Regressor of the Fallen Family

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

Regressor of the Fallen Family Chapter 121

No normal emotional state could find pleasure in witnessing a body split in half, spewing out its innards.

Especially if it was by ones own hands.

Yet, there Logan stood, with a pallid face dripping with cold sweat, wearing a bright smile.

It wasnt because he had a perverse penchant for murder.



A hand clenches involuntarily, a thrilling shudder coursing through to the tips of his nerves.

He had reached a realm in his current life that he could never have dreamed of in his past.

If superhumans were considered above humans, he had achieved the pinnacle for a human being.

I did it!

A pure joy overlappedthe joy of overcoming life-threatening danger and the exhilaration of feeling elevated, almost like ascending to a higher existence.

Despite his poor physical state, this joy made Logan exclaim in delight.

But there wasnt room to revel in this bliss just yet.


Just as the screams seemed to fade, they echoed once more.

Logan stiffened his face and rushed toward the residence like the wind.

Fortunately, Logans pride was met with due consequences.

As he entered the residence, he saw mostly the corpses of black-masked attackers, with scarcely a McLaine soldier or knight in sight.

One of them had even been pierced by the soldiers quarrels as Logan discovered and charged at them.

This sight relieved Logan.

Whats the damage?

Theres nothing confirmed yet


Logan and the knight who had been responding instantly turned their gaze north.


My lord!

At that moment, Logan dashed northward like the breeze.

Ching! Bang! Boom!

Bloodcurdling screams rang out from the northern annex where the lord and his wife resided.

A one-sided fight was underway, with the bright red of the Force Blade catching everyones attention.

One was barely managing to block the blows, firmly standing his ground, while the other, as if to mock him, cleverly sneaked in stabs.

Even this was enough for Patrick McLaine, standing his ground, to accumulate more and more injuries.

Whether it was from biting his lip in concentration or an internal injury, blood trickled from his mouth, and the situation was turning increasingly dire.

Honey! Im fine! Just fight!

Marianne Kaiross desperate cries could be heard.

She might not have the ability or power to fight, but she understood enough to know the cause of her husbands injuries.

Nonetheless, Patrick did not budge from blocking the door, taking hit after hit.

Such folly, thought Logan, watching this scene while clenching his teeth.

It was a frustrating sight, a self-defeating move, but profoundly fatherly in a way.

Luckily, Logan had the power to change this irritating scene.

Retaining his sprinting speed, he swiftly positioned himself behind the intruder.

He announced the end of the intruders fun, grasping the weakness and gleefully swinging his sword.

Sorry, pal!



Well talk in a bit.

A bloody smile brightened the face of the man who had received a blade in the back for the first time.

* * *

All thirteen attackers you apprehended have been confirmed dead, except one. All killed in the residence appear to be intermediate-grade Force users.

Our casualties?

Five soldiers dead, twelve injured. And Lord Patrick has suffered serious wounds.

Are you certain?

The damage was remarkably low, given the level of the attackers. Surprisingly, so.

Seeing Logans surprise, the knight added,

Its true. My personal opinion, sir, it seems like they didnt do their homework on us at all before the ambush, especially regarding our repeating crossbows.

Hm so it seems.

Could they be from Yordan Valdermaines side?

If these attackers had talked even briefly with Roger Bifrostth, they wouldnt have made such amateur mistakes.

There was one clear suspect, which shook Logans firm suspicions.

But then again.

Roger Bifrost might not have said anything, or maybe Yordan didnt.

Logan felt the need to have a conversation with his newly-acquainted friend.

Where are you from?



Are you male?

For more than ten minutes, only one-sided chatter continued.

His over-silent friend, chained in steel, had nothing to say.

Better start talking somehow.

Whether it would be cursing or lying, one needed the prisoner to start talking to dig anything useful from him.

Thus, masters of torture in Logans past life often started by chatting about known topics.

But this guy showed no reaction at all.

Perhaps because Logan had placed a blade in his back right from the start, and then cut all the tendons in his limbs to prevent escape.

Maybe I went too far.

Only rage simmered in his eyes, while his lips refused to part.

Logan had no special talent for tortureneither had any McLaine from a rural territory.

Stuck at peak condition, and you die as nothing but an assassin? Seems like a waste for a knight, doesnt it?

Even after several attempts, the same expression stayed frozen, unchanging.

Hmm, I see. I respect that then. Goodbye.


It was nice meeting you.


The guard yelped in alarm as Logan stood up, drawing his blade promptly after talking to himself in the cell.

