Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 861: The Last (94)

Chapter 861: The Last (94)

How they appeared in public was the most important thing for all villains.

Personally, I thought the first impression one made was more important than the process or result.

Through it, a character’s identity could be seen clearly, showing how vicious, evil, dangerous and cruel the bastard was. Especially in our Song Villain’s case, it had to be considered even more of a priority.

That scene alone had revealed his duality, after all.

To be honest, it wasn’t overwhelmingly obvious from his external appearance, but that was his identity. He pretended to be a saint, crying out that he would create a world for the continent and for the weak, but in reality, he was trying to satisfy his own selfishness and greed.

Simply put, this was a black screen.

Everyone probably thought that he was a descendant of the Son of Light.

I was certain many of his followers thought of him as such.

‘The descendant of the Son of Light.’

The new hope for the continent.

‘The legacy of the Lee Kiyoung.’

They might have thought of him as the new partner of the God of Sunset.

Even if he wasn’t, many people talked like that due to his manipulation of public opinion.

Of course, this wasn’t to dismiss those who had such blasphemous thoughts.

The public didn’t like sudden changes, which was why they would understand.

With the Sunset Swordsman and the Honorary Cardinal, they were able to protect the continent.

Trying to replace the deceased Lee Kiyoung with him was probably more of an act of instinct.

It was the same as children finding it more reassuring to have two parents than one in most cases.

That was how hard they would’ve tried to look for me in him.

Song Sookyung of the New Continental Protection and Management Committee being the descendant of the Son of Light was basically the public brainwashing themselves to feel safe.

That was why the video clip I was showing them right now was important. It had amplified public expectations. This was the scene where the guy broke through the Son of Light.

-Oh God…

-Son of Light… What in the world is this…?

Some quietly looked at the sky, speechless. There were also priests shedding tears.

They were rubbing their eyes as if they couldn’t believe what they’d just witnessed. Fearful trembles and vomiting ran rampant through the viewers.

It was shocking enough even for me to see Song Sookyung blushing as he painted the room in red.

-That’s blasphemy.

When he lifted the glowing sphere, I saw the crowd despair.

-You will be punished. Yes, you will be punished, Son of light. Son of Light…

-Benignore, please punish that demon…

He took my corpse’s heart out as he frugally cared for his greed. It was certainly spectacular. It had to have been difficult to find the image of the former Honorary Cardinal in my body after it fell to the ground, dirty and messy.

Everyone already knew how the Son of Light looked because of Kim Hyunsung, but the process was probably a more tragic and desperate scene than they had imagined.

Even Pope Basel staggered and swallowed hard because of it.

The leader of the State was shedding tears as if in disbelief.

Many people who remembered the Saint of Light’s smile, innocence, and warmth denied what their own eyes were witnessing.

-Ha… haha…

Standing in front of the Goddess’s Mirror, which revealed only the truth, Song Sookyung gave an awkward laugh.

His eyes shone.

The light that had always lit the world no longer illuminated the continent.

‘This is definitely a huge matter.’

He began to move.

‘I’m certain of it.’

Hyunsung’s visible image was a little disappointing, but what could I do? It was unavoidable.

Actually, it would have been better if he had hesitated a little more. Still, there was room to defend the scene he was making now.

Among the people of the continent, few were unaware of how close the God of Sunset and the Son of Light were. He had every right to be angry.

The eyes Lee Kiyoung had gotten from his bond with him were stolen, after all.

Of course, some of the lines had to be filtered, but he would understand. The public was on the side of the light.

Song Sookyung continued to walk. Director Belial continued to shine on Song Sookyung. With one of his eyes lit, he pulled out two pairs of wings.

-Why… Why can’t you understand?

Red wings bloomed behind the man as he continued to mutter angrily.

Director Belial. Good effect. Watching him walk slowly and transform like that had an amazing impact. Whose idea was it?

-Ah… Aaaaah!

It looked like he was in pain. He grabbed my corpse and shook it, causing blood to drip from the empty eye socket.

‘It definitely feels full of bloodlust, but it looks cool. Things like that are needed.’

Even as the red fluid dripped from his back, he didn’t stop.

The scene was bizarre and evoked a primal fear that couldn’t be explained.

It wouldn’t be unreasonable for many to frown at it.

-What do I lack? What the hell do I have to do to stop being rejected? Sniff… sniff…

‘That’s really creepy, though.’

Perhaps Kim Hyunsung felt it too because the energy emanating from within him was too ominous to be simply human.

