Regressor of the Fallen Family

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

Regressor of the Fallen Family Chapter 151

No!! Logan also witnessed his fathers crisis. Yet, he could not easily extricate himself from his own predicament. The swirling silver wind aura before him wasnt lenient enough to forgive rash movements fueled by overwhelming emotions. Consequently, Logan could only look on helplessly as Heinckel suffered severe injuries. The aura inflicted wounds so grave that even vomiting blood seemed insufficient to describe the severity, indicating that internal injuries were also likely extensive.

A warrior collapsing with such injuries in the thick of battle, with a Supersoul confronting him, was tantamount to death. Logans eyes nearly rolled back in fury, seeing his father barely evade the Supersouls attacks while carrying the wounded Heinckel.

I must go! But a moments distraction came at a swift cost. Dammit! A mere brush with the aura was enough to slice through plate armor and the chainmail beneath it, leaving a slight but significantly long wound on Logans side. The shock brought his mind sharply into focus.

With a heart spitting blood, Logan summoned forth the power entrenched in his beloved sword, Lux. Time Acceleration, a high-level magic he could use only once a day, was a trump card hed hoped to save for a critical moment to sever the thread of the Supersouls life. Longing for an opening in his opponent, the Stormsword, Logan finally activated the power he had conserved.

Whoosh. To himself, Logans movements didnt seem much faster than before, but to his adversary, it would undoubtedly appear as an inconceivably rapid burst of speed. A shocked expression painted the enemys visage. The golden-hued force blade, thrice accelerated, elegantly curved to avoid the winds aura, grazing the side of Wicken.

Craaack. Wickens face turned to stone with fear. Despite the bloody battle, this was the first time he had suffered a serious injury. Nonetheless, despite his success, Logans own expression was far from pleased. Dammit. I should have exploited the opportunity when I had the chance. Although he had returned his injuries manifold, he couldnt find a more significant opening. Moreover, now that Wicken had fallen for it once, he would surely prepare a countermeasure against the Time Acceleration.

There was no choice in the matter, though. Saving his fathers life took precedence over slaying the enemy. Logan vanished from that spot, ghost-like, as if in pursuit of the retreating Wicken. When he reappeared, he was amongst the tumult of incoming quarrels and magical bombs, maneuvering to secure Heinckel while evading tighly behind his father, Patrick.

Wooong. Not. Patrick, pale in the face and barely evading the Supersouls onslaught, widened his eyes when he saw his son taking a stand to confront the flame aura. Wicken Callian and Jorden Valdermaine were of a different caliber. If Logan, who had struggled against the Stormsword, were to

Can! However. Crack. With a light noise, the onslaught of flame aura split to either side, scattering. Kaboom. Patrick realized the effort his son had demonstrated before the battle, only when he saw the distinct shake of the snake-like eyes through the diminishing flame aura; evidence that Logan was surely capable of handling a Supersoul. The astonishing sight brought some peace to Patricks tumultuous heart. And more so, when he saw a quarrel penetrate through the waning red aura and sink into Duke Jordens shoulder, followed by the staggering effect of the subsequent barrage of bombs.

Seeing the ignoble retreat of Jorden, who had been famed across the kingdom as the Blaze Sword, brought Patrick a measure of relief, reminding him of the pressing necessity at hand. Heinckel! Pull yourself together! Do not lose consciousness! Do you understand?! Huh. My lord. Father?! Ignoring Logans attempts to calm him, Patrick sprinted with all his might to the safety of the castle walls.

Upon securing a relatively safe spot inside the fortifications, Patrick poured one of the few highest quality potions his territory possessed into Heinckel without reservation. Sorry, so sorry. What blame is there on you! Its my fault! Focus solely on healing your wounds! Move the Force!

The sudden absence of the lord and captain of the knights caused a fatal disruption in the McLaines forces. The Blaze Sword is retreating! Sweep them all away!! Logans booming shout beneath the walls had an even more significant impact. Jorden Valdermaines retreat meant a drastic drop in morale for the entire Second Princes army.

Indeed, the Second Princes army began to retreat bit by bit, and with that, the morale of the McLaine soared immensely. Fire! Kill them all! The sheer power of the mighty McLaine, still hale and hearty, forced significant casualties upon the Second Princes forces, exploiting the void left by the Supersoul.

Jorden has moved out of range! Dont waste arrows needlessly! Focus on intercepting the knights below the walls! Knight Commander Caisserons voice hinted at the imminent victory. In response, the First Princes army, too, began to retreat hastily, despite having suffered considerably less damage than their counterparts.

As Patrick gazed upon the scene, a bitter voice filled with resentment escaped him. All because of those unruly rabble, Heinckel has. What good is a mighty soldier, what good are numerous troops if the enemy doesnt cooperate under a guise of alliance? Witnessing the enemys lack of collaboration, the sacrifice of his friend seemed all the more grievous.

They cant trust each other. Fortunately, not the case for us. Father, are you alright? Sir Heinckel is?. He lost an arm, and his Forces foundation has been severely damaged. I am uncertain if he can survive. For Patrick, Heinckel was more than a subordinate; he was a friend who had spent almost a lifetime together. Heinckels life-threatening injuries brought Patricks spirits to rock bottom. All because of me. Patrick covered his face with his palm, unwilling to show his disheartened state to his son.

