Regressor of the Fallen Family

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

A month for the deadline. Theyre quite relaxed, arent they?

A deep voice punctuated the loud clatter of horse hooves as a cavalry unit dashed across the fields, reaching Logans ears at the vanguard.

They must be talking about the time they need to ally among themselves.

Even considering that, it seems a bit long. Especially since Pereta has had an unusually sparse response.

By the time we take over Sylvan, Pereta will react. Or they might contact us during the battle.

Yes, thats likely. But by then, everything will be too late.

Padric turned to glance back, wearing a satisfied smile on his face.

The gallant knights leading the charge and the thousand soldiers trailing behind them, weapons in hand, brought smiles to their faces even on the verge of war.

With time to spare, Padric naturally took interest in other compelling stories.

I heard your slave has become a Force user. Did you foresee this when you brought him in?


Planning to make him a knight?

Once we return, I shall do so.

Heh, who knew you had such an eye for talent?

Fortune was on my side.

As Logan smiled and looked back, he saw Victor, still in a soldiers garb, riding at the front of the soldiers line just behind the knights.

Though he could appoint him a knight immediately, as he had become a Force user, Logan had decided to delay it a bit longer.

Hes still raw. It wouldnt do for him to clash with knights and get ruined too swiftly.

Regardless of his consideration, Victors expression was slightly discontented.

Since his slave documents had been burned before him, it wasnt an issue of status, but perhaps

He wants to fight. With the strong.

Logan let out a stealthy chuckle at that thought.

He had already prepared a worthy adversary to challenge the boy.

Ronian, who was diligently training in Blade Vision at McLain Castle.

The two prodigies would doubtlessly become excellent rivals.

Ill let you fight to your hearts content later. For now, hold on, kid.

True adversity had yet to show even a shadow of itself.

The futures greatest weapons were still in need of careful tempering.


Lets go kick the backsides of the Sylvans!

For now, it was time to utilize the presents main actors rather than focus on the future.

Two from the McLain family, 73 knights, 1,390 soldiers, and 313 mercenaries.

Nearly 1,800 cavalry troops, after obtaining ample rest, raced for half a day.

Then, they could see the bewildered expressions of Sylvan troops atop the city walls.

* * *

Come out, Sylvan! Accept my blade!

The booming voice shook the air, causing trembling among the soldiers atop the walls nearly a kilometer away.

What what is that?

Flame banners?

Quick, inform the lord!

As the soldiers panicked, silver-armored knights appeared as if they had been waiting for the moment.

Each one donned armor embossed with a greatsword engulfed in flames.

At the forefront, a slightly overweight middle-aged man grimaced with disgust as he looked over the ramparts.

McLain, to actually storm in These madmen dare to make light of me!

My lord. Let me lead the way. I will stop Padric McLain.

Well smash them! All 120 knights of Sylvan are ready!

2,512 soldiers are also ready, since theyve been anticipating their hollow threats.

With the recently promoted high-ranking knight and his subordinates confident shouts, the battle lines were drawn.

Although McLains forces were unexpectedly numerous, their own troops were vastly superior.

Even after receiving magical communications, they hadnt expected the enemy to really show up. But now that they did, it was almost laughable.

Callian also became a high-ranking knight. Padric McLain, youre no longer the only one in this territory.

As Sylvan seethed with fury, he abruptly steeled his expression as if recalling something.

What news from Pereta? No response yet?

Silent still. It seems they havent settled internal agreements.

My lord. Even if Peretas reinforcements come, it will take half a day. We dont necessarily have to wait

No, thats not it. What if Pereta attacks us from behind after weve crushed McLain?

Excuse me?!

Isnt it strange? McLain rushing in right after a declaration of war sent out immediately after protests, and silent Pereta. Callian, do you think thats normal?

It wouldnt be.

Right. Theyve conspired together. The damn lot!

Although there was no concrete evidence, Sylvan was convinced of his suspicion.

Otherwise, the swift and absurd behavior of the two families was inexplicable.

These wretches dare

Barely containing his anger, he clenched his fists violently.

If youre scared, Sylvan! Continue to cower like a frightened fox! I will personally behead you!

Stung by the insulting shouts from outside the walls, Sylvan made his decision.

Contact Beprost. Tell them that after smashing McLain, I will offer tribute worth half of its value.


Do whatever to keep Pereta, those dogs, from taking action!


And gather the knights and soldiers! Completely smash McLain, before those Pereta dogs arrive!


Grinding his teeth in rage, he muttered to himself.

How dare they stab me in the back? McLain will be devoured first, then its your turn, Max Pereta.

Sylvans gaze was no longer on the enemies outside the walls but on his rival to the south.

* * *

Wouldnt it be better to charge into the castle after the soldiers provide covering fire? With our knights skills

No, not yet. If that Sylvan cheapskate runs away, wed be in trouble. Wait.

Father is right. If the knights jump over the walls and fight haphazardly, well damage the castle. Theyll come out soon, thinking they have the upper hand.

But still, with no response

Sylvan cannot stand insults. Just wait a bit.

How could the heir who spent his life in McLain territory know about him?

Heinkel swallowed back his words as he witnessed the enemy forces begin to move.

Moments later.


As the castle gate opened, Sylvan forces began pouring out.

