Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 129: Divination

Chapter 129: Divination

Upon the successful completion of the Trial, a civilian would undergo class bestowal.

There were a lot of classes in existence in the world of Las Felipinas. However, most of them no matter how strange the class was would still be classified by the Church that governs the civilian that had just become a Predator.

Let us say that you are a civilian that obtained the class called Magic Swordsman.

Now, the word Magic alone should be enough for one to realize that the class could use Magic. Does his class belong to the Mage-Type, then? Nope! Why? It was because of the Swordsman at the end of his class name.

If you add Magic and Swordsman then you would get the two classifications, namely, "Mage" and "Fighter". In short, the person in question has a dual-affiliated class. Of course, dual-affiliated classes were rare. After all, a god or goddess could be lazy and just randomly give the civilian a niche class such as Street Cleaner.

Classes whose traits do not fall under any of the classification categories established by the Church of the Three Orthodox Gods were Golden Classes.

People whose class belongs to this classification would either be incredibly overpowered or incredibly weak such as the case of the Street Cleaner class.

Of course, these classes weren't arbitrarily given to the people by the gods.

The people from the Church of the Three Orthodox Gods believed that the Goddess Grace, God Eternal Fire, and God Aesculapius must have their own reasons as to why they bestowed a person an overpowered or useless class.

Being their subjects, the believers of the church do not have the right to question the mysterious workings of their gods.

Else, it would be considered as blasphemy to the gods and those that dare to do such a serious crime would be publicly executed as an example to other dissidents or believers of other gods.

Ron Samuel's class was unknown, but one thing was for sure.

From the dark bluish glow in his eyes, he had a Mage-Type Class.

Scout or Ranger-Type Classes like Ashlynn would have an orange glow in their eyes, while Fighter-Type Classes would have the crimson color in their eyes.

As for the Tank, Assassin, and Healer-Type classes...

Their eyes would glow brown, purple, and green.

Those with dual-affiliation class, the glow of their eyes would be halved depending on which type their classes were affiliated to. As for those whose classes were of the Golden-Type.

Well, obviously, the glow in their eyes would be golden.

In the world of Las Felipinas, one could vaguely measure the strength of an enemy using the aura that their enemy was radiating and at this moment. Every Cavalier around Ron Samuel felt their chest collapsing. They found it hard to breathe as they gasped for air.

Fortunately, their suffering didn't last that long as Ron Samuel retracted his aura and languidly said...

"Let us begin the divination..."

The essential oils, pure water dew, herbs, and other items were already prepared.

It was time for them to start.

There exists three planes of reality in the world of Las Felipinas.

The material plane, the spirit plane, and the astral plane.

Divinations used all sorts of methods such as tarot cards, poker cards, dowsing rods, pendulums, and dreams. These were the methods available when it came to divination but each of these methods required a certain amount of Mana and Mana Capacity.

By tapping onto the latent Mana within the Spirituality of each person, one could demand answers from the spirit plane, and that could be interpreted as an answer.

But since the endeavor required a substantial amount of mana.

Those that attempt such rituals without being a bestowed upon a class and transformed by the blessing of the gods into a Predator would receive minimal and vague revelations.

Of course, these revelations were still useful. It was just too vague when compared to the revelations and answers that one could get if they had been transformed into a Predator.

But just because one was a Predator meant that they would be able to acquire an accurate answer.

Spiritualistic Magic wasn't omnipotent, it had its limits.

Not even the Seven Gods and Goddesses would claim that they were omnipotent.

But for Ron Samuel and this group of Cavaliers, a two-part Divination Ritual should be enough.

The first part would be a Scene Scrying-Type of Divination Ritual, while the other would be a simple coin toss ritual to ascertain the facts through the use of a simple yes or no. The latter ritual wasn't that complicated, but the Scene Scrying-Type Divination Ritual was somewhat complex.

Nonetheless, Ron Samuel was confident.

Having no information about Calvin whatsoever apart from his first name, it was impossible for Ron Samuel to divine what happened to him in the past few days using Spirit Numerology.

He could use Astromancy, but he reckoned that it would be inaccurate since Astrolobe Divination required the calculation of the states of planets and constellations which was complicated even for Ron Samuel with decades of experience.

The Orthodox Divination Path divined answers from the Seven Gods and Goddesses. But what if even the Seven Gods and Goddesses do not have the answer to your question?

Well, then it was time to use an unorthodox divination ritual such as what Ron Samuel was about to attempt at this moment.

He planned on using the blessing of Goddess Grace to capture a supernatural entity from the Spirit plane and then ask that entity to provide the scenes or answers that he needed to his question.

Then, as a contingency plan in the case that the supernatural entity lied to him. He would have James Branzuela perform a Coin Tossing Divination Ritual.

The plan was set and it was about to get the show on the road.

The Cavaliers revolved the latent Mana in their bodies in preparation if something went awry.

