Reborn with an Old Enemy on the Day of our Marriage

Chapter 14 - The Fall of a Hero

Chapter 14 - The Fall of a Hero

Before this confrontation, DongMingEn had long thought of a hundered different ways Lin YaZhi could send them flying. He similarly thought of a hundred different ways he could counter these attempts. Dong MingEn had been prepared the moment he stood up and was on guard for whatever Lin YaZhi might throw at them.

But why did Overlord Lin YaZhi suddenly topple?

Dong MingEn was so angry that for a hot second, he wanted to shout: Wake up, aren’t you the coldest math teacher in the entire school?

How can that smile of yours garner anyone’s trust?

Men are all humongous liars!

Lin YaZhi’s sudden kindness was way beyond Dong MingEn’s expectations. The classroom became silent for a while before Lou XingGuang calmly spoke: “Sorry teacher, but we want to play basketball.”

To display their power, Lou XingGuang turned to Zheng PingQing and raised his chin, asking: “Right Boss?”

Zheng PingQing’s face was unusually cold, and his aura was faintly murderous.

This made Lou XingGuang’s heart sigh in relief.

That’s right. This was how the Boss usually faced Lin YaZhi!

Zheng PingQing hated Lin YaZhi very much. It was common for him to just skip Lin YaZhi’s classes. It was also common for Zheng PingQing to deliberately find faults during class when he was in a particularly bad mood.

And whenever he and Lin YaZhi confronted each other, his expression was just like this.

Cold! Full of murderous aura!

The air of a true king when opposing a tyrant!

Lou XingGuang knew they had done the right thing when they saw Zheng PingQing’s expression.

They had succeeded in dividing Zheng PingQing’s sorrows, had relieved some of his troubles. Lou XingGuang exchanged happy glances with his friends.

The students could feel the upcoming storm and were so excited they forgot to continue eating popcorn, concentrating on watching the fun show instead.

Although battles between Zheng PingQing and Lin YaZhi happened in Class 8 often, such wonderful plots were always worth watching. Not to mention, it always produced exciting ideas on how to fight, greatly enriching the entire class’ knowledge.

The class’ Yellow Diamond Aristocrats” even thought of the title of today’s QQ chatroom – 《Praise the Hero: Boss Zheng》

When Lin YaZhi noticed the conversation turning to include Zheng PingQing, his face became delicate. If Zheng PingQing tried to pick a fight, he really wouldn’t be able to do anything.

This was a student who was genuinely firm, and was unmoved by any sort of force or persuasion.

The joy that came from his son suddenly recognizing him as his father, dimmed.

Lin YaZhi suddenly felt a little tired. But in the end, he decided to work a bit more on student Zheng PingQing. After all, his family relationship was more fulfilling, so his heart was filled with the urge to give back to society, to save another teenager.

Lin YaZhi tried to control himself and not reveal a monstrously icy expression as he did in the past. He tried to reason with Zheng PingQing: “Student Zheng...”

“It’s none of my business.” Zheng PingQing interrupted, quickly shaking his head to indicate that he didn’t know anything: “I don’t want to play basketball; I want to listen to the lesson.”

Lin YaZhi swallowed all the words he was going to say and turned to Dong MingEn, his eyes full of inquiry.

Dong MingEn and everyone else: ???!!!

Losing Zheng PingQing’s divine support, they suddenly couldn’t bear Lin YaZhi’s gaze.

After all, this was a teacher who could K.O students without batting an eye!

Dong MingEn was so shocked his voice trembled: “B-Boss...”

Lou XingGuang was madly trying to hint at Zheng PingQing with a look. “Boss, how can you not want to play basketball?”

Zheng PingQing ignored the crazy look in his eyes, and calmly replied: “Because I want to learn.”

Lou XingGuang: “....”

Classmates: “....”

The Yellow Diamond Nobles silently deleted the title in their hearts, and wrote another title – 《The Fall of a Mighty Hero: remembering all the handsome male classmates who were driven to insanity by the college entrance exams》

Lin YaZhi gave Dong MingEn a kind smile: “Student, do you really want to play basketball?”

Dong MingEn decisively planted his ass back to his seat. “No teacher, I want to listen to the lesson.”

Lou XingGuang followed. “I love learning; learning makes me happy.”

Lin YaZhi smiled at Zhou Daota and asked: “What about student Zhou?”

Zhou Daota became so nervous he couldn’t think of a line to say: “.....”

Lin YaZhi was in a good mood so he didn’t embarrass the boy and said: “Sit down first, this teacher can’t hear clearly and instead will especially listen to what you have to say after class.”

Zhao Daota breathed a long sigh of relief, and his legs softened, making him fall back onto his chair.

A few of the students who had been hit particularly hard by the tragedy that was Lin YaZhi’s glare in the past gave the trio sympathetic looks. With the sudden fall of the backbone that was Zheng PingQing, who had supported their slacker habits, panic spread among the students.

At this moment, they all remembered the fear that came from Lin YaZhi’s domination.

The students quietly put away their snacks and their mobile phones, took out their math textbooks, and opened them to the page Lin YaZhi had said. Each and every one of them sat upright and still, looking eager as they looked at Lin YaZhi.

This was the usual scene once upon a time.

Lin YaZhi’s heart couldn’t help but be moved. Soon after experiencing his son’s change of heart, he was now witnessing his rebellious students looking at him properly once again. This made him feel an unprecedented sense of responsibility.