Knights in armor engraved with the crossed greatsword of flame, numbering in the hundreds. Cavalry numbering over a thousand. And a larger number of pikemen.

Quite impressive forces, roughly 3,000.

Within the expected range.

Of course.

McLain leaders, facing nearly 1.5 times their forces, were unfazed.


Those who know no shame, McLain

Advance! Charge!

Before the opposing leaders cry had fully subsided, Padrics blade surged with red energy, unhesitatingly pointing forward.



Im taking the lead!

Inspired, McLains soldiers spurred their horses forward in unison.

Such barbaric

The subordinate yelled in anger, but Callian simply snickered.

Just look at them charge. Theyre all just soldiers.

Instead of leading with their knights, McLains line was rushing forward, oddly broken up and spread out, with ordinary soldiers leading the charge instead of having their knightly crests.

Seeing such a foolish charge, Sylvan cavalry laughed.

Poor rabble.

Yes, fancy equipment. McLain must have made a good profit.

Shall we crush them?

Of course!


Unlike the disorganized McLain forces, Sylvans army maintained a standardized formation with the knights leading the charge followed by a support of over a thousand cavalry.

A tested and proven formation it was, symmetrical and effective.

Once the knights and cavalry break through the center, the scattered remnants will be easily taken care of by the pikemen.

Callian imagined the battle neatly playing out in his mind.

But the reality of the battle unfolded in a far different manner.

Let loose!

Amidst the scattered McLain rabble, a middle-aged mercenary with grey hair shouted, and McLain soldiers promptly aligned themselves and raised crossbows.

Once the distance between the two forces narrowed to 300 meters


A barrage of death rained down upon Sylvans forces like a storm.

Screams and clangs of metal filled the air as the front lines of knights, previously lax, now fell beneath the onslaught of arrows, leaving the following cavalry defenseless and wrecked.

As their lines fell apart and tangled up, the Sylvan ranks were rapidly devastated.

Increase speed!

As Callian gritted his teeth and shouted, the knights closed ranks, enhancing their Force to the maximum as they charged.

With the leading high-ranking knight, Callian, and the others energetically charging their horses with Force, it seemed that victory was still within grasp.


Ill kill them. Ill kill them all.

As Sylvan knights, powered by fury, approached the McLain frontline


Following the command from the grey-haired mercenary, McLains cavalry split off left and right, avoiding the knights.

Target their soldiers, not the knights!

Annoyed by those words, Callian clenched his teeth, but he and the other knights of Sylvan couldnt turn back; McLain knights were now emerging from the center of their own forces.

If you have the guts, try this!

A red-headed giant bellowed confidently as a red Force blade over two meters long erupted from his sword.

Force Blade!

Before Callian could contemplate its significance, he instinctively leaped off his horse to evade.

The nearly three-meter-long blade of crimson light swung left and right, slicing through knights who had withstood the rain of crossbow bolts, now cut down in swathes.

Top tier!

With more than seventy knights perfectly halved by one hundred and twenty, screams of despair filled the air.

Annihilate the enemy!

Padric McLains command roared as McLains knights dismounted and charged towards the still superior numbered Sylvan knights.

Every swing contained formidable force that pressed the opposition.

It was not just momentum but sheer power from McLains knights overwhelming Sylvans.

How How is this possible

In the midst of the battlefield, Callian stood with a dazed expression.

Henderson, a McLain knight well-known for his strength, reveled in the exhilaration of the battle, swinging his greatsword with gusto.

He felt an exhilarating surge of strength flow through him unlike anything hed experienced before.

Though his previous encounters with mid-tier monsters during logging missions in the monster forest had been challenging, clashing with knights was incomparable.

To think he was pushing back two standard knights, equals to his past self, with his newfound prowess.

With each swing, his thrill intensified, strengthening his greatsword more and more.

His vastly improved force and heightened sensation had his blade carving ever more precise arcs through the battle.


With a scream from the enemy, Henderson sensed his Force grow by more than thirty percent and realized he could harness it even more effectively another thirty percent or more.

In this moment, he understood the sensation his seniors had only described in words.

Rise up!

Hendersons battle cry echoed as he matured into a mid-tier knight in the heat of combat, seeking his next target.

Hmm, Henderson too?

Watching his subordinates ascend to the next rung mid-battle, Heinkel couldnt help but smile.

The lords rigorous training was not in vain.

The intense battle felt far from desperate.

Sensing his assurance, a Sylvan knight ground his teeth and swung his sword at Heinkel.

Lets see how long you keep that smile!

The movements of the surrounding knights were on a different level, clearly elite mid-tier knights circling Heinkel, but they were the ones being pushed back.

A high-ranking knight!

These arent anything like Callians moves

Grinning at their despair, Heinkel simply smiled.

Mid-tier knights are precious.

Perhaps these opponents would be conscripted under his command, and he took care (not to damage them too?) as he handled them with ease.

Simultaneously, Heinkel looked around for any ally who might be in danger.

Only one enemy, a high-ranking knight, was of any concern.

With his sides ultimate weapon rushing towards the castle, he was ready to intervene if necessary.

However, Heinkel turned away with a laugh as he saw a head of red hair dart toward the enemy knight.

There will be plenty of spoils once these lot are captured.

Victory was theirs.

A satisfied smile spread across Heinkels face.


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