Regressor of the Fallen Family

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Episode 33: House of Earl Davis

As a member of the traditional royalist faction, the House of Earl Davis was a distinguished family from the Kingdom of Grang. Although they did not own any fief, they had served as the finance minister for two generations.

The current head of the family, Earl Falun Davis, at the young age of twenty-five, was serving as a clerk in the Ministry of Finance. It was expected that within the next decade, they would boast having three consecutive generations in the role of finance minister.

Hence, there were always plenty of people trying to curry favor with the Earls household, and given the number of guests, parties were often held.

Thanks to this, the Davis estate was always bustling with overflowing guests.

Ho, Ive never seen a flame emblem before. House of Baron Maclaine, very well. Please, come in.

The gatekeeper of Earl Daviss estate, having verified the flame emblem on the silver identification badge, allowed Logan in. Although not a knight but a mere soldier, the gatekeeper, nearly sneering with a semi-polite tone, gestured for Logan to proceed. As the saying goes, the servant reflects the master, and so even the soldier felt at liberty to be dismissive towards the lower nobility.

Seeing this as nothing out of the ordinary, Logan nonchalantly wrote his name in the guestbook and entered the grandiose mansion.

The gardens were expansive, and the mansion, more extensive than the inner stronghold of the Maclaine estate, seemed convoluted enough that a newcomer might easily get lost.

But Logan didnt need to ask for directions, as the grand music flowing from the party hall naturally led him.

Before entering the party venue, Logan was required to present his identification badge once again because the two knights guarding the entrance seemed skeptical upon observing his awkward evening wear and anxious expression.

Ah, my apologies. Please, enjoy the exquisite culture of the capital, dear sir.

Though the officials confirmed his identity, their demeanor didnt seem too friendly.

The young master of the House of Baron Maclaine has arrived!

With an overly loud announcement of his arrival, all eyes turned to Logan.

Whos that?


Is there such a family?

Hes clearly a country bumpkin.

Oh my, look at those tasteless party clothes.

However, Logan wasnt really there for their attention.

A party was a social playground for making connections with more influential individuals or to seek appealing companions of the opposite sex.

While Logans red hair, red eyes, and decent appearance drew some looks, they werent enough to overcome the excessively flamboyant and seemingly expensive evening wear that he donned.

And so, Logan wore a very satisfied smile.

A good choice, Philip.

Though it was disheartening to realize that nobody knew of his family, Logan had no interest in forging meaningless connections outside of his objective.

The butterflies gathered here, chasing after the nectar would all disappear when the storm came.

He, who would survive the impending chaos and make a name for himself, wouldnt be idling away in such a functionless party in the middle of a weekday.

Oh dear, how rustic. Where could he have come from, some remote countryside?

Dont bother with him. Id hate to see your beautiful eyes sullied by filth.

Logan couldnt care less about the contemptuous comments made by a nearby couple as he approached his real target.

Good evening. Im Simpson Brown.

Logan Maclaine.

Ive heard much about the renown of the House of Maclaine. Its an honor to meet you.

Its Baron, actually.

Eh? Wasnt it Earl? Im certain that the noble lineage records Ive memorized stated Oh! Uh, umm. My apologies. I seem to have mistaken you for someone else.


The man, who awkwardly chuckled and stepped back as if hed made an honest mistake, could be seen exchanging triumphant high fives with what seemed like his companions.

You saw? I did it, right? The mouthing between the group made it clear that this belittlement was nothing more than their idea of fun.

Theres all kinds of people in the world.

Ignoring the butterflies unaware of the impending storm, Logan finally spotted his goal.

The host of the party, Earl Falun Davis, was there.

With a somewhat protruding belly, his round face wore a pleasant smile as several ladies gathered around him, sharing laughter.

It was indeed strange to see the man in charge of the finance ministry at this time host a party, especially in such a corrupt nation.

Hes a pitiful fellow, really.

Considering his family and position, he could no doubt make a fine husband.

But despite having remarried and taken concubines after his first wife died at the early age of twenty, he had no heirs.

Because hes impotent.

While analyzing the information provided by Nox, Logan had stumbled upon this mans name in three different ledgers and a memory from his past life suddenly surfaced.

A name that had become somewhat famous.

The earl who committed suicide because of his wife.

The fool cant even get it up!

Whether it was an incident or his wife dropping the bombshell at a party, it had driven him to suicide.

Logan found it hard to understand, but it seemed that public perception and honor mattered enough to dictate life or death for the poor man.

Of course, Logan had little interest in what would become of Earl Davis.

He simply needed to extend a helping hand to the poor man whose family pressure forced him to yet again find another wife through such parties.

Logan approached Earl Davis and spoke quietly.

Excuse me, Earl. A guest wishes to extend his greetings to the host of the party.

Oh, what do we have here? A new guest, welcome Hm, where might you hail from?

