Reborn with an Old Enemy on the Day of our Marriage

Chapter 5 - PY Transaction

Chapter 5 - PY Transaction

Meanwhile, Zheng PingQing had initially wanted to run straight to Lin Qian after the assembly, but as soon as he stepped out of the auditorium their homeroom teacher Bai YanZhu cornered him.

Bai YanZhu had a fatherly smile as he sighed in relief: “Ah PingQing, I’m so glad.”

Zheng PingQing was puzzled: “What are you glad about?”

Bai YanZhu lamented: “I was worried that you wouldn’t take the college entrance exams seriously after you breezed through sophomore year. I didn’t expect that you would follow Lin Qian’s example this year. I’m so happy...”

Bai YanZhu started to get ahead of himself straight away: “It’s rare to see you being so sensible, I can’t let this opportunity slide. I’ll go and make a review plan later, anyway, make sure you don’t leave behind any regrets when you graduate! I’d like that for you...”

As Zheng PingQing listened to Bai YanZhu go on and on about his endless prospects, his mood became complicated.

In his last life, after the huge brawl Class 8 had been completely abandoned. Bai YanZhu persisted and went out of his way to help them in any way that he could, but they were already irredeemable by then. Ultimately, Bai YanZhu couldn’t prevent the total defeat of their entire class. On the day before the entrance exams, Zheng PingQing had bumped into Bai YanZhu, who had been hiding in the toilet, hastily wiping away his tears. At the time, the war between him and Lin Qian was in a white-hot state, so he didn’t understand or appreciate Bai YanZhu’s painstaking efforts to save them.

After they graduated, Bai YanZhu became so disheartened that he quit being a teacher soon after. His future since then hadn’t been very good.

Now, seeing the hopeful Bai YanZhu, Zheng PingQing really couldn’t bear to tell him that in fact, the only thing in his heart right now were thoughts of love.

Bai YanZhu continued to talk, becoming more and more excited, even beginning to analyze future career paths. Suddenly, Dong MingEn popped in next to Zheng PingQing and impatiently butted in: “Teacher, don’t randomly spout nonsense-”

Before he managed to finish his sentence, he was smacked on the back of his head and almost bled out on the spot. “guh–” He looked towards Zheng PingQing who still had a blank expression. He didn’t even look at Dong MingEn, making him wonder if it really was Zheng PingQing who hit him.

What a true hardened killer, he didn’t even look back at the body.

Dong MingEn became very nervous; he knew that Zheng PingQing wouldn’t forget his bumble with the vegetable market loudspeaker so easily.

Zheng PingQing’s next words made him even more flustered. Dong MingEn saw him nodding his head towards Bai YanZhu: “Of course teacher, I’ll urge MingEn to study hard.”

This scene before Dong MingEn’s eyes looked so shady he almost cried out.

Is this him bearing a grudge? To be so incredibly angry that he would force him to study!

Bai YanZhu was comforted, as if he was already seeing a group of prodigal sons who had reached the pinnacle of life. His eyes couldn’t be any more loving as he said: “PingQing, with you saying this I can be rest assured.”

Zheng PingQing smiled, his face relieved and full of respect: “This is something I should be doing.”

Watching Bai YanZhu leave happily, Dong MingEn was in tears, wanting to tap Zheng PingQing’s shoulder, but was given a cold glance instead. Dong MingEn’s hand stiffly turned directions to chop his nearby companion Zhou Daota, and then he asked Zheng PingQing: “Boss. You said all that just to deal with that saintly Teach...right?”

Zheng PingQing turned to look at all of them, then ruthlessly shot him down: “No, I was being serious.”

Not just Dong MingEn, but everyone else was startled. Zhou Daota spluttered: “Boss, didn’t we all agree that we were going to be a relaxed and merry Class 8?”

Zheng PingQing pursed his lips to stop himself from speaking. For a moment, he wasn’t sure whether he was qualified to insult their naivety because after all, in his previous life, he was just as naive before he actually entered society.

In the end, he looked at all his precious friends who were still ignorant of the ways of the world. With compassion, he said: “I can’t be happy at the thought of your grades.”

Dong MingEn and Zhou Daota looked at each other and saw the same doubt in each other’s eyes.

“Let’s go and find Lin Qian and deal with things first.” Zheng PingQing waved his hand and took the lead, heading towards the abandoned teaching building.

