Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 565 The Attack Plan

1 day later…

As soon as Planet Maxum exploded and the Scarlet Macaw led the beasts to escape which they did despite the tight security of this state, Legolas did not follow his companions to their headquarters, he returned to the library.

For 6 months, he holed himself up in this library looking for his path.

After the battle, he felt that he finally found it and he holed himself back in.

He did not want to speak to anyone until he was done.

At this moment, inside the national library of Nak State…

After a full day of writing down and analyzing the result of the epiphany that he got during the battle, he already created a guide book that will lead him forward.

The only thing remaining was to give it a name.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Legolas thought on a name.

'What should I give it? Legolas path?'

'No, that's too lame'.

'Path of the true master?'


'What should I give it?'

He thought on the name for good 20 minutes before he settled for one, he carefully wrote on the book with the magic pen before stopping to look at it.

At this moment, a textbook was already formed with a title written in bold.

>Path of the Maverick- Arch Grandmaster<

>Author: Legolas Baron<

Legolas flipped the pages of this book open and looked through its contents.

He wrote the different more obvious processes that he theorized to create this Calamity path in a chronological order.

This calamity path could only be mastered by him, he wrote down the ways that he theorized for himself to master it.

*Thorough understanding and proficiency for the path of the Grandmaster.

*A proper inheritance to maximize potential of Titan bloodline powers.

*Body strengthening and applying the different verified techniques for total mastery of the Diamond-Beast Body path to maximize advantage of Supreme Talents.

*Even more mastery of the Beast Combatant path, find a way to achieve a base control level of 100% with every single contracted beast.

Legolas paused after reading to this place, he checked it.


[Hierarchy ranking and base control level after integration:]


[Base Control Level: 135%]


[Base Control Level: 155%]


[Base Control Level: 112%]


[Base Control Level: 100%]

>Warp Prime<

[Base Control Level: 89%]



Seeing this, Legolas froze in shock.

Not because of the base control level since Warp Prime was his only contracted beast remaining to cross that threshold, half a century of countless battles made this possible but this was not what caused his shock.

His eyes widened. 'Why did it show a base control level for Lucky?'

'I can actually integrate with Lucky too?'

'Wait, that does not make sense, she's not my contracted beast!'

"But…,' His eyes widened even further. 'Lucky has never been like any conventional beast pet, is this related to how I got her, the game interface?'

Ideas started flowing through his head on the spot. 'Was this a recent addition or I can do this before?'

'If this had been like this since, I may have been underutilizing Lucky since'.

'If I can integrate with her too, that means I already broke the paradigms of a Grade B Summoner since I can integrate with 5 beasts while still being in the Grade B realm which means creating an even more powerful final form'.

'Damn! How powerful can I become with this?'

Just thinking of the countless possibilities made him excited.

If Lucky was here, he would try it again but unfortunately, she was unavailable.

20 years ago, the Illusion Emperor finally made an appearance before Legolas. She wanted to take her student away for some special training.

According to this Emperor, Lucky had the potential to become a Grade S Fox and the duty fell upon her shoulders to oversee her rise to the top.

Legolas did not reject, not that he could, Lucky left with her master.

Its been 2 decades since he last saw his beast pet.

Legolas forced himself to ignore this to focus on the book again.

*Find a way to integrate Battle Controller sub class into calamity path.

*Learn or create an ability that enables telepathic communication with tamed beasts like with contracted beasts.

Legolas' eyes gleamed as he looked at the book.

This was the Calamity Path that he theorized.

This was the calamity path of the maverick.

This was the calamity path of the Arch Grandmaster.

He finally stood up in the library. 'This is unprecedented, the difficulty is insane, there is even a great chance that I may never succeed in creating it and I'll be stuck at the Grade B realm all my life but I'm determined to create it'.

'Alone, I stand no chance from the onset'.

'To stand a chance, I need the support and help of Nak State'.

Legolas finally left the library again.

President Dunk was angry.

A livid expression was on this President's face as he read through the reports of the attack on Planet Maxum yesterday. By this point, Ackermann State was suffering even more than his state but the damages were still monumental.

