Red Storm

Chapter 181

Book 5-5.3

Pareia’s Meeting of Greatest Warriors gathered together once again.

With their territory expanding and number of oases increasing, they determined that it would be impossible for everyone to gather together for a meeting. As a result, they grouped the oases into groups of three, and picked a representative chief of each group. That was the reason about 30 people were gathered together for this meeting.

Runa was the one to call for this meeting, and was the one to guide the discussion as well.

Runa handed the lambskin that was prepared in advance to all of the chiefs before starting to speak.

“This is a list of what I consider to be the large issues for Pareia right now.”

Ratio between men and women

The fortification of the Castle of Storm that is under construction

The stability of the quicksand river and the trade routes in the unified Eastern Desert

A method to recover our currently empty finances

Succession of the Glow

Conflict management between areas


Many deep sighs could be heard around the room. Some of the items on the list were not as serious, but they had no method of dealing with some of the issues.

“It is something we need to make sure to discuss; that is why we have called all of the chiefs and Greatest Warriors over.”

“It is a good idea. There is a need to discuss all of these issues.”

Everyone called down after Yarumaha, who was someone that Yulian trusted deeply and also had the respect of many of the chiefs, responded. It was time for them to settle these issues.

“In terms of our consistent issue of male to female ratio, I do not believe we can do anything about it immediately. However, we must continue to work on it. It is good news that the number of male children are starting to increase, but the basics of a nation are its people, and the basics of the desert are our warriors.”

Runa shared his thoughts and potential solutions for each of the problem areas, and the chiefs shared their concerns for the potential solutions as well.

As they discussed the topics one by one, Runa suddenly dropped a bombshell once they reached the succession of the Glow.

“I wish to change our tribe’s method of selecting a Glow to that of an absolute monarchy.”

The inside of the paoe fell into chaos at Runa’s words, with whispers starting to appear all around the room.

“In order for Pareia to develop, we need an absolutely strong driving force with no hindrances at all. In addition, with our current system, we are not able to stand up against other nations. With this current system, if something was to happen to Yulian-nim, Pareia may end up falling back down to how it used to be.”

“Runa, do not try to force this issue. I have not agreed with your idea yet. Having a center to rally around and the fact that it will bring stability is great. However, it is still possible with our current system. You cannot change tradition overnight. It is also not a tradition that should be easily thrown away.”

The person to state their opposition to Runa was actually Yulian himself.

“I am not saying we should be having the Glow become a king like in the continent with the chiefs serving as nobles or calling the warriors as knights. We can take our current titles and keep our desert’s unique traditions alive. We can even share opinions in meeting of Greatest Warriors like we are doing right now. If there is anything that is changing, it is just stability regarding the Glow’s bloodline. The only title that would really be changing is that we would be calling our tribe a nation.”

“Do you mean that we will need to forever keep the Provoke family as the Glow?”

At one of the chief’s question, Runa nodded his head, as if to say that was obvious.

“Yes. Please do not react negatively at the fact that the titles or system will change. Our Pareia is not just a small country fighting over a few oases anymore. We need to establish a system that fits our status as a nation, as well as create a base that can stand up against the continent.”

Runa looked toward Yulian before continuing on.

“I am saying this because I believe that is the first step to reach the Glow’s dream. The same dream that initially stirred my desire to serve you. I am talking about a strong nation that is self sufficient.”

Silence filled the room once more. Everybody was looking around at one another. Originally, the selection of the Glow was determined by the recommendation of many of the chiefs. Of course it had become hereditary as long as the household of the Glow did not commit any critical mistakes or ended up dying.

However, it was still different than having a king and letting the position be determined by the bloodline. They felt like it would make them miss out on potential future opportunities.

You could see the conflicted expressions in everyone’s eyes. If they could continue to have Glows like their current Glow, it would be possible to get all of them to agree. However, how could that be the case? If there are wise Glows, there are bound to be stupid Glows as well.

The current system allowed them to select a wise Glow while preventing a stupid person from becoming the Glow.

There were a lot of things people wanted to say, but nobody dared to say any of their thoughts out loud. They did not want to be the ones to say it, because it would come out as if they were saying a stupid person will be born in the Provoke bloodline. Just as Runa just mentioned, if this hero named Yulian was to disappear, it basically meant the end of the current Pareia. That was how influencing Yulian was to Pareia right now.

“I understand what the Glow and may of the chief-nims are worried about. To say it one more time, what I am suggesting is being reborn as a nation. In order to be a nation, a lot of preparations are needed. That is why it is important that we have a strong Glow to control that, as well as making sure the education is in place for the Glow of the next generation.”

Yarumaha responded on behalf of everyone as expected.

“We understand what Assistant Warrior Runa is trying to do. There are many people who agree. However, it is just difficult for us to destroy a tradition that has continued for so long. Nobody knows what will happen in the future. There is nothing to complain about our current Glow. However, there is no way to know that it will be the same story with even his descendants.”

Yarumaha looked back and forth between Yulian and Pere before continuing on.

“As Assistant Warrior Runa mentioned, our Pareia is no longer a small tribe but a strong nation that has unified the Eastern Desert. This Yarumaha agrees with you that we need to stabilize our territory and develop a new system. However, and I apologize to the Glow for saying this, but we need to keep an escape route in case the worst possible scenario happens.”

“What Yarumaha-nim says is correct. I have studied the history of the continent before, and some nations have something called a senate, where they can show their opposition for the King’s suggestion if all of them agree. It might be good to have a similar system with our chiefs meeting together like a senate.”

Runa sighed internally at Yulian’s selfless words.

‘Without a strong system for succession of power, it will be difficult to create stability in a short amount of time. Even if it is difficult to get an unanimous vote to oppose the king, if there is the possibility for a king to be opposed, that can end up as a source of weakness.’

Yulian seemed to know what Runa was thinking, as he looked toward Runa and asked with his eyes.

‘What are you so worried about? Do I look that weak?’

‘The Glow is not weak, but ......’

Yulian may not have a problem, but it frustrated Runa as he thought about the next generation. Yulian may be the War God of the Eastern Desert, but he was a Glow that frequently was in the frontlines of war. The Glow was still human. A human who could end up dead by a stray arrow.

If he falls, his child will need to take power. At that time, this system will definitely end up a weakness. Subordinates under a weak leader are bound to work together to antagonize the leader. That was what Runa was worried about.

‘Amazing. Just how far in the future are you thinking about?’

‘Shouldn’t I at least plan up to the moment I die? The Glow’s dream is my dream as well.’

While Yulian and Runa were discussing with their eyes, the chiefs seemed to have made up their minds as well. They agreed with all of Runa’s words before leaving.

Fourth month in the year 260 of the continental calendar.

This was the end of the unified tribe of the Eastern Desert called Pareia. After a long time of preparation, this was the birth of the unified nation of Pareia.


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