Reborn to Be A Beast Master

Chapter 14

C14 – The Generous Invitation Conditions

“Bro, you’re incredible!”

Bai Tian gazed at Xie Yang with eyes full of admiration, his cheeks flushed with excitement.

“Congratulations, Brother Xie.”

Moo Shuqin and Zou Xinrui beamed as they offered their congratulations.

Xie Yang gave Bai Tian’s head a gentle pat and acknowledged the pair with a gracious nod.

Just then, Qin Ai and Shui Zhongzhen approached.

“Young man, your performance was remarkable. I retract my earlier words. Your confidence is rooted in your strength, not impulsiveness or recklessness.”

It was unexpected for Qin Ai to openly acknowledge his prior misjudgment.

Shui Zhongzhen added in a calm tone, “I apologize for my earlier remarks.”

Both examiners were esteemed silver Beastmasters, revered figures to the common folk. Yet here they were, extending apologies to an apprentice Beastmaster.

The onlookers were taken aback by the scene, Xie Yang included.

But he quickly composed himself and shook his head, “No worries, you both meant well with your advice.”

Qin Ai and Shui Zhongzhen exchanged a look of silent approval. Their respect for Xie Yang grew; his exceptional talent was matched by his humility, an attitude they found most commendable.

This young man was destined to be an exceptional Beastmaster.

The examiners exchanged a knowing glance, the same thought occurring to them both.

Qin Ai broke the silence, “Xie Yang, would you be interested in joining our Beastmaster Association?”

Surprised, Xie Yang responded, “But I’m still a student.”

“That’s not an issue,” Qin Ai assured him with a smile, waving his hand dismissively.

“I can request a reserve cadre position for you with the higher-ups. You won’t have to handle the day-to-day, but you’ll still enjoy all the associated benefits and treatment.”

“Moreover, it won’t interfere with your studies at the Beastmaster Academy. You can continue your education there. Upon graduation, you’ll be immediately granted the deacon title within the association. How does that sound?”

The crowd around them was dumbfounded.

Qin Ai was offering an incredibly generous proposition.

Essentially, they were willing to invest in Xie Yang with the lucrative benefits of a deacon for four years, free from any obligations.

Once he graduated, he would seamlessly step into a deacon role at the Beastmaster Association, bypassing the usual assessments and competition.

This was simply too enviable!

Upon hearing this, Bai Tian’s face lit up with joy.

Among the career options for beastmaster graduates, the Beastmaster Association consistently outranked both the military and the financial clans of the commonwealth.

The military’s rules were stringent, and the contracts from the financial clans imposed too many constraints on beastmasters.

By contrast, the Beastmaster Association—a hybrid of governmental and private sector influence—offered far more lenient regulations and notably appealing benefits.

It was the enterprise organization beastmaster students coveted the most.

Each year, a multitude of beastmaster hopefuls aspired to join the Association, facing fierce competition.

Now, Xie Yang had the chance to bypass this competitive assessment and join the Beastmaster Association immediately upon graduation. Even more impressive, he could step into the role of a deacon right away.

Everyone envied him.N/nêw n0vel chap/ers are published o/n n0v/e/(lb)i(n.)co/m

Many cast glances of envy and jealousy toward Xie Yang.

Yet, to everyone’s surprise, Xie Yang declined the offer without a second thought.

“I appreciate your generous offer, but I’m sorry. I haven’t finalized my post-graduation plans, so I’m not ready to commit just yet,” he said.

Qin Ai and Shui Zhongzhen were taken aback.

Those around them were equally astonished.

Nobody had anticipated Xie Yang turning down such a lucrative proposition.

“You might want to learn more about our association before you decide,” Qin Ai suggested, thinking Xie Yang was unaware of the significance of the deacon position and hoping to convince him to reconsider.

But before he could continue, Xie Yang interjected, “Thank you, Mister Examiner, for your consideration, but I’ve made up my mind. I prefer to weigh my options after graduation.”

Xie Yang remained composed, his resolve unshaken.

Qin Ai’s promised perks were indeed substantial, but Xie understood that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. The more he accepted now, the greater the obligations he’d face later on.

He had no desire to join the Beastmaster Association at this juncture.

Even if he did consider membership, he would wait until after graduation.

Given his rapid progression, he was confident that his abilities would be exponentially greater by then. That would be the time to negotiate for even better benefits and superior terms with the Beastmaster Association.

The current offerings from the Association simply didn’t meet his aspirations.

Xie Yang had thought through the situation with clarity.

Noticing Xie Yang’s resolute demeanor, Qin Ai let out a sigh and decided to back off.

“If that’s how you feel, I won’t push you any further.”

After a brief pause, he added, “You’ve just advanced to an apprentice Beastmaster, so there might be a lot you don’t understand about pet beasts. If you ever need assistance, feel free to seek me out. I’m usually around this building.”

Qin Ai’s offer sparked a wave of envy among many onlookers.

It was a generous gesture from a silver-ranked Beastmaster.

It clearly showed the high regard Qin Ai had for Xie Yang.

But then again, Xie Yang was a prodigy who had aced the Apprentice Assessment at a superior level, so it was no surprise that Qin Ai saw potential in him.

And he was only eighteen.

A bright future was all but guaranteed for him.

They were keen to forge a connection with such an extraordinary talent at the earliest opportunity.

With this in mind, several people were itching to get to know him.

Qin Ai spent some time encouraging Xie Yang and left him his contact details before departing with Shui Zhongzhen.

No sooner had the two examiners left the room than the crowd closed in on Xie Yang.

“Xie Yang, you went to Lakeshell High, right? We’re alumni.”

“Xie, how about joining an adventure team? We can take you on hunts for ferocious beasts, no charge!”

“Brother Xie, got any plans later? How about we grab a meal together?”

“Brother Xie Yang, can we swap contact info? I’m a bit lost on some pet beast matters. Could I consult you sometime?”

The crowd watched Xie Yang with anticipation, each person either hoping to befriend him or to snag his contact details, lavishing him with flattery.

Unfortunately for them, Xie Yang wasn’t one for socializing, so after offering a few noncommittal responses, he quickly left with Bai Tian and the two other girls.

Once outside the building, all four of them wiped their brows in relief.

Bai Tian clutched her chest and exclaimed, “I thought I’d never get out of there. They were just too eager.”

Zou Xinrui laughed, “Can’t help it. Xie Yang’s just too impressive, so naturally, everyone wants to be his friend.”

Moo Shuqin scoffed, “Did you see those women asking for Xie Yang’s contact? They’re clearly much older than us, yet they’re calling him ‘Brother Xie Yang.’ Gross!”

As she spoke, she mimicked the motion of throwing up.

Bai Tian and Zou Xinrui couldn’t help but cover their mouths, giggling at the sight.

Xie Yang offered a slight smile in response.

Moo Shuqin caught his eye and leaned in to whisper, “Brother Xie Yang, how about we swap contact details? That way, we can chat more in the future.”

Bai Tian and Zou Xinrui were at a loss for words.


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