He lost another whole planet and this one was even a strategic planet.

Its value was on a whole other level to other normal planets.

The stress of the past few months was already getting to this President, his nerves kept on being stretched taut, anxiety struck him again and again.

A few hours ago, he could no longer hold it. "Is he still in there?"

"Sir, he just came out".

President Dunk turned to look at the Chief Admiral immediately.

He took a deep breath. "Send for him, bring him here".

"Yes, Mr. President".

A few minutes later, Legolas came into the secure room of the President where only 2 additional individuals were gathered, Admiral Zhao and Admiral Greg.

This was the new inner circle of the President for the past 6 months.

As soon as Legolas entered, he looked at the President. "You called for me".

"Yes". President Dunk turned to look at him as he took a deep breath. "The survival of Nak State is in danger, I think now is the time to implement it".

Legolas calmly looked at the President. "The attack plan?"

"Yes". He nodded. "You theorized then that we leave Admiral Nathan while feeding him false intel, we have done exactly this for the past few months and he had never discovered us, we are sure of that".

"I think it is time to implement your plan to hit back at the beasts".

"If we keep at it like this, perhaps, by the time we finally get ready to execute the attack plan, Nak State would be too weak to threaten them".

"We need to strike now". President Dunk stared at Legolas.

He nodded. "I agree".

"You agree?"

"Yes". Legolas nodded calmly. "It's right about time".

Then he looked at the 2 Admirals in this room. "It's just like I said, for the attack plan, I want to be part of the strike force and to be part of them, I need to become a Grade B+ Super to stand a chance at surviving".

Chief Admiral Greg's face became cold. "But your progress is slow".

"Now anymore". Legolas smiled and dropped a book.

They all looked at the title.

>Path of the Maverick- Arch Grandmaster<

>Author: Legolas Baron<

As soon as they read through the book, their eyes widened in shock. "This is your theorized Calamity Path?"

"Yes". Legolas answered with a slight smirk.

"Is this even possible?"

"Maybe". He just looked at them.

Revealing so much about himself seemed excessive but it was a show of trust on his path. Revealing his calamity path already revealed a lot about him, and the kind of monster he would likely become at the Calamity Grade.

This would induce either of 2 things in their hearts.

Either they would see him as a potential powerful enemy of Nak State in the future and decide to eliminate him early, or they would see him as a potential powerful ally that would help Nak State rise to greater heights.

If it was the first, he was doomed.

But if it was the second, he would enter an even higher level of paradise than what he was currently enjoying from the Nak State.

Legolas felt the Spirit Senses of the 3 Nak warriors before him move, they were communicating rapidly about his fate and what would happen to him.

For a moment, he felt nervous as it seemingly became too long.

Would he die today?

Amid his thoughts, they finished, President Dunk focused on him.

The President took a deep breath. "We took a big decision today".

"We believe that you're not someone that betrays the trust that is placed on you, that is why we're willing to invest even more in your growth".

"How long do you think you need to become a Grade B+ Summoner?"

"2 months, 3 at most".

President Dunk nodded. "What do you need?"

This was when Legolas finally grinned. "I want access to a proper Titan inheritance that will enable me awaken more of my Titan bloodline powers".

"I need the verified techniques to learn the Diamond Beast-Body path and more ways to strengthen my body and increase my advantage even more".

Chief Admiral Greg briefly interrupted. "It's weird that as a Summoner, you pay so much attention to increasing your physical body strength and endurance".

Legolas grinned. "I'm weird".

"Is that all?" President Dunk asked.

"I need access to powerful techniques for the Beast Combatant path, and if possible, I also want something that will enable me get to 100% base control level with every single one of my contracted beasts".

"Lastly, if there is, I want an ability that will enable me to communicate telepathically with every single one of my tamed beasts".

President Dunk silently looked into this Summoner's eyes for a minute.

Then he spoke. "Done".

The attack plan was till 3 months later after Legolas became a Grade B+ Summoner.


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