Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 68: Hello, Demon. It's me.

Chapter 68: Hello, Demon. It's me.

Just as Hugo was feeling gloomy in his heart.

Calvin suddenly spoke, "Follow me."

Calvin's body was slightly slouched due to the weight behind him.

His face contorted with pain when Scarlett's limp hand suddenly made contact with his broken right arm.

Jane and Zahra who was so close to Calvin saw his injuries even though the place was almost pitch-black.

"What happened to your arm?" Jane asked in concern.

She was horrified to see Calvin's mangled arm that looked to be it was about to detach itself from his shoulder.

"'Nothing... I fell down the stairs."

Hugo was also concerned and confused. But he almost spat a mouthful of blood hearing Calvin's casual answer. As someone who received injuries on a daily basis, Hugo instantly saw that the severity of Calvin's injury couldn't possibly happen due to a fall from a staircase.

It must be caused by something or someone.

'Could it be that he has already crossed fists with one of the patients here? That makes sense, If not for that, then how could he be this confident? Seeing that he managed to live against those mentally-ill patients. There can only be two possibilities. One, he defeated them all and sustained that injury, and two... He got that injury from running away...'

'But judging from his confidence, it should be the former...'

Hugo silently pondered.

"I... I remember seeing a nurse's room in this corridor earlier when we ran for the receptionist's desk. I think we should go there first, I can tend to your wounds and make sure that it doesn't worsen over time." Zahra made a proposal.

As a medical student, she could see the severity of Calvin's injuries.

To be honest, she was quite shocked to see that Calvin was still conscious despite enduring such an injury.

Can he not feel any pain?

Zahra whispered to herself.

But that conjecture was absurd.

Calvin must be enduring the pain all this while.

Thinking of this, Zahra pitied him and made a proposal for them to visit the nurse's room first before they continued.

Calvin nodded his head, "That's probably the best. Lead the way, Zahra."

Zahra lightly smiled and cautiously walked beside Calvin.

[Hmmph... That is what you get for acting tough...]

Dandelion took the opportunity to send a jab at Calvin's ego.

[I wasn't acting tough... I was about to tell them that we should visit the nurse's room first.]

Calvin explained.

[Liar! I bet you didn't even know about the existence of a nurse's room in this place before that girl told you about it!]

[Hmmph... Do you think that I'm that stupid?]


Dandelion felt a sense of foreboding.

[We're in a hospital for fuck's sake. How could there be no nurse's room here? Can you have some common sense, Dandelion...?]


Dandelion went silent.

Calvin inwardly chuckled and the group finally found the nurse's room.

Zahra added a splint on Calvin's right arm and made sure that it was completely immobilized. Checking the medicines on the nearby cabinet, Zahra found some unexpired pain killers and it was given to Calvin who expressed his immense gratefulness for Zahra's care.

"I... It was nothing... I just didn't want your injuries to worsen, that's all..." Zahra turned her head away. She was astounded and embarrassed by Calvin's honest praise.

Jane glanced at Calvin before making a sidelong glance at Zahra. This was the first time that she saw such an abashed expression on her best friend's face! She's been with Zahra for almost a decade already and she always knew her to be an ice-cold queen, but today...

The coldness that froze the hearts of her admirers within the past few years was actually being thawed?

Jane inwardly snicked.

She felt happy for her best friend.

To be honest, she was starting to suspect if her best friend swung the other way, but now that she witnessed this scene.

She changed her mind and was now completely sure that her best friend's orientation was normal.

For some reason, she heaved a sigh of relief.

Calvin swung his right arm around and felt that it wasn't that painful anymore.

"The coast's clear, Hugo?"

He asked Hugo who stood before the entrance of the nurse's room.

"There's nothing strange, for now..." Hugo emphasized the end of his sentence for he could feel a sense of foreboding.

"All right, follow me."

Calvin nodded his head and led the way outside.

Once they were out of the nurse's room, Calvin spoke, "I didn't expect that we would miss such vital information."


Both Jane and Zahra suddenly became scared.

Hugo also turned tense.

Calvin raised his flashlight and directed the lights at the left walls of the corridor, "Can you see what I mean? This entire corridor is full of sickrooms! We just didn't notice the door and the doorknobs since it's too dark in here! There are sickrooms lining both sides of the corridor, some doors at the distance are left ajar..."

"I think something may come out of those doors to scare us the moment that we approach."

"C-Calvin... please don't scare us..." Jane trembled and held onto Calvin's waist.

Zahra walked closer and held the hem of his shirt.

"I'm not joking... This place is really dangerous. We should be careful about anything." Calvin stretched his neck and slightly adjusted Scarlette's posture on his back. Scarlette's breasts were pushed deeper into his back. Calvin could feel that elasticity, but he didn't pay it any heed.

Calvin wasn't a vegetarian and when it came to the number of breasts that he had fondled in his previous timeline.

If he dared to claim that he was first, no one would dare to claim that they were second!

As a spy, Calvin had his fair share of honey-trapping trysts.

Jane and Zahra looked unconvinced.

"I'm not trying to scare you, all right? Take a look at the footsteps on those sickrooms with doors left ajar. They are too focused and overlapped. In other words, they must've stopped in that position for a while." The unconvinced Jane and Zahra were now convinced, but their belief only made them more afraid of what was about to happen.

"Hahaha... It's fine, don't worry too much about it. Besides, Hugo's with us, right? He'll protect us all. I'm just telling you guys all of these so you'll be careful when passing in front of those doors."

Calvin ruffled the hair of Jane and Zahra. Jane's eyes widened due to the sudden affection that she received, while Zahra practically stood where she was and froze.

"Zahra? What's wrong?" Calvin noticed that she had stopped moving and he couldn't help but ask in concern.


"It's nothing..." Zahra hurriedly waved her hands in a panic.

'Oh my god... She's fallen deep...' Jane inwardly sniggered.

Calvin smiled and merely nodded his head.

The group continued on their journey.

Nothing unusual happened when they passed in front of the first three sickrooms after the nurse's room.

However, when the group was about to go near the fourth sickroom.

Dandelion suddenly gave out a warning.

At almost the exact moment when Dandelion gave his warning, Calvin burst through the door with a kick. The door swung heavily from the force and it slammed into the wall.


The figure hiding behind the slightly ajar door earlier was now exposed.

He was wearing a patient's garb; his expression was as pale as a sheet of paper and beneath his messy and filthy bangs was a pair of astonished eyes. He stood where he was, the wicked smile that he had was still plastered on his lips.

It was painfully obvious that he was about to attack the group, but he didn't expect Calvin to be even faster than him.

"Hello demon, it's me ya boy..." Calvin lifted an amused smile.

The demon hiding behind the door froze.


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