Red Storm

Chapter 183

Book 5-5.5

“Second Red Storm?”

“He mentioned, he will create one every ten years.”

“Hmm... this should be fun.”

Seeing all of the warriors having something to say, Haisha continued to speak.

“Based on the order of the senior, Yulian-nim is not allowed to teach anything to the second generation of the Red Storm. As a result, we will need to teach them each and every step of the way. He has asked that we take this seriously.”

“They will be lucky to be taught by us. Just how much sorrow and pain did we have to experience?”

Shubeon followed up with the other warrior’s statement.

“It was at least a bit better when the Glow taught us. That terror when we were taught by the senior...”

All of them started to shake at Shubeon’s words. This was a subconscious fear that automatically filled their hearts.

“Alright, just remember that and make sure to find your disciples before the Glow comes to take a look.”

“Are we supposed to teach young warriors? Or are we to find warriors who have completed their coming-of-age ceremony like we had been in the beginning?”

As one of the other warriors asked the question, Haisha responded.

“He has asked us to take on warriors who have completed their coming-of-age ceremony. That way, there will not be a long gap between us and them. In addition, when we have the time, we are to advise the young warriors in their martial arts.”

“I’m lost as to how to convince them. It will not be easy to let go of the shamshir they had been using all this time. I don’t think we will be able to convince them as well as the Glow did with us.”

As one of the warriors started to speak with concern, Shubeon started to speak.

“The situation is different than with us. Right now, there will be plenty of people who want to join because of the Red Storm name. Make sure to pay attention to who you select. They will be our successors.”

Everyone nodded their heads at Shubeon’s words.

“The Glow mentioned he will come take a look in about a month, so let’s make sure to prepare before he comes. That is the end of the message.”

Once Haisha dismissed them, all of the Red Storm warriors started to think about the young warriors they had been observing until now or opening their eyes to find the young warriors they will start to teach.

There was a total of seventy-six members of the second generation of Red Storm. Close to half of the first generation Red Storm had decided to teach two warriors.

As he had instructed them to select one or two warriors, Yulian had no objections. Pareia would only get stronger if their martial arts were taught to more warriors.

The young warriors were extremely happy being able to personally meet the Glow and made up their mind to train diligently.

Starting from the next day, an endless amount of groans started to ring from both the training ground inside the castle, as well as the training ground outside the castle.

Edwin had entered the Rojini Kingdom with the identity of the diplomat of Pareia. While setting down his belongings in the residence the kingdom had provided for him and taking care of business for his merchant guild, he was waiting for a meeting with the king.

The king would have already received Yulian’s message through a messenger, but after not being able to meet with the king after a couple of days, Edwin started to think that something was off.

If he had come just as a merchant, it would be up to the king to decide whether or not to meet with him. However, he had come this time as a diplomat of Pareia.

‘Hmm...I’m sure they are ignoring me because Pareia is a desert tribe. If not, why would I have heard nothing after waiting for four days?”

It may just be a nominal position of diplomat from Pareia, but as long as he had the title, Edwin felt like he needed to protect the name of diplomat.

As Edwin made an official complaint to the foreign affairs office of the Rojini Kingdom, the person in charge of reception started to speak.

“I have already made my report, so a response should come. Please wait.”

Seeing as how he had no other options, Edwin decided to wait a few more days.

As a couple more days passed by without any information, Edwin felt like a mistake must have happened somewhere. If not, there was no way they would ignore a diplomat of a nation like this.

Edwin started to walk over to ask once more.

“Is there a mistake somewhere? It has already been close to ten days. We are not that free to just sit here for no reason.”

The receptionist bowed his head and responded.

“I’m sorry. It is being pushed back over and over. I am extremely sorry for all of this.”

At first, Edwin thought that the receptionist wanted money.

There were things like this. A desire to look down and feel superior to someone else. It was difficult for citizens of a weak nation to even make it past the border without paying a bribe. The people in power had no problem pretending a merchant or visitor was a refugee and make things difficult for them.

But after seeing the demeanor of the receptionist, Edwin felt like this wasn’t the case. If the receptionist had wanted money, he would not be treating Edwin like this.

“Just what seems to be the problem?”

As Edwin asked with frustration, the receptionist could not respond and just continued to apologize over and over while asking Edwin to wait a bit more.

“I will definitely let our King know and we will make sure to have you pay back this embarrassment.”