Both Logan and the prisoner remained expressionless, except for one minor detail.

Yordan Valdermaine sure picked loyal subordinates.

That last remark caused the prisoners lips to twitch slightly.

Yordan Valdermaine, indeed.

In the moment his lips stiffened.

Swooosh! Fwoosh.


A spray of blood followed as the mans head rolled onto the floor of the cell.

Lo-, Lord.

Killed for injuring the lord of McLaine. Death penalty. Ah, should I have let him speak before dying? Tsk.

The next day.

Despite the previous nights skirmish, McLaine Town remained peaceful, albeit noisy.


Did you hear?

Yeah, but who launched the attack?

I have no idea.

McLaine House made no official announcement regarding the identity of the attackers; only the compensation for the bereaved soldier families was officially conveyed.

And Logan gathered his close acquaintances.

Lord Father is severely wounded in bed. The attackers didnt leave anything to identify themselves, and none of those high-grade Force users had recognizable faces.

Upon hearing Logan, darkness clouded over the gathered faces.

Thats why Im convinced. Last nights assailant was Yordan Valdermaine. Anyone disagree?

Dwayne, Heinckel, Philip, Clayton.

All averted their gaze from Logan, looking up at the ceiling or down at the ground.

It was almost as though they had an unspoken agreement.

Hm. Then, Ill take everyones silence as agreement

No, Lord!

We mustnt challenge the Duchy!

Whats more, we could end up facing the entire faction of the second prince!

Unless we first get our hands on some generous imperial funds um just kidding, kidding. Ahahaha, ha

Despite Philips reaction, the general agreement was clear.

Logan chuckled.

Why would you think Im looking for a fight with the Duke?


I mean

They returned the look, as if asking whether he understood what he was saying.

Strictly speaking, wasnt Logan the one who provoked first?

Fortunately, Logan was quick to offer a reassuring response.

I have at least some common sense, you know. Attacking Yordan Valdermaine now would kill us. If I were the Duke, Id crush us first. Im just after Juan Douglas.


A collective sigh of relief was released, a shared breath of release for everyone.

However, this reprieve was short-lived.

Not a person, but a madman, right? How can someone order an assassination just because a warning was ignored? What kind of twisted person orders a hit because their words were disregarded? Can they live with themselves? Arent humans supposed to have a conscience?

A string of invectives ensued for over ten minutes, with faces paling again until,

Ha. Stop!


We must endure. Why?!

Because we lack power! Were being slapped, and if we retaliate, we die! Its unjust, but we must endure. Why?!


Because. We. Lack. Power.

Isnt it a pitiful sight? Am I alone in feeling this indignity? Hm?

Stomp, stomp.

The irritated footsteps resonated through the silence until Logan suddenly asked.

Heinckel, how is the knights training?

We are fully prepared.

Are the newly appointed knights reliable?

Whether they are or not, theyll obey orders immediately when given.

Good, Dwayne.


The pale-faced administrator looked up at Logan with pity.

Hows our financial and food stock situation? The second town project should have taken a chunk out of it?

Its a bit tight, but well manage until the harvest season. Once the town construction is complete, we should have some financial leeway.

Good. Clayton, how is that development doing?

A few months No, well push for a prototype in the next month or two.

Excellent. And

The mood surged with immense energy, with an intangible morale coming to a boil, and as Logans eyes met with Philips, he energetically stood up.

Sit down. Whyre you standing?



A laugh permeated the room, easing the mood as Logan patted Philips shoulder.

Good job with the food sales to both factions. Youll be rewarded handsomely if you continue to bring good ideas. And after all this settles you know?

Yes, Ill do my best!

Great. Thanks to you all, theres hope.

His irritable expression turned to a smile.

I believe, no, we believe, that one day we will be strong enough to properly avenge these humiliations.

The smile-filled face glanced at everyone in the room.

Then slowly and respectfully, bowed his head.


Please, just a little more effort from everyone. Its not far away. If so, all of McLaines glory will be shared with you.

After that day, the atmosphere in McLaine shifted subtly.

* * *

Do it faster! Push harder!


Take the ones who fall to the medic quickly! And bring on the next!

The soldiers training became increasingly fierce.

Force users grow by challenging their limits. When you think youve reached your limit, step forward. Make it a habit.

Heinckel demanded near-death perseverance, pushing the knights to their breaking point.

The lord almost died?

A war is brewing?!

Insane! Theres no place like our territory to live!

We must defend our lands!

And thus, the number of men joining the local militia to protect their territory continued to grow.

Three months passed in this manner.


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