Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 98: 98. Honey Scheme

Chapter 98: 98. Honey Scheme

Lie Fan: "What are you all arguing about?! Liu Bian and Liu Xie are still kids who haven't even reached 10 years old yet! None of them truthfully qualify for the position of Crown Prince as they are still too young. Liu Bian's personality can still be changed and Liu Xie can be taught but his young brain will not receive knowledge much because he hasn't understood life!"

The room was silenced instantly when Lie Fan reprimanded them, no one dared to respond to his statement cause what he was saying was true. Both princes are still too young to understand the power and responsibility that came with becoming a Crown Prince.

They didn't want another Emperor Ling to be on the throne as that meant the end of the Han Dynasty, The Young Emperor Ling was controlled by the eunuchs and became a stepping board for them to become more powerful.

Both He Jin and Zhang Rang have the same ambition, to use the Crown Prince to expand their power and influence which was a threat so everyone decided to stop talking about this topic for now.

Lu Zhi as a respected Scholar and Military Official becomes the middleman to ease up the atmosphere. Lie Fan decided to end their meeting and invited everyone to have a feast today to increase their closeness to each other.

The Banquet was held at the Serenity Inn of course on the 3rd Floor where the whole floor was reserved by Lie Fan. Everyone was eating and drinking and having a good time, but some sort of group divergence can be seen as the hardcore loyalists of the Han grouped up together.

Wang Yun and Dong Cheng, the most influential among all the hardcore loyalists drank some wine together sit alone on the corner. Both of them are talking about Lie Fan's position in this situation, as the two of them can see that Lie Fan has some sort of hidden intention in all of this mess with the moves he's been doing.

Dong Cheng: "Old Wang what do you think Governor Lie Fan's true intention is? With the position and influence he has now, he can stop this squabble in an instant!"

Wang Yun: "Truthfully I can't see through him anymore, I don't even know if his true intention since the beginning was pure or not. He is young but has the mind of an old fox, I'm afraid that if he really wants to control the Empire right now is an easy thing for him hahhh..."

Dong Cheng: "That's true, I thought at first that he is a hot-blooded youth trying to protect his country. His rise to the top, I'm afraid that all of that may be under his calculation."

Wang Yun who is going to drink his wine stops for a moment, If what Dong Cheng said is true that Lie Fan calculated everything then maybe there's a way that can throw all of his careful planning out.

Dong Cheng who wanted to pour more wine into his cup saw that his old friend was in deep thought, he patted Wang Yun on the back to get him out of his thought.

Dong Cheng: "Old Wang! What are you thinking so seriously, even the wine in your hand hasn't been drunk yet!"

Wang Yun: "I was thinking some kind of a plan, a plan that can maybe entangle Lie Fan to our chariot but I don't know how big the consequence of this plan will be."

Dong Cheng: "Ho? What is it? We need ingenious moves to tackle our current problem."

Wang Yun: "What do you think of a honey trap plan?"

Dong Cheng who was drinking spurt out the wine that just entered his mouth, coughing heavily shocked by what Wang Yun just said.

Dong Cheng: "Honey trap?! Are you sure about this? Even if the plan was successful, the consequence is unimaginable!"

Wang Yun: "Yes, no matter how strong his will is at the end of the day he Is still a young man. He and my adopted daughter have been very close these past few months and maybe we can use that."

Dong Cheng: "Old Wang you're so ruthless! Even you can sacrifice your daughter just like that? What about her feelings? Will se even cooperate with this!."

Wang Yun: "For the continuation of the Han Dynasty, no matter the price it all will be worth it. She doesn't have to know about this, one of her handmade is a trusted piece I put beside her, and we can use a strong aphrodisiac to influence them."

Dong Cheng stared at his old friend, he didn't expect that he would stoop so low. Maybe this Dong Cheng now is flabbergasted by Wang Yun's action, but his counterpart in the other life supported this plan to make Dong Zhuo fall.

Wang Yun doesn't care about the way his old friend sees him, so he begins to take Doing Cheng alongside him coming up with the perfect plan to pull this perfectly.

Lie Fan doesn't know that Wang Yun, the man that he still trusts and sees as an uncle and also maybe a future father-in-law is putting up a trap for him. Now he is receiving the older and influential officials under the Baohuzhe banner alongside Jia Xu and Sun Qian, Xun You goes back to the Lie Clan residence to teach his class.

The feast lasted until evening, Lie Fan who had bought an anti-drunk pill with 10,000 SP before the feast didn't get drunk while many Baohuzhe members went home in a drunk state. The pill effect was for a lifetime which was a good bargain for him as drinking is part of the culture right now.

