
Chapter 20

Chapter 20

On top of one of the mortal worlds most famous peaks were two men sitting on praying mats, one was an extremely handsome white-haired young man, sitting in front of him was an old man with long grey hair and even longer white beard, one would mistake him for an ordinary mortal if not for his eyes, his eyes were anything but that, both his pupil and Iris were white!

These two were none other then Addi and Omis, recalling his story Addi was unable to control his emotions as he broke down crying, Omis sat down in front of him with a somber expression on his face. Not knowing what to say or how to comfort his friend, he just quietly filled his wine cup as he waited for him to get it out of his chest.

'Lana, oh Lana...' A sigh escaped his lips as he thought of the energetic girl that followed both him and Addi around whenever they went. With both him and Addi to support her, her journey to heaven was a breeze, unlike most cultivators, once she did ascend Addi had a spot ready for her on their clan. She was the joy maker of their alliance, whenever she went laughter followed. Thinking about her Omis found it hard to believe that she was truly gone, that such a person snapped and attacked her husband...

His eyes unintentionally reddened as he wiped the tears that gathered, unable to contain another sigh he poured another cup for himself.

"You know, I think she remembered something, no I know she did."

"What do you mean?" quietly asked Omis.

With his eyes still looking at the distance, Addi replied. "When I...When I stabbed her." as he spoke his gaze turned down to his palms before he continued.

"She looked at me, straight in my eyes, and smiled. She was so beautiful..." With tears covering his face he continued.

"She gently caressed my cheek and whispered a name, It was then that remembered who she was the name was my own but I was unable to remember it, I still am unable to remember it!" He shouted with rage as his fist came down on the mountain causing it to shake like a leaf.

"It was but a fleeting moment Omis, right then I remembered everything, I am sure I did but when she died in arms everything went with her, everything..." covering his face with both hands, Addi continued.

"She called out another name, Noah..." Saying that he suddenly clenched his head as if in pain.

Jumping to his feet, Omis ran to his side "Addi! Addi! are you okay?!"

"I'm fine...I-I don't know who this name belongs to, but whenever I recall it my heart tightens, it's been thousands of years why couldn't I forget?! Why does this name feel so, so dear to me?!" He shouted as he grabbed Omis's shoulders asking.

"Tell me Omis! Please tell me..." by the end, his voice quieted down.

"Why, why does seem like my heart is split open whenever I recall this name. And why am I afraid of doing so? Why does it seem so dear to me...And why am I afraid of remembering?"

"Addi, I-"

Holding his hand to stop Omis from continuing, Addi spoke with a sad smile on his face. "It's ok my friend." Gulping down his cup, Addi's face flushed red as he continued.

"I apologize for ranting, I didn't have a lot of people to talk to for a while you see." He said with a mocking chuckle.

"You know there is no need for apologies between us." Replied Omis, as he emptied what was left on the bottle between both of their cups.

"Oh? It's already finished. Such a shame." Said Addi while shaking his head in regret.


Savoring the last cup, Addi resumed his story "After that boss set out a search to find you guys who were missing, with the secondary goal to gather information. They moved in squads, I well, I was not in a very good situation to go out there at the time so I remained in the headquarters."

"You stayed alone?"

"Heh, of course not you speak like you don't know the boss."

With a small chuckle, Omis replied, "I figured, there is no way he'd send everyone and leave you alone to hold the base."

"Hey! I think you are forgetting that I am one of the first ten to ascend! I am quite strong mr.need my help to ascend." Mocked Addi.

"Oh, I think YOU are forgetting that I just wiped the floor with you just now!" Replied Omis with a smirk.

The duo then glared at each other in silence for a few seconds before bursting out laughing.

"Ah, I really missed you, my friend." Silently said Addi.

"What's that? I didn't quite hear that?" Grinned Omis.

"Ah, shut up."

A strange scene was taking place that day on the Bai clan's mountain. Two people one young and the other old enough to be his grandfather laughed and drunk together as they reminisced the past, sounds of their laughter echoed through the mountain all the way down towards the main hall of the Bai clan.

The three holy land disciples and leaders had their faces down as they kowtowed in respect, their hearts full of confusion as they cursed.

'One minute they are shouting the next they are laughing?! What the hell is going on?!'

The Bai clan's patriarch on the other hand had different thoughts on his mind, 'I don't think the mountain is going to hold on any longer! Please seniors I beg of you stop hitting it!' he bitterly cried out in his heart.

Back at the peak, the mood between the duo was now more relaxed as they shared stories of their adventures. As the sun finally began setting Addi somberly spoke.


Sensing the change in mood, Omis straightened in his seat before replying. "Yes?"

"They know we are here."


"The Hive."

"The what?"

"That's what they called they called themselves before they attacked Heaven, and they know we survived."

"I'm not sure I am following Addi, I have so many questions I need to ask."

"Not enough time my friend, they have already arrived." Replied Addi with an icy look on his face as he looked at the distance.


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