Regressor of the Fallen Family

Chapter 87

Chapter 87




Despite earnestly making the horse gallop and taking aim with the crossbow, the bolts fired in quick succession narrowly missed their targets, embedding themselves in the ground instead.


A sigh laced with disappointment escaped Norden, a fledgling soldier who had barely finished a year of training.

Yet, his performance was still somewhat better than his peers around him.


The bolts misfired embarrassingly off-target, while some soldiers still struggled to manage the reins atop the unsteady saddle, their sore backsides testament to their turmoil.

In truth, this was to be expected.

Accurately hitting a target with a bow while on horseback, let alone even with a crossbow, was challenging with just one year of training.

But Nordens eyes were fixed not on his average performing peers but rather on the few who appeared to perform this nearly impossible task with disconcerting ease.



Effortlessly shooting targets while charging and even hitting them from behind, nine times out of ten, was the Knight Trainees.

Recognized for their talent and solely focused on training, exempt from guard duties, Norden had believed their training primarily consisted of physical conditioning and sword and spear techniques.

Buoyed by the overwhelming victory in the last battle, he had wagered that he had dedicated just as much time, if not more, to crossbow training as them.

Yet, it was these three hundred who boasted a remarkable performance.

Even when facing Sylvan in battle, more than half of them hadnt been as adept.

There was no other explanation but a stark difference in talent.

Those are the ones wholl become knights.

The crossbow cavalry, including instructors from the royal guards and the half of veteran soldiers who had been with the young duke from the beginning plus the knight trainees, now numbered over nine hundred.

Minus the Order of Knights, they were the MacLaine Armys finest at this moment.

The tale of how the young duke had saved the family in crisis with just three hundred crossbow cavalrymen was known far and wide in MacLaine.

Being recognized as one of these elite meant receiving the same honor.

Moreover, the crossbow cavalrys wages had officially more than doubled the standard soldiers pay after the previous battle.

With that in mind.

After all that effort

Overwhelmed by a sense of defeat, Norden hung his head low.

He had felt his lack of knightly talent over the last year, putting aside monstrous outliers like Victor, who had quickly risen to knighthood, and turned his ambition to joining the crossbow cavalry, only to fail there too.

His own ineptitude felt all too acute.

If he failed again, the next selection would be even more challenging with soldiers from Sylvan also eligible to apply, many of whom were cavalry experts.

I need to provide for my family.

His father had been bedridden for three months due to illness.

His pregnant mother, nearing childbirth, could hardly tend the farm.

Despite clenching his teeth to resist, tears flowed helplessly.

How embarrassing

Wiping away tears in a hurry, his attention was pulled by a robust voice suddenly carrying over.

Enough! You, you, you, and those with similar scores, select and round them up to a thousand. For now, exclude lance and sword techniques from their training and focus on horsemanship and crossbow!

Watching from a distance, the young duke pointed out several individuals.

If Norden wasnt mistaken, one of those points was definitely directed his way.

Me, sir?

It seems so.

Sighing, the instructor next to him patted Norden on the back.

Oh, hurray!

Although Norden cheered,

This could mean another war

The worn-out mercenary-turned-instructor sensed another ominous scent of blood in the dukes orders and grimaced.

* * *

How have the Sylvan knights settled in?

Perfectly assimilated into the Order. Theyve received their mithril swords, and the morales high with the imparting of the bloodsteel swords, replied Knight Commander Heinkel to his liege, Logan.

Good, Logan responded, a trace of satisfaction in his voice.

What about the others?

No issues, just good news, Heinkels lips curled into a faint smile as he continued his report.

Such as?

Our morales notably uplifted thanks to Lady Aileens participation in the training.


Well, for now, theyre motivated by not wanting to be beaten by a lady.

Amused by the unexpected beneficial effect, Logan chuckled.

Whats the headcount for our knight forces?

Counting myself, 152 in full.


Logan turned away, pondering the costs.

The upkeep for a thousand crossbow cavalrymen and a hundred fifty knights, whats the estimate?

We can handle twice that comfortably, answered Dwayne, who, like Heinkel, emanated confidence.

Yet Logans reaction was slightly different this time.

Merely twice

Merely? We have nearly 3,000 horses in our territory. And with the ongoing influx and maintenance of the stables, the cost is

Tush, I misspoke. Therell be more funds in the future.

Again with the unease, my Lord. Are you preparing for war?!

What does it look like Im doing?

, Dwayne was momentarily left speechless.

Despite his lords assertive demeanor, the uncertainties looming were an inseparable presence.

Our focus now should be on growth, to eventually stand against Hephaestus.

Yes, I know.

Then why even speak of lacking?

But when one is aware of their deficiencies, there comes a time when they must act regardless. And for us, that time

Those words, as though admonishing, came from the young yet somber Lord Logan.

Its now for us.

Unable to object further in the face of their lords serious countenance, both councilors could only nod weakly, their hearts heavy with the nuances of the unspeakable.

If only we werent heading towards a war

With that innermost thought forever unspoken, Logan urged them to move on to other matters.

* * *

New training?


You do realize our knight order is already undergoing some of the most rigorous training compared to others, right?

Of course, Logan acknowledged.

And yet you wish to add more?

Just hear me out.

Logan laid out his plan to Patrick, and the discussion was brief.

Interesting. This might be useful.

That single comment effectively added another brutal regimen to the already hellish training courses of the MacLaine knight order.

Cries of pain filled the air as a knight, who barely reached the top after climbing a vertical cliff, got struck with a wooden sword.

Slipping into unconsciousness, he plummeted 20 meters, only to be caught by the High Knight Patrick.

Catching his comrade with a soft thud, Patrick marked him as a dropout.

The confrontation was intense, and the knight joined his fellow dropouts, their spirits crushed by the near-death ordeal.

Amidst groans of discomfort, yet another knight took a tumble just as Heinkel caught him with a strained look.

Hellish training, the knights murmured.

Shh. Its the dukes idea.

Cursed duke

A low mutter could hardly be considered a pleasant experience.

But Logans father had clapped his hands in approval upon hearing the training proposal, pleased with its execution.

An excellent fortification drill, beneficial to both offense and defense. If only a tad less dangerous, it would be perfect!

Just a tad? That was the understatement of their grueling ordeal, and all knights in wait glared daggers at the back of their lords head, quickly looking away when he turned to address them.

Focus, all of you! Start again from the front line! For every dropout, a 10-gold deduction from monthly pay. Succeed, and its the opposite. Hanson, keep this up and you wont see this months pay.

The threat of wage cuts prompted even the dropouts to eye the cliff again, their dread unabated.

Most were common knights who faced superior-rank opponents, making the challenge seem insurmountable.

How could anyone even succeed?

Resignation set in, yet a surprising challenger gave hope.


Decent effort

A petite knight swiftly scaled the cliff, nearing the top quickly.

Fast, but

In vain.

The knights assumed failure was inevitable for this upstartthe odds were against the climber unless they were far superior or numerous.

Yet, the sight heartened some watchers.

Shes got grit and excellent swordsmanship for her age. The potentials endless.


Logans smile was genuine upon hearing his fathers approvalhe knew Aileen had won over the majority of the MacLaine knight order.

Her progress was more rapid than anticipated, so he watched her attempt with a smile.

That is until the moment before the outcome.

With a sickening thwack, the cliff-scaling knight avoided a wooden sword and struck back, the force of the blow suggesting more than just injuryit threatened life itself.

In that instant, as she claimed her place on the precipice


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