Honestly, Edwin had no reason to be nice. No matter what anybody had to say, Pareia was hard to invade now. All they were lacking right now was materials.

At that moment, a man came out from behind the receptionist and whispered something in his ear. The receptionist turned pale as he started to speak.

“We have received contact. You should be able to meet this afternoon. It seems to have been delayed because someone insisted they needed to come up from a province quite a bit away when he heard that respected guests have arrived from Pareia. We ask for your deep understanding.”

Seeing the receptionist coming at him so respectfully, Edwin no longer had any desire to act out.

“May I ask who that person is?”

“He is a sword master of the Rojini Kingdom.”

After hearing the receptionist’s answer, Edwin could finally completely get rid of the idea that he had been ignored. The fact that two out of ten sword masters of the Rojini Kingdom had to see him showed how important Pareia was, and just how important of an individual his Glow Yulian was to the Rojini Kingdom.

A servant came over in the afternoon to inform Edwin that the time had arrived. Edwin looked over his outfit once more and followed the servant.

After passing through a long hallway, they arrived at a large door. Two servants by the door opened the door and greeted Edwin in.

Edwin walked across the long yellow carpet and made eye contact with the person sitting on the chair before kneeling on one knee.

“Under the order of the Desert Conqueror, Pareia’s Glow Yulian Provoke-nim, Edwin Papent is honored to meet with his highness of the Rojini Kingdom.”

Rojini III, the king of the Rojini Kingdom was shocked that a diplomat of Pareai did not seem to be a person of the desert and started to speak.

“I am also happy to meet with you, diplomat of Pareia. However, are you a member of Pareia?”

“I am a person of the Inama Kingdom, however, I have a longstanding relationship with Pareia that the Glow of Pareia thought highly of my low experience and gave me this honorable opportunity to meet with your royal highness. It is because the citizens of Pareia are not yet aware of the customs or etiquette of the continent, so I dare to ask your highness for his deep understanding”

“Kekeke. I am not the stuck up type to be offended by such things.”

“Thank you very much.”

“Kekeke. You mentioned you are a person of the Inama Kingdom, but you seem to be pretty well aware of the castle etiquette. I had expected a person of Pareia to be extremely rough. Please stand.”

Edwin cautiously started to stand up at Rojini III’s words.

“I read over the information that the king of Pareia has sent over. To be honest with you, our diplomats threw quite a fit when you arrived that we needed to have a meeting. There were some masters who insisted they needed to meet with you as well. I don’t think any other diplomat would have been able to get this type of reception that you will be getting.”

Edwin bowed as he responded.

“This little diplomat is honored.”

“Kekeke. I have already finished the response to send to your king, so you will return differently than the quiet entrance you had when you arrived.”

Edwin started to smile internally at Rojini III’s words. That response pretty much meant that he has already approved of the alliance with Pareia.

“Then I will get up first as I have other things to attend to.”

Edwin urgently kneeled once more as Rojini III leisurely stood up and left.

The fact that the king personally met with Edwin was showing quite the respect to Pareia. The actual discussions about the alliance was something that needed to be discussed with the diplomats of the Rojini Kingdom.

Not long after the king left, a receptionist led Edwin to another room. The Rojini Kingdom’s Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Pumetrin, was in the room.

Once Edwin entered, Pumetrin got up from the seat and greeted Edwin.

“Welcome. My name is Pumetrin Ro Shuttersi.”

“Edwin Papent.”

As soon as the two men sat down after their greeting, Pumetrin started to smile as he spoke.

“His highness is extremely happy right now. For the valiant Pareia to be the first to reach out to us about an alliance. Our Rojini Kingdom had been planning on sending an envoy to Pareia in the near future.”

“I represent all of Pareia when I thank you for treating Pareia so highly.”

“The situation is not good right now, so let’s both yield a bit to each other. The sooner this alliance can happen, the more options we will have in the future.”

Edwin nodded his head, pretending to agree.

‘I agree. No matter what it is, we need to do it in moderation. However, the real question is who it is slightly more advantageous for.’

Runa had already told Edwin about a few things that they could not yield. Runa had even told him that it would be good for everyone if the Rojini Kingdom could become responsible for some of the materials that Edwin needed to gather.

“Of course. Let us not miss out on the big fish because we are focused on getting a couple more small fish.”

The two quickly started to share the conditions of their nation.

End of chapter.

Next up:

Establishment of the Alliance

The alliance between Pareia and the Rojini Kingdom.

That was the prelude to the war on the continent.


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