Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 6: Sacrifice again

Chapter 6: Sacrifice again

Ethan Chen was momentarily stunned when he looked down and saw the machete beneath the Sacred Tree.

Observing the clear marks where the machete fit perfectly against the roots of the Sacred Tree, Ethan Chen fell into deep thought.

At this time, other members of the clan gradually gathered at the Ancestral Hall.

Oliver Chen, who had learned of the sprouting Sacred Tree from others, rushed to the Ancestral Hall straight from the morning training grounds, his eyes filled with skepticism.

The Sacred Tree had been dormant for decades; how could it change today?

He simply didn't believe it!

Could this be a tactic by the Clan Chief to lift the spirits of the people? But what was the point?

However, when Oliver Chen pushed through the crowd and entered the Ancestral Hall, seeing the sprouting Sacred Tree with his own eyes, his shock was no less than Ethan Chen's.

"It's really… sprouted!" Oliver Chen looked up at the Sacred Tree, murmuring to himself.

Watching the Sacred Tree brimming with new life, Oliver Chen quickly regained his composure.

It was just a tree sprouting, hardly a miracle, even if this tree grew somewhat faster!

He had always been indifferent to the clan's Sacred Tree. Instead of placing the clan's hopes on a tree, he believed it was more reliable to rely on the machete in his own hands.

So what if the Sacred Tree had sprouted? Could it really save the clan?

And why did the Sacred Tree choose to sprout at this critical moment? Oliver Chen didn't see it as a good omen.

If he were the Clan Chief, the first thing he would do was to chop down this Sacred Tree that confused the minds of the clan's people!

However, seeing the joy on the Clan Chief's face, Oliver Chen kept his thoughts to himself.

"Oliver, you've arrived just in time. Go and gather the rest of the clan to assemble at the Ancestral Hall!"

Ethan Chen was excited, the man in his sixties appeared especially agitated today.

Oliver Chen nodded in agreement; he didn't want to dampen the Clan Chief's spirits at this time.

Soon, all members of the clan were gathered together.

Among the crowd, Lucas Chen and Alexander Chen were also present, but unlike the curiosity in the eyes of others, the two seemed particularly restrained, even avoiding looking at the clan's Sacred Tree.

Especially when they saw the machete under the Sacred Tree, they both turned their heads away in unison.

Once everyone had arrived, Ethan Chen stood beneath the Sacred Tree, his gaze sweeping over the others in the Ancestral Hall.

Looking at the few clan members inside the Ancestral Hall, Ethan Chen sighed inwardly.

The clan had declined to such an extent that he, as the Clan Chief, felt ashamed.

But now there was hope for the clan!

The sprouting of the Sacred Tree could surely lead the clan out of its current predicament!


Ethan Chen withdrew his gaze and raised his hand, quieting the Ancestral Hall.

Looking at the many clan members gazing at the Sacred Tree, Ethan Chen slowly began to speak:

"At this moment, the clan faces a matter of life and death. Fortunately, the Sacred Tree has sprouted. As long as the Sacred Tree is alive, there is hope for the clan…"

Under Ethan Chen's narration, the people of the Chen Clan listened intently.

Above them, Noah Ji silently watched everything unfolding before him.

This scene was precisely what he wanted to see. Although he had regained some vitality, it was far from enough.

He needed more beast blood, which he could only obtain if the Chen Clan made offerings to him!

With Ethan Chen's support, there should be no major obstacles; he just needed to wait quietly.

In the Ancestral Hall, Ethan Chen silently recounted the glorious deeds of the clan's Sacred Tree in the past.

Ethan Chen's primary goal this time was to use the sprouting of the Sacred Tree to stabilize the hearts of the clan's people!

As long as the clan united, coupled with the sprouting Sacred Tree, there might indeed be a glimmer of hope.

If the hearts of the clan were scattered, even the Sacred Tree could not save them.

As the Clan Chief, he was acutely aware of the importance of this!

During Ethan Chen's narration, the Sacred Tree of the past had been gloriously infinite, not only protecting the clan members but also enhancing their strength.

Some clan members listening below had determined looks in their eyes, filled with hope.

As long as the Sacred Tree grew, there was hope for the clan!

But there were also some who were skeptical, clearly not convinced by Ethan Chen's words, and most of these were the younger generation of the clan!

Ethan Chen's face showed a hint of helplessness.

Of course, he knew what was in the hearts of these clan members. After all, they had never seen the glory of the Sacred Tree; without proof, it was natural for them not to believe.

But at this point, he could not offer an explanation.

After his explanation, Ethan Chen did not forget the most important matter: the offerings!

The clan rules had recorded that to receive the assistance of the Sacred Tree, the clan members needed to make offerings.

When the Sacred Tree was first planted, there were small offerings every three days and large offerings every five days.

However, as the Sacred Tree remained unchanged for a long time, coupled with the dissatisfaction of the clan members, it later became a weekly offering, and even a monthly offering!

But now that the Sacred Tree had sprouted, it was clearly a critical moment, and Ethan Chen decided to make daily offerings!

And most importantly, the clan didn't have much time left.

With this in mind, Ethan Chen immediately said to the two below:

"William, Michael, go catch the Spirit-Tailed Chickens we raise in the clan! They will be used to make offerings to the Sacred Tree!"

"Yes, Clan Chief!"

At this moment, Oliver Chen hesitated before speaking:"Clan Chief, there are only two Spirit-Tailed Chickens left in the clan!"

Spirit-Tailed Chickens were a type of fowl rich in Qi and Blood, gentle in nature and abundant in vitality, making them a favorite among many clans.

Their greatest use was to enhance the Qi and Blood of warriors and to heal injuries.

Such fowl were extremely precious in a small clan like the Chen Clan!

After offering them to the Sacred Tree, the blood and flesh of the Spirit-Tailed Chickens would lose their Qi and Blood potency, becoming tough and less palatable than even ordinary dry rations.

This was the reason for Oliver Chen's hesitation, not to mention that there were many injured people in the clan at the moment, making these two Spirit-Tailed Chickens all the more important.

"Mm, I know."

Ethan Chen's response left Oliver Chen silent.

Clearly, the Clan Chief had decided to use these two Spirit-Tailed Chickens for the offering!

Oliver Chen silently looked at the Sacred Tree in front of him, whispering in his heart:"You'd better show your divine power!"

Upon hearing about the Spirit-Tailed Chickens, Noah Ji was also moved.

And Oliver Chen's words of obstruction made Noah Ji even more interested; he wondered how much Qi and Blood and Spiritual Power these Spirit-Tailed Chickens could provide him.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan


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