On the way, Dong MingEn couldn’t help but secretly whisper to Zhou Daota: “Help me check if there are any hand marks on my back? I suspect the Boss wants to murder me.”

Zhou Daota was very confused: “What’s wrong with the Boss?”

Originally, they all thought that Zheng PingQing wanted to use the loudspeaker to hurl abuse and scold Lin Qian. They never would have imagined that he would suddenly praise him in front of all the teachers and students.

Where does this put the face of their Class 8?

Seeing Dong MingEn so bewildered, Lou XingGuang stealthily came over.

Lou XingGuang lowered his head and whispered to the two boys: “Could it be that Lin Qian did something?”

Lou XingGuang’s words roused his previously dazed friends. Several people looked at him and simultaneously, they all suddenly figured out the reason for Zheng PingQing’s odd behavior.

Dong MingEn’s right hand formed a fist, and it hit his left palm. Indignant, he said: “Lin Qian is too despicable!”

Zhou Daota hurriedly shushed him: “Keep your voice down, don’t let the Boss hear.”

Lou XingGuang nodded: “Boss didn’t mention anything; he must not have wanted us to know.”

Dong MingEn became deeply distressed by the thought of Zheng PingQing being humiliated like this. His anger towards Lin Qian grew: “What did that Lin Qian do to our Boss, making him yield and even making our Boss say such daring words?”

Lou XingGuang continued his analysis with a calm voice: “I guess it’s related to our grades?”

They all looked at each other again, and suddenly, there was a sense of realization.

Zheng PingQing’s strange behavior, his sudden goodwill towards Lin Qian, and the fact that he suddenly started to care about their grades.

As if the clouds were dispelled and the sun uncovered, everything became clear at once.

Their Class 8 had been at odds with Lin Qian’s gang for so long, and each party had never fallen behind the other. The only thing they couldn’t match with Lin Qian was their grades.

No wonder Zheng PingQing said that he couldn’t be happy at the thought of their grades.

Although they didn’t know what Lin Qian did to Zheng PingQing, if it weren’t for their poor grades, their Boss would never have been put in this position.

Dong MingEn greatly despised: “That stinky Lin Qian is so shameless. Did he think that he could do whatever he wanted just because he had good grades?”

Zhou Daota gently pulled at his arm and gazed at Zheng PingQing: “At least, he succeeded in bullying our Boss.”

Dong MingEn was silent at this.

Zheng PingQing’s back was tall and straight as if he could support heaven and earth, but they knew that because of their short-comings, this seemingly invincible back was under heavy pressure.

“We can’t let the Boss face this alone.” Dong MingEn clenched his fist.

The others nodded.

As the friends became united in their determination, a classmate suddenly rushed towards them from the side, asking coldly: “What are you guys doing?”

Dong MingEn’s belly was filled with fire. Under their leadership, Class 8 hated Lin Qian in solidarity so he didn’t hide his anger. Towards this classmate named Gou XinDou, he fiercely replied: “We’re going to go settle things with Lin Qian.”

“What a lie.” Gou XinDou was full of disbelief. “Earlier you said that Leader Zheng would humiliate Lin Qian at the assembly this morning. Do you think Lin Qian felt humiliated?”

Because of this misinformation, Huo YeRui accused him of spreading fake news and berated him to death. This time, it was inevitable that he would be a little more vigilant.

“Bah!” Dong MingEn was about to curse him out but suddenly remembered that Zheng PingQing was nearby. Suppressing the volume of his voice, Dong MingEn replied with gritted teeth: “That was a calculated move, an expedient measure. A strategy, a strategy, understand?”

Classmate Gou XinDou countered that he didn’t read a lot of books and didn’t understand such high-end tactics.

“It’s all a despicable trick by the shameless Lin Qian.” For the sake of maintaining Zheng PingQing’s face, Dong MingEn didn’t dare be vague and instead directly poured dirty water all over Lin Qian. Although there wasn’t any hard evidence, the abusive words being spouted non-stop convinced Gou XinDou that the group really had a vendetta against Lin Qian.

“Lin Qian truly is a two-faced beast.” Gou XinDou couldn’t help but become angry towards their shared enemy, “So you’re really going to settle things with him.”

“To settle things with him alone is letting him off lightly.” Dong MingEn grunted, clenching his fists, “This time, we’re holding the entire group accountable.”