Earl Falun Davis, briefly taken aback by Logans attire, managed not to burst into laughter and asked.

In such open gatherings, uninvited guests were still guests.

Any noble could attend these parties, so it was the hosts duty to maintain decorum.

I am Logan Maclaine, the firstborn of the Maclaine House in the southwest. Ive come to the capital for business and wished to greet you after hearing of your illustrious reputation.

This would be true regardless if one was a mere merchant from an obscure corner of the countryside.

He was a model noble, knew to show respect.

Oh, business? Theres nothing you wont find in Grang. Ha, but perhaps you bring something new from the frontier.

He insulted, but with a twist. Such was the true language of nobility.

Falun secretly admired his own clever verbal play.

The stress from the party seemed to ebb away just a little.

But it seemed as though this country noble didnt quite grasp the social context.

Indeed. I came confident I had something you lack.

Ah Is that so? What might you be selling?

Falun responded, but it was clear that he had little interest.

Medicine. A rare one, the likes of which are not found elsewhere.

Ah, I see. Then, Ill be on my way

Its particularly beneficial for men, especially for nighttime activities.

Logan whispered the last part swiftly, just loud enough for the earl alone to hear.

The sudden intrusion should have caused a stir, but the tremble in the earls eye was undoubtedly due to something else.

What do you mean?

A virility tonic. A remedy so potent, it can even revive the impotent, addressing erectile dysfunction.

his hush tone carried an implication that thundered in the earls ears.

However, Faluns reaction was not what Logan expected.

A young nobleman peddling aphrodisiacs? What are you implying?

Falun raised his voice so loud it drew attention, almost as if he intended to shame Logan.

The surrounding ladies blushed and turned away at such a remark.

From the look on his face, it was clear that the earl was skeptical.

Right. He doesnt believe me, does he?

Given his predicament, its likely he had done his research.

Because Im confident of its effectiveness.

Logan was unruffled, shrugged with ease, and smiled.

Selling something that hardly befits nobility. However well, commerce is free in our lands. Good luck with your endeavor.

After sizing Logan up, Falun turned away with a stiff face.

Watching him go, Logan pulled out his final card.

Nevertheless, as a visitor, I must show good manners. Ive brought a gift to honor the esteemed individuals of the capital.

>A gift?

>Either the mention of a hundred gold pieces or the sheer word gift had Falun turning back promptly.

>This is Imporik, scheduled to sell at a hundred gold per piece. Its my gift to you, Earl Davis.

I can swear on my noble honor that it is a top-quality remedy with absolutely no side effects.

With Logans closing words, the earls pupils rippled like waves.

* * *

Will the earl really come to buy the medicine?

Probably not. The odds are higher he wont.

What? Then why

But I wont just be waiting there.

Ah, I see what you mean.

He who digs a well when thirsty. If we toss enough bait, someone will eventually bite. Then

Its game over.

Thats not it. Thats when the real game begins.

Though worded differently, their meaning was aligned.

Logan and Philip exchanged knowing smiles.

* * *

In Grandia Kingdom, three-quarters of the nobility were concentrated in the capital, Grang.

Most of the honorary nobles, who made up over half of all nobility but didnt own land, resided in the capital. Even the landed nobility often left their estates to stewards or heirs, preferring to live in Grang themselves.

Most sought connections, and such networking often happened at the countless parties that filled the city with noise and bustle.

A young noble from the countryside making the rounds at these parties was not a rare sight.

Anyone of noble status could enter these gatherings.

But not many, like Logan, arrived in such ostentatiously radiant attire.

Do you have an invitation? If not, please show your identification badge.

A soldier politely bowed to Logan, less out of courtesy and more to contain an impending laugh.

After seven similar encounters, Logan shrugged and showed his badge, now used to the routine.

There shouldve been a bite by now

He had been laying out bait at one or two parties every day.

His targets were peculiar in that they hosted parties more frequently than ordinary nobility.

Is it because of an inferiority complex?

A wry smile crossed his face, but the reason didnt matter much.

Once a breakthrough was made, everything would start to unravel.

For now, spreading as much bait as possible was pivotal.

And so, Logan continued to humbly nod to a human-shaped pig that dissuaded belief with its sheer bulk.

That one seems like it would need to lose some weight before it needs the potion But, lets cast the bait anyway.

His efforts paid off before even five days had passed.

* * *

Youre not going to a party tonight?

Logan sat on a 20,000 gold-piece chair in a tight space that had been lavishly decorated to resemble an exclusive meeting room.

Absentmindedly staring at the ceiling, he responded to Philips question after a moment.

Considering whether the tacky clothes have hurt the image too much. Should we keep up the act?

Dont rush things. Your strategy has been perfectly logical. Just as we start to get a response

Someone is here!

And with perfect timing, the awaited voice sounded.

Theyve come.


A smile spread across both their faces.


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