Lin YaZhi was filled with pride as he said: “It’s great that you’re all paying more attention to your studies. From now on, I’ll give everyone an extra half hour of remedial classes after school!”

The students were shocked: No teacher, you’ve misunderstood! We just look like we’re paying attention!

However, their voices wouldn’t work, and Zheng PingQing had already answered for everyone: “Thank you, teacher.”

The Yellow Diamond Nobles updated their QQ once more: 《Strongly condemning the traitor Zheng PingQing who abuses his class》

The Dong MingEn who had just experienced significant trauma, followed Zheng PingQing’s desire to learn and nodded. “Thank you, teacher.”

The rest of the students didn’t dare speak out and only glared at Zheng PingQing. However, he remained sitting quietly, his gaze on his textbook, utterly unaware of the numerous piercing glares directed towards him.

This perfect model of an earnest and hardworking student made the surrounding students sigh incessantly.

They really didn’t expect the great Zheng PingQing to lose to reality. The college entrance exams really do harm people, ah!

Zheng PingQing was currently pretending to carefully read the textbook in front of him to avoid meeting Lin YaZhi’s eyes. But even so, he could still feel Lin YaZhi’s kind gaze. This harmonious atmosphere that had never existed between them in the past made Zheng PingQing feel awkward.

He opened his notebook and with a ball-point pen drew three piglets, respectively naming them Dong MingEn, Lou XingGuang, and Zhou Daoto. He then drew a 30-meter knife on the three pigs, which only barely calmed his mood.

Unlike his tangled emotions, Lin YaZhi’s heart was peaceful, and his mood couldn’t be better. He suddenly felt like he was on cloud nine.

Lin YaZhi was suddenly aware of this great responsibility he had. He decided that he should work hard to make his lessons engaging and easy to understand, so he can help his students achieve breakthroughs before the college entrance exams.

He cleared his throat and said with ambition: “Students, let’s all work together in the next few days...”

It was probably because his mood was too high that nausea from breakfast suddenly rose to his throat. Lin YaZhi didn’t manage to finish his sentence before he made a loud noise “Urk-”

Lin YaZhi: “....”

Classmates: “...”

The students looked at Lin YaZhi with complicated expressions. They wanted to ask: teacher, were you going overboard in pretending to be sincere, so much so that you made yourself sick?

But Lin YaZhi’s face turned pale and white, and while one hand on the podium barely held him up, he persisted: “Sorry, the teacher is a little uncomfortable, maybe I’ve caught a cold....”

Zheng PingQing recalled Lin Qian’s tragic situation this morning and guessed what was wrong with Lin YaZhi: “....”

This father, his culinary skills were strong enough to exterminate an entire family.

Zheng PingQing helplessly stood up and said: “Teacher, you look like you have food poisoning. I’ll send you to the infirmary.”

Lin Yazhi laughed. “How can I get food poisoning, I made this morning’s breakfast myself.”

Zheng PingQing: “....” Not only was this man a poor cook, but he also doesn’t have any self-awareness.

He simply walked to the podium and tugged at Lin YaZhi. “Go to the infirmary first.”

Lin YaZhi began struggling. “I really am fine...”

Zheng PingQing lifted his head towards Dong MingEn. “Help me send teacher Lin to the infirmary.”

Dong MingEng didn’t know what was happening, but he still ran up. With Zheng PingQing on his right and Dong MingEn on his left, Lin YanZhi was dragged out of the classroom. Before they left though, Zheng PingQing didn’t forget to look at Lou XingGuang and say: “You supervise everyone’s self-study.”

The classmates who thought they could slack off again: “....”

Lou XingGuang: “...”

Suddenly burdened with such a heavy responsibility, Lou XingGuang was at a loss. He was barely competent when playing cards with his fellow classmates, how can he supervise everybody with their self-study.

Lou XingGuang thought for a moment before saying: “Then...shall I list out some key topics?”

It looks like the notes Xu Yao made yesterday could now come into play.

More importantly, he can’t be the only one going through the pain of remedial lessons. It’s better to share it with the other students of Class 8.

The other students’ expressions twitched, before they took out their snacks and phones, directly ignoring him.

In the end, only Gou XinDou retained his loyalty. Seeing that Lou XingGuang was being ignored, he decided to give his classmate some face and handed him his textbook. “Then highlight the topics in my textbook.”

Lou XingGuang: “.....”

Well, it’s better than nothing.

Lou XingGuang took Gou XinDou’s textbook and penciled the notes Xu Yao had given them.

After a while, a female student shuffled towards him and whispered: “XingGuang, I also want the key topics.”

The female student was called Zhang FanFan. She had a low presence in Class 8, who were primarily a mix of dragons and snakes. She didn’t do anything outrageous, and Lou XingGuang figured she ended up in Class 8 purely because of her poor grades. But Lou XingGuang had always had the impression that she was really serious in her studies and was naturally talented.

Lou XingGuang nodded and passed Dong MingEn’s textbook to her: “Copy it from this.”

Zhang FanFan looked over the textbook and looked a little hesitant. “Are these topics really useful?”

Gou XinDou went ‘hehe’ and replied: “Of course it’s useful. A top student made these notes.”

Zhang FanFan was stunned. Lou XingGuang lightly coughed and without changing his expression said: “We had a top student with extensive experience do it for us especially.”

Zhang FanFan heard this and was overjoyed. “That’s great.”

Gou XinDou sighed in his heart: Here’s another Class 8 student who’s not pure, ah!


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