Let them know that Zheng PingQing isn’t someone that can be bullied by Lin Qian!

Gou XinDou tried hard to conceal his expression of doubt and asked in a low voice: “Like how?”

Dong MingEn was momentarily stumped, damn, he hasn’t figured that out yet!

Fortunately, Lou XingGuang heard their conversation and answered: “Nothing can’t be solved by a good punch.”

Dong MingEn quickly nodded in agreement: “Yes, this time I’ll beat Lin Qian into a pulp, or my surname isn’t Dong!”

Guo XinDou couldn’t help but double-check: “Really?”

Dong MingEn replied: “Pei! he or his surname can’t be compared to mine!”

Zheng PingQing noticed the whispers behind him and looked back. Seeing Gou XinDou and Dong MingEn huddled together, he asked: “What are you two doing?”

Gou XinDou laughed loudly and smiled: “Nothing, just passing by, you guys go ahead first.”

He started to walk away, but not before mouthing ‘good luck’ towards Dong MingEn, which made Zheng PingQing wrinkle his brows.

As Gou XinDou left the hall, he was stopped by Huo YeRui who had been hiding in a dark corner. Huo YeRui’s face was devoid of any emotion as he asked: “How was it?”

Gou XinDou nodded and told him about Dong MingEn’s plans.

Huo YeRui frowned: “And this absolutely isn’t fake news?”

Gou XinDou retold the abuse that Dong MingEn hurled towards Lin Qian during their conversation. Huo YeRui listened to everything with a straight face before saying: “I didn’t expect Lin Qian to be so skilled, actually making Zheng PingQing yield.”

“He’s nothing but a wolf in sheep’s clothing!” Gou Xinduo couldn’t help but shed bitter tears for Zheng PingQing before curiously asking: “But hey, why do you keep asking about Leader Zheng and Lin Qian?”

Huo YeRui calmly replied: “The two of them are so at odds with each other, I’m afraid they’ll make trouble.”

Gou XinDou arched a brow and said: “Truly worthy of being the son of the prospective principal, being really responsible.”


No. 12 High School had a number of abandoned buildings over the years, and the first-generation teaching buildings were one of them. Usually, these buildings were inaccessible, but at this moment, two very distinct groups were facing off.

One side had amazing hairstyles and punk heavy clothes, while the other had an extremely high glasses ratio with ‘good grades’ engraved all over their faces.

A spectacle seemed to be inevitable.

Two vastly different groups wore the same fierce and menacing glare, and although no words had been spoken, the atmosphere was very tense.

...apart from the two individuals leading each group.

If you look at them carefully, you’ll find that their eyes were just as hot as their peers, but lacked any anger or resentment.

If you look closely, you might even see a little tenderness and affection.

Unfortunately, the friends behind them were too focused on guarding against each other’s men, too busy to pay attention to their bosses’ eyes.

“I promised you. I did it.” Zheng PingQing was the first to speak, his eyes burning.

These words caused Dong MingEn’s heart of ache.

Sure enough, Lin Qian forced the Boss into a dirty deal behind closed doors!

“You remember what you promised me.” Zheng PingQing was afraid that Lin Qian wouldn’t acknowledge their previous words, so he rushed to confirm.

Lin Qian: “.....”

Lin Qian replied with some difficulty: “Can you wait until the college entrance exams are over...”

“No!” Zheng PingQing remained resolute and decisive. “By the time the exams are over, the dishes would be long cold.”

Lin Qian: “.....”

Dong MingEn became even more certain that it really was because of their grades. But he didn’t expect Lin Qian to be far more despicable than they imagined, unexpectedly wanting to drag things until after the exams! This was trying to drag them to death, ah!

Dong MingEn couldn’t help but open his mouth: “Lin Qian, you go too far. We’ll never let you delay things until after the college entrance exams.”

Hearing this, Lin Qian looked towards Zheng PingQing in shock, asking with his eyes: Are you so unrestrained? It hasn’t even been a day, yet you’ve already come out of the closet?

Zheng PingQing was absolutely innocent: I haven’t, I haven’t!

At this moment, Lou XingGuang bravely stepped forward and with a loud voice proclaimed: “We won’t wait another minute, we’ll study right now!”

I’m wheezing. The plot/misunderstanding/exasperation continues.

P.S In the title PY Transaction, PY is slang for an unspeakable/shady deal


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