Record of a Demon's Cultivation

Chapter 151: Mysterious Altar

Chapter 151: Mysterious Altar

Translator: Cinder Translations


After refining two Blood Qi Pills, Song Wen could clearly feel his "Longevity Technique" cultivation had grown significantly. He was now very close to reaching the fifth layer of Qi Refining.

Feeling elated, Song Wen had finally found a method to quickly enhance his cultivation.

However, the potency of the pills was still somewhat lacking, and it took three days to successfully refine a batch of two pills each time, resulting in poor yields.

Song Wen recalled that the first time he took Blood Qi Pills from Ji Yin, the raw material input was increased, yielding four pills per batch, with the potency more than doubled.

"Perhaps I should also try increasing the raw material input."

With this thought, Song Wen felt excited and immediately went out to purchase spirit herbs to attempt a new formula.

Half a month later, Song Wen finally succeeded in refining an enhanced version of the Blood Qi Pills.

Swallowing one pill, his cultivation grew rapidly.

That night, while refining the medicinal power of the Blood Qi Pill, Song Wen suddenly sensed an external presence approaching his small courtyard.

However, the presence did not enter Song Wen's courtyard but went next door to Sun Daxiong's house.

The presence belonged to someone Song Wen had seen before—the genius of the Lei family, Lei Tianyu!

Lei Tianyu had concealed his aura well. If it weren't for the vigilant Black Armored Gu outside who happened to spot him, even Song Wen, with his spiritual sense comparable to a late-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator, would not have noticed him.

"What is the esteemed heir of the Lei family doing sneaking into the Sun residence in the middle of the night? Could it be that Sun Daxiong has something valuable that Lei Tianyu covets?"

Curious, Song Wen cautiously extended his spiritual sense to observe Lei Tianyu's actions.

Lei Tianyu silently landed in Sun Daxiong's courtyard. Confirming that only the leftmost room had someone in it, his face lit up with joy.

As expected from the intel!

Sun Daxiong had gone out hunting demonic beasts yesterday and had not returned.

Only Sun Ru was at home.

Lei Tianyu approached the front of the living room door.

He injected a strand of spiritual power into the door seam, quietly unlocking it from the inside.

Entering the living room, he headed towards the left room.

Just as he was about to repeat his trick to open the room door, he sensed the room was enveloped by an invisible force.

A defensive array!

Faced with an unexpected situation, Lei Tianyu remained calm.

It was just a basic defensive array called the "Guard Armor Array," which had both defensive and alert functions.

If someone tried to force their way in, the barrier would emit a bright red light and a piercing buzzing sound to repel intruders and alert the surrounding people.

The Beast Taming Sect, having collected rent, was responsible for the safety of the rogue cultivators. Upon seeing an alert array activated, the enforcement team would quickly arrive; additionally, neighbors with a sense of justice might also come to help.

Lei Tianyu scoffed at such low-level arrays, but for rogue cultivators like Sun Daxiong, this was already a powerful array. Sun Daxiong had spent a considerable amount to buy it to protect his daughter while he was away.

Lei Tianyu produced a black iron token and carefully placed it against the array barrier after injecting spiritual power into it.

Upon contact, the transparent barrier began to melt like ice meeting fire.


A faint sound was heard.

As the barrier partially dissolved, it suddenly shattered completely.

The array broken, Sun Ru, who was meditating inside, was startled awake.


Before she could finish her sentence, a dark figure lunged at her.

Suddenly, a sharp pain struck the back of Sun Ru's head, causing her to lose consciousness and pass out.

Lei Tianyu took out a black cloth bag, put Sun Ru inside, hoisted it over his shoulder, and turned to leave the courtyard.

Seeing this, Song Wen's mind quickly raced through the information related to the Lei family.

The Lei Family Treasure Pavilion, the low-priced "Thunder Palm," the spiritual imprint on the spell jade slip, and the blood aura surrounding Lei Tianyu.


Recently, Sun Ru had been practicing the "Thunder Palm" spell!

Connecting all these pieces of information, a bold hypothesis formed in Song Wen's mind.

Before Lei Tianyu could leave the courtyard, Song Wen quietly placed a spiritual imprint on Sun Ru.

He didn't place the imprint on Lei Tianyu, fearing that he might sense it.

He then sent a Black Armored Gu to silently follow Lei Tianyu.

Lei Tianyu weaved through the marketplace, and under the cover of night, he left the market area.

Once outside, Lei Tianyu didn't choose to fly but instead moved through the dense forest to remain unnoticed.

Song Wen didn't dare to use demonic spiritual power and only relied on his physical abilities to follow through the forest, which wasn't very fast.

But Lei Tianyu, carrying a living person and trying to conceal his aura and tracks, wasn't very fast either. With the guidance of the Black Armored Gu and the spiritual imprint, Song Wen wasn't worried about losing track and kept a distance of ten miles behind.

After traveling two to three hundred miles, Lei Tianyu arrived at a large lake that stretched beyond the horizon.

He looked around, ensuring no one was nearby, then carried the cloth bag containing Sun Ru and jumped into the lake.

The Black Armored Gu also silently slipped into the water, while Song Wen, seven or eight miles away, hurried his pace.

The lake was very deep at the point where Lei Tianyu submerged, and after diving nearly ten meters, he still hadn't reached the bottom.

He didn't dive further but entered one of the many stone caves on the lake's rocky wall.

Inside was a narrow passageway, slanting downward, filled with lake water.

Lei Tianyu followed the passage for several hundred meters until he reached a stone wall.

The stone wall seemed unremarkable, no different from other underwater rocks.

Lei Tianyu took out a black round plate the size of a bowl, and after casting several spells on it, the plate emitted a faint golden light.

Holding the plate, he carefully pressed it against a small depression on the stone wall, resembling a spot worn by water erosion.

Instantly, the stone wall emitted waves of black light.

In an instant, a section of the heavy, solid stone wall magically vanished, revealing a doorway about a zhang wide.

Inside the doorway was a large natural underground cave, filled with strange rocks but no water.

The entrance seemed to be shielded by an invisible force, keeping the lake water out.

In one corner of the cave, there was a half-mu-sized flat area that had been artificially excavated.

The flat surface was densely covered with formation patterns, and at its center stood a half-person-tall square altar.

Dried blackened blood stains were clearly visible on the altar.

The walls and surface of the altar were engraved with mysterious lightning patterns, dyed black by the bloodstains. These patterns seemed to contain the power of ghosts and gods, constantly exuding a strange and inexplicable pressure.

Next to the flat area was a natural pit filled with scattered bones.

The lower layer of bones had decayed into powder, indicating they had been there for a long time.

The upper layer of bones was relatively fresh, with flesh not completely decomposed, occasionally emitting a foul stench.

Even more bizarre, the bones in the pit were not just human. There were bones of various demonic beasts, some resembling snakes, some with four hooves, and some with wings.

(End of the Chapter)


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