Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 29: Patient Files

Chapter 29: Patient Files

"T-These... are... Patient files?" Rose reeled in shock upon seeing the title of the document

"P-Persistent Sexual Arousal? What a pervert..." Roy whispered.

"No shit, sherlock. But, Arthur Chase... Isn't that what that handsome monster told us earlier?" Nicholas jeered at Roy before jokingly commenting.

Calvin raised his head and stared at him, "Handsome monster, you sure know how to jest. Yes, the Benevolent Father mentioned that Arthur Chase has the security access keycard for the Security Room. But the problem is where are we going to find that Arthur Chase?"

"What do you want to do, Calvin? Should we go and look for this Arthur Chase first, or do we go to the basement and turn on the electricity for the eastern side of the asylum." Hugo asked with curiosity.

Medea also turned to look at Calvin.

Calvin could feel that Medea's gaze was somewhat strange, but since he had no time to understand the underlying meaning of her gaze. Calvin merely shrugged it before replying, "Let's see if Nicholas can find more information about this place. The information that I bribed out of the custodians may not even be that accurate.''

Hugo nodded.

Speaking of the devil...

Nicholas exclaimed in shock.

"I found a map!"

"I found a map of the asylum!"

A loading screen appeared on the monitor and a map was revealed in front of everyone.

"Administration Block..."

"Vocational Block..."

"Recreation Area..."

"Watch Tower Grounds..."

"Medical Ward..."

"A Hospital and a Prison...?"

"There are also some areas that I can't access due to this annoying state of the art firewall," Nicholas uttered a complaint.

"That's fine, that's good enough. Can someone draw better than me here? I want someone to draw the map and the routes, so we can use it as our reference. But since this place is too big, it's better if we just draw the map of the Vocational Block and the Medical Ward..." Calvin proposed.

"How about the Administration Block?" Rose asked.

Calvin shook his head, "It doesn't matter, we are about to leave the Administration Block anyway after going through the flooded basement."

"Leave? Where are we going." Calvin's answer confused her instead.

"We are going for the medical ward and take the keycard from the hands of that Arthur Chase."

Calvin solemnly declared. He was once an employee of Fivecent. Earlier, he had no idea where Arthur Chase was, but after seeing the map from Nicholas and realizing that the Medical Ward was available for exploration. The answer became obvious, Arthur Chase must be in the Medical Ward.

The others felt a shiver down their spines. They were already convinced of the horrors of this place. None of them dared to downplay nor underestimate the patients in this place anymore. Just the Benevolent Father alone was probably enough to annihilate them in a few seconds.

Even if they say that the other patients were weaker than the Benevolent Father.

None of them was willing to gamble.

After all, a person only had a single life and it was everyone's responsibility to take care of their own lives.

If possible, they weren't willing to risk their lives at all.

"But how can you be so sure that Arthur Chase will be in the Medical Ward?" Hugo asked in curiosity.

He turned to look at him and was about to reply when Jannette suddenly spoke, "It's probably because the female staff of this asylum lived within the Medical Ward in close proximity with their patients so they can respond as fast as possible in emergencies..."

"Am I right, Zahra?" She looked at Zahra for confirmation.

Zahra was a bit nervous after being called out but as a diligent child who studied a lot every day.

She knew that Jannette's answer was correct. She slightly nodded their heads and everyone was convinced. No one within this group doubted Zahra's capabilities and knowledge when it came to hospitals and the morbid reality.

Calvin also supported her with a smile, "That's right. But to go to the Medical Ward which is situated on the second floor directly above the Vocational Block. We need to turn on the electricity first for the eastern side of the asylum. We probably can't access that place without any running electricity."

"Why?" Roy asked in confusion.

Zahra answered him with a smile, "It's because places like this often have decontamination chambers in their entrances. So, if we want to go to the Medical Ward. We will definitely have to go through a decontamination chamber..."

"What?" Roy was still confused.

