Red Storm

Chapter 202

Book 6-1.3

“What is that?”

As tens of cavalry rushed in through the Road of Victory, Sentane, who had been stationed as an archer at Henkel Gate for the past fifteen years, started to get nervous. Based on their outfits, they were their allies, not the barbarians.

“There’s no way they were all killed and those are the only survivors?”

Sentane mumbled to himself in disbelief as he started to shake his head.

“This damned mouth of mine.”

Sentane tried to focus on the approaching cavalry.

‘That much equipment should meant they are at the knight level. Why are they rushing forward in such a large group?’

Sentane thought like that, and the other archers thought like that as well. Even the person responsible for the castle wall and the person responsible for the castle gate all thought the same thing.

That was why the cavalry was able to safely kill the tens of soldiers around the castle gate and destroy the pulley system that controls the entrance to the gate.

“It’s the enemy!”

Sentane turned pale as he shouted out loud.

“I can see a dust cloud.”

A Red Storm warrior named Melruta saw the dust cloud in the distance and started to shiver.

Behind him were his Red Storm peers, along with 2,000 warriors who were also looking in the same direction with stiff expressions. On the other side were ten members of the Red Storm as well as another 2,000 warriors looking at the same location.

“Everyone prepare to charge.”

The warriors instantly moved to the charging formation.

If they cannot wipe out the enemy, the rest of their Red Storm peers who were attacking the gate would be in danger. Melruta and the other Red Storm warriors opened their eyes wider than ever before, and could feel the strength throughout their body.




The cries of the warriors and the Red Storm echoed throughout the plains as they rushed forward at full speed.

“As expected, there was an ambush waiting for us in the middle.”

Spotch had a look of confirmation on his face as he heard the enemy shouting from the left and right.

He was thinking that this was too easy based on the strength of the enemy commander.

Spotch looked to the left and right before leisurely giving an order.

“Knights will lead the cavalry and defend against the enemy ambush to the left and the right. Archers support the cavalry, and the infantry First Brigade will slow down the chase and try to go around and surround the ambushers. Second and Third brigade set up defensive formations to prevent the enemy’s counterattack.”

The formation already had infantry in the front, archers in the back, and cavalry to both sides, and since they focused on maintaining the formation instead of trying to move as fast as possible, the empire’s soldiers quickly and efficiently switched their formation.

“Archers, fire when ready. Cavalry, charge! You cannot be pushed back until the infantry can take care of the sides and the rear.”

Spotch used mana to make sure his men could hear the command, before taking a look at both sides and turning his horse to the left where the battle seemed to be fiercer. He was planning on instantly taking down the enemy.

“All units, halt! Fix your formation!”

Yulian shouted urgently as soon as they left the ambush area. Although there was no way they would fail the charge with the Red Storm in the vanguard, you never knew what might happen. In addition, if you consider the fact that the enemy commander was at Thrint’s level of strength, you had to prepare for the just in case situations.

The lead warriors started to shout to get their subordinate warriors in formation.

Pareia’s extremely disheveled appearance was really just a formation that would allow them to quickly change to a charging formation. Pareia’s warriors almost instantly changed formations and started their counterattack.

Until Yulian arrived back at the battlefield, neither the left nor the right group of Pareia’s warriors had managed to take down the enemy. The enemy knights were pretty strong, and the west side seemed to even be getting pushed back because the enemy commander was personally handling that side.

“All units, charge.”

In order to go against the Silence Empire’s Heavy Armor Infantry, the archers approached the enemy and started to fire their arrows. WIth their cavalry already engaged with Pareia to the left and right, there was no way to stop the archers with just the Heavy Armor Infantry alone.

Pssh. Pssh. Pssh.

The Heavy Armor Infantry started to fall one by one to the arrows. It was hard for the archers to show their might in the first battle because of the far distance, but that was not the case this time.

At least one of three arrows were getting lodged into an enemy soldier.

The moment the Heavy Armor Infantry’s firm and dense formation started to break down, the warriors that were trained to take on the eavy Armor Infantry ran forward, while the rest of the pirma riding warriors spread out to the sides to flank them.

“The enemy is starting to falter. Kill them all.”

As the lead warriors recognized that they were taking the advantage and started to shout, the pirma riding warriors started to attack the Heavy Armor Infantry from a diagonal.

Their amor might be strong, but a trained shamshir on top of a pirma basically ignored the armor as they took the Heavy Armor Infantry down one by one, before stomping them with their pirmas.

Once the 5,000 warriors from the flanks completely pierced through the Heavy Armor Infantry line, it was pretty one sided from there.

“We will go reinforce the center. Leave the battle here to the infantry. Pirma riding warriors, get into formation.”

10,000 warriors got into formation at Yulian’s command.

Based on Yulian’s observation, there were not many enemy infantry soldiers left on this side, so the remaining warriors should be able to hold down this side without any issue. That was why he left a Greatest Warrior in charge before personally taking the 10,000 warriors and heading to the chaotic central area.

“I am here!”

Yulian shouted out loudly as he tried to boost the morale of the warriors who were having trouble in the center.

The right part of the center had a slight advantage while the left part was definitely being pushed back. Yulian’s shout made the right side start to push forward even faster, while the left side started to stop being pushed back and held their position.

Based on Yulian’s observation, the enemy’s knights and cavalry were in charge of the majority of the battle. The infantry were next to them, slowly increasing the pressure to support the knights and the cavalry.

“Hit the center and then merge to both sides. Go~ warriors of Pareia.”

As Yulian lifted up his greatsword high into the air and gave the command, the warriors shouted out in response and started to charge.

Yulian split apart from the formation on his own and rushed toward the warriors who were having trouble.

The Silence Empire’s infantry tried to block him after seeing him split off on his own, but three to four of them started to fall with each swing of his blade, creating path for Yulian.

“Uma, what is your shamshir that is stained in sweat doing? Sharu, why are you hesitating when you are the most vicious of the Red Storm? What are you all doing? I commanded you to charge through the enemy formation!”

Yulian finally got to the front and started to call out each of the Red Storm warriors’ names and shouted at them. The Red Storm warriors started to bite down on their lips until they started to bleed, as they started to crazily swing their greatswords.

With Yulian also joining in and instantly slashing one of the enemy knights, the warriors’ morale shot right back up.

While the situation did not instantly change, Pareia’s warriors were now slowly starting to push forward.

Spotch started to become anxious.

He could see the enemy start their counterattack, but the battle was fierce everywhere that he could not move any troops to reinforce the Heavy Armor Infantry in the front. That was a mistake.

The Heavy Armor Infantry fell almost instantly, and now the infantry was in danger as well.

Spotch could tell that the enemy’s change was because of Yulian.

Spotch valiantly approached Yulian and blocked his attack before shouting out.

“Chief of the barbarians, let’s finish our battle from earlier. My name is Spotch Rin Cullery, a Marquis of the Great Silence Empire, and the Commander of the Sunset Knight Brigade.”

Yulian smirked while responding.

“Why do we need to talk in a battle? Warriors only speak through their strength. However, I will let you know as well. My name is Yulian Provoke, the Desert Conqueror and War God, and the Glow of Pareia. This time, I will really show you the strength of the desert.”

The two men both let out a lot of fierce aura as they clashed once more.


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