Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 26: Sophora Leaf

Chapter 26: Sophora Leaf

After a tense standoff, the giant tiger could no longer contain its restlessness.

Already wounded, its taut limbs caused blood to flow incessantly from the wounds on its legs. Any further delay would only put it at a greater disadvantage.

In the next moment, a murderous intent flashed in the tiger’s eyes. As its legs bent, its massive body sprang towards Oliver Chen like a coiled spring.

Its enormous size granted it explosive power; if Oliver were to be knocked down, he would become nothing more than its prey.

The tiger was fast, but Oliver was faster.

As the tiger made its move, Oliver rolled away, narrowly evading the tiger’s pounce and bite.

After dodging the attack, Oliver saw the tiger’s exposed back.


A glint appeared in Oliver’s eyes. Without fully regaining his balance, he surged forward, aiming for the tiger’s back.

The tiger’s front legs were injured. If Oliver could also wound its hind legs, this late-stage Blood Condensation Realm tiger would pose no threat.

Oliver closed in on the tiger’s rear in an instant, but just as he was about to strike, a whooshing sound by his ear startled him, prompting him to quickly retract his fist and retreat.

Despite his quick withdrawal, the wind still grazed his cheek painfully.


Following the wind, a tree thick as a bowl toppled over.

Wiping the fresh blood from his cheek, Oliver finally saw the tiger’s weapon – its robust and powerful tail.

Had he not retreated quickly enough, it wouldn’t have been just a cheek wound; he might have lost his head.

The tiger’s strike also eradicated the last bit of Oliver’s complacency.

He hadn’t noticed the tiger’s tail before; clearly, the tiger had been concealing its skill. The vulnerability it had just shown was a trap, luring him to strike. If not for his quick reflexes, he might have ended up as the tiger’s meal.

After the missed attack, the tiger quickly turned around, and once again, man and beast faced each other head-on.

Despite being at a disadvantage in the first round, Oliver felt no fear. Instead, his eyes burned with a renewed fighting spirit.

This time, Oliver didn’t wait passively; he took the initiative.

Gathering Qi and Blood in his legs, he quickly moved to the tiger’s side.

Sensing Oliver’s intent, the tiger turned as well, denying him the chance to strike.

But Oliver was undeterred, circling rapidly through the dense forest.

The tiger, large and hindered by its injured front leg, struggled to turn amidst the trees. This was Oliver’s chance!

As Oliver frequently changed positions, the tiger struggled to keep up. In a moment of carelessness, it was struck by Oliver’s fist on the side of its body.

After landing the blow, Oliver didn’t linger for glory but quickly retreated to avoid a counterattack.

Though the hit didn’t severely wound the tiger, it revealed a hint of anger in its eyes.

Enraged, the tiger launched a fierce assault. Trees and boulders alike shattered under its immense power.

Yet none of these attacks reached the agile Oliver.

Instead, they provided him with opportunities to leave two more inconspicuous wounds on the tiger’s body.

Soon, the tiger ceased its attacks, realizing they did not harm the detestable warrior and only worsened its disadvantage.


The tiger’s roar echoed all around.

Oliver’s expression turned cautious.

But then, he saw the tiger dragging its wounded body away without looking back.

This left Oliver stunned.

Realizing the tiger was attempting to flee, Oliver decisively gave chase. After such a long struggle, how could he let it escape?

With the tiger’s mobility compromised, Oliver, at full force, quickly caught up.

As he was about to reach the tiger, its tail swept towards him again.

This time, however, Oliver was prepared. Dodging the tail whip, he grabbed the tiger’s hind legs.

Holding the tiger’s legs, Oliver channeled his Qi and Blood, swinging the fleeing tiger in a half-circle in the air and slamming it back to the ground.

Dazed and seeing stars, the tiger was hit by several heavy punches from Oliver before it could react.

His fists numbed against the hard skull, but Oliver’s assault intensified.

Under his relentless attack, the tiger’s breath weakened, and it lost the strength to resist.

Seeing this, a smile crept onto Oliver’s solemn face. Although the process was somewhat unsavory, he had successfully hunted the tiger.

Exhausted from the fight, Oliver released the tiger to rest.

Suddenly, a sense of mortal danger emerged in his mind, sending chills down his spine.

Before he could react, a massive force struck him from behind.

The next moment, like a kite with its string cut, Oliver was slammed against a large tree ahead and then fell to the ground.

As he lifted his head through the intense pain, a familiar Green Wolf appeared not far away, standing atop the tiger and looking down at Oliver with disdain.

It was the Innate Realm Green Wolf from yesterday!

A chill ran through Oliver’s heart, and a bitter smile appeared on his lips.

He had thought himself the ultimate victor, but he hadn’t realized the Green Wolf had been hiding nearby, so stealthily that he hadn’t sensed it at all.

Watching the Green Wolf approach with slow, deliberate steps, Oliver struggled to his feet.

But the previous blow had left him severely injured, and even the Qi and Blood within him couldn’t circulate smoothly.

In such a state, how could he face this Innate Realm Green Wolf?

As the Green Wolf drew closer, its fangs bared, Oliver sighed inwardly.

He hadn’t expected to die here in Disordered Burial Mountain.

If he died, the Clan’s strength would be greatly diminished. Could they still contend with the Li Clan?

By such calculations, would the Clan not be ruined by his own hands?

No! He couldn’t just give up!

A look of defiance flashed in Oliver’s eyes.

He was young with a bright future ahead; he couldn’t give up just because he was cornered.

But how could he survive now?

Sophora Leaf!

Suddenly, Oliver’s eyes lit up, remembering the Sophora Leaf he had taken from the Sacred Tree of the clan before leaving.

Although he had no fondness for the Sacred Tree, now he had to try anything that might work.

Hopefully, the Sophora Leaf could have some effect, even if just to alleviate his injuries a bit.


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