Regressor of the Fallen Family

Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Regressor of the Fallen Family Chapter 132

The overwhelming shift in the battlefield did not happen from the beginning. However, when the knights of Count Zahids territory, one of the territories supporting the First Princes faction, collapsed, and their military force began to crumble, one flank of the First Princes army started to disintegrate. The new weapons allowed soldiers to fend off knights, and the enemy soldiers were massacred by the crossbow cavalry from a distance. Our knights targeted the disrupted enemy lines and weaker soldiers.

It was a simple tactic, yet it utterly negated the continents common sense that knights should only face other knights. This tactic, no, these weapons, would bring about a monumental change that would shake the very foundations of the continents military history. However, it was obvious that none of those present on the battlefield had such a distant future in mind. For them, the immediate result produced by the firepower of McLaines new weapons was of utmost importance.

Block them! Hold the line!

Prince, its time to retreat. The enemys momentum is not ordinary.

But you said it would be over soon! That the throne was within reach!

You wont have to wait much longer.

Juan Douglas gritted his teeth, observing the enemys relentless attacks and the fluttering flame-patterned banner at one of their locations. He could not believe that a fundamental change was being caused by the army of a remote barony. He had thought of them as bats who flitted between life and death without consideration.

Who would have thought they had such unbelievable fangs and claws hidden away.

He would not be caught off guard a second time. Juan Douglas ground his teeth internally, while falsely reassuring himself of his groundless claims. And amidst this turmoil.

We just need to capture Romain! Cant a mage do that much?! What have you been doing thats led me to this plight!

The grandchild he had to make king was still incapable of grasping the situation, only screaming hoarsely.

Prince. Allow me

End this childs play right now! You can do it!

Superhumans were not invincible weapons, yet it seemed as if this naive man had lived near thirty years with sheer folly. Of course, the fact that he had been brought up like this to be easily manipulated in the future was no longer in his mind.

Your Highness.

The uncontainable fury caused by McLaine swirled with his mutter. Then, the fear Juan had been ingraining deep within Prince Luther since youth began to corrupt the princes mind.

Ah, no. I mean just


I-I got it.

The prince, pale as a ghost, quickly moved in the direction Juan gestured towards. Watching the prince leave, Juan sighed deeply before calling his assistant.

Release everything weve prepared. We need time to retreat.

But, Your Excellency. That is our secret

Thats not the only thing Ive kept hidden. Just do it.



Juans eyes stabbed towards the ongoing fierce battle between the half-giant and the storm sword, yet oblivious to the surrounding chaos. He clenched his teeth once more, thinking of the strong foe lurking out of sight.

Lets see how different mages are from those who mindlessly swing their swords.

A chilling killing intent spread around wrapped in a serene smile.

* * *

Theyre retreating!

Push them back!

Lets end this war!

The retreat of the First Princes army was so evident that even the warriors swept up in the madness of the battlefield began to notice. The most lethal moment for an enemy was when they were fleeing. Most of the Second Princes forces embraced this adage and surged forward.

Were pulling back.


Stop arguing and send the signal. Weve done enough.

There was no fault in Logans words, so the soldier silently waved the flag.

Weve already made our mark; theres no need to push further. Its not our war. Besides, what I want is

Logan swallowed the unsaid words, smiling faintly as he began directing the retreat of the crossbow cavalry, knights, and soldiers while reordering the ranks. Then A peculiar energy permeated the battleground, capturing Logans senses.



Boom! Boom! Boom!

As the retreating and pursuing forces narrowed the gap, silver-white blizzards erupted across the front line. The grand-scale magic engulfed both the pursuing Second Princes forces and the remnants of the First Princes army.

Blizzard How could there be so many?

A flurry of rare and expensive 5th-circle scrolls detonated in quick succession, exceeding what Logan assumed to be McLaines trump card. The contested area was instantly plunged into chaos.

Pursue them! Chase them down!

Duke Yordans enraged voice echoed through the battlefield, but not many heeded his command. The majority of the First Princes army was retreating, and the Second Princes forces were too occupied with securing their survival.

A powerful army, yet ragtag.

As Logan scoffed at the internal strife of the civil war, an uncanny wave of energy felt impossible to ignore surged directly above his head where the advancing troops were. Without the luxury of deep thought, Logan instinctively leaped into the air.

Be careful!

With the boots of the wind god triggering swift movements, he dashed through the air without ground beneath him. Prince?!


What is he?

As baffled cries echoed below, a brilliant orb of energy, easily over three meters in diameter, appeared right in front of where Logan had leaped. Sensing the fearsome power within, he gritted his teeth and summoned all of his strength. The last of the boots aerial leaps provided a foothold, and the gauntlets of strength amplified his capabilities to the maximum. That power was fully channeled into his beloved sword, Lux, transforming it into a golden giants blade over twenty meters long and a meter wide.

Earth Splitter! The giants sword cleaved the bright sphere in two. In a sound that seemed to ring only in Logans head, the sphere shattered, dispersing dreadful cold in all directions. Boom! Boom! Boom!


