Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 14: Embarrassment (2)

Chapter 14: Embarrassment (2)

“Because my mana isn’t circulating well.”

‘What the hell.’

I glanced at her facial expression once more, but it remained unchanged.

The bright smile she wore was incongruous with the pitiful appearance she had previously displayed.

I checked her status window again, but naturally, nothing had changed.

I hadn’t been mistaken.

[Class: Wizard (Common Grade)]

Jung Hayan had already gained a class.

‘Since when?’

Roughly three days had passed since I had last checked Jung Hayan’s status window.

The timing almost perfectly overlapped with the day I started giving her lessons on magic.

She had been discreet about it, but it was possible that she had gained a class the moment I first began discussing magic with her.

[Attribute: How to be a Wizard - Heroic Grade]

[Complete acquisition of basic knowledge on elemental magic. Mana has permanently increased by 2 points. The potential for growth has increased explosively.]

‘What the hell is this…’

Even her attributes were over the top. As soon as she understood the underlying principles of the class, she received an attribute associated with it that was heroic grade.

It felt like a slap in the face.

This was the first time I’d ever seen someone, who, just by comprehending the basics of magic, gained not only a class but also a new attribute.

If it was possible for others, Kim Hyunsung would have chosen this method.

Jung Hayan had to be a unique case.

As I fell into thought for a while longer, Jung Hayan began to look at me showing traces of anxiety.

“Um… O-oppa?”

“Ah, sorry. I was just thinking… You asked me about mana circulation, right?”

“Y-yes! I tried what oppa said, but it’s still really hard…”

It couldn’t be difficult.

“Maybe it’s because the amount of mana you’re using is a little bit too much… That’s weird.”

I could see her hand reaching forward.

I grabbed Jung Hayan’s slightly outstretched hand and began to pour in my feeble mana resources.

I tried to push through and gather up her mana, but Jung Hayan’s mana did not even budge.

It wasn’t simply because my mana was lacking.

‘She’s blocking me.’

My attempt to help her circulate her mana was intentionally suppressed.

It was only when I began to frown that I felt Jung Hayan’s mana moving in the direction I wanted.

“A-as expected, you’re amazing, Oppa.”


“Try to imagine it.”


“Imagine the spell. Something like a flame rising from your hand… You can do what I did before, right?”

“Ah! Y-yes!”

The amount of mana required to fulfil the conditions for using this spell was perfectly accumulated.

It should have been easy for her to imagine a small flame after getting to this point.

But then her mana instantly fell apart. It wasn’t because she had taken too long or simply failed. Jung Hayan, herself, deliberately broke it down.

“I-it’s still too difficult. W-why am I like this…? Oppa is trying so hard to teach me…”

Even her tearful act was a sight to behold.

‘What’s going on?’

“No, it could be because you are still classless, so it’s normal to fail. If we go out hunting, you’ll improve. Okay?”

She didn’t react to the word ‘classless’ that I had snuck in.

“C-can we try it again?”

“No, it’s already pretty late. Let’s call it a day. I have work to do for the time being.”

“D-do you have plans or… A-are you seeing Hyae-Hyaeyoung-ssi… t-today as well?”

Park Hyaeyoung was a woman that Lee Jihye had attached to me.

After what happened that day, Lee Jihye sent me a person who could act as a link between us.

I’d been told that she would be useful for me in many ways, but that was something I had yet to witness.

Until now, all I had heard from Park Hyaeyoung were stories about the group’s situation and internal affairs.

As I was debating on how to respond, I heard another voice.

“Kiyoung-ssi? Do you have a minute?”

“Ah. Just give me a moment, please.”

‘Park Hyaeyoung.’

I couldn’t tell whether her timing was good or bad.

However, I saw that Jung Hayan didn’t show much of a reaction.

“Ah! Y-you already had something planned. I-I wasn’t aware…”

“No, I didn’t make any arrangements to meet with Hyaeyoung-ssi. Something must have happened. Would you excuse us, please?”

“Ah… yes.”

Jung Hayan slowly withdrew from her seat and then Park Hyaeyoung came in.

I didn’t remember calling for her, so I wondered why she had sought me out.

I could feel Jung Hayan staring at Park Hyaeyoung. I did want to take advantage of her jealousy, but not in this manner.

“Hayan-ah, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Ah! Yes!”

As soon as Jung Hayan disappeared from view, Park Hyaeyoung sat down quietly.

“Did something happen?”

“I’ve heard something interesting.”

“Like what?”

“Like the fact that the next time you go hunting, you’ll take a few of the people here to accompany you.”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, could I be one of them?”

She was quite direct.

Naturally, I’d already scanned Park Hyaeyoung with my Mind’s Eye, but there was nothing particularly outstanding when it came to her abilities.

[Checking the status window and talent levels of the player Park Hyaeyoung.]

[Name: Park Hyaeyoung]

[Title: None. You should try a little harder.]

[Age: 27]

[Disposition: Calculating Diplomat]

[Class: None]


[Strength: 10/Growth potential: heroic or lower]

[Agility: 11/Growth potential: rare or higher]

[Vitality: 20/Growth potential: rare or higher]

[Intelligence: 10/Growth potential: rare or higher]

[Endurance: 10/Growth potential: common or lower]

[Luck: 09/Growth potential: common or lower]

[Mana: 00/Growth potential: rare or lower]

[Overview: This isn’t the time to be disappointed about the lack of people with prominent stats or unique characteristics. Overall, this person is well-balanced. It seems likely that they could grow well as a melee fighter or as a long-ranged class, such as [Archer].]

