Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 132. The First Naval Prototype

132  132. The First Naval Prototype

Sima Yi was born in 179 AD while Wannian was born in 178 AD, she is one year older than Sima Yi. Wannian began to pester Sima Yi every day to play with her, she should have been the older sister but never acted like that Sima Yi on the other hand is more mature than her due to the education he receives.

The Lie Clan residence now is livelier than before with the arrival of the two brothers, SimabLang and Sima Yi began to be tutored again by Jia Xu, Xun You, and Suna Qian. Sometimes Chen Qun and Cai Yong joined in as guest tutors, increasing the knowledge they learned.

Sima Lang and Sima Yi In the original history Sima Lang and Sima Yi alongside his brothers who joined them alongside the rest of the Sima Clan largely sustained themselves by living as farmers, fending off local groups of bandits while studying diligently during their free time.

Studying in their free time already makes Sima Lang and Sima Yi become an incredible advisors, I don't know how they will become under the tutelage of many talented people. Especially Sima Yi the once-in-a-lifetime genius, the future arch-enemy of Zhuge Liang receiving a higher quality education from Jia Xu and Xun You in military strategy and domestic matters.

Sima Lang has also sent a letter to his Father Sima Fang in Luoyang, telling him that they changed their course from Henei to Xiapi so he tried to persuade Sima Famg to send the rest of the Sima Clan to take shelter in Xiapi for now at least until Luoyang is safe again.

After the arrival of the Sima brothers, Lie Fan decided to sponsor the building of an Academy for the noble and merchant clan's future generation. In their Lie Fan envision they will be indoctrinated with values and loyalty toward Lie Fan, at least laying down the seeds to ensure their loyalty in the future.

Scholars with common backgrounds can get scholarships or sponsored by someone can enter the Academy also, Lie Fan will slowly convert this to become a school where scholars from all kinds of backgrounds can receive their education. For a public school, Lie Fan halted this project until the Warlord era started when people like him had absolute control just like an Emperor in their own territory.

Today Lie Fan is observing Wannian taking her class after asking Cai Wenji's permission, the reason for Lie Fan doing this is that Wannian has become lazier after having a playmate at the mansion. She doesn't do her homework and even at one time skips her class to go and ask Sima Yi to play with her.

Lie Fan laughed angrily when he heard about this, he reprimanded the little rascal and decided to observe her in the class for today. He doesn't want her sister to be an insufferable stupid spoiled girl, it doesn't matter if she is spoiled but she has to be educated and elegant.

Cai Wenji: "Wannian have you done your Math homework that I gave to you last week?"

Wannian: "Yes Teacher! It's not easy but Big Brother helped me in solving some of the problems!"

Cai Wenji: "That's great, but remember to not just remember the answer, but also the process of how you could find the answer okay?"

Wannian: "Yes Teacher! That's what Big Brother also told me! If I only remember the answer and don't understand the method then I can never answer the question!"

Cai Wenji nodded her head to show that she agreed with what Lie Fan said, while this was just a common answer to teach to a student she didn't know why she found what Lie Fan said this past few months endearing to her since their incidents.

Especially now that Lie Fan was sitting at the back to keep an eye on Wannian, Her heart beat very quickly, and was nervous every time Lie Fan's eye passed by her. Lie Fan, on the other hand, sees the graceful and elegant Cai Wenji teaching Wannian gently fascinated him.

He can feel the ambiguity and strong attraction between them since that incident. If what makes Ying Yue attractive is her innocence and Diao Chan is her beauty, then Cai Wenji is her elegance and gentleness that even Wannian the rascal listened to Cai Wenji.

While this situation continues between the two of them, Jia Xu enters the room and after saluting Cai Wenji he approaches Lie Fan and whispers something to him. Lie Fan hearing what Jia Xu said was surprised and then became ecstatic, he stood up and said his goodbye to Cai Wenji and Wannian leaving the room with Jia Xu.

Lie Fan and Jia Xu walk together heading toward the embroidery room, Jia Xu informs Lie Fan that the prototype for the Fuchuan warship has been completed. Right now it is entering its trial test and Lie Fan was invited to see the trial, the shipwrights and craftsmen named this prototype the Ocean Conqueror.

Lie Fan now wanted to tell both Ying Yue and Diao Chan that he would leave for Huai'An, this was the most important project under him right now. Arriving at the embroidery room, he saw Ying Yue and Cai Wenji doing some embroidering together while talking about miscellaneous things

Lie Fan called for the two of them, Ying Yue and Diao Chan turned their head and saw Lie Fan standing at the door with Jia Xu behind him. Both of them stood up and walked toward Lie Fan, asking him if there was something he wanted to tell them seeing as he visited them here.