Just when I thought of keeping the picture of them both meeting on the ruins of a building now completely destroyed…


With a loud sound, Kim Hyunsung broke through the outer wall.

Kim Hyusung grabbed Song Sookyung’s neck before he could say anything and threw him against the wall.

-You… You motherfucker! You scum bastard!

-Sniff… sniff…

While they had flown away entangled with each other, Kim Hyunsung cursed, and Song Sookyung burst into tears, seemingly unable to stand it.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!! Boooooom!!!

Song Sookyung continued to get slammed against the wall, and Kim Hyunsung, who was grabbing the guy’s neck, arrived at the shrine made for him.

places that had collapsed due to that shock.

-You’re not even human! Motherfucker!

The God of Sunset didn’t unsheathe his sword. He simply continued to swing his fists at him.

He was different from before. Even his punches seemed unconventional. He wasn’t trying to knock down the opponent. He was exerting violence that seemed to regurgitate the anger and resentment inside him.

-Sniff… sniff…

-Shut up! Shut up, bastard!


-You disgusting motherfucker!

It didn’t look like he was trying to kill him quickly.

Crash! Craaaack!

In the meantime, seeing that he was beating one eye without touching the other, it seemed that he was still rational. I was rather concerned about the well-being of Song Sookyung, who had been exposed to that indiscriminate violence.

‘Director Belial. Did you succeed in strengthening Song Sookyung? I hope you did, considering he’s being hit too hard right now.’

The shape of his face was gradually changing.

‘It can’t end like this.’

He had to at least fight back. I had even given him wings for it.

-Sigh… Sigh…

That was when Kim Hyunsung, who had gained some reason, reached out to his eye.

Song Sookyung’s hand grabbed Kim Hyunsung’s wrist.

It looked like his head had been completely smashed, but his body still moved.

The process of returning to his original form was grotesque, but that only lasted for a brief moment. The man quickly spoke, his expression filled with sanity.

-That’s… mine.


-It’s mine now, God of Sunset.

-You bastard!

-Why can’t you understand…? Why…?


With that sound, the red wings pushed Kim Hyunsung away.

-How come you can’t understand my will to save the continent and my will to stand by your side… sniff…

-I’m not interested in that, motherfucker.

-I just wanted to protect this place by eliminating its crisis. I just wanted to clear the dungeon of the continent you’re trying to defend. One of its clearing conditions, the resurrection of the Son of Light… I was trying to make it happen.


-All of that was for you, God of Sunset. I just wanted to make you more complete. Sniff… Why are you rejecting me? Why are you ignoring my pure faith and belief? Why are you trying to harm me…? Because of my will to take the place of the Son of Light? Even to the point of killing me… Why…? Sniff… sniff…

-Crazy bastard…

It was just as Kim Hyunsung had said.

‘That idiot really has gone crazy.’

Seriously, how did he come to his senses when the demon was determined to control his mind?

Still, seeing that he’d assimilated so well and there was no hesitation, it seemed that this was his vocation, but I still thought he’d gone completely nuts even considering all that.

Did he really know what he was talking about right now?

It was as if basic logic had been completely erased from his mind, and he could only hear his own voice. It was as if he were completely trapped in his own frame.

His eyes were no longer even focused. They just spun around ceaselessly now.

-If that is what the God of Sunset wants, I will gladly accept it. If that’s what you want… if it’s to pour out resentment and anger at me, I’m willing… to endure it for the rest of my life. Happily so. But… But don’t deny my faith and belief in you…

-You crazy bastard! Shut up! Son of a bitch! Why the hell are you doing this to me? Son of a bitch! What kind of bullshit is this God of Sunset concept all about?! I’m the object of faith and belief?! Shut up, son of a bitch!

Kim Hyunsung grabbed the guy’s hair and threw him on the floor.

-Aaah. You are not yet complete… but don’t worry… I can fill your shortcomings. Yes. If this fills your shortcomings, I will gladly…

-Shit! Shit! What kind of bullshit…

Kim Hyunsung looked nervous. Naturally, I thought I would be able to figure out his true nature.

Maybe it was the anxiety that this incident might have happened because of him.

He’d listened to Song Villain’s bullshit, probably because he’d noticed that that crazy guy had a strange kind of obsession with him.


With an indescribably bizarre expression, Song Sookyung replied with a smile.

-Didn’t you save me?

‘Fuck. That’s creepy.’

-Didn’t the Messiah save me in the past?

‘Gosh, this bastard is really creepy.’

-Don’t you… remember it?

What should I do? Why did that insane stalker expect the Sunset Swordsman to remember that?


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