
Chapter 25

Chapter 25

In another location deep inside the ruined heavenly realm, a relatively intact floating mountain was aimlessly flying around.

Its appearance was completely normal, and if not for it being a floating one, most people would have mistaken it for a normal mortal mountain.

Suddenly, an eerie red hue escaped from deep inside it, as the thick aura of bloodlust engulfed the entire region, followed by an enraged roar that caused all the other half-ruined celestial mountains in the surroundings to explode, all but the normal one continued to aimlessly float around.

"WHO?!" Asked then enraged voice, the aura that he was exuding was shockingly that of a God realm cultivation base!

Countless red figures teleported in front of the mountain and prostrated themselves in worship.

"SPEAK!" Asked the enraged voice once more, causing a shiver to run down the spine of all the red figures yet none knew what happened. They only knew that 'He' had sent out a group of Profound Immortals to the mortal realm in order to take care of a surviving celestial.

Normally a group of Profound Immortals would be a problem to even a Golden Immortal! Yet apparently all of them had been obliterated! And 'He' was angry.

It was then that red cloud above seemed to move and make way to an old man with flying red hair and equally red eyes and beard. He had an extremely savage aura surrounding him as he approached.

"Please ease your anger great one, I will make sure to take care of whatever pest had survived and bring you their head!" Said the red-haired old man with confidence as he patted his chest in reassurance.

Seeing as how the old man had just appeared, the 'person' hiding inside the mountain seemed to calm down as the oppressing aura surrounding them retracted back.

"So it's you, Hong. Hmmm, well do not disappoint me!" Came the deep voice from the depths of the mountain.

"I wouldn't dare!" Replied Hong as he gave a respectful bow.

"As for you, useless bugs! Hmph!" Harrumphed the voice as a gust of wind swished by all the prostrating red figures causing all of them to explode in a cloud of blood.

Looking at that scene, Hong's heart turned cold but he dared not move as he waited for himself to be dismissed with his head hanged low in respect.

"I look forward to the good news Hong. Do not disappoint me." Added the voice, causing Hong to give out a courteous bow before he shot away in a beam of light.

As Hong flew away from, he found his mind deep in thought as he tried to analyze who he might be facing against.

"To be able to take care of a group of Profound Immortals and to do so, so easily...Could it be? That damned Old man! Did he finally crawl out of his Hell hole? But why would he do that? He may be an Immortal Venerable but he is not stupid." As he shot towards his destination, Hong's mind was constantly spinning with various thoughts and calculations.

"Damn it old man! Why did you have to come out?! And why the hell was I assigned to this bloody mission?!" He grumbled as he recalled the past, that old monster...He was nothing but a lowly profound immortal when he participated in the war.



The lone figure of a white-haired old man could be recognized as he hastily ran away from his assaulters, a group of disfigured humanoid monsters.

They attacked him with a barrage of evil spells as they tried to close the distance between them. The old man tried to pick up his speed and run faster, yet his injuries weighed him down.

As he flew across the collapsed sky, his mind in disarray. His eyes darted left and right as he tried to spot someone from his side, anyone that could save him.

Alas, there was none, the sky above his head that used to be a golden holy color was now split in half as an ominous red color seeped from within the clouds.

On the ground, a sea of corpses subsidies. Would he be one of them? Can he even survive? He didn't want to die! He was afraid! Why the hell was here in the first place?! This wasn't a fight! This was a damned massacre!

"ARGHHHHH!!" He screamed as one of the spells finally found it's target hitting him straight on his back.

As his figure shot down like a meteor from the sky towards the ground below, his mind filled with one thought.

"Will I die? Me? Why?"


The sound of his body hitting the ground of the former capital of the heavenly realm was heard breaking the silence.

"Arghh, shit." he groaned as he moved his head to his side, what greeted him was an empty face of a young woman void of life, she had a deep gash on her neck, most certainly the cause of her death.

Turning his head away from her corpse, he was once again met by another one to his other side. This one was that of a middle-aged man, both of his arms were gone, his face had an expression full of hate eternally etched on it.

Looking around, the old man found himself to be surrounded by a sea of corpses, some of his former companion's others that of the enemy.

"So this is where I die, what face would I leave behind I wonder..." He quietly muttered to himself, as his vision slowly started to darken, the damned blood had already seeped inside his body, and he was too weak to try and expel it.

In the sky above him, his pursuers finally caught up as they seemed to scan the ground below them for him.

"Ah, I don't care anymore, just let me rest..."


Just as he was about to close his eyes, a deafening boom brought him back to his senses. Right in front of his eyes, the figure of an old man massacring his pursuers with a crazed expression on his face, his hollow white eyes only seemed to serve to make him look eerier.

"Hah, a bit too later for reinforcements..." bitterly chuckled the old man as he closed his eyes for his final rest.


"Is it you? Why would you crawl out of your hell hole?....Addi!"


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