Zahra was taken aback and confused if her explanation was correct or not.

Then, Nicholas interjected: "Don't worry about it, Zahra. There's nothing wrong with your explanation. Roy is just too stupid to understand what you are talking about. In fact, I don't even think that we need to listen to his opinions."

"What the fuck did you just say to me, Nicholas?!"

"What? You want to take this outside?" Nicholas wasn't backing down.

"Shut up." Calvin coldly interrupted. He looked at Roy and explained, "Decontamination Chambers need electricity to work despite it being mainly hydraulic. Without electricity, the gates of the decontamination chambers won't open and we will not be able to access the Medical Ward."

"Oh, okay... That makes sense." Roy awkwardly nodded his head.

Actually, the only reason why he was asking questions wasn't that he genuinely wanted to know more about what was going on. It's only because he didn't want to feel useless.

He wanted to be somewhat useful to the team.

Unfortunately for him, he knew nothing about the jargon that they were talking about, so he could only ask questions in order to pretend that he knew a thing or two.

What Nicholas did was basically the same as revealing one of his deepest secrets. Roy was angry and he even threatened to pounce at Nicholas and pummel him down the ground.

Sadly, Hugo's gaze was entirely focused on him and he knew that once he attacked Nicholas, Hugo would almost immediately suppress him.

Calvin made a sidelong glance at Roy. How could he not notice his emotional turmoil?

Sighing, Calvin swept his gaze to the others and said.

"Rose... You may have been complacent and arrogant, but I saw how you tried to protect Scarlette who was standing behind you earlier in the staircase when we first met the Benevolent Father."

"Scarlette, you've always protected Zahra and Jane. I saw you braving your fears earlier despite your trembling knees."

"Jannette, you may have been quiet the whole time, but I am pretty sure that I saw you trying to make space for Hugo in order for him to rescue both Zahra and Jane as fast as possible. You know that you are not as strong as Scarlette nor as ingenious as Rose, but you were still trying to help the team in your own way."

"Nicholas, earlier when we were still back at the breakroom. Despite being extremely afraid of what was going on, you were still trying to crack some jokes in order to lighten up the mood. Others may not notice your efforts on stabilizing the mental condition of the others but I greatly appreciate your help."

"Ray, I thought you were just a pompous attention-seeker when we first arrived in this place. But ever since I saw how you were trying to place yourself in between me and the girls. I realized that you were not trying to get my attention, you were doing your best to protect the girls from any sudden changes."

"Philip, you were the loudest complainant at that time in the breakroom but after our encounter with the Benevolent Father, you've become brave. Despite your fear of traversing through the darkness, you still stood up and defended our flanks from the enemies that may suddenly arrive."

"Zahra, you helped us diagnose the death of that man earlier. Jane, you might think that you're not doing much, but your presence alone is reassuring..."

"The fact that someone like you can still be so ordinary and easily scared in a place like this reminds us that you are still human and that we should be human too and never fall into the same madness as this place!"

"Hugo! Your stature is like a mountain. Your presence alone is enough help!"

"And as for you, Roy! You're not useless at all! Even though you ask a lot of questions, your questions are actually helpful for us to notice some of the easily missed details that we would've missed if not for your questions making us think twice regarding what was going on and the information that we gathered..."

"And as for Medea..."

Calvin's eyes landed on Medea.

"Ahem... In other words, no one is useless in this team."

"Hey, why did you not announce my contributions?" Medea coldly spat, "Are you implying that I'm useless?"

"N-no... That's not it, uh, you've been really helpful. You're so beautiful, so your presence is like a light bulb in the middle of the dark." Calvin's mind madly spun as he made some excuses. When he saw that Medea was stunned speechless by what he had said. He quickly took advantage of that opportunity to change the topic.

"All right, uh... Let's go..."

"Onwards to the Flooded Basement!"

He straightened his back and marched out of the Computer Lab.

Descending the stairs, the group soon arrived at the Administration Block, Flooded Basement.


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