Of course, they believed in Ron Samuel's ability when it came to divination.

However, it was just much better to be safe than sorry.

Ron Samuel glanced at James Branzuela and the latter handed over a candle with a special fragrant wick towards him.

He received it and then placed the candle behind the deep silver bowl. This candle represented Calvin, and it had his first name on it. Unless he lied about his name which was highly unlikely, this candle representation shouldn't have any problems.

Divining the future and glimpsing on the past of a person usually required the presence of that person. But since Calvin wasn't here, then Ron Samuel had to use a substitute that was why he needed the candle. It represented Calvin since it had his name on it and his scent.

As for his scent.

Ashlynn walked over to Ron Samuel and handed over a handkerchief.

Earlier, when she leaned over Calvin to ask him some questions about the Bestiary.

She did it with a purpose. Her questions served as a distraction for Calvin so that he wouldn't notice the fact that Ashlynn was actually rubbing the scent of his body onto a handkerchief damp with the essence of pure water dew.

The pure water dew became infused with some of Calvin's sweat and this should be enough to turn the candle into his spiritual representation.

Ron Samuel took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

The room that was filled with the floral fragrance of incense was suddenly subject to a formless whirlwind. Ron Samuel still had his eyes closed but the moment he felt that blast of air out of nowhere, he opened his eyes once more and he had successfully entered the state of Divination!

His eyes that shone in a dark bluish hue suddenly turned into a bottomless abyss.

He extended his palm and laid it atop the candle behind the deep silver bowl.

"Oh, Goddess of All-Encompassing Light..."

"The Magister of Light and the Commander of Compassion..."

"You are the most benevolent!"

As Ron Samuel silently chanted, the candle behind the deep silver bowl suddenly ignited with a pure-white fire. The candle that represented Calvin began to burn. The divination had officially begun and Ron Samuel had to act fast!

Before anyone could even react, he reached his hand out to the Spiritualistic Ingredients neatly laid onto the table.

He sprinkled the essential oils onto the pure water dew that filled the deep silver bowl until the oil formed a shiny layer above the water.

Then, he took the quill that James Branzuela prepared beforehand and used his Mana to draw some incantations and symbols to ward off intruders from the astral plane.

As for the material plane, the Cavaliers were protecting him so it shouldn't be a problem.

With all of these done, he took a drop of his own blood and placed it on the pure-white fire of the candle.


A spark spontaneously combusted and the room became filled with a faint fog.

The nerves of the other Cavaliers stretched tautly.

The appearance of the spirit plane's fog meant that Ron Samuel was about to open the gates of the spirit plane!

Ron Samuel remained steadfast and calm.

He then burned a few types of herbs onto the fire before he once again placed both of his palms in parallel to each other with only his fingertips touching. Next, he began chanting the corresponding incantation for the Scene Scrying-Type Divination Ritual.

"As benevolent as the mothers that gave life upon the lands, you are warmer than the stars."

"I pray for your loving grace..."

"I pray for you to show your benevolence and compassion to your devout believer."

"Your devout believer beseeches you to open the gates of the Spirit Plane..."


Ron Samuel recited the final word of the incantation in Elder Tongue.

As soon as the word came out, the still waters of the deep silver bowl suddenly became tumultuous.

Then, in a blink of an eye, scenes flashed on the waters of the deep silver bowl.

If Calvin was here, then he would surely be shocked.

It was because the scene depicted on the deep silver bowl was the scene of him killing those gangsters with a kick!

Each and every Cavalier silently watched the scene unfolding in front of them.

Calvin had a child in his embrace, yet his attacks were still swift and ruthless.

A single strike was all he needed to kill every gangster before him, and in a blink of an eye...

The scene had ended.

The final image that everyone saw was the consoling smile on Calvin's face as he turned to look at the injured woman sitting on the floor.

The images disappeared like popped bubbles and the faint fog that surrounded the room had vanished.

Yet, the heart of these Cavaliers was wildly beating.

But before they could even say anything...

Ron Samuel suddenly infused some of his Mana into a Joselian coin before silently muttering an incantation.

Then, he hurled that coin into the air with a question.

"Are the results of his actions depicted earlier detrimental to society?"

Heads meant true, and tails meant false.

It took them quite a while to reach this part, but in the end, their next course of action was to be decided with a coin toss.

It sounded ridiculous, but none of them doubted it.

The Coin Toss Divination Ritual had the highest accuracy rate when it comes to questions that could be answered with a yes or not.

But of course, there was a caveat...

And that was it was only accurate if there were no external supernatural forces interrupting the ritual.

However, when Ron Samuel hurled the coin up into the air, it never came back down.

It became lodged deep into the ceiling of the Coffee Shop and the coin showed no heads nor tails.

The result was inconclusive, so in other words...

There was an external supernatural force in action, preventing them from correctly performing the ritual!

Ron Samuel's eyes dangerously narrowed.


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