Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 16: Cooperation

Chapter 16: Cooperation

It's getting darker and darker, and I don't like spending nights at Internet cafes. I had to go back even if I didn't give away the clothes.

I went away from the street lights and went to the streets to look for a motorcycle. However, I did not find the motorcycle, but I found Qin Lan.

She was so miserable that she was squatting on the side of the street eating bread, like a hungry ghost. I couldn't believe it was her, but I went over to take a closer look, but it really is her, right beside a bottle of mineral water.

What is this kind of situation? Her parents are divorced and don't give her money, and she doesn't really deserve this. I was very surprised after she was taking a sip of the water, and after drinking a little, she suddenly saw me, and I do not know what stimulus happened but, she spat out a lot of water, coughing incessantly.

I frowned and spoke plainly: "What happened to you?" She is still rude, and wiping the water around her mouth, she coldly responded: "None of your business, leave if you're done laughing at me."

I really don't have the heart to laugh at her, I'm done with her, we are not related to each other, I was too focused thinking about Li Xin, do I even have time to laugh at her?

I walked away, she ignored me, ate and drank and sat quietly to look towards the traffic. I walked far away and stopped, because I suddenly thought of an idea.

I turned around and ran back, Qin Lan with cold eyes staring at me: "What else do you want? You want to hit me?"

I squatted in front of her and spoke: "You are very short of money, right? I'll give you ten yuan if you do one thing for me." (TN: About 1 USD.)

She was laughing her ass off: "Are you out of your mind? Ten yuan?"

I snorted, "You still think you're a lady?" She seemed to have been struck by me and immediately stopped laughing.

I bought the clothes and pants, and I only had fifteen yuan left on me, so giving her ten yuan was more than enough. (TN: 15 yuan is about 2 USD)

"You help me take these clothes and pants to Li Xin, say that you are sorry, and these are for you."

This idea will work, after all, if it is an apology, Li Xin has no reason to refuse it.

However, Qin Lan directly sneered: "Impossible, I have already given her an apology, I will not go to apologize again."

You've got some fucking dignity. I was not impressed: "You used to bully her so badly, apologize as many times as you need to. Look how miserable you are now, you are like what you did to Lin Xin before!"

I said with fire, Qin Lan unexpectedly did not rebut, she pondered for a moment and grabbed my bag: "Where is the money?"

I said you go and give it first. She was very cold: "Give the money first."

I reluctantly gave her ten dollars and she took it and ran off to school.

I waited for her, and after about twenty minutes she came back panting, empty-handed.

I couldn't help but be delighted: "She accepted it?" Qin Lan impatiently replied, "Yes."

This method really works, my heart rejoices, my smile is not concealed. Qin Lan looked at me with disdain: "Your smile is disgusting."

I stopped smiling and said it's none of your business. I don't know if she was angry with me, but she was particularly unhappy: "You said she was your sister last time, so you are really a loser, and trying to straighten me out, if someone else had tried to do this before, what makes you think doing this would fix me?"

I said you fucking have so many gangsters, I'm not a fool, I'm not trying to correct you? I'll do whatever I want. (TN: These two paragraphs were hard to translate sorry)

She was so angry that she had nothing to say, she cursed me for being an idiot and left. I also scolded her stupidity, you deserve this idiot, to fall into this kind of situation.

I left and took the motorcycle home with the last few yuan I had. After returning I could not hold back the joy, I do not know why I thought Li Xin having new clothes to wear made me so happy.

But this is far from enough, she still needs a lot of things, toothpaste, toothbrush hangers, cups, and so on, she will need newer things, and all these require money.

Anyway, I just want my sister to have money to spend.

I went back to the dormitory to find Zhang Xiong and blackmail him for money, but he had already gone out, and there was nothing in the dormitory to do on a Friday evening.

I thought I'd wait for him to come back tomorrow and borrow it. But my heart was restless, like a fever.

I want to let Li Xin live a better life immediately, and if I have money now I will immediately seek her out again!

