Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 4: Forcing Me

Chapter 4: Forcing Me

This alley is really long, and it's dark inside, I walked blindly for a while holding the bag of clothes, and even took a detour.

But it doesn't matter, I'm very tired now, there are places to sit down and rest.

I sat down, my roommates do not know where I am, I'm afraid I would not be able to find them. I'm sure the three girls will continue to bully my sister, what should I do?

Eventually I fell asleep here, holding the bag. The second half of the night, the temperature was much colder, I woke up once, but then went to sleep quickly, I ended up sleeping until dawn, the sound of all the cars in my ears, the city also woke up.

My neck was sore from sleeping, and my brain was a little heavy, so I couldn't help but laugh bitterly, so damn sad.

I sat down again for a while and relaxed before I got up. The alley gradually got warm, I looked around and walked outside in one of the alleys.

I was able to see Li Xin's school from afar. I pondered again, looking down at the bag of clothes, cursing myself for how stupid I was last night, why didnt I give her these clothes?

She is close to the yellow-haired man so what, I still have to give her the beautiful clothes ah. I ran directly to the milk tea store, early in the morning there are not many people here, I do not know if the milk tea store is open.

I went to see if it was open. Only the gentle woman was in there seemingly okay. I couldn't help but be relieved, my sister was not in there.

I took a large step inside, the woman has not noticed me, but I found a familiar figure not far away coming.

My heart took off, because I recognized the three girls yesterday. They had left home so early? And to come here?

I immediately panicked, I knew it was not good to go into the milk tea store, maybe they may be waiting for me. I gritted my teeth and turned around and walked with my head down, the gentle woman finally noticed me and shouted with suspicion.

I do not pay any attention, head down on the fierce walk, directly around the corner. The three girls also didn't know if I was visible, in any case, I dare not stay too long, as usual, quickly into the alley I went.

I went in and was at peace with myself, peeking out at the corner of the road. They did not appear, but I secretly was still scared, afraid that suddenly a would head peeked in.

Fortunately, they have not appeared, I was relieved, my palms have a layer of sweat. Damn, why am I so timid?

After some self-loathing, I realized I couldn't deliver the clothes, so I'd better go find my roommate.

I lifted my feet and walked, intending to cross through the alley to the school side to find the Internet cafe. However, once I moved, I immediately heard the sound of very light footsteps, coming from the alley on the left.

There is no one willing to cross the alley in broad daylight, can not be a shortcut to the residents? I moved over to take a look, which terrified me, but it was a girl walking over, and looking around for something.

She was one of the three girls, I immediately panicked, they pursued me?

I didn't think much about it, but before I could take a step forward, there was a sudden sharp pain in the back of my head. I could barely stand up, my body fell to the ground, the bag fell to the ground, and my hands were weakly braced against the wall.

The back of my head was slapped with a brick. I was really confused for a moment, only to hear the girls sneer from behind me: "You think you can run, motherfucker? I am a hundred times more familiar with this place than you!"

The voice was the girl whose head I had slapped. I was terrified, the left alley that girl rushed over: "Damn, it was here, this son of a bitch is still quite good at hiding."

Three beast-like girls, I have never encountered such girls in my life, plus I myself was timid, my heart drumming, this is the end.

You're fucking dead? Why did you hit me yesterday? Are you a fucking psycho?"

I was kicked in the thigh, I couldn't stand up at all, and my whole body fell to the ground. All three girls had kicked me, cursing and swearing. But I was not stunned at this time, the dizziness in my head passed, I just felt a pain in my head, the girls really hit without mercy.

I tried to stand up, they kicked me like a clown, I could not stand the insults.

They seemed even angrier when they saw me trying to stand up and kicked me even harder to knock me down. I realized that they are not strong, theyre junior high school girls, and even if they develop early, so what? The tallest of them is only six feet tall, just a bitch. (TN: Damn bro Im only 55 ())

I was just stunned and scared. And because of them harassing me, the man's sense of defiance suddenly brought something out of me, I pushed the nearest girl with a hand, she stepped back a little, and was angry spitting out: "Fuck you dare to fight back, get him!"

The other two girls were also furious, and one of them actually picked up the brick that she had just dropped again.

If they were unarmed I might have been able to fight them, after all I was a wild child when I was a kid. But I'm afraid of that brick, I'm going to run, I cant risk fighting against a brick, but I also cant afford to run. I just don't believe they will pester me to death.

As soon as I turned around and ran, the three of them chased after me with angry curses and flung their bags at me.

These women are simply unbelievable, so the city's young ladies are like this, if I was born in the town, I would have killed them, provided that I did not become so weak because of my sister.

I am not familiar with this side of the road, they are familiar with, and then I found that they are missing a person, without thinking carefully, in front me, a girl suddenly jumped out, grabbed a brick and rushed over: "Lets see how you fucking run from this, bitch!"

I am secretly suffering, this alley has nowhere to run at all, I do not have much advantage, there are more of them, and they have bricks, how do I run?

I turned around and ran back, the two girls behind me did not have bricks, I rushed past them and they try to kick me hard, I ignored the collision, like a brute. These two girls were hit by me scream in pain, the alley and narrow, so I accident pressed against them, their tits are flat. (TN: ???)

Really is the tits are flat, I feel weird about myself, curse you for being weird. But I'm still scared inside, afraid theyll call people to beat me.

