Reborn Master vs. School Beauty

Chapter 9 supplementary lessons

At this moment, her best friend, Chen Xue, called her. "Ya Shi, now that our Wechat Moments have exploded, what happened between you and Li Qiang?"

"What?" "Nothing happened between us. There’s nothing to say." Lin Ya Shi coldly said.

"But those photos have already been uploaded to the internet. Since you and Li Qiang are fine, why did you date him in the coffee shop?" Chen Xue curiously asked.

Lin Ya Shi said in a bad mood: "Xue’er, how did you become so gossipy? What does this have to do with you? "

Chen Xue replied with a smile, "I’m just concerned about my old friend. The news of you and Li Qiang has spread like wildfire. They say that now that you have a boyfriend, how many boys in school want to commit suicide?"

Lin Ya Shi said helplessly, "I really don’t want to explain this matter. I want to clear up the situation, so let the people outside gossip whatever they want. I don’t care!"

Chen Xue said, "You can’t say that. After all, this matter is related to your reputation. You are the most famous beauty in our school, and you also know Li Qiang’s reputation. The news of the two of you being together is too shocking."

Lin Ya Shi said, "Whether you believe it or not, it has nothing to do with me. At that time, I was just discussing some matters with him. At that time, I did not know what to say."

Chen Xue sighed and said, "People’s words are scary. Originally, it’s nothing, but it becomes very strange when they shout. I still want you to clarify that if you really have nothing to do with Li Qiang, then explain it in the circle of friends so those people who randomly spread rumors don’t have the space to lie."

Lin Ya Shi sneered: "Why do you care so much about this? Are you interested in Li Qiang? "

Chen Xue was surprised. "What are you talking about? I was concerned about you so I suggested you, but you suspected me. Forget it, if you think I have other intentions, then I won’t talk to you. Goodbye!"

Lin Ya Shi said: "Xue’er, don’t be angry. I was just angered by Li Qiang, that’s why I’m so aggressive when I speak. You have such a good relationship with me, how can I bear to mock you? "Hurry up and calm down, we’re still good sisters in the future."

"That’s right, you’re good to me, and I’m good to you, and this is your relationship with me. I really only remembered to call you and remind you because I saw the rumors about you from my circle of friends, and if it’s convenient for you, you should hurry up and clarify it for me, it’s good for you."

Lin Ya Shi smiled coquettishly, "Alright, I have always been a carefree person and have the best immunity to gossip. Whatever they say, I am more worried that this will not be the problem."

Chen Xue inquired, "You mean, the threat that the Black Cloaked Society recently sent you?"

Lin Ya Shi said, "Yes, the Black Cloth Society has kidnapped the rich and wealthy families from other cities, and I am now one of their targets. Father has asked me many times to stop coming to the school to teach, but I have also refused many times, making him very angry."

Chen Xue suddenly understood and said, "So you want to find Li Qiang to be your bodyguard, right?"

Lin Ya Shi said: "You finally understand what I mean, I think so. Right now Li Qiang has changed a lot, his skills are really good, and more importantly, he is my tablemate, so he is the most suitable to be my bodyguard. Because of this, I wanted to talk to him about some conditions, but he actually stubbornly rejected me."

Chen Xue smiled and said, "You don’t have to be so angry, Li Qiang has a very weird personality. He had saved Song Yan and me before, but when we thank him, he acted like he didn’t care about us at all. He’s probably someone who doesn’t take advantage of the situation. Try to communicate with him in another way and see if he agrees."

Lin Ya Shi said with a smile, "My good sister has her own ideas. How about I try the method you suggested?"

As Li Qiang ran along the road, he was in a very good mood. Lin Ya Shi pouted, his angry expression lingering in his mind. He forcefully refused the school belle’s good intentions. There seemed to be a mysterious pleasure in his words that made him feel very happy.

At this moment, his phone rang. It was Liang Qiuying. Li Qiang sighed and helplessly picked up the phone, "Teacher Liang, is there something you need me for?"

"Is your memory really that bad for a fool?" What did I tell you at school? "Why didn’t you come to the teacher’s place to take supplementary lessons after school?" Liang Qiuying said angrily on the phone.

"Aiya, I’m sorry Teacher Liang. It was because I met with something else that I forgot." Li Qiang casually explained.

"Don’t lie to me. The news has spread on the school website that you and Lin Ya Shi are in a relationship. Is that true?" Liang Qiuying’s tone was a little strange. It didn’t seem like she was angry, but she was also a little unhappy.

Li Qiang laughed involuntarily, "How could that be? How could I be together with Lin Ya Shi? We did go to the coffee shop, but we had things to talk about, and it had nothing to do with relationships. "

Liao Qiuying’s tone softened, "Then come over quickly, I’ll be waiting for you at home."

Li Qiang could only say, "Alright, I’ll immediately run over."

Liang Qiuying said angrily, "Idiot, my home is quite far from the school. You can take the bus and come here."

Li Qiang smiled and said, "It’s not like I can run faster on the bus. Don’t worry, Teacher Li. I’ll be there in ten minutes!"

Liang Qiuying felt that Li Qiang was just bragging. Even if he had the fastest footwork, it would still take him more than half an hour to get to her house. How could a middle school student like Li Qiang arrive in ten minutes?

However, a miracle happened. Ten minutes later, Li Qiang called and said that they were downstairs.

After a while, Li Qiang pressed the doorbell Liang Qiuying’s home.

Liang Qiuying opened the door to Li Qiang with a question. After letting him in, she asked, "How did you get here? It must be a taxi, right? Otherwise it would be impossible to be so fast. "

Li Qiang knew that Liang Qiuying didn’t believe that he could run so fast, but he had indeed run here. He had also started to use the lightening technique he used in the Winged Dragon Commando, so his speed was much faster than an ordinary person’s.

However, facing Liang Qiuying, he still said that he really did call a taxi. Liao Qiuying proudly said, "I could guess that you were bragging. You are just too impatient, and your words are also unreliable. You are a braggart, so you need to correct yourself in the future."

At this moment, Liang Qiuying was wearing casual clothes, a flowery shirt, and a sky-blue denim skirt. She looked neat and tidy, with a delicate figure. She looked very beautiful.

Li Qiang’s heart was filled with emotion, "Little Ying has grown up in a flash, moreover her temperament is so outstanding. That little brat Liang Tian is so fortunate to be able to give birth to such an attractive daughter."


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