Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 81: The Two Minutes that Seemed to Be Longer than Eternity

Chapter 81: The Two Minutes that Seemed to Be Longer than Eternity

Calvin took out a piece of crumpled paper and hurled it at the patients behind him.

Afterwards, he raised his gun and took a deep breath.

Bang! Bang! Bang!


Three consecutive gunshots rang out along with a fierce explosion that sent a shockwave directly at those shadows.

Before the others realized what just happened, Calvin had already unleashed four attacks in a row!

The three bullets that he unleashed accurately struck the brain stem of the madmen.

They died on the spot!


Jane collapsed on her knees.

She was the first one who awakened from her trance. She managed to raise her pistol and point it at the incoming enemy, but she found herself unable to pull the trigger.

Thankfully, Calvin's assault arrived even before the patient could reach her.

"Stop standing around! We have to move! This is just the start!" Calvin knew that the start of the patients' assault must be on the second floor since the Vocational Block's Art Room was located on the second floor. In other words, Calvin's group would face the most resistance on this floor.

If they wanted to successfully escape and survive, then they must squeeze through the net sprawled by the patients!


Hugo finally recovered from the shock as he raised his gun and sent a bullet flying towards a patient who was trying to get up. However, his nerves were still disturbed by the sudden ambush of the patients so his aim erred and he missed his target.

"Don't waste your bullets! Don't bother aiming for their heads if you can't! Shoot their chests instead! These bastards may be scary, but they are not that durable after all the experiments done to them by Fivecent!" Calvin declared.

Hugo sent another bullet flying at another patient. This time, he aimed for the chest.


A soft sound of flesh being torn rang out and the bullet directly tore the chest of the patient apart.

Hugo's eyes gleamed with understanding.

His military training immediately showed its effects as he took control of the situation, "Stick together! Aim at the chest, these bullets are powerful and they can tear through the bodies of these madmen!"

Hugo declared and he started shooting at the distant patients that were running towards them.

Jane shakily stood up and mustered her courage to aim her gun at an incoming patient.

The madman had an excited look on his face, seemingly unaware of the danger.

"Season the flesh! I want meat! Give me meat!" Saliva leaked out of the man's mouth and his shout startled Jane who subconsciously squeezed the trigger.


A gunshot rang out, but Jane's shot had missed.

Her aim was so unsteady that her shot completely missed the target despite the fact that the man was only a few meters away from her.

"Hieeek!" Jane cried out in a panic upon realizing that her enemy was still standing.


Another gunshot reverberated.

It came from Scarlette who had decisively pulled the trigger on her gun and directly shot the patient on his face.

Blood and copious amounts of brain matter scattered as the patient directly collapsed in front of Jane.

The sight of the milky-white brain matter mixing with the crimson blood made her nauseous as she keeled over and dry heaved.

"Are you okay? We've got to move! He's already dead! It's fine now!" Scarlette comforted Jane.

She stared right at Jane's eyes and reassured her with her own eyes that everything was fine.

Her method proved effective for Jane recovered from her trance.

"Y-Yes... I'm okay now..."


"Sorry for being so useless..."

Scarlette shook her head, "No... You're not useless at all. It's completely normal for you to be like this. Don't say that you are useless. You're not useless at all." She ruffled Jane's hair before the two of them followed after the others who had gone several meters ahead.

"Let's go... We must descend from this second floor immediately."

Calvin declared, "Follow closely and stick together. Do not wander off on your own. We must remember that there is strength in numbers. As long as we stick together then we can easily help each other. This place is getting more and more dangerous!"

Everyone nodded and they stuck even closer together to the point that their skins would touch in just a few steps.

When Calvin saw what they did, he nodded in satisfaction before continuing their journey.

According to the map, they were still a few corridors away from the turn that would take them on the last hallway that they needed to take before the staircase adjacent to the main elevators.

Hugo and Calvin stood in front of the formation and when they were about to take a turn for the next corridor. Calvin stopped the others from moving as he and Hugo checked the hallway.

There, Hugo discovered the silhouette of a baby crawling alone in the middle of the hallway.

The baby seemed to be humming some kind of a lullaby. Looking at the baby like this from a distance, the scene was melancholic and lonely. Hugo couldn't help but feel pity for the baby who was probably born in a nightmarish place such as this asylum.

Hugo had killed several dozens of people in his entire lifetime, but no matter how cold-blooded he was...

He couldn't possibly kill a baby.

He signaled to Calvin that the coast was clear and he was about to take a step into the hallway.

After all, what could a baby due to adults like them?

But as soon as Calvin saw the baby playing alone in the middle of the corridor.

He directly dragged Hugo back by his collar and said, "Shit! You bastard! You almost killed us!"

Hugo's eyes widened in shock seeing the desperate expression on Calvin's face, "Wha... What happened? Is there a trap in this corridor that can kill us all?"

"Yeah, there is! It's that baby! If I recall correctly, that baby should be a Tiyanak!"

"A Tiyanak? What do you mean? What is a Tiyanak?"

Medea was about to take a glance at the corridor but Calvin harshly pushed her aside.


"All the women in the group... Hide!"


"What do you mean?"

"Explain to us, Calvin!" Scarlette protested.

Calvin clicked his tongue and explained, "A Tiyanak is a demon resembling a deformed fetus. They are created from the improper burial of stillborn infants. These monsters feed on women's yin vital energy and they are incredibly relentless as well as ridiculously durable and fast!"

"Thankfully, they are not particularly interested in men so Hugo and I won't have a problem passing through this corridor... But you?" Calvin swept his gaze across the women in the team, "We need to find a way to hide the fact that all of you are women... We must let the Tiyanak think that you are men!"

"S-Surely you are exaggerating... It's just a baby! We have guns!" Jannette thought that it was ridiculous.

A single baby could kill them all?

That didn't make sense!

"I thought that we've already talked about this several times already? Never question my judgment! My words are for the survival of everyone! I don't want anyone to die anymore and that is why I want you to believe my words unconditionally..."

"But fine!"

"If you want to die that much, then go ahead... Cross this corridor as you are right now."

"As far as I can remember, a single woman is enough to satisfy a Tiyanak for a few days. If you sacrificed yourself for us, then we will be able to escape unharmed..." Calvin suddenly lifted a wicked smile, "How about it? Can you go and sacrifice yourself for us so we can escape?"

"Y-You... You're being unreasonable!" Jannette pointed her finger at him.

"Yeah, call me unreasonable or whatever as long as you will listen to my words."

Calvin rolled his eyes at her and proceeded to ignore her words as she turned to look at the others and asked, "Do you guys have any idea on how we can have you pretend as men so we can pass through this corridor?"

Jane, Zahra, and Scarlette as well as Medea fell into deep contemplation.

Even Hugo who couldn't care less about thinking also thought about the issue.

Meanwhile, Calvin took another peek at the next corridor to confirm the situation but then he received another shock when he realized that there was indeed a Tiyanak in the corridor.


It wasn't a single Tiyanak, but a dozen Tiyanaks!


Calvin's blood went cold.


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