Record of a Demon's Cultivation

Chapter 162: The Joy of Hehuan Sect Opening a Brothel

Chapter 162: The Joy of Hehuan Sect Opening a Brothel

Translator: Cinder Translations


"By the way, there's the monthly auction coming up next month. Do you want to go?" Ai Kun asked.

Song Wen eyed Ai Kun skeptically and asked, "Can you get an invitation to the auction?"

The auction Ai Kun mentioned was a large-scale event held monthly by the Beastmaster Sect in conjunction with the Lei family and several nearby Golden Core families. It was one of the most prominent events in East Huafang Market.

Such a grand auction was not open to just anyone. Attendees either needed to be powerful, have strong connections, or possess ample spirit stones.

To reflect the benevolence of the righteous sects, a certain number of invitations were usually sent out to casual cultivators. However, these invitations were often snatched up by disciples of sects or families, leaving very few for independent cultivators.

In short, an independent cultivator like Ai Kun, who was in the Qi Refining Stage, would not typically be able to attend.

Ai Kun grinned proudly, "I've been around East Huafang Market for decades and have some reputation. I can manage to get two spots for the auction."

"Are you going or not?"

Song Wen nodded, "Thank you, Senior Ai. Please get me a spot."

In truth, Song Wen was not particularly interested in the auction. With only a Qi Refining Fourth Layer cultivation, he would be unable to bid on anything of interest and risk exposure. However, since Ai Kun had extended such a generous offer, not accepting would seem inconsistent with his assumed identity. Moreover, daily rigorous cultivation was quite monotonous, so it would be good to experience something new.


In the following days, Song Wen maintained a regular routine: alchemy, cultivation, and occasionally drawing talismans to obscure his true activities.

After more than half a month, with the aid of the enhanced Blood Qi Pill, his cultivation in the "Longevity Technique" progressed smoothly to the Qi Refining Fifth Layer, which pleased Song Wen greatly.

His cultivation speed was remarkably fast compared to other righteous sect cultivators, and even surpassed that of the early-stage demonic cultivators known for their rapid advancement.

Occasionally, Ai Kun would visit his courtyard and chat leisurely.

Over time, Song Wen noticed that Ai Kun frequently visited the neighboring Zhu Mei's home under the pretense of teaching Xiao Luzi talisman drawing.

Song Wen even suspected that Ai Kun might be planning to form a relationship with Zhu Mei, taking on the responsibility of caring for the neighbor's orphaned family.

One day, Ai Kun suddenly arrived at the small courtyard, beaming with excitement.

"Have you heard?"

"Hehuan Sect has bought a building in the center of the square and is going to open a brothel in East Huafang Market."

Song Wen found it hard to believe what he had heard, his face filled with shock as he asked, "Hehuan Sect?"

"The same Hehuan Sect that is one of the major righteous sects?"

"The one with all female disciples?"

"Is opening a brothel in the square?"

Seeing Song Wen's astonished expression, Ai Kun sneered.

"Look at you, acting so surprised as if you've never seen such things. Hehuan Sect opening a brothel is nothing new. They used to only set up brothels in their own sect's territory. This is the first time Hehuan Sect is opening one in another faction's domain."

Song Wen still found it hard to believe that a prominent righteous sect would be associated with such establishments.

In his view, even if a brothel had connections to a righteous sect, it would likely be a covert operation, as righteous sects maintained a facade of honor and propriety. The dirty business behind closed doors was another matter.

Ai Kun's face was filled with longing and anticipation.

"Finally, I can discuss dual cultivation secrets with the fairies of Hehuan Sect."

"What? The women in Hehuan Sect's brothel are their own disciples?"

Song Wen's eyes widened, his mouth agape, and his expression turned somewhat dazed.

This Completely Exceeds His Imagination!

Ai Kun wore an expression of self-evidence.

"This is only natural. The Hehuan Sect's purpose in opening a brothel is to allow their disciples to quickly practice dual cultivation techniques and enhance their cultivation."

A brothel to facilitate dual cultivation for disciples!

Song Wen could hardly believe that such a thing would be done by a righteous sect.

Even in the demonic path, he hadn't seen any sect act so openly and shamelessly.

He couldn't help but imagine what it would be like when thousands of disciples in the Hehuan Sect's mountain gate simultaneously practiced their techniques.

After a moment, struggling to digest the shocking news, Song Wen steered the conversation towards Zhu Mei.

"You're so preoccupied with Hehuan Sect's female disciples, what about Zhu Mei?"

Ai Kun's face grew serious. "What does this have to do with Zhu Mei? Our relationship is purely a matter of spirit stones."

Song Wen looked at Ai Kun with disdain.

He hadn't expected this old man to be such a scumbag, denying any responsibility once the pants were pulled up.

A 'purely spirit stone relationship'!

A few days ago, did you not sneak into her bedroom in the middle of the night and pay with spirit stones?

A 'spirit stone relationship' should only occur in a brothel, shouldn't it?


Time flew by, and the annual auction in East Huafang Market, eagerly anticipated by countless cultivators, finally began.

On this day, early in the morning.

Song Wen and Ai Kun arrived early at the auction entrance.

The auction was set to start at noon, but by now, a long line had already formed at the entrance.

Seeing the line stretching hundreds of meters with several hundred people, Song Wen asked,

"Senior Ai, didn't you say you could get us entrance tickets? Why are we standing in line here? Can't we just use the casual cultivator invitations to go straight in?"

Ai Kun replied, "This year is different from previous years. Previously, casual cultivator invitations were distributed in advance. The Beastmaster Sect felt that casual cultivator invitations were not falling into the hands of casual cultivators, so they did away with the purpose of these invitations. This year, they've changed the rules. Invitations will be distributed on-site. The earlier you arrive, the better your chances of getting one."

"Luckily, I got wind of this in advance and arrived early. We should definitely be able to get our invitations."

Song Wen was surprised at Ai Kun's thick skin, thinking he had some sort of internal connection to obtain the invitations. He hadn't expected they were just here to stand in line and collect casual cultivator invitations.

After nearly two hours of waiting, Song Wen and Ai Kun finally received their invitations and entered the venue.

However, as casual cultivators, they had to verify their spirit stones before participating in the auction to prevent random bidding.

Song Wen was somewhat surprised to see Ai Kun carrying over a thousand spirit stones. He wondered how the old man had accumulated such a large amount.

Upon entering the auction venue, Song Wen and Ai Kun found two empty seats on the first floor.

The first floor of the auction venue was reserved for casual cultivator invitations, with several floors above offering small private rooms that shielded spiritual senses, accessible only to those with higher status.

At noon, the auction officially began.

A graceful, attractive female cultivator, exuding a mature charm, appeared on the high platform in the center of the auction venue to kick off the event.

As various magical artifacts, elixirs, and rare materials appeared on the auction stage and were being bid on, Song Wen's interest began to wane.

There were many items of interest to him, but he couldn't place any bids.

His interest was suddenly piqued when an item called "Thunder Pattern Stone" appeared, and he recognized the voice calling out "Eight Thousand Spirit Stones" as that of Lei Tianyu.

(End of the Chapter)


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