Regressor of the Fallen Family

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Episode 90

Dont you know? Were only holding back because of our master, but if a little more time passes or theres the smallest excuse, Roger Bifrost wont hold back.

We can use that time to grow stronger. Were still inferior to Bifrost. Isnt that what you said?

Yes, but if I were Roger Bifrost, I wouldnt just wait for us to grow. Hell create a reason somehow.

Right. He probably would.

Even without knowing the future conflict, it was a natural prediction if one acknowledged the tension with Bifrost. However, my father nodded but wore a slightly shocked expression.

Its not strange.

Its human nature to harbor hopeful expectations for ones own matters, regardless of intelligence or social standing. It was Logan who was unusual, always thinking about war.

You must be speaking because you have a plan in mind.


With confidence, Logan began to explain his plan. Shortly after:

Its a reasonable plan. But what about afterwards? Whats your thought on that?

We will endure.


Its difficult to provide details at the moment. But trust me. It is certainly possible.

Patrics face, which had seemed to lighten a bit at the sound of Logans plausible plan, crumpled once again.

You havent told me how to deal with the most dangerous issue. And you say, lets start a war just like that? Just trust you?


If it were anyone else who had said this, I wouldve thought they were mad and wouldnt want anything to do with them. In fact, I mightve taken their head on the spot.

Despite the grave tone, Logan looked unwaveringly at his father. Sighing deeply, Patric slowly nodded with a heavy look.

Alright, I must trust you. If I dont trust you, who will I trust? Lets do it. But this plan will only be shared among a few until the end.

Of course.

It wasnt because of a particularly ingenious strategy. To protect the morale and spirit of our forces, the father and son decided to conceal this seemingly hapless tactic until just before the war.

When is the time? When do you plan for it?

Its not far off. We must start on the day the next full moon rises.

Patric tilted his head at his sons words. The son seemed like he had fixed the date as if he knew it from someone else.

Only about 20 days left. But why does it have to be on that day?


Does it relate to the plan you mentioned earlier?


Well then, we must prepare. Even if its rushed, the forces should be ready by now.

Thank you, Father.

I should be the one to thank you. Youve opened my eyes to my complacency.

The discussion of a dangerous future ended, and with it, the conversation between father and son.

Ill call a knights meeting tomorrow. Be ready.


War was once again on our doorstep.

The next day.

By order of Lord Macline, the vassals gathered at the lords manor.

The newly built manor in the town, although smaller than the grand hall in Macline Castle, was more than enough for the assembly of fewer than 40 people.

It lacked the splendor of the old grand hall but was built with ironwood; a modest and clean space, it provided a more comfortable atmosphere for discussions. Yet, the expressions of the eight administrative officers and twenty-four guards who had been with old Macline Castle were not bright.

An all-out call

There really must be something going on.

It shouldnt be anything serious.

The groundless rumors spreading through the domain were starting to take shape and circulate among the people.

Something had happened to the Lords family.

They started construction more extensive than in previous years during winter.

Taxes will go up as much as before.

From the perspective of domain citizens who, for the first time under Macline, were preparing for a warm winter, it was hard not to be anxious.

Yet the most worrying rumor among the majority of the domains citizens was this:

A war was about to break out.

Just as things were finally settling down and becoming livable.

No one in Macline wanted the worst-case scenarioa war.

However, while the administrative officers might have been unaware, the increasingly harsh nature of their training had already made the knights suspect.

So, when the lord finally revealed his intent shortly after appearing, no one was particularly shocked.

We start a war with Fereta this winter.

Of course, excluding Dwayne, the faces of the administrative officers looked as if they had been struck by a thunderbolt.

A war, you say?!

Thats ridiculous! A war at this time!

What, without any declaration of war from them, we start a war?!

Rugel Hice, with his scalp burning red, jumped up in outrage.

Oh, no wonder theres been so much armor coming in.

Feran Doyle, shaking his plump cheeks, clutched his head.

The knights, somewhat prepared, calmly voiced their objections.

If we strike at Fereta, Bifrost will not sit idly by.

Thats right. We need to consider Bifrost in the background. Our domain is not yet powerful enough to handle Bifrost.

We need either allies or assurances that Bifrost wont move.

But Patric looked unfazed, turning his gaze to his son beside him.

Catching the cue, Logan stepped forward.

The will of the house is decided. This is an announcement. Summoning you here isnt to hear your opinions.

His sonorous voice echoed, suppressing the vassals retorts with his authoritative presence.

This gathering is to carry out the upcoming war as effectively as possible. Speak of ways to prepare for war. I will not entertain dissent.

In short, it meant follow blindly. It was an outrageous action that belied the term vassal meeting, yet no one dared voice opposition.

The feudal hierarchy in Macline was quite strict compared to other noble families.

That is advantageous now.

As Logan thought this with a slight smile.

Is this the Crown Princes thinking?

If so, well

There must be a plan.

Hes not one to act rashly, after all.

The atmosphere, rather than stiffening, became warmer and full of trustful gazes.

