Reborn to Be A Beast Master

Chapter 27

C27 – Stone Monster

The Death Bell Dealer met its end at the hands of Xie Yang alone. As per the code among adventurers, the spoils, including the corpse, were his to claim. Shui Zhongzhen, if interested, had no choice but to negotiate a purchase with Xie Yang. Upon realization, Xie Yang gave a nod of agreement. “That’s fine by me.” The carcass held no value for him.

Shui Zhongzhen mulled over his offer for a moment before speaking up. “The Death Bell Dealer reigns as a sovereign among ferocious beasts, making its worth far greater than that of a typical fourth-rank creature. I have no intention of shortchanging you. Would three million credit points suffice?” The figure astounded Xie Yang. Even the combined materials of a regular fourth-rank beast wouldn’t fetch more than two million credit points. Despite the Death Bell Dealer’s status, its remains hardly justified such a steep price. Shui Zhongzhen’s proposal was more than fair.

“He truly lives up to the title of a silver Beastmaster.” Without hesitation, Xie Yang accepted the offer. “It’s a deal!” Both parties were elated, sealing the transaction then and there.

With the coveted remains of a beastly monarch in hand, Shui Zhongzhen allowed a rare smile to cross his usually stoic face. Xie Yang, now three million credit points richer, was equally overjoyed. This windfall meant he now had the funds for evolutionary materials and a new pet. He had anticipated a half-month grind for such earnings, yet a single venture had brought him to his goal. “Risky though it was, this journey has paid off handsomely!”

Eager to return, Xie Yang saw no reason to linger in Knell Valley. After bidding farewell to the others, he departed. Adventurers, including Hardie and Kong Qian, watched his retreating figure. They all recognized that Lakeshell’s firmament was about to be graced by a new and dazzling star.

Back in Lakeshell, Xie Yang made a beeline for the pet store he’d visited previously. The receptionist, ready to welcome the newcomer, was pleasantly surprised to recognize the talented and handsome young man from before.

“It’s you!”

The young woman gasped, quickly recovering from her momentary lapse in composure. She offered Xie Yang an apologetic smile.

“Welcome. How may I assist you today?”

“I’m looking to purchase a pet.”

Xie Yang cut to the chase.

As was typical for large pet stores, pets were for sale here. The woman gave a slight smile and gestured for him to follow.

“Right this way, please.”

She led Xie Yang to the second-floor hall, where over ten transparent glass cabinets adorned the spacious and well-lit space.

Inside each cabinet were neatly arranged pearls, each the size of a longan fruit.

These were Sealed Pearls, devices used to contain tamed pets.

“These contain pets ranging from first to third rank. Feel free to browse,” the woman said with a smile.Fôll0w current novÊls o/n n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(c/o/m)

Xie Yang nodded his thanks and approached the nearest cabinet, pausing to examine the Sealed Pearls closely.

Next to each pearl lay a card, brimming with details about the Insect Beasts, such as their names, levels, potential ratings, evolutionary paths, and more.

Most of the pets were rated below Level C.

The ones with the highest potential reached only Level B, and there were merely three of them.

Yet, it was common knowledge that the truly elite pets wouldn’t be found in a store; auctions were the venues where they fetched top dollar.

But Xie Yang wasn’t hunting for these high-level creatures.

Their exorbitant prices aside, their peak was the eighth rank—nowhere near his standards.

He was scouring for those with Hidden Evolutionary Routes and untapped potential.

After an hour’s search, however, Xie Yang had yet to spot his ideal target.

Pets with Hidden Evolutionary Routes were plentiful—one in three or four—but their potential was disappointingly modest.

The best among them capped at the eighth rank.

Xie Yang was in pursuit of a king-level pet.

“It seems I’ll need to visit a few more pet shops to find the right one. If I still come up empty-handed, I’ll expand my search to the neighboring cities,” Xie Yang mused, furrowing his brow in thought.

Just as he was about to move on, a particular pet’s profile caught his eye.

Name: Stone Monster

Attribute: Earth

Rank: Second Tier, Fifth Layer

Growth Progress: 21%

Skills: Earth Spike, Rock Bullet Projection

Its evolutionary path is selectable.

Giant Rock Path: This evolution enhances melee capabilities by bolstering its physical constitution and strength while diminishing its mastery over the Earth Element. The next evolutionary stage is the Giant Rock Monster, capable of reaching up to the fourth rank.

Divinity Path: This evolution taps into an ancient lineage, unearthing a hint of extraordinary divinity within its bloodline. It boosts both melee prowess and Earth Element control. The subsequent form is the Rock Ghost, with the potential to ascend to the supreme king level.

Xie Yang’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

He was familiar with the Stone Monster’s Giant Rock Evolution Path.

Hardie’s Giant Rock Monster had evolved from a Stone Monster.

Yet, its ultimate potential was capped at the fourth rank, not particularly impressive.

By the Beastmaster Association’s standards, it ranked at Level E or verged on Level D.

On the other hand, the Stone Monster’s alternative evolutionary route could soar to the supreme king level.

Clearly, this was an uncharted Hidden Evolutionary Route.

And it perfectly aligned with Xie Yang’s needs.

“And it’s adept at both melee and spellcasting!” Joy danced in Xie Yang’s eyes.

Earth Attribute Pets were renowned for their formidable defense, the go-to choice for a defensive companion.

An enhancement in the Stone Monster’s Earth Element control would be phenomenal.

A pet with high health and robust defense that could cast spells was a formidable ally.

Without a moment’s delay, Xie Yang made his choice and selected the Sealed Pearl.

“This is the one I want.”

He took the pearl in hand and turned to the saleswoman, “Additionally, I need to purchase some materials.”

He planned to procure all the necessary materials for the evolution of both the Ice Crystal Soul and the Stone Monster.

Per the Divinity Path’s description, the Rock Ghost required a full 100% Growth Progress, 20 units of middle rank Earth Essence, and 500 grams of Spirit Soil for its evolution.

Xie Yang invested a total of 940,000 Credit Points for the evolutionary materials of the two pets.

Among them, the Stone Monster was the most affordable.

An E+ rank second-tier pet beast required only 150,000 Credit Points.

In addition, Xie Yang purchased some lower-level Earth Essence, intending to treat his pet beasts to these snacks on a regular basis.

This practice not only kept his pet beasts in high spirits but also incrementally increased their Growth Points.

When it came time to settle the bill, Xie Yang had spent a total of 1,623,000 Credit Points.

With an initial balance of three million Credit Points, he had now used well over half.

Nevertheless, the expenditure of these Credit Points was justified.

Having acquired the materials, Xie Yang promptly returned home.

He was now ready to focus on the evolution of the Ice Crystal Soul and to establish a bond with the Stone Monster!


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