Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 71: They Are Demons!

Chapter 71: They Are Demons!

The group continued on their journey and after taking another turn.

They found, yet another blood splatter.

"Do they not know about any other trick? This is getting quite old."

Scarlette immediately covered her mouth upon seeing the blood splattered on the ground. She turned to look at both Zahra and Jane as the pair supported her so she wouldn't collapse.

"Are you guys okay staring at that?" Scarlette asked in frustration.

She felt weird and left out that she was the only one violently reacting like this.

"No, we're not okay... This place is mad... I want to get out of here... We want to get out of this place."

"Yeah, but we can't leave without finding the others. We can't just let them die, right?"

"Besides, we still need that access keycard. Without that keycard, we wouldn't be able to escape." Jane seriously said.

Scarlette nodded her head and didn't say anything anymore.

"Calvin! I found another blood trail!" Hugo who went ahead and scouted the next corridor gestured towards Calvin.

Calvin was crouching beside the blood.

A frown could be seen on his face.

"What's wrong?" Hugo asked.

"Yeah, there's something wrong..."

"This blood..."

"It seems to be human blood."

Calvin concluded.

The smell of rust coming from this pool of blood evoked familiar memories in Calvin's mind, unlike that blood that he sniffed earlier. Furthermore, this blood didn't smell as strong as the previous pool of blood. In other words, Calvin's conjecture was likely correct.

The pool of blood earlier came from a dog, while this blood...

Came from a human being.

But the burning question in everyone's mind at this moment was...

"Who's the owner of that blood?" Zahra asked in concern.

Among the girls in Calvin's group, she was the calmest.

As a medical student, blood didn't really unfazed her. Especially if they came from a human being. On the other hand, Scarlette looked as if he was about to vomit already, while Jane's knees were now subconsciously trembling from fear.

Looking at the huge amount of blood splattered on the ground. It didn't take that much deduction to conclude that the owner of this pool of blood should be already dead.

Jane turned to look at Calvin.

Calvin nodded his head and proceeded to walk towards Hugo.

The next corridor was nauseatingly similar to the previous corridors in interior design as well as the placement of the bathrooms between the sickrooms. If one stayed here as a mental patient and they would pass through similar-looking corridors every day, it wasn't an understatement to say that they wouldn't probably recover from their illness.

The blood trails left by the person who walked into this corridor was similar to the blood trails that the group saw earlier.

The only difference was that apart from bloody footsteps, pieces of torn flesh, as well as torn clothes, could be seen on the ground.

Calvin's expression immediately turned grim.

He scanned the ground thoroughly and discovered that from the pool of blood just before the corridor.

The blood marks leading the corridor looked as if something was being dragged on the floor.

However, when they had entered the corridor, it was obvious that they stopped for a moment, possibly to stand up before they limped through the corridor.

In other words, this blood trail should come from the owner of the pool of blood and judging from the severity of his injuries and how much blood he lost. He must be dead at this moment.

Calvin gnashed his teeth.

He tried his best to protect them, but it seemed that it was their destiny to die in this final phase.

The owner of the blood made a great struggle to escape judging from how messy the entire corridor was, but in the end, he was obviously cornered at the furthest sickroom since the trail of footsteps ended there.

Standing in front of the door where the blood trail ended.

Calvin signaled to Hugo, while Hugo signaled to the girls. Their signal meant that the two of them would go inside the room while the girls should stay outside and be on the look-out.

"Okay..." Despite being scared, Jane firmly nodded.

Scarlette gritted her teeth and looked incredibly reluctant to part with the boys, while Zahra clenched her fists and suppressed the fear rising in her heart.

Even though she wasn't alone in this corridor.

The fact that they were all girls that weren't as physically strong as the patients here and without any weapon was enough for her to fear what was coming.

She wished that Calvin and Hugo wouldn't take too long inside the sickroom, or else...

She wasn't sure if she could still take the fear.

"Everything will be all right... I should calm down... Nothing will happen... Mind over body, I'm only scaring myself by worrying..." Zahra silently chanted in her heart.

She was trying to hypnotize herself, so she could forget the terror and fear.

Once inside the sickroom...

Calvin shook his head when the lights of the sickroom were turned on.

There, he saw the corpses of Roy and Rose.

Roy kneeled in front of Rose and his hands were stuck frozen in mid-air due to rigor mortis.

His expression was contorted with all sorts of emotions ranging from fear, remorse, and unwillingness.

A wound that directly penetrated his heart could be seen on his left chest.

Lying behind him was Rose.

The poor middle-aged lady was stark-naked.

She was obviously violated before she died.


As Calvin was shaking his head in regret, a loud explosion suddenly occurred beside him.

Hugo had slammed a wooden desk into smithereens out of anger and fury.

"Just who in god's green earth can do something as atrocious as this?! Are they even humans anymore?"

Calvin shook his head, "No... I won't call them humans."


Hugo was agitated.

"They are demons. Just like what Scarlette said earlier."


"Are they ghosts?"

Calvin almost keeled when he heard Hugo's answer.

This man, he's still being afraid of ghosts even at this point?

Calvin bitterly smiled and replied, "No... Demons aren't ghosts, but they are worse than demons since they can physically harm you. Ghosts, on the other hand, can only scare you mentally. But demons? They are beings with a physical form and they are able to kill you."

"So, in other words, Demons aren't ghosts?"

Calvin was speechless.

But he still replied, "Yes, they are not ghosts."

"All right, as long as they aren't ghosts, then I will take them down! I swear that I will never forgive those bastards who did this!"

"No, you're wrong, Hugo."


"It's not plural. The one who did this was only a single person."

"What? Who? Who did this to them?" Hugo asked in a stern voice.

Calvin stared right at Hugo and replied, "The one that we are looking for..."

"The madman who has the access keycard for the Security Room."

"Arthur Chase!"


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