Finally I made up my mind and ran back to class. Not many freshmen were studying in the classroom, but Lin Yin Yin was there, and she really was a good student.

I went over to her seat and she seemed to have just arrived and hadn't even started studying yet.

She looked at me rather suspiciously, "You're studying too?" I sat next to her for a moment and laughed: "My roommates are out at an Internet cafe, I'm bored, and alone."

She let out a sigh, then a little uncomfortably: "I do not have time to accompany you, go back to your seat to study."

I smiled warmly, some flattery: "No need to accompany me, I just came to see you, by the way could I borrow some money?"

Her expression became cheerless, she asked me what do I need the money for, it better not be for dirty books. I choked and said I would never, I just don't have money to eat, that's how miserable children from poor families are.

She grunted lightly and asked me how much I needed to borrow, I said the more the better, and I will pay you back.

She put down her purse to look for her wallet, and I looked into it and saw several mao grandpas. She has a lot of money, coming to each class session with so much money. (TN: Mao bill is worth 100 yuan, which is about 14 USD.)

I said to lend it all to me, but she only drew two hundred: "Two hundred is certainly enough, unless you are going to do bad things." (TN: About 29 USD.)

It's okay, two hundred is a lot for me and Li Xin. I took the money and ran, and Lin Yin Yin muttered, "What an asshole."

I didn't have time to pay attention to her, I was eager to improve Li Xin's life, so naturally I rushed back to the milk tea store again.

I know that Li Xin will work the night shift, and I guess she will come after nightfall.

I couldn't give it to Sister Xia, so I had to go back to find Qin Lan. The woman should not be far away, so I looked for her along the street. Not long after I found her sitting on a stone bench secretly wiping tears, very tragic. (TN: Sister Xia is the gentle woman from before in case you forgot.)

Do I want to do this? Damn shes crying again, I was ashamed to ask her for help.

Now showing a smile is unkind, I had to suppress my emotions and walked over calmly asking: "You still haven't returned home?"

She was taken aback and hurriedly put her tears away and responded in a cold voice: "You really are a poltergeist, you like seeing me suffer so much?"

I'll talk to her first, before she gets too resistant. I sat right next to her, and she was a little confused. I try to be gentle: "I just want to know, why would you bully people in the first place? If you had been kind to people and made some genuine friends, you wouldn't be on the streets now."

She was struck by me again and immediately cursed: "What I want has nothing to do with you, you'd better not mess with me, you'll be dead when my parents give me money again."

Fuck, I was trying to talk her so she would be happy to work with me, but I didn't expect her to start acting like a bitch again.

I laughed coldly, "You mean you'll go back to those piggy friends when you have money? What a daring move, huh?"

She was defeated and didn't say anything for half a second. I wanted to hit her hard, but thought about it and let it go, just calmly advised, "Be kind to people, Lin Yin Yin still cares about you, you can ask her for help."

She was stunned, she squeezed her fingers tightly and began to weep again.

This is not good, how can I do my job if she keeps crying? I changed the subject: "You take your time to think about it, I could care less. Seeing you so miserable, I decided to help you again, you take one hundred and fifty dollars to Li Xin, I give you ten dollars as pay, you tell her while still apologizing, or you'll soon be sorry again." (TN: 150 yuan is about 22 USD. 10 yuan is about 1 USD.)

Qin Lan glared at me: "Are you a monkey, huh? Are you finished?" I asked if she would do it or not. She suppressed her anger and raised her price: "I want fifty dollars." (TN: 50 yuan is about 7 USD.)

Bullshit, twenty at most. (TN: 20 yuan is about 2 USD)

The final deal was twenty dollars. I gave her 170 yuan, she took it and ran.

Seeing her run far away I realized, paralyzed, would she just take it all? Am I fucking stupid?

Quickly going after her, halfway chasing her she ran back and said it was done. I said so fast? You didn't even arrive at school, right?

She did not have a good face: "I met her at the milk tea store, I forced her."

