Records of Rebirth

Chapter 184 - A Call To Arms

Seeing the destruction caused by the colossal beast, I didn't want to end up as one of its casualties and so, I fled as fast as I could.

Eventually, we made it out of the bone valley and the ape's forest by extension, but not once did I dare to look back. 

However, our near fatality was completely lost on the two brats accompanying me.

Morgana began hissing fiercely at the fleeing scorpions, extremely excited to see the creatures driven to retreat, and she even stared eagerly at the corpses of the defeated with hunger, like she wanted to stop and collect them before fleeing.

Meanwhile, the dark fae cheered loudly, immensely thrilled at the bumpy escape ride.

[Let's do that again! That was fun!]

I wanted to facepalm.

Perhaps they overestimated my capabilities – didn't they see I was fleeing for my life?

That colossal ape was dangerous, and I was so glad to make it out alive.

But I kept thinking…what now?

Were we really safe as long as the two creatures were in conflict?

I couldn't help wondering about the colossal ape's weird actions.

Why did it wait until its peers could no longer defend themselves before joining the battle? If it waited just a little longer, they would have been utterly defeated! And I also saw some of the smaller apes get impacted by its attacks.

Their dynamic was definitely strange.

Was it really their leader or were they simply banding around the immensely strong singularity for protection?

While the scorpions knew my nestlings by sight, there was a chance that apes no longer did.

Several had died just now and perhaps that included any other ape creature that had been around the one that attacked my cave.

The creatures fought in clusters of three and four, so maybe following my nestlings was simply the action of one group and not that of their leader, which meant we would not be attacked by the colossal one for revenge. least I hoped so.

However, that didn't rule out attacks from the smaller apes.

And Sensei did say they were very vengeful, so who knew if this was how things would turn out.

Since all the witnesses weren't killed in this round, I was sure we would get attacked at some point in the future, or as soon as their fight with the scorpion creatures was over, which wasn't good for me and my nestlings.

With all of these worries, I veered away from the fleeing scorpions, deciding to land on one of the trees to observe what they would do.

The ape creatures were regrouping in the wake of the destruction with the colossal ape moving in their midst.

The ground soon trembled again as the large creature let out a deafening roar that sent many small creatures scurrying away in fright. Then the smaller ape creatures also began to roar, although none were as loud as the first one. 

Soon, faint cries echoed out from countless corners of the forest, in numbers far greater than I could anticipate. 

It was only then I understood that the giant ape was calling for the return of their brethren and many had responded.

I decided not to stick around to see how many would arrive and took off after the fleeing scorpions.

It was time to learn more about the other threat.

I flew above to follow the retreating scorpion creatures, hoping to find their den and figure out what they would do to retaliate, and if they were up to par with dealing with the colossal ape. 

They had just been defeated and I was sure they would retaliate with even greater force.

I followed them for a while until we came to a dark rocky formation that sheltered the trees from wind. There was a large crack that formed in the rock, leading into a large underground cavern where the scorpions resided. I watched the few returning scorpions scamper inside before disappearing from view.

I would have snuck into their lair with [Mimic], but for now I was satisfied with simply knowing where they lived.

And now that I did, whatever happened next was fair game.

I settled down on a nearby branch, watching the rock formation with [Heat Sense].

The ape creatures were strong, and trouble was afoot! 

And I was curious to know what else the scorpion creatures had up their sleeves.

However, after waiting outside for a while, nothing stirred from within.

Morgana hissed impatiently, eager to keep moving, but I ordered her to be quiet.

I thought I'd give them a little while – it wasn't that easy to summon an army.

And after what felt like a while, the inside of the cavern began to stir with activity.

Numerous smaller scorpions kept pouring out from inside, accompanied by five of their larger, evolved versions and they all began the steady march towards the ape's lair.

The response was swift, perhaps thinking it best to attack while the apes were decimated.

Though I wasn't sure if they would get the victory they wanted, the sheer amount of the scorpions present was truly shocking. 

It made me reaffirm that I couldn't afford to trifle with either of these creatures in my present state - they simply outnumbered me and my nestlings by several fold. 

As I was pondering my next move, the dark fae fluttered in front of me with a concerned look.

[Don't worry. If you ask the nymph for help, she will assist you, as long as you keep your promise. She really likes you.]


But before I could process her words, the dark fae suddenly squealed, pointing excitedly at an object behind me.

[It's sweet! I want it! Get it for me, please. It's so big!] 

I looked over and saw a circular, wine coloured fruit growing from the highest stalk of the tree. It looked like a peach, but it grew in clusters, much like a berry, and it was the only fruit-like object in the entire tree. 

And I was naturally suspicious of it. 

[What if it's poison?] I voiced my concern. 

[It's not!] The dark fae shook her head and insisted on the fruit. [They are very sweet and tasty. Even sweeter than honey!]


Wait…I had to think rationally. I couldn't act like her.

And this was not the time or place for a snack break anyway!

But the fae flew up and tried to pull it off, when a single fruit from the cluster was about the size of her entire body.

I sighed listlessly. 

Take this seriously, dammit! 

I asked her what she meant about asking the Nymph, but the dark fae was too distracted to respond and with no other choice, I went higher to get a closer look at the fruit.

But when I looked down, the line of scorpion creatures had already exited the rock formation and were on their way to attack the ape creatures. 

There was nothing much to see there now and my attention returned to the fruit. 

They did look very plump and I couldn't help wondering what they would taste like.

«You two are a lot more alike than you care to admit.» Sensei laughed resignedly. 

I wanted to disagree, but I was currently in the middle of picking the fruits off the branch and it didn't seem appropriate.

But the dark fae cheered excitedly while Morgana shook her head in disapproval. Nevertheless, I collected the entire cluster of fruit and got down from the tree.

It was time to return and there was so much to think about, such as our defences.

If that colossal ape or any of the scorpion creatures came after us, we would be destroyed. I didn't know if that scorpion that saw my nestlings was alive and lurking somewhere, just waiting to attack, and I didn't want to die without tasting proper food!

I really hoped this fruit lived up to my taste buds.

But then again, when I thought about it, both creatures had taken damage, so even if they wanted to attack, it would take a while.

Regardless, I had bought us some time and I cheered up immediately.

I quickly left the rock formation to return to the cave, flying above the scorpions to get back quickly.

On arrival, I realised Typhon was back safely with the other two captains. It seemed they had returned to the cave immediately after creating the trail.

I set down the fruit cluster as Morgana climbed off my back, looking rather pleased with herself. She slithered arrogantly amongst the captains, ignoring Typhon's angry glare, eager to tell them all she had witnessed.

I watched the captains excitedly chattering away, and more than ever I was determined to protect our little sanctuary.

The main advantage the two creatures had over me was their high numbers and because of this, I was considering building alliances with other creatures to increase our numbers and guarantee some form of protection.

The scary wasp was an option, but would he agree?


I shook my head, just remembering his stubbornness and sheer reluctance to ask for help from anyone – and there was no incentive for him to get involved with me.

And also, I wanted to beat him and make him join me!

Asking for assistance was exactly the opposite of this, and I knew he would surely refuse.

So I looked at the dark fae who was struggling pitifully to pry one of the fruits out from the bunch.

[What was it you said about the Nymph again?] I asked her with a cheerful smile. 


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