Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 592 Danger! [1]

Chapter 592 Danger! [1]


The crack on the body of the Titan Emperor's corpse enlarged.

Legolas' eyes widened.

His hyperactive brain instantly became alert, gearing into overdrive.

A million thoughts and speculations went through his mind.

While all this happened, the shield kept on wobbling.

Legolas was not the only one shocked, the Titan Immortals were also shocked, and the consciousness of the Titan Emperor himself was also shocked.

His eyes widened. "What?!"

Then he heard a familiar voice.



"Long time no see, Gustacus".

Hearing the deep tone of this voice, Legolas felt goosebumps.

This was beyond him.

Speculations flew wildly in his mind. 'Who is this?!'

Hearing that familiar voice, that voice that he thought he already banned to the deepest depths of hell, the eyes of the Titan Emperor's consciousness bulged in shock like lanterns glowing in a deep darkness.

The Titan Emperor's face contorted in rage from shock the next moment as he glared at his corpse.

"INSOLENCE!" The voice of this Emperor boomed with power!

"HOW DARE YOU POSSESS MY BODY?" His voice vibrated in rage.



The Titan Emperor exploded with power.

Red temporal energy flooded this room accompanied by silvery spatial energy as everything in close proximity was bathed in a storm of destructive aura.

The remaining energy supporting the shield dissipated at this moment.


The shield shattered.

Feeling the incredible power that was being emanated by this aura, Legolas was reminded of the insurmountable power difference between the Grade B realm and the Calamity Grade realm.

Becoming a Calamity Grade meant a comprehensive transformation.

And this was no mere Calamity Grade either, this was the consciousness of one of the 2 strongest Grade S Supers that ever graced the Minerva System, Emperor Gustacus Dodomaniac of the Titan Empire.

A Grade S Super that held an important position in the hierarchy of one of the 3 Universal Civilizations that ruled the Gundogan Star Cluster.

And his power did not have the normal cap of Calamity Grades either, the consciousness already told Legolas that it had powers exceeding the Calamity grade and this intense aura was proof of it.

While everything transpired, the voice laughing from within this corpse was not intimidated as it moved the next moment.

The corpse of the Titan Emperor stood up for the first time in millenniums!

The corpse of the Titan Emperor had a mad grin on his face.

A grin of freedom at last.

Seeing this, Legolas' eyes widened into saucers.

Not just because of this, but because of something he just heard.



Hearing that name, alarm bells rang in Legolas' mind.

'The Emperor of the World Controller Empire?!'

'What is he doing here?!'



Legolas had a lot of questions in his mind but he knew that this was not the time to ask.

At this moment, all his danger instincts tingled like mad.


You have activated active ability: Doppelganger Substitution!

You have activated active ability: Spectral Form!

You have activated active ability: Raptor Speed!

You have activated active ability: Speed Demon!

You have activated active ability: Affinity- Planet Gorr!

You have activated active ability: Flight!

You have activated active ability: Formless like Wind!

You have activated…

You have activated…


Legolas reacted on instinct.

Literally all the escape skills that he had been amassing during the period of his training were activated at this moment, he turned into the flash.

While Legolas tried to escape, the A.I of the Titan Immortals rapidly analyzed the situation before arriving at the best possible decision.

'The corpse of the ancestor is a sacred treasure…, it cannot be harmed'.

'The ancestor's rules states that any enemy that is not of the Titan race that enters should be engaged and killed…, this is an enemy'.

'But this enemy is possessing the ancestor's corpse!'

There was a brief clash of codes as the A.Is tried to process the situation but they arrived at a conclusion in less than milliseconds.

'We can't damage the corpse but we can deal with him using only abilities that targets mental energy…, it is a possession Afterall!'

The A.I powering these Titan Immortals made use of ridiculous mega processors that could process information in nano seconds at their peak speed.

This was ridiculous speed.

In a second, they could make billions of calculations and act on them.

And at this moment, the Titan Immortals already returned to their peak as intended and designed by the Titan Immortal as they could detect the energy of this enemy possessing the ancestor's corpse already.

At this moment, all 5 Titan Immortals evolved their energy to the Grade A realm as an explosion of power occurred.


Without hesitation, they rushed at the ancestor's corpse.

Everything was happening in milliseconds; Legolas was in danger but he rapidly calculated as he ran. 'I can make it before the destruction starts…'

He barely thought of it when something happened.


"Special Self-Created Ability: Telekinesis Domain!"

"Special Self-Created Ability: Forcefield Defense!"