Yet, it was as if he could see more clearly the moment he covered his eyes. New knight Heinckel reporting. My lord, I look forward to your guidance. Ah, same here. A pleasant exchange from their radiant youth. Lord! Please rise again! You mustnt stay down! The McLaine territory, the family must be maintained! Logan can see you! The voice that had lifted him from the despair of his wife, Rainas death. Ah, for heavens sake, help my son instead. No matter what you say, I will retire with you, my lord. Ha, such a manHehe. A silly yet heartwarming dialogue from when their bright future felt within grasp.

In an instant, those memories raced through his mind. Never. I will never let you die like this. Yes. Heinckel is a strong man. He will rise again. Yeah, I know that. But I cant rid myself of this anger until Ive given that bastard Jorden a piece of my mind. The once anxious lord, dreaming of retirement, had disappeared; replaced by a man harboring a cold fury.

Before him, Logan had no choice but to bow his head in silent consent.

* * *

The faction army wont keep making these same foolish mistakes. They will come to an agreement and then they wont be retreating as they have so far; theyll be here to see it through to the end. But! Bang! Logan slammed his fist down, drawing everyones attention. We have already pushed them back perfectly three times. Even considering the accumulated damage, the difference in military power has significantly narrowed, and even if they march against us as expected, we can hold our ground. Holding on invites reinforcements; time is on our side!

Logans declaration didnt completely buoy the gathered chief knights faces. The captain of the knights was incapacitated with grievous injuries, and the arrival of reinforcements was uncertain. They werent unaware of the reality that Logans emphatic words intended to conceal. Although the assault had temporarily ceased, everyone present had been awake for days on end. While the Force users among the knights were barely holding on, many of the soldiers, having engaged in nearly nonstop shifts of battle, were collapsing due to exhaustion.

Logan wasnt oblivious to this, yet he had no special words of reassurance to offer. I did say they would hurry, but no exact date Recklessly promising would only lead to irreversible collapse once that time passed. As Logan bit his lip, pondering what to say next, Patrick quietly stepped forward.

Does it feel heavy? Is it daunting? Its alright. I feel that way too. Father! My lord?! Murmurs began among the knights. Im not negating Logans words. Indeed, time is on our side and we have been formidable thus far. The problem is that the remaining challenges ahead will be far riskier and more strenuous than any weve faced before. Father

Patrick stopped his son with a raised hand and turned to face the knights with outstretched arms. Its possible that after the next battle, many here may no longer grace the battlefield like my fallen friend, Heinckel, and the many others who have already fallen to enemy blades. A solemn silence fell over the room. Faces of deceased comrades haunt my thoughts, their memories continually surfacing. I feel the same way. Even when facing the enemy, sad memories permeate my mind.

He seemed fine, but the wound to his heart caused by Commander Heinckels situation was clearly deeper than I thought. I should intervene As Logan was about to step forward to interject, yet again, Patrick started speaking with an unexpected shift in his tone. But then I considered something. What would my fallen friend think of me, consumed by sorrow for his fall? Would he want me to collapse under the weight of that grief? Or would he want me to fight?

He would want you to fight. Logans subconscious response was echoed with nods from the majority of the knights. Yes. Were I in Heinckels place, I would want the same. Is the enemy strong? So what? Who has come out on top thus far? We have, my lord! The knights clenched fists and spirited reply brought a smile to Patricks face. Exactly. We have triumphed. Against the majority of the kingdoms military might, no less.

Smiles began to spread across the knights faces. Within this kingdom, only five Supersouls exist, and four of them are outside these walls right now, leading the troops of two duke and two marquis families, all arrayed against us. Lets not forget the border lords from the east and the west. Oh, except of course for Bifrost, who already met their end with us. Viscounts? Barons? Has anyone even counted them? No!

Hendersons resonant voice fueled the fiery atmosphere. Exactly. We have resisted the irreconcilable military numbers not once, not twice, but three times. Thanks to you! And our fallen comrades, who cannot join us today. As the serious sentiment ignited the knights burning gazes, Patrick continued. I eventually want to tell our comrades in the afterlife, whom we cannot accompany today, that when we were nothing more than a minor baron family a few years ago, we shattered the kingdoms elite alliance.

The room fell silent. The very fact that we have already achieved such remarkable feats is something I take great pride in! Dont you agree?! Yes, my lord! The shouts filled the command tent. With that backdrop, Patrick nodded slowly. I wish I could tell each of you that you have done enoughthat I wish to praise you endlessly. Well done, extremely well done. That you all have far surpassed any limitations I could have imagined.

Patricks voice rose further. But I also want to ask if youve done enough and want to stop now. Is that truly the case?! Absolutely not! Far from it! We will fight to the very end! The quiet tent once again became fervently animated. Patrick took a deep breath of the heated air, his face slightly flushed with a smile. Yes. I too believe that the end is not yet upon us. The end is ours to define. Lets go to the very end, to see who outlasts whomthem or usuntil we can verify with our own eyes!

Yes! And if we must face the unfortunate event of closing our eyes in death, let us convey to our comrades what end we witnessed! Yes! For my part, I hope the end we witness is not ours, but theirs. Are there any objections? No, my lord! Thats right. We have won until now and we will continue to win. And I wish to share all that glory with everyone here. Let us show themour strength, our resolve!

Following Patricks echoing call. Thump. Thump. Glory to McLaine! For the undying flame, we pledge our lives! The knights took a knee, one after another, bringing their fists to their hearts. The dark energy was now completely gone, replaced by a roaring blaze of vitality.


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