Records of Rebirth

Chapter 175 - Ophelia's Herald

[What's going on here?] They heard a quiet, soft voice behind Morgana's that made her perk up.

It sounded a little hoarse but Arsinoe definitely recognised it as hers.

What was she doing down here?

Ophelia looked at Galahad and the healer snakes before turning to Morgana.

[Ophelia!] Arsinoe called out her name, but Morgana shifted to block her view so she could not see the pale snake however much she tried.

She strained herself to try and look out of her cell, but the walls were too high. When it didn't work she called out to her again. She felt like it had been too long since they had a proper conversation.

But it became apparent Ophelia was not there for them. She heard her call and briefly peered into her cell, seeing her for a moment before moving away. Her greeting was also brief, and she looked distracted, which left Arsinoe feeling devastated.

Like Galahad had said, she really did not seem to be in a good mood. 

Morgana smirked at her devastated face, looking every bit more superior, like she was in control of Ophelia and this made Arsinoe smoulder with rage. Morgana wasn't the best person to be around, especially now that Ophelia seemed really fragile. She didn't want Morgana filling her head with her thoughts and schemes.

When she got a reaction, Morgana turned away from her with a bored look, instructing the two healers to follow her back.

Although they were reluctant, they couldn't disobey her and soon they all moved away from the cells and Arsinoe was left struggling alone with her thoughts.

She could hear Morgana speaking to Ophelia, but they were too far away for her to comprehend what was going on.

She wished she wasn't stuck inside a cell! Compared to Morgana she should've been the one by Ophelia's side. But there was another person here who Ophelia would listen to. 

[What are you waiting for?] She screamed at Artemis. [You're a captain, stop her!]

But Artemis calmly refused her. [Ophelia knows what she wants. I can only tell her my thoughts, I can't make decisions for her.]

[But-] Arsinoe paused and strained herself to hear.

There was a lot of discussion between Ophelia and Morgana about creatures outside of the cave and she climbed up her cell wall, trying to get out quickly and follow them. 

At the top, she glimpsed Galahad who was still close to her cell. He woke up the sleeping Hestia, along with the bird and the three were about to leave, when Arsinoe hissed at them. 

[What is going on? Why is she so upset?] 

Galahad saw her straining to climb out and slithered over to whisper. [She's in a terrible mood because 'she' left her behind. Ophelia thinks it's because she's too weak.]

[You shouldn't speak about things you know nothing about.] Morgana's irritated voice echoed through the cells, causing Galahad to shrink back in fear. He'd said it in a low whisper, but somehow she was still able to hear him.

Arsinoe reached the top, just as Morgana appeared over her cell. 

With a quick flick of her body, Arsinoe was smacked back into her cell once, screaming loudly as she fell back down. 

[Ophelia wasn't left behind, she was left in charge.] Morgana told Galahad off. [There are many important things to do here that require more effort than whatever Typhon is doing outside, so I wouldn't phrase it like that.]

At the bottom of her cell, Arsinoe gritted her teeth, her body throbbing with pain. 

It sounded like she was praising Ophelia, but why did her choice of words seem like she was trying to pit her against Typhon. 

Arsinoe hated what she was implying.

Morgana was such a careful schemer, she was clearly trying to make Ophelia turn against Typhon!

There was no need to compare because they were both dependable and if Ophelia had been listening to her the whole time, it wasn't a surprise she was feeling terrible.

[I don't believe it either.] Galahad innocently replied. [But she asked so I was just explaining.]

[Fight me! Morgana!] she yelled out from her cell. 

Morgana turned around to watch her, her eyes simmering with glee.

[That would be a waste. You're not much of a challenge, Spade.] 

[It's Arsinoe!] she snapped, but Morgana only smiled before moving away.

She waited for a while, listening for any sounds until she was sure Morgana had gone away before attempting to climb out. If Artemis wasn't going to do anything, then it was up to her to try.

But as she did, she saw the view of the underground chamber had changed much since she was placed in her cell. 

There were rows upon rows of hard shelled eggs arranged all through the underground chamber. Alongside her and Artemis's cells, there were countless more that had been created, and there were nestlings working together, led by Morgana to push two eggs into each cell.