The voice of the existence possessing the Titan Immortal's corpse reverberated as it seemed to affect the laws of nature.

It was just 2 moves but these 2 moves did it all.

At that moment, Legolas' eyes widened in realization.

'The World Controller race are actually telekinesis experts!' This was the last coherent thought that Legolas had before everything went blank.


Legolas felt telekinesis powers with such a thickness that he had never experienced nor seen before, this mental power felt as thick as a wall.

He also saw an apocalyptic eruption of temporal energy mixed with spatial energy; reality was literally being torn apart at this moment as black tears appeared in the air that seemed to damage this special space-pocket.

This was a level of power exceeding the Calamity Grade.

Legolas could not see more; his senses were blinded instantly as he felt like he was looking into the eye of the sun.

He just saw bright flashes of red, silver, and gray clashing.

This was power far exceeding Legolas' level.

Originally, this power was supposed to kill him immediately or blow him far away from this location but neither of this happened due to the domain.


The power of Nico Guaguam's telekinesis Domain held Legolas in place, but it also protected him at this moment from these destructive powers.

This unprecedented battle started and ended in less than a second.

Everything suddenly died down.

Legolas could finally open his eyes as he remained frozen in the air.

He looked and he sucked in a deep breath in shock.

The palace of the Titan Emperor was severely damaged.

This room now seemed like a ruin.

The 5 Titan Immortals were now lying at different parts of this room, their inner mechanic circuits exposed as they released sparks at various intervals.


"Error…" They kept on muttering.

As for the consciousness of the Titan Emperor.

He was at the corner of this room, defeated.

The consciousness was now dimmer than ever before.

With one glance, Legolas could tell that this consciousness drew on all his remaining power including those for his remaining 2 consciousness that he kept for subsequent inheritors but yet…, he lost.

Legolas was going crazy…, he lost!

"HAHAHAHAHA…!" Nico Guaguam laughed maniacally.

By now, Legolas could finally pinpoint his location.

This powerful existence was located in the eyes of Emperor Gustacus Dodomaniac's eyes. The eyes of this corpse now seemed like a moving abyss of grey and black energy; this was where Nico Guaguam controlled the corpse.

The World Controller Emperor kept on laughing maniacally.

The dying consciousness of Gustacus Dodomaniac just looked at him.

"How?" He asked.

"HAHAHAHA…!" Nico Guaguam laughed again.

"Your arrogance did you in Gustacus".

"You always saw yourself as superior to me despite my incredible power".

"You were always so confident that you could beat me and was why you grew the guts to challenge me to a life and death battle".

"You knew how angry I was when you were winning?"

"You know how much I cursed your 7 generations when you flashed that your arrogant smirk at me…, that was why I decided to use the forbidden". He smirked.

"Hehe…, you never could have guessed that I practiced forbidden techniques, I still can't forget the shocked look on your face when we both died".

"To wipe that smirk of your face, I was ready to die with you".

"You dared underestimate me and I f*cking killed you for it!"

While this Emperor raved, Emperor Gustacus just looked at him.

"What you forgot then was that unlike you, my mental power has always been my strongest forte".

"If your soul receives more than 50% damage after losing your body, you will die but unlike you, I was the strongest World Controller alive".

"With my world controller abilities, surviving with just 10% of my soul remaining is nothing, my mental power is a world and body of its own to me, I can survive with even lower".

Emperor Gustacus's eyes finally widened in realization.

Nico Guaguam grinned through his archenemy's corpse, it felt so gratifying to him. "I survived, but only barely".

"I didn't have enough power to keep on living naturally, I sacrificed too much, my only hope was to live as a parasite".

"And my only hope…," The corpse grinned. "Was your corpse".

"While you prepared your last inheritance hastily before dying, I took that time to secretly build an abode inside your body".

"Fascinating, isn't it?" He laughed maniacally.

"I was too weak though, your remaining power left in your consciousnesses and your body were more than enough to suppress my little mental power if I ever tried to show myself so I went into hibernation".

"I bid my time waiting for this exact moment".

"You built this space-pocket to look for suitable inheritors to your legacy, I stayed waiting in your body for so long to also get the perfect body to reincarnate".

"After thousands of years of waiting, finally, I got it".

This Emperor turned to look at the immobile human.

He grinned. "Legolas is the perfect body I need".

"…!" Legolas felt his head freeze on hearing that.

His danger instincts tingled like mad.

He was in danger!

Emperor Nico Guaguam made his move!


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