious problem that can be so unattractive at times... even if she seems to like it and so do I.

"Heh, sure then"

And just like that, Petra creates a small Asian home that seems to grow out of nowhere. I know I'll never find out where she came from on Earth but the more I think of it, it's more likely to be some place in Asia or this might just be the same architecture from the fourth continent. It's a shame I'm unable to tell the slight differences between the building styles, they all look the same to me... is that racist? No, it can't be, they're freaking buildings...

"Ah, forgot to say about that. Since you allowed me inside, can also create stuff from experience too. Just ask if you want me to remove it since it's kinda difficult if you didn't make it yourself"

I really, really want to make a 'that's what she said' joke right now but it's kinda the wrong way around... maybe I am as dirty minded as that stunning beauty as well.

"Sure sure, you're cuddling into me this time around though"

I've got to specify it otherwise we'll just naturally go into her taking the male role like usual, it's nice for a switch up every now and then.

"Heh, okay then Ikarus..."


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