Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 5: A Tantalizing Offer

Chapter 5: A Tantalizing Offer

"What are you talking about?"

Although excited, Calvin knew the consequences if anyone realized that he was from the future.

He acted oblivious to the fact that he knew what Ria was talking about. As someone who served as a spy for humanity in the territory of those bastards from the depths of the crack. Calvin's acting skills were better than Oscar-nominated actors, or even the winners.

"Don't be in such a hurry. I'll explain everything to you, but that is on the grounds that you sign a non-disclosure contract and after you agree to listen to what I am about to say."

Calvin's lips repeatedly twitched.

The non-disclosure contract that Ria was talking about actually didn't exist. The only reason why she talked about something non-existent was to make everything sound formal and professional.

In other words, it would make the person she was recruiting think that the thing that they were about to talk about was completely legal due to the safety protocols surrounding it.

However, the reason why the non-disclosure contract was non-existent in the first place was that anyone who heard her offer would never refuse.

It was an offer that could never be refused.

Once the offer was declined, the only path available to that person would be death.

The organization behind Ria would never let someone go after they had refused their offer.

Staring right at Ria, Calvin replied, "I'm... I'm not going to get into trouble if I just listen to you, right? A non-disclosure contract... That sounds dangerous..."

Ria smiled, "Well if you are not so comfortable about signing one, then let's forget about that."

She placed her shoulder bag on the space between the two of them and opened it up. The contents of the bag were exposed, and neatly arranged stacks of thousands of dollars could be seen inside.


Calvin had a look of astonishment on his face which gave Ria a sense of satisfaction.

"Just... who... are you? A person carrying this much money... You must be something out of the ordinary." Calvin commented.

Ria smile deepened, "At least, you're that smart."

"Not really, it's just common sense." Calvin rolled his eyes at her.

Ria was taken aback that her praise was refused. But she didn't say anything anymore. She had already finished her investigations regarding Calvin's background. All that was left to do was to hurl the bait and drag the fish into the boat.

Addicts were the easiest to reel in using money. But Ria was someone who never moved without any proper plan.

Despite the huge possibility of success.

She never moved nor did anything until today.

Until today when she saw that the young man was about to take his life.

He was someone whom she observed for more than a year now!

How could she let him die?

Noticing that Calvin was still staring at her shoulder bag with clear desires in his eyes, Ria was convinced that her plan wouldn't fail.

"I will give you all of this money and probably even more for as long as you cooperate with us in a little experiment."

"How about it?"

"An experiment?" Calvin raised an eyebrow, "What is it all about? Let me tell you this... I am not going to do anything illegal! If what I needed to do to earn that much money is against the law, then count me out!"

"Calm down, calm down... You will not be doing anything illegal..."

"Calvin Villanueva..."

Ria stared right at his eyes.

"A good-for-nothing piece of shit that has been continuously deceiving his family for about two decades. You've stolen your sister's tuition money for three times already within the past year..."

"You've also deceived your family that you're going to turn over into a new leaf for about twenty-two times already within the past six months."

"You've also lied to your mother for a hundred and eight times about needing money to pay for school projects but you used them to play video games instead. You also hid the fact that you were expelled from your school due to excessive absences..."

"Your lie has been discovered recently, but instead of feeling remorse..."

"You opted to steal your sister's tuition money again."

"And today, earlier this morning, you were finally kicked out from your family."

"You asked for a ban from that Internet Cafe you frequented since you became a video game addict, but unfortunately. It was just a facade. You were actually feeling suicidal and have decided to end your life today. Dying as a nameless piece of garbage, video game addict that no one would ever remember."

"Is this what you had in mind when you were just a child?"

"Is this what you wanted?"

Calvin stared right at Ria's eyes.

He seemed to be convinced of Ria's speech.

Noticing this, Ria took a deep breath and continued.

"I am giving you an offer to turn everything around and change your life for the better."

"We are not going to let you do something illegal."

"We are a compassionate, kind-hearted, legal gaming company."

"We have the best interest of our customers in mind and as our future employee. We will treat you right."

"Becoming our employee has a lot of benefits..."

"We will clear all your debts, I know you have a lot of debt, and I will clear them all for you."

"Furthermore, your salary would be at the upper-middle-class range. You will be earning two hundred thousand dollars per year excluding bonuses based on your performance."

"How about it? Are you interested yet?" Ria ended her speech with a light smile on her face.

Calvin stared at her and he couldn't help but bitterly smile upon seeing her performance.

'Yeah... What she said just now really makes her sound as if she's legitimately inviting me for a job. But she really needs to be careful though. There's something that she missed out. She's offering me a job for a gaming company, yet do I even have the skills that a gaming company usually requires?'

'How could I have those skills when all I did within the past two decades is eat, shit, sleep, and play?'

Calvin inwardly shook his head out of displeasure from Ria's performance.

But of course, he didn't show any emotions from the outside.

He had this look of amazement and excitement on his face as if he couldn't wait to start working for the company, so he could turn his life around.

"You still haven't answered me yet, Mr. Villanueva."

"What about it? Are you interested?"

Calvin immediately replied, "Of course I am interested! How could I not be interested? I'd be stupid if I wasn't!"

He almost jumped from his seat out of excitement.

"Good, that makes everything easier. Now, I hope you can sign this contract." Ria pulled a thick contract out of her shoulder bag and handed it over to Calvin.

"Damn that's a lot of papers, it would take me quite a long time to read them."

As Ria expected, Calvin complained when he saw the bunch of papers.

From what she knew, addicts like Calvin were impatient people who couldn't wait, and their impatience would definitely be exacerbated when standing in front of a prospect that could change their life for the better.

Ria's smile deepened furthermore, "Do you want me to give you a nutshell on what the contract is about?"

"Sure! That makes everything easier." Calvin immediately nodded his head.

Ria then gave a short explanation regarding the contract and upon hearing what she had to say.

Calvin had a look of satisfaction on his face.

But after he signed the contract...

He seemed to have been struck by a sudden realization as he stared at Ria with a frown.

"Wait, there's something strange..."

"What is it?" Ria also frowned.

"I'm going to be an employee of a game company, right?"

"As far as I know, game companies need employees that are skillful. Particularly, when it comes to coding and programming. I don't really have any experience nor skills regarding those two, yet why did you come here to purposely recruit me?" Calvin stared at Ria in doubt.

Ria's smile crumbled, "You don't have to know about that..."

Her tantalizing brown eyes turned black and a burst of darkness exploded from her body, instantly droning out Calvin and making him lose his consciousness.

Everything happened so fast that Calvin had no time to scream before he lost consciousness.

Ria then carried him over her shoulder as if she was carrying a sack of potatoes.

But little did she knew that on Calvin's face.

There was no trace of fear at all.

Instead, there was this look of excitement on his face as if he couldn't wait to wake up once again.


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