Get down!


The men of McLaines forces below let out various cries of horror. But in the next moment, they shivered as the piercing cold wind swept over them, leaving them merely bewildered. Only one person Thud. Stagger.


Pale and staggering, only Logan and his ice-covered beloved sword, Lux, bore testament to the explosions significant might.

My prince!

Are you alright?!

Quit fussing. Its cold. Damn it.


No, not you Juan Douglas. That mage of frost is rather persistent. Logan looked at his sword wrapped in thin but solid ice. Despite the power pouring from his hands and the mere aftermath of magic, the ice was not melting easily.

It cant be from that distance. Did he meddle in advance to make it explode later? Just that alone, and it was this powerful? Damn it

Logan cast a sharp glance at the retreating First Prince ranks. Feeling defeated by the clear disparity between superhumans, there was no helping a deflated spirit. Nevertheless, since he had thwarted the mages attempt, he was the ultimate victor of this decisive battle. Reassuring himself of this, Logan noticed a curious change in the blade of Lux as he continued to pour energy into the melting ice.


* * *

Following the aftermath at Twin Castles, the First Princes faction retreated not just to the nearby Turen Castle, but all the way to the distant Harun Castle. It wasnt until then that the Second Princes faction realized the magnitude of McLaines impact on the enemys rations, though it scarcely mattered at that point. Having undergone two more pivotal shifts after Twin Castles, McLaines standing within the faction was now solidified.

Come now! The war isnt over, but lets not shun a toast on such a splendid day. Raise your cups!

Upon Duke Yordan Valdermaines call, the seven gathered in the small meeting room raised their cups simultaneously. Satisfied with their response, the Duke pointed at the youngest among them, a youth with red hair and eyes, and continued his address.

Here! Ever since McLaines forces joined us, the tide has undoubtedly turned in our favor. The final counterbalance that shattered the stalemate on the battlefield that was McLaine for us.

While we were on the back foot, any balanced battlefield was laughable. Although tempted to mock, Logan kept his composure and his soft smile as he locked eyes with the Duke.

Today, we honor those efforts. Even though many contributions have been made, and we expect more, we make this immutable promise here as a testament to our expectations.

Had I known this was such a solemn occasion, I would have asked my father to attend. Everyone knows the full authority of the McLaine family rests with young lord. What point would there be? Or is it that you dislike promises from me?

How could that be, sir? I will humbly receive whatever you wish to say.

Hahaha! Thats what I appreciate about you. Overflowing with ability, yet maintaining humility. How could I not favor such a persona?

Since when have I been favored? His tongue tickled to retort, but fortunately, formalities ended there.

I, Yordan Valdermaine, hereby declare. After the war, should we secure the throne, I shall not only recognize the current governance of McLaines Bifrostt territory but also grant half the eastern territory of Callian territory. Further, with my authority, I will petition His Majesty to bestow upon you the title of Count! The Dukes weighty voice echoed, and upon the conclusion of his declaration, the dignitaries erupted, uncharacteristic of high nobility.

A count?!

Good heavens

Indeed, the Duke

His rewards and punishments are always clear.

Even Logan, often composed, showed a hint of surprise, indicating that the Dukes reward exceeded all expectations. However, one person could not help but turn crimson.

Excellency! What about me?

Ah, Roger. Dont worry. I shall grant a territory superior to Bifrostt, so let go of any deep attachment to the old land. Excellency. But! Enough! Roger, are you doubting my words?

No, its not that I doubt but

Thats settled then, no need for more. Come, lets enjoy the occasion. Everyone, raise your cups! Yes! Except for one, the mood blossomed joyously amongst the high command.

* * *


Damnation! What? Another territory?! You call that talk?

Crash! Roger Bifrostts rage persisted unabated. It was only when everything in his room lay ruined, debris scattering in the wind like remnants of destruction, did he calm his wrath. Huffing deeply, he cursed,

Damn it all

His anger lingered because he knew there was no way out of this situation.

The repeating crossbows can be replicated from analyzing the items captured in Tomodo alone. The duke does not realize the blueprint provided by those bastards was an inferior model. Fools

He entertained the notion to expose this but quickly discarded the thought as it would unlikely change the course of events.

Liberatio? That insane device must be at fault. They surely never conveyed the proper manufacturing method. Even if I pointed it out and attacked McLaine

It would just seem petty. With no way forward, his dilemma was greater than when the enemy had joined as allies. Now, the sentiment was even more absurd and desperate. One thing was clear

This civil war must not end like this.

The gravity of his own words sent a shiver down his spine as he hastily scanned his surroundings for any eavesdroppers. Relieved by the absence of listeners, he sighed in relief. Yet, the more he thought about it, the more his spontaneous proposition seemed accurate. As Roger Bifrostt sunk into deep contemplation, his gaze turned increasingly bleak. And hours later,

Call Aslan. And

Under the cover of night, unknown events began to stir in Roger Bifrostts camp.


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