Lie Fan accompanied by his bodyguards and advisors goes back to the Lie Clan residence, when his group arrives back at the residence they see Xun You talking with Sima Fang while Sima Yi and Sima Lang enter their carriage.

Lie Fan gets down from his carriage attracting the attention of both Sima Fang and Xun You.

Xun You: "Good Evening My Lord."

Sima Fang: "Good Evening Governor Lie Fan, I'm sorry that I can't join today's meeting as I have an important duty I have to attend to."

Lie Fan: "Good Evening, no need to apologize Master Sima Fang Official duties first then Baohuzhe. It's already evening, and the two children must have been tired from learning all day you should go back now."

Sima Fang said goodbye to Lie Fan and Xun You, entered his carriage, and told the driver to start going back to Sima Clan's residence. Lie Fan goes back to his room, takes a bath, and then takes a rest for today as performing in from of old foxes is rising mentally.

The next day, Lie Fan was training with his halberd in his courtyard when suddenly he received words that Diao Chan come to have a chat with him. Lie Fan told the servants to bring Diao Chan to the terrace connected to his room while he cleaned himself up.

Diao Chan led by a servant to the terrace accompanied by one of her handmaidens today brought a compartment putting it on the table when they arrive at the terrace.

Diao Chan: "Excuse me, can I ask for tea to drink together with Brother Lie Fan?"

Servant: "Of Course My Lady, I will bring it for you right now."

Xing'er: "My Lady I will follow him and serve the tea for you and Young Master! I will help my lady praises about the food you make for Young Master while serving the tea!"

Diao Chan: "Xing'er has grown more brave right now, you can volunteer yourself to help me become closer to Brother Lie Fan. Okay, you can go but be careful okay?"

Xing'er promises to be careful and follow the servant toward the kitchen when the two of them are gone Lie Fan just finished cleaning himself up and went to the terrace to meet with Diao Chan.

Seeing Diao Chan bringing a compartment, he feels curious about what Diao Chan brought for him. Diao Chan sees Lie Fan approaching with some sweat on his forehead, She stands up and takes out a handkerchief wiping it for him.

Feeling the gentle movement and the closeness between them, Lie Fan's heart was beating, and feeling a bit awkward he made a fake cough to hide his embarrassment as he wasn't brave enough to be bolder to Diao Chan like he was with Ying Yue.

Diao Chan sees that Lie Fan is shy so she just smiles and finishes wiping the sweat on Lie Fan's forehead. She took Lie Fan's hand and brought him to sit beside her.

Diao Chan: "Brother Lie Fan, I brought some dishes that I cooked myself for your breakfast today. I hope that you can be honest if it's good or not."

Lie Fan: "Food made by Sister Diao Chan herself?! Then I can't wait to taste it but without tasting it I already know that it tastes good!"

Lie Fan's enthusiasm gives Diao Chan bolsters her confidence in her food, She opens the compartment and takes out 3 dishes which consist of chicken meat, some vegetables, and beef alongside rice.

Lie Fan breathes in on the scents coming out from the food that is good raising his appetite, he receives the chopsticks from Diao Chan and begins to taste each dish Diao Chan made for him.

Diao Chan on the side scrutinizes Lie Fan's face to see if there are any bad responses from her dish, seeing that Lie Fan eating happily and even putting some food in her bowl makes her sure that her food tastes good which makes her very happy.

While Lie Fan and Diao Chan eating happily and talking about some daily topics, Xing'er Diao Chan's handmaidens are in the kitchen alongside the servant from before to take tea for Lie Fan and Diao Chan.

Servant: "Sister this is the tea, it's warm a perfect temperature to drink after eating."

Xing'er: "Thank You Brother! I can take care of it alone, you can continue to do your duty!"

Xing'er takes the tray filled with cups and teapots leaving the kitchen, when she just leaves the kitchen she searches for a secluded place takes out a small cloth bag filled with white powder, and pours in on the tea while mumbling by herself.

Xing'er: "I hope you forgive me My Lady, I'm not doing this because I want to but I'm paying back the favor Master Wang Yun gave to me when he helped me cure my father's sickness by giving me a large amount of money and he said that he will absolve the debt if I do this for him. I hope you understand my position, My Lady."


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (185 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 12.000

Renown: 185.

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 8)

SP: 376.700 -> 366.700


STR: 508 -> 510

VIT: 219

AGI: 228

INT: 247

CHR: 90

WIS: 209

WILL: 165

ATR Points: 0


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