Whats with this

Confounded by this unexpected turn, Logan was surprised when his fathers declaration reinforced the situation.

As you have surmised, this war is Logans idea. Naturally, the Crown Prince will lead it. Any objections?

Logan looked back, perplexed, but

No objections!

We will follow!

Command us!

The voices poured out.

When they first entered the grand hall, their faces had been anxious, but now almost all had brightened.

This easy?

Logan wore a blank expression, dumbstruck, but Patric whispered to him in a low voice.

How does it feel, Logan?


This is the result of your actions. Are you not proud?

At those words, Logan took another look at the faces of the vassals.

Heinkel, who had looked somewhat worried, nodded vigorously when their eyes met.

Dwayne, who had been a strong supporter of his words, gave an inappropriate wink along with a thumbs up.

The bald Rugel, chubby Feran, and the surprisingly thin Lupen, who Logan didnt recognize.

Henderson and the rest of the knights as well.

They all looked at him with trust-filled eyes.

While worrying, if its the Crown Princes consideration

We trust you, Crown Prince.

Show us another miracle.

Overwhelmed, Logan briefly lost his words, unable to speak, his heart aching with emotion. Finally, with sincere intent, wanting to turn his desires into reality, he declared:

Of course! This time, too, I will show you a definite result!


Trust me! With this war, Macline will soar once again!

Logans declaration lifted the spirits of the vassals.

Prepare for war!

The Lords affirmation echoed, and in that moment

We will follow your command!

The roar in unison almost shattering the walls of the grand hall.

* * *

The moon rose high that night.

As always, Logan sat in meditation in his room, but unable to concentrate, he quietly relaxed his posture and stood up. The soft moonlight and starlight peacefully illuminated Macline Town outside his window. He could occasionally hear faint sounds of laughter.

This serenely peaceful scene inexplicably filled him with unease.

Couldnt we continue to grow without taking risks and still sustain the house?

Even though he had examined and resolved this many times, his anxiety surfaced again. The upcoming war carried a heavy burden of danger. One wrong step could plunge the house into the abyss. It was natural for worries to arise.

Logan pulled out the records he had made shortly after his return, which he had inspected countless times. The most important day to remember, and for the current situation, was the day the king died.

Despite being decades ago, it seemed unlikely he was mistaken, as it was an easy date to remember.

The last day of this year.

That day, the kings death will be announced.

But his anxiety didnt ebb easily.

What if, like with the domain war against Tesron, something unknown to me shifts the timeline? What if I really misremembered the date? What if were underprepared?

He worried about betraying the absolute trust the vassals had shown during the day. The anxiety grew, trailing thought after thought.

But the conclusion was clear.

We must do it.

If we dont seize this chance to rise, even if we grow quickly, well hardly have the influence of a third-rate lord in the 8 years when the imperial war breaks out.

Wed have to abandon this land bequeathed through generations, abandon the country, and perhaps migrate en masse to that detestable empire.

I must succeed, no matter what!

Logan voiced his determination, banishing the creeping anxiety.

Whatever happens.

Wishing the cold moonlight to carve out his weaknesses, Logan stood there gazing at the sky for a long time.

Two weeks later, nearing the years end and just 3 days left, the declaration came.


As Logan gave the order, Maclines army moved out.

152 knights.

A total of 2,532 soldiers, including 1,000 crossbow-cavalry (squires included) and 1,532 infantrymen. Even those from Silvan who defected were mobilized.

All of Maclines forces except those needed to maintain minimal public order were heading west.

Even infantrymen who could hardly ride horses were mounted behind their comrades. The army, almost devoid of provisions, was laden with the maximum possible weapons and equipment. It was the same as the battle for Silvan territory, just larger in scalea determined charge for a swift war.

And the declaration of war delivered to Fereta.

We will hold you accountable for the insult 6 months ago.

A storm once again began in the kingdoms southwestern part.

* * *

Fereta territory was turned upside down by Maclines sudden declaration of war.

Send word to Bifrost! The Maclines have gone mad!

Max Fereta shouted hoarsely, his face pale.

Let Flan Castle fall and concentrate all forces at the main castle! We must hold on until Bifrost arrives!

Since Silvans effortless fall, Max Fereta had analyzed the battle countless times. He realized Malines previous attack on Silvan instead of himself was sheer luck.

Thus, he valued the envoy Rihalt, who dissuaded him at the time, far more than before.

However, with Macline igniting conflict despite Bifrosts warning, Fereta realized that all his fortune might just be a matter of time.

Especially upon learning Macline was bypassing Flan Castle and advancing on the main castle, his last bit of reason vanished.

Conscripts! Round up the conscripts too! They must at least deplete that damned rain of arrows!

Following the ruthless command, every village resident near Fereta castle was forcibly drafted.

Indiscriminate mobilization with no distinction between young and old. Every able-bodied man was press-ganged and herded to the castle.

Fereta Castle and its surroundings trembled in terror at the sudden emergence of a state of emergency invoked by Maclines advance.


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