Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 551 Battle For Planet Kronic Beam Ring! [1]

2 weeks prior…

Inside Admiral Zhao's mansion.

With furrowed brows, this Admiral looked at this familiar Summoner that sat before him again. "You already found information about them?"

"Yes". Legolas nodded confidently.


Over the past 50 years, this Admiral had seen Legolas achieve some pretty ridiculous feats but this time, he simply couldn't wrap his head around it.

He looked intensely at Legolas. "We didn't just give this mission to mercenaries, the Nak State and Ackermann States are also working together intensely after our temporary alliance to repel the beasts".

"Even us have found nothing yet, not even signs of the Shelter Priest".

"So how did you do it?"

"Prophecy". Legolas answered calmly.

This Admiral's eyebrows furrowed even more. "Prophecy? Like Onana added in his report decades ago?"

"Yes". Legolas nodded calmly. "Every time that I use it, it takes a toll on me so I only save it for absolutely important circumstances".

"I view the threat of the Beast Coalition as an important circumstance".

Admiral Zhao finally became serious. "What did you see?"


Legolas stood up. "The speech and the first raid is just the first of many".

He turned to look at the Admiral. "The Beast Coalition has 25 Beast Priests excluding the ones that your state killed decades ago".

"With so many Calamity Grades, they have a lot of options".

"They don't want to take the easy approach to build their Empire from scratch. Since they already have the momentum, they would rather cause more chaos in your territories and plunder strategic resources from you".

"One of these strategic resources is Planet Kronic Beam Ring".

"From the speech, I know that you can already tell that the Beast Coalition managed to create one of the most fearsome Mechanics in the Calamity Grade".

"Planet Kronic Beam Ring is a strategic planet to Nak State".

"It is the biggest metal planet owned by your state".

"It produces the greatest amount of metal and other valuable ore that are needed annually for the continued growth of the Nak State".

"The Beasts want this for themselves too".

"With the Mechanic Beast Priest, they can make even better use of a strategic planet of Kronic Beam Ring's value".

Admiral Zhao narrowed his eyes. "How do I know if this is not just speculation?"

"You can't". Legolas looked him evenly in the eye.

The Admiral sighed. "This is war period, the President and the Council won't agree to send more Calamity Grades to protect my territory when they feel that there are more pressing security concerns".

"Your prophecy is not enough to convince them".

Legolas simply looked at him. "You have to do something about it or watch Planet Kronic Beam Ring snatched right out of your grasp".

Admiral Zhao looked at Legolas. "Another thing, Planet Kronic Beam Ring is located right at the heart of Nak State, something not even the Ackermann dares to target, what gives the beasts the confidence?"

"How do they intend to take something this big in their possession?"

"Afterall, a planet cannot be moved".

"…" Legolas only looked at him.

This Admiral felt a bit annoyed. "What do you want?"

"Books". Legolas replied immediately. "Archives, anything that will aid me towards perfecting my calamity path and creating my perfect domain".

Legolas was ambitioned, he didn't want to create a normal calamity path.

In his previous life as a player, he was able to become a Calamity Grade Summoner but he was among the weakest of the bunch in the Calamity Grade, this was because of the Calamity path that he got.

As a player, all he needed was to spam more experience points at the system and at a certain point, he could level up to become a Calamity Grade.

The system automatically gave him the weakest of calamity paths.

In this life, Legolas did not want to settle for that.

He wanted more and hence his demand.

Admiral Zhao silently looked at him for a few seconds. "Done".

He paced round this room. "Tell me everything about the invasion".

"With pleasure".

When he was done, Admiral Zhao took in a deep breath in shock. "If this is true, then the Beast Coalition is even more dangerous than we expected".

"Despite all these, the President won't still believe a prophecy".

"The best I can do is ask a friend for help".

"Can you?"

An image of a Bear-like Nak appeared in his mind, he nodded. "I think I can, let's hope this works and I don't lose my territory".

I think you should take a look at

2 weeks later, now, everything played out as Legolas predicted.

The Beast Coalition indeed invaded.

Unsurprisingly, the Nak fleet stationed in Planet Kronic Beam Ring reacted instantly as over a hundred warships rose up into the air to defend the planet.

The enemy warships did not go closer immediately to clash with them though, instead, one of their Beast Priests went to do the job.

Instantly after the 2 golden balls detonated, the Demonic Mandrill dived straight into the atmosphere of this planet as he became a rotating golden ball.

His gauntlets were caught in flames as he descended.

His intentions were clear, to singlehandedly wreak destruction among the Nak fleets since their Admiral was trapped, allowing his warships to roll in after with momentum, steamrolling through every other surviving resistance.

What he didn't expect though was the presence of another Calamity Grade.

"You had your beasts!" Admiral Kong's deep voice reverberated like thunder.

"You saw us bow before your demands!"

"You had your so-called freedom!"

"You had your chance to escape!"

"Yet…" His eyes glowed with fury as he rose into the sky. "YOU BLEW IT!"


A pitch-black spear tore through the air with destructive impunity!

One moment, it was thrown by the Pugilist and the next, it already arrived at its destination as the Demonic Mandrill raised both his hands to block.


The impact was powerful as his gauntlets cracked…, but they were repaired instantly as arcane energy channeled through them.

The red eyes of this Demonic Mandrill glowed in rage.

He tried to punch the spear with a malicious intent to destroy this weapon but this weapon evaded on its own, returning to its owner.

Admiral Kong was already charging at the skies like an ascending rocket.

Once he grabbed his spear again, his eyes became pitch-black.

"Calamity Manifestation: Berserker Sea!"

Admiral Kong was always shirtless, the reason finally became apparent.

At this moment, if he wore shirts, they would have torn apart.


Like an avalanche, what seemed like a sea of sinister mud appeared around him, spanning across a ridiculous region of 2 kilometers.

This was this Admiral's domain!

In this domain, Admiral Kong was at his best!

It clashed with the passive fire domain of the Demonic Mandrill!


"Self-Created Pugilist Skill: Incineration- Berserker God Stab!"

Admiral Kong's eyes glowed.

"RAAH!" He growled as he stabbed his spear forward with all his power.

Black fire gathered at the tip of this spear and for a moment, the world seemed to be coming to an end even as the Demonic Mandrill did not back down, feeling the danger as it retaliated aggressively.

Gauntlets raging with red fire clashed with the spear's black fire tip!


"Self-Created Technique: Beast Hunter Technique- Combination Attacks!"


The flashes of explosions in the air from this battle was intimidating.

Admiral Kong held the Demonic Mandrill at bay but their was still a 2nd Calamity Grade, Pinto, the Detective Dog.

This Dog charged into the planet even as the other defense got prepared.

This was when Legolas and his subordinates were also called upon.

His eyes gleamed with fighting intent. 'Finally!'


You have equipped Cutting-Edge Armor: Hex!

You have equipped Cutting-Edge Weapon: Obsidian Spear!

You have activated active ability: Beast Plane Summoning!




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