Lie Fan told them that he would leave Xiapi and go to Huai'An for a while as he had something to do there, he would leave 5 of his bodyguards here to protect them and Wannian while he is gone. Ying Yue and Diao Chan both tell Lie Fan to be careful and take care of himself, also asking Jia Xu to keep an eye on Lie Fan.

Lie Fan kissed both of them on the forehead and then said goodbye to the two of them. Lie Fan told Huang Shao and Guan Hai who is with him right now to stay alongside Bo Cai, Liu Pi, and Zhang Mancheng, while Zhao Hong, Gong Du, and He Yi will follow him to Huai'An.

Lie Fan leaves the strongest bunch of his bodyguards to stay at Xiapi, while he brings the weakest along with him. He wanted to let them stay here to guard his family after the last incident, and with the strength he has now as long as he stays cautious, no one can harm him.

Lie Fan with Jia Xu, Zhao Hong, Gong Du, He Yi, and the 500 Guard Battalion head out toward Huai'An, they spend 2 weeks before arriving at Huai'An. Lie Fan sends Jia Xu with 100 soldiers to his father and mother to inform them of his arrival, while he and his bodyguards go to the secret dockyard that is made for his project.

5 kilometers south of Huai'An, there's a dense forest which was a perfect cover for Lie Fan's backyard, when he reached there Lie Fan saw the Fuchuan Warship prototype docked and some craftsmen were doing some maintenance. Fuchuan warship was around 165 feet long or 50,292 meters,

Lie Fan was in awe seeing the warship, this can be considered to be his masterpiece to conquer more lands for his future empire. Medieval Japan and Korea could only bow to these ships, even the entirety of Southeast Asia could only bow to him in the future.

Lie Fan while observing the ships was approached by a group of shipwrights and craftsmen, they greeted Lie Fan respectfully knowing who he was and that the schematic of the ships they had was from Lie Fan. Because of Lie Fan, they could continue their dream of building something magnificent, the other ships were in progress and they couldn't wait to finish their prototype.

Shipwright: "My Lord you have arrived! We will begin with the test, according to the schematics we have asked for 300 sailors from Huai'An to become the momentary crew for our test."

Lie Fan: "This is great! Ensure that everything is working perfectly so that we do not have any accidents."

Shipwright: "Yes My Lord! Come everyone we have to show the best for Governor Lie Fan!"

Everyone there gives a cheer, 300 sailors begin to board the ship, and the sails are released. The weather for their test is good with a strong wind and bright sun with no signs of rain happening anytime soon.

Lie Fan stands at the forefront, watching the anchor slowly being raised, and after it's done it slowly sails with the help of the ocean currents and the wind. Seeing that it was sailing smoothly leaving the dockyard, everyone gave a cheer while Lie Fan stayed silent watching the Ocean Conqueror.

Ocean Conqueror is sailing calmly towards the open sea, seeing that it would not sink and there's no problem even after sailing for some time Liw Fan finally sighs a breath of relief. The success of the Ocean Conqueror Fuchuan Warship prototype means that the other ships will have much faster progress due to similarities between the ship's projects.

At this time Jia Xu finally arrived, and seeing the Ocean Conqueror sailing made Jia Xu more assured of Lie Fan's future dominance. This ship is the biggest he has seen in his life with Lie Fan's weaponry like Ballista and Hwacha Lie Fan established naval superiority over his enemies for a long time.

Jia Xu: "Congratulations My Lord, another project of yours is finished, and our plan can continue as scheduled!"

Lie Fan: "Haha! Now we only need to wait for each ship to be finished and we can slowly mass-produce them. Recruit more shipwrights Jia Xu, and go north to Qing Province so we would not attract Liu Biao's attention."

Jia Xu: "Yes My Lord, but recruiting more shipwrights will burden our finances. We have many expenses My Lord, should we halt some of the projects?"

Lie Fan hearing what Jia Xu said becomes silent, his projects need a lot of money, especially for the wages and materials of each project. Realizing this, Lie Fan began to think about introducing soap and shampoo, maybe something new as well to collect the money needed for his projects. As for his personal money, sorry he needed it to pay for his family's expenses, and why use his money when he could use the province treasury.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 20 Years Old (187 AD)

Level: 14

Next Level: 412.000

Renown: 215

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 5)

SP: 706.700


STR: 775

VIT: 349

AGI: 343

INT: 361

CHR: 93


WIS: 299

WILL: 207

ATR Points: 0


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