I felt miserable and tense for a moment, and I had to run. This time I ran away, but I was also lucky, I went around to an avenue, surrounded by residential buildings on both sides, and with many cars on the road.

I hid behind a car to catch my breath. The sound of three girls' footsteps came from time to time, which made me scared, and I heard a girl talking about whether or not to call someone to find me.

I am mostly afraid of this, according to my observations, they are not good students, like the yellow-haired and rich man, another thing is even the yellow-haired man is afraid to help my sister openly, those girls must be hard to deal with.

Hearing them say to call someone to find me, I was really scared shitless, there is no underworld in the city that I know of, but I there are these kind of high school students who are not afraid to kill the police.

I'm not sure if they're still around looking for me, and I don't know if they'll call someone or not.

I tried to calm down and then suddenly realized that my bag was missing. The clothes I bought for my sister had fallen off somewhere.

I was so distraught, damn, it was fucking terrible!

It was too late to mope about what happened, as the sound of footsteps approached again. I was too afraid to move, but I heard a girl scolding: "Come out, I know you are here."

I was even more afraid to move, the three of them cursing, and then one suddenly laughed: "It seems that he is running away, I can't be bothered to find him, I have to piss, so let's pee."

I froze for a moment, what the hell is she doing? The other two actually agreed: "I also need to pee, do not dirty the ground, spread out the clothes."

Clothes? I was stunned as they laughed and wondered what they were doing. I vaguely sensed something, finally I could not resist, peeked out to see.

When I looked, my heart sank. The beautiful bag was stepped on by them and on the ground, it was dirty, the pants I bought to go with the dress for my sister was spread by them in the alleyway, they spit on it, pretending to take off their pants.

I instantly gritted my teeth and felt my eyes were red. A girl there looked around: "No one is around, let's pee, Lan-jiejie, you first." (TN: You might know this, but basically, jiejie is used in this case as a way to indicate their closeness and jiejie is usually the eldest girl)

Lan-jiejie is the one I slapped, she also looked around, and then sneered: "I'm afraid he's peeking at ...... you guys help me block the view, the clothes he is sure to give Li Xin, we have to help him, after pissing on it its going to go for her to wear, after all, it is a heartfelt expression.

Three people laughing together, my fists clenched, these years I have changed a lot, tolerated many things, but have also been a timid introvert, God knows how wild I used to be, now I feel like I want to be wild again.

That Lan-jiejie surprisingly really takes off their pants, two girls to help shield her, weirdly laughing.

I couldn't see clearly from behind the car in the distance, but already knew it was too late to stop, she must have peed on top of the clothes.

I shrank back again and took a big breath, forcing myself to calm down. I laughed very sadly, I thought about me back then, I beat up a lot of people back then, I even wanted to go over and seek revenge on Da Qiang after I found my sister crying secretly late at night, I had the courage to even go and beat up Da Qiang.

When did I became more and more cowardly, from the young wild child slowly became mature, but also wimpy, more and more wimpy, I thought to myself that it was all Li Xin's fault, I was ashamed of her, she influenced me, I consciously detached from those playmates, consciously make myself into a good student, it was all her fault.

My fingers touched the teeth marks on my arm, feeling like I was going to cry, I thought to myself I really fucking hate you motherfucker!

My fingers squeezed and relaxed, and I eventually jerked up and rushed towards them.

Lan-jiejie has finished urinating, the remaining two girls pants half-way off, surrounded by cold and clear completely alone.

When I rushed out, they were obviously taken aback, the girl who took off her pants rushed to pull up her pants, that Lan-jiejie immediately pick up the brick: "You did not fucking run ah!"

I'm not running, I'm already too wimpy to be a man, but I wont stand you guys pissing on the clothes I bought for my sister.

I can feel myself trembling, my heart and thighs are shaking, I'm going to fuck with the city's biggest bitches

Lan-jiejie grabbed a brick and came over, she couldn't wait to slap me to death, the other two followed closely, all sneering.

I was so angry that my body was a little stiff, and the two other girls grabbed, and slapped my shoulder with such force, it felt like it was going to shatter. But I am also mad, my hands that had pushed her away, and her bricks fell to the ground.

I don't want the clothes, they are wet by her urine, I just want to get back at her. I slammed her backwards like a bull, directly into the mouth of that alley. The two girls were startled and came to hit me.

I didn't care at all, I knocked Lan-jiejie to the ground and grabbed the clothes on the ground amid her shocked and frightened scowl.

The clothes were really wet with her urine, stinky and disgusting as hell. My lips are a little shaky, I grabbed the clothes and stuffed them in her mouth: "Why are you so bitchy!" (TN: Ughck, nasty)

She showed a dreadful expression, her mouth was stuffed, I could smell the stench, she must have licked it.

I had never been so vicious, even though she deserved it. The other two girls were taken aback by me and stood dumbfounded for a moment.

I stuffed my clothes into Lan-jiejie's mouth and dropped her to run. Despite the anger, I knew I couldn't stay long. I've got my revenge, let's run first.

Behind me came the inhumane screech of Lan-jiejie, she was completely mad.

I knew it was bad, if I couldn't get out of here soon, I was afraid her gangster friends would get me.

Translator Notes: First of all, um, nasty chapter but, I finally figured out how to add comments for each chapter! Woohoo!! Ill leave the old comment section for 2 and 3..? I think it was there for 3, but anyway from now on the comment section will be better!! And since this site is kinda Kirby based, you all will be Waddle Dees as a default character!!! .


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