So that's how it is, I'm relieved, now Li Xin has a hundred and fifty, and can finally buy some things.

I started smiling again, Qin Lan mocked in disgust: "One hundred and fifty dollars is a lot? She has been working in the milk tea store for a year, never spent any money, she may have 15,000, and you just gave her a hundred and fifty, while being proud of yourself." (TN: 15,000 yuan is about 2,226 USD dang that is a loooot)

Ah? I was dumbfounded, Li Xin has 15,000? Yes, she works at a milk tea store, she must have a salary, I can't believe I overlooked this matter, I always thought she was poor like me.

And my parents still pay for essential expenses, she doesn't have to pay anything, so how come she doesn't use the money from her part-time job?

I can't figure it out, she's saving money? Saving money for what?

I frowned, is my sister planning something?

Qin Lan spoke again: "I helped you twice, you go buy an electric razor for me, thirty yuan, I do not want the cheap ones." (TN: 30 yuan is about 4 USD.)

I said what's wrong with you, you want me to buy a razor for you? She somehow had a lot of anger, but did not explain: "Anyway, you just go buy it, my money needs to be saved for dinner."

That's not okay, I don't even have much money left, and thirty dollars is a lot of money. I said you go buy it yourself, she began to show anger again: "If you do not buy me what I want, I will tell Li Xin that those things and money were from you."

I was shocked and said you play dirty? She sneered, I kind of wanted to punch someone, finally I said you give me ten, I only have ten, so we can only afford one that costs 20. (TN: 20 yuan is about 2 USD.)

She also took a step back, and we put together twenty to buy an electric razor.

This situation is really funny, and I can't figure out what she wants a razor for? (TN: Hmmm wonder why)

When I bought she took the razor and went into the alley, but told me not to go in, and I stayed outside with the wind

This is strange, my curiosity is piqued, and there is nothing to do, I always feel that she's doing something wrong.

I sneaked in the alley and soon heard the peculiar sound of the shaving razor, she was shaving?

I continue to walk, Qin Lan should be towards the end of the alley. I went over to take a peek. Fucking. Horrified.

She was actually squatted on the ground with a razor to shave the lower parts, very nervous and alert. I was fucking stupid, and then she looked over here, with a scream, pulled her pants and up, and threw the razor to the ground.

This is too strange, I really can not understand what happened. Qin Lan started angrily cursing, and was furious: "Fuck you, I told you not to come in!"

I hurried back to dash away, she did not chase me, I guess she has no more dignity to chase me. I ran away in a flash, and I even got a little scared to move.

After rushing back to school, it was dark. I went back to the dormitory to find Zhang Xiong, he did not go to the all-nighter.

I said you didn't sleep overnight? He smiled smugly: "All-nighter my ass, just now I went to class with Lin Yin Yin, her face was red, ah, it was really charming."

He must have been masturbating. I gasped and ignored it, and he asked me again, "Have you seen a ghost, you're in such a panic."

I didn't panic, but I did feel like I had seen a ghost. I hesitated for a moment and came close to his ear: "Zhang Xiong, why do you think women use razors?"

He said casually: "Their armpit hair, leg hair, but they don't usually use razors, why?"

I whispered in response, "What about shaving there?" I pointed to his crotch, he groaned: "You see women shave ...... the fuck, where did you say?"

This kid is surprisingly excited, I was busy shaking my head, and asked him to only tell me something sensible. He gave me a bored look: "No one will shave a lot there with a razor, right, is it very embarrassing? Do you need a trim?"

I spat a little, very embarrassing, trimming only a little ...... I can not help but look at my own hands, suddenly a bad chill, I need to hurry and take a shower to sleep.

Translator Notes: Phew I dont know why, but this chapter felt more difficult to translate than the rest hopefully it gets easier from here, anywayyys MC has a sorta good relationship with Qin Lan now woohoo!! And we learn the sister is rich! Wonder whats going to happen next, and Ill see you all then!


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