Her disposition was ‘Calculating Diplomat’.

Even without reading into her status too deeply, I could roughly guess what kind of person she was.

I observed her for a while and then said, “I don’t know. I recommended Hayan-ssi at first, but…”

“Are you the type that prefers younger women? I could be even better. Isn’t it boring to play with such a little kid?”

“Regardless of your thoughts on the matter, that is not the case.”

“How about you just give me a chance? I think our relationship would be so much more beneficial…”

I had no clue what relationship she was talking about.

By the looks of it, it seemed she’d overheard our chat earlier.

Park Hyaeyoung seemed to believe that I was very interested in women.

Certainly, her abilities were pretty good, and her growth potential didn’t seem too bad either.

If she was able to develop and grow stronger, she would possibly be of use, but I wasn’t a fan of her ‘Calculating’ disposition.

However, she should at least understand that all arrangements need to be reciprocal.

“For what reason?”

“After all, you need someone who can fight, right? Thanks to Deokgu-ssi and Kiyoung-ssi, the situation here has changed somewhat since you arrived. There are only a small number of us still waiting on Hyunsung-ssi to help us. This place is one where women can be as strong as men, and we can use the system to enhance our physical abilities.”

“Yes. That’s correct.”

“Everyone is afraid of the monsters, but more and more people are beginning to think that they can do something about them. They’ve been banding together to go out as well. From Kiyoung-ssi’s perspective, it can’t be a bad thing to have more people who’re able to fight for themselves on your side. If Hayan-ssi is able to return stronger with special abilities, then the state of affairs will surely accelerate.”

“You make it sound like I’m dividing everyone into different factions.”

“Did I hit the nail on the head?”

“No. I don’t really care about things like that. Is Jihye-ssi aware that you’re here?”

“She probably does? Who knows what Jihye-ssi is thinking?”

“And the reason you’re here to speak with me is…”

“I just thought it would be nice for us to talk. I dislike the fact that you only favour that Jung Hayan girl, and if you refuse to take me on then I’ll have no choice but to wait until my turn…”

“I see where you’re coming from.”

“What you’ve said so far has been reasonable as well.”

“I believe that we might be able to work something out once Hyunsung-ssi has returned. I’ll try to speak with him about it. However, if Hyunsung-ssi decides that it’s infeasible then this proposal may be rejected, so please don’t set your hopes too high.”

“Just hearing you say that is more than I could hope for.”

“I look forward to cooperating with you, then.”


* * *

“That’s hilarious. Seriously.”

“Shh. Listen. Hey.”

There were voices all around her, but she couldn’t make out their exact words.

Instead, she was more concerned about Kiyoung oppa.

“Hayan-ssi! What are you thinking about?”

“Ah, ah! I mean. It’s nothing…”

“You can take a break if you’re tired. You must have a hard time using your body that way… Phew. Won’t working here be too difficult for you?”


“Look at you pretending you don’t understand.”

“I don’t.”

She might have been unsure of the meaning behind their words, but she could sense their hostility.

It wasn’t overt or very strong. However, this was something that she was extremely familiar with.

In retrospect, it had been like that ever since she was young. Compared to her two sisters, she had been much more foolish, slow and incompetent.

Her eldest sister had always taken care of her and her second sister had been incredibly intelligent. After so many years of watching out for her, the reason they’d cut off contact with her was probably because she was so dumb.

“Ugh… Something reeks.”

“He has a pretty unique taste. She’s not that pretty… Pretends she doesn’t have a clue… In the end, she’s just a fox.”

“Shh. Stop it. Hey, he’ll hear you. What are you going to do if he runs over here?”

“Well, let’s see if he does. He’s probably already tired of her. No, doesn’t it make sense that he’d be tired of her?”

Her hands shook subconsciously at those words.

‘Kiyoung oppa.’

He was the only person she could rely on in this entire place.

Remembering the way they’d held hands earlier, her body began to tremble.

Tired of her?

Oppa wouldn’t treat her like that.

He was different.

‘My heart is pounding.’

Her heart was racing as though it were about to explode.

‘You remind me of my little sister.”

The thought of what she’d heard brought her a subtle sense of pleasure.

It was an unfamiliar sensation. She’d never felt like this in her life.

Her heart was pounding badum badum in her chest and her legs felt jittery.

It was hard for her to get a hold of her emotions.

‘We can meet again tomorrow.’

They could meet again tomorrow.


Just the two of them once more; they could talk, and she could act cute towards him.

It felt like she was experiencing the same warmth she’d received from her family once upon a time.

It was addicting, like a drug.

The reason why she’d kept her class and ability hidden was because she wanted to spend more time with Kiyoung oppa.

Her heart twisted at the lie, but she was scared of the consequences if he found out.

As she looked subconsciously in the direction of Kiyoung oppa and ignored the voices of those around her,

“Oh my. Were you waiting?”

Park Hyaeyoung, who had been with her oppa just a moment before, appeared.


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