The eggs had tough shells that resembled rocks, and they didn't shatter even after being thrown from the height of a cell. She could only imagine how powerful the creatures inside had to be to break out when they hatched.

Morgana had instructed Lyra and Europa to use their healing abilities to check on the life inside each egg, and as they did so, those that were deemed unhealthy or small were taken away to somewhere unknown. 

It was overwhelming to witness and she didn't know where to start.

She peeked over at Artemis in his cell and saw he was pacing around inside.

If he could see this, what would he think?

However, Arsinoe didn't want him to know she was out so she left the area without a word. Not far ahead, she saw Galahad observing the process alongside Hestia who kept changing forms from that of a snake to that of an egg, seemingly fascinated with them. 

Arsinoe immediately rushed over to them. 

[You're not supposed to come out.] Galahad said on seeing her, but she pleaded with him to be quiet. Many cells ahead were the retreating figures of Ophelia and Morgana, and Arsinoe hid behind the array of eggs to follow them, eager to hear what she was saying.

Galahad joined her, playing along like a game with Hestia following behind, unsuccessfully disguised as a water shaped egg.

[Do you think they will hatch safely?] she heard Morgana say.

[They should, but I suggest filling each cell with materials to keep them warm.] Ophelia replied, but Morgana quickly noticed she was distracted.

[Stop brooding about what Galahad said.] Morgana scolded her. [Rather, you should try to figure out a way to improve your strength. If 'she' took Typhon along because he's big and strong, you should get big and strong too.]

[I know that. And I'm not brooding.] Ophelia added.

Morgana sighed. [You're in charge now. You can organise the teams and go hunting again. Why wait?] 

Arsinoe could see Ophelia was beginning to consider it. And not long ago, she would've been all for it too, but after her last hunt and having everything that could possibly go wrong happen – she had learnt not to be so spontaneous.

[Don't listen to her, it's too risky!] Arsinoe revealed herself as she rushed to Ophelia.

Morgana hissed at her. [What are you doing out of your cell?!]

[I'm still underground, so I haven't really broken any rules.] Arsinoe replied, but when Morgana stalked forward to send her back, it was Galahad that came to her rescue.

[I asked her to come out.] he quietly added.

[You're lying.] Morgana said.

However Ophelia silenced them both before turning to Arsinoe. [Why do you say it's too risky? Cygnus was attacked by a group of creatures while scouting, he barely managed to escape. They live too close to us for comfort, it's only right that we take them out before they threaten us.] 

Arsinoe, being so out of the loop, had no idea what was going on.

Ophelia didn't seem angry at all, rather she had a determined look in her eyes that proved she was only defending Cygnus, contrary to what Morgana was saying.

She thought Morgana was trying to pit her against Typhon, but now she didn't know what to say.

[W-Well you'll need us with you.] she stuttered. [You shouldn't do it alone even if you are in charge, it's dangerous.]

[Of course she needs a team.] Morgana interrupted her to speak. [That's why I came down here to see if things were finished.] 

Her reasoning was sound and Arsinoe couldn't think of anything to counter her, rather she began to feel excited just hearing about it – she wanted to join! 

Galahad and Hestia volunteered to come, and Lyra and Europa were automatically enlisted because there were healers. However when she volunteered, Morgana immediately refused.

[Why not?] Arsinoe asked.

[You are under punishment, don't you remember? Your cell is where you belong.] Morgana nonchalantly replied. [And as much as I hate to say it – we need to bring Artemis.]

[Artemis? You want Artemis but not me?] It was complete madness!

[We need a plan for attack.] Morgana replied and looked at her derisively. [We don't need careless people.]

Arsinoe couldn't believe what she was hearing. Artemis was weak compared to her!

However, her look of confusion did not stop the entire group shuffling over to Artemis's cell, with Galahad purposely humming as he passed her.

This was just too unreasonable!

When she returned to her cell, she saw Artemis discussing a plan of action with the others. He suggested they leave Lyra behind because she would hinder them more than she could help in battle and the others nodded along in agreement.

Arsinoe never thought she'd see the day when Artemis would be more useful than her, and she could only swallow her anger and watch from the side as Artemis got all the praise.


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