Reborn to Be A Beast Master

Chapter 34

C34 – The Recruitment Test Began

“There’s such a crowd here!” Xinrui’s eyes went wide as she took in the scene, clearly surprised.

The vast square teemed with examinees, each clutching a bronze plate.

“Well, there are nearly five thousand candidates,” Shuqin said with a smile.

Their anxiety had eased considerably since their pets had evolved to the second rank.

They were no longer as fixated on their prospects as they had been.

Indeed, the time leading up to the exam was often when candidates experienced a surge in strength.

Many pets had evolved from first to second rank during this period.

These fortunate individuals had essentially secured their spots at Nightbay Academy. The only questions remaining were their final scores and which class they’d be placed in.

Those with pets still at the first rank had to give their all in the assessment.

At eight in the morning, a procession of Nightbay Academy teachers entered the square.

Leading them was a middle-aged man in his forties, exuding authority.

“Silence!” he commanded in a resonant tone.

He appeared to have employed a Soul Technique. His voice, though not loud, reached the ears of everyone present with crystal clarity.

The square’s murmuring hushed instantly.

“I am Jiang Hao, the chief officer overseeing this recruitment examination for Nightbay Academy.”

“We’re about to begin the assessment, so I’ll keep this brief. Everyone, sit down and activate your keys to enter the Land of Nothingness. Instructions related to the exam will be provided there.”

Hao’s decisive manner left the candidates in awe.

They promptly complied with his directive.

Soon after, the square fell into complete silence.

The candidates meditated quietly, enveloped by an unusual energy.

When Yang opened his eyes once more, he found himself alone in a clearing.

Not a soul was in sight, just him.

Beyond, a hundred meters away, lay a thick forest.

“Now, I will outline the examination rules,” Hao’s authoritative voice echoed.

“The exam operates on a point system. The forest before you is home to ferocious beasts ranging from first to third rank. For each beast you slay, you’ll earn points proportionate to the creature’s rank.”

“Each ferocious beast level corresponds to a set number of points, which you’ll be able to check for yourselves shortly.”

“In the forest, you may encounter other examinees, but teaming up or intentionally assisting others is strictly prohibited. Violators will be disqualified from the exam!”

“Furthermore, you must traverse the forest within five hours to reach the plains on the other side. Anyone who fails to do so, regardless of their points, will be deemed to have failed the assessment.”

“Remember, once you exit the forest, there’s no going back.”

“Additionally, on the plains across from the forest, there’s a stone tablet. Those who manage to touch it will not only earn 500 points but also receive a special reward from the academy.”

“At the conclusion of the assessment, only the top thousand scorers will be admitted to the academy; the rest will be eliminated.”

“The accepted students will be sorted into different classes based on their scores, which will influence your future standing at the academy. So, give it your all to amass as many points as possible during the assessment!”

“Now, let the assessment begin!”

As the announcer’s voice trailed off, Xie Yang felt a faint warmth on the back of his right hand.

Looking down, he noticed a dark number had appeared there.

Focusing his attention, a list materialized before him.

First Rank Fifth Layer Ferocious Beast: 1 point

First Rank Sixth Layer Ferocious Beast: 2 points

First Rank Ninth Layer Ferocious Beast: 5 points

Second Rank First Layer Ferocious Beast: 10 points

Second Rank Second Layer Ferocious Beast: 12 points

Second Rank Third Layer Ferocious Beast: 14 points

Third Rank First Layer Ferocious Beast: 50 points

Third Rank Second Layer Ferocious Beast: 60 points

“Even the weakest pets are at the first rank fifth layer?”

Xie Yang quickly scanned the list, his eyes reaching the bottom.

“The top ferocious beast is a third rank sixth layer, valued at 100 points.”

“The 500-point reward for reaching the stone tablet seems quite generous. That’s like slaying dozens of second rank pets.”

But surely, there would be ferocious beasts guarding the stone tablet or other challenges to face.

In any case, it wouldn’t be easy for examinees to just walk away with those 500 points.

Next to the list, there was also a leaderboard.

It displayed numbers from 1 to 1000, clearly indicating the current rankings.

However, no one had made it onto the leaderboard yet.

“Do the rankings update live?”

Xie Yang was somewhat taken aback.

This meant that everyone could monitor not only their own scores but also those of their peers.

Furthermore, only the top 1000 were displayed, indicating that anyone not listed would be eliminated.

It was clear that in such an environment, the level of competition would significantly escalate.

“The rumors that Nightbay Academy promotes progress through competition seem to hold true. They’ve even designed this entrance exam to intensify the rivalry.”

Xie Yang shifted his attention from the leaderboard to the forest.

“First, I need to locate the forest’s exit.”

Without knowing the forest’s size, he couldn’t estimate how long it would take to traverse it.

For safety’s sake, he decided it was best to make it to the forest’s edge first. Once he knew where the exit was, he could circle back to hunt the ferocious beasts.

If he got too caught up in the hunt and ran out of time to get through the forest, failing the assessment would be a real shame.

With a plan forming in his mind, Xie Yang promptly summoned Jennie.

Since their arrival at the hotel, Jennie had been waiting in the pet space.

She had been without Xie Yang for two days and immediately cheered and leapt into his embrace upon her release.

Xie Yang cracked a smile and affectionately stroked her hair, eliciting a purr of contentment from her.

“Come on, it’s time to start our hunt.”

Without further delay, Xie Yang and Jennie strode into the depths of the forest.

In no time, they were enveloped by towering trees.

Sunlight pierced through the leafy canopy, casting a mosaic of light patches on the forest floor.

A thick carpet of fallen leaves cushioned his steps, feeling like a plush carpet beneath his feet.

“The forest likely harbors a greater number of plant and insect-type beasts.”

After a moment’s thought, Xie Yang casually activated his Soul Protection.

This recruitment test was a far cry from the Apprentice Assessment.

The ferocious beasts wouldn’t just overlook a Beastmaster.

Without proper defenses, he’d be vulnerable to a stealthy, potentially fatal attack.

As he pondered his next move, several dark figures suddenly dropped from the trees ahead, launching a volley of unidentified projectiles at Xie Yang.

Jennie’s reflexes were lightning-fast. With a swift motion, she summoned an Ice Shield, just in time to intercept the unidentified projectiles hurtling towards her.

Xie Yang narrowed his gaze and realized they were clusters of white silken threads.

The ambushers were three ferocious beasts resembling caterpillars, yet their heads were encased in a layer resembling straw coats.

The Straw Worm is a type of insect-like ferocious beast, whose power can ascend to the seventh layer of the first rank at its peak maturity.


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