Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 94: 94. Reforming Cai Clan

Chapter 94: 94. Reforming Cai Clan

Cai Wenji who heard this raised her head and looked toward Lie Fan's eyes, she could see that Lie Fan was serious and sincere in saying that. Cai Wenji sighed and decided to believe her gut feelings, She nodded her head and told Lie Fan that she would do her best to convince Important members that can help the Cai Clan be rebuilt in Xiapi.

Lie Fan is glad that Cai Wenji agreed, because if she also refused then force would be the only way Lie Fan could bring the Cai Clan which would sour the relationship between him and Cai Yong.

Cai Wenji: "Governor Lie Fan, I hope that the elders can stay alive as a last gift from us for the service they have given to the Caln all these years."

Lie Fan: "Rest assured Lady Cai Wenji, we also don't want to shed unnecessary blood as it will bring more attention. I only hope that the leaders can be reasoned with and listen to me if not the I'm sorry."

Sun Qian who was listening to the conversation between Lie Fan and Cai Wenji reminded them of the limited time they had, Seeing as they didn't have more things to talk about Lie Fan and Cai Wenji decided to end their discussion for the day.

Cai Wenji was escorted by Gong Du and He Yi under Lie Fan's order to board the Kitchen Supplies Wagon to go back to Cai Clan's residence.

Lie Fan and Sun Qian stayed in the private room waiting for He Yi and Gong Du to come back and then went back to his residence.

Lie Fan: "Master Sun Qian, prepare a separate meeting with the Cai Clan elders. Let's leave Cai Bo for the last and sway the other 5 first. Cai Bo is the leader among them with the biggest greed but also the most level-headed one so we just take all the power and money he has without swaying him."

Sun Qian: "Cai Bo is indeed the head of the group, but if we exclude him I don't know if we can handle the other 5 elders as easily with Cai Bo."

Lie Fan: "It's okay Master Sun Qian, as long as their power is stripped off they aren't a threat anymore and if they continue to be a nuisance just put an end to them with He Jin handwriting all over it."

Sun Qian is silent for a while and says his agreement to Lie Fan's words while talking Gong Du and He Yi come back reporting that Cai Wenji had safely boarded the Wagon and was escorted by the Oriole.

Hearing the report, Lie Fan and Sun Qian stand up and leave Serenity Inn to go back to Lie Clan Estate. From then on, Sun Qian alongside Jia Xu put together a meeting time for each separate Cai Clan elders for Lie Fan.

Each of the Cai Clan elders receives letters of invitation from Lie Fan, saying that he wants to meet them personally. While waiting for each of their replies, Lie Fan spends his time with Ying Yue and Diao Chan.

Since the time that Diao Chan and Ying Yue mended their cracked relationship, whoever Lie Fan is spending time with the other one will come. Lie Fan who wanted to spend each personal time with them separately can't do it thanks to them making it a group time.

Lie Fan who was still feeling ambiguous about Diao Chan began to feel that his feelings were something more thanks to Ying Yue for always pushing Diao Chan toward him, creating coincidences like one time when it should be Ying Yue whom Lie Fan hugged from behind because she asked to meet him but it turned out was Diao Chan.

Lie Fan and Diao Chan are surprised when that happens, but it brings them closer together raising their relations massively.

Lie Fan was spending time with Diao Chan and Ying Yue in the garden, enjoying nature and beautiful scenery when Sun Qian told him that some of the Cai Clan elders had replied.

Lie Fan followed Sun Qian toward the meeting room where Jia Xu was waiting for him there, 3 out of 5 Elders replied saying that they would meet him while the other 2 hadn't sent their reply yet. Jia Xu tells Lie Fan that the 2 elders reported his invitation to Cai Bo, which means that Cai Bo knew their activity trying to say the elders.

Knowing that their plan can be found out by He Jin anytime now, Lie Fan orders for Jia Xu to use their connection for Cai Bo and the 2 elders to be stripped down from the post they have in the government and send Oriole to steal all their wealth even the emergency out.

Lie Fan also tells Sun Qian to meet with the other 3 elders in his name, as he doesn't want to meet them anymore knowing that they now are just a burden waiting to be thrown out.

The moment when the edict of Cai Clan elders Cai Bo and the other 2 elders was out, The Cai Clan was in turmoil as it came so suddenly. He Jin who received this report doesn't think much of it, thinking that the old bastard's corruption was found out, and decides to focus on preparing the Military Festival informing his supporters to not accept the meeting request from them.

The other 3 elders who decided to accept the invitation met with Sun Qian in the Serenity Inn, they swore to support Cai Wenji as the interim Clan Head and follow Lie Fan to Xiapi under Cai Yong's order. They feel safe thinking that fortunately, they accepted the invitation not knowing that in the future they will be excluded from the position of power in Xiapi and Cai Clan itself.

Zhang Rang who heard about the tragedy that happened at Cai Clan doesn't even care as he thinks that the family of his political enemies will fall and feels happy about it happening, doesn't investigate it further.

Cai Wenji who gained the support of the remaining 3 elders, house arrested Cai Bo and the 2 elders deprived of their position in the elder council. Cai Wenji began to reform the clan, cleansing it of the corruption and nepotism that happened because of the elder's council before.

Lie Fan as promised helped Cai Wwnji in reforming the Cai Clan, With the amount of money the Lie Clan has now thanks to its industry fund Cai Wenji doing her reform and lending Sun Qian to Cai Wenji to win over the rest of the Cai Clan members that don't want women to lead them.

The Noble of Luoyang who heard what's happening at the Cai Clan doesn't even care as the Cai Clan without Cai Yong for them is nothing but a headless dragon.

Lie Fan began to spend his time relaxing after the Cai Clan had been subdued. He spends his time with his family and Diao Chan, he also goes towards the Oriole headquarters under the Eternity Inn to meet with Xu Kai as he hasn't had a chance to talk with him the bit who he took has risen up to become an excellent spy.

Xu Kai as the leader of Oriole which can be said to be the most elite Intelligent Organisation is very busy, he needs to sort the reports that have been gathered from Luoyang and Xu Province. Lie Fan's sudden visit surprised him and made him happy as he saw Lie Fan as his big brother and his lord.

Xu Kai: "Big Brother! What a surprise! We last time saw each other when you just came back from Xu Province and after that, we became so busy we couldn't meet each other!"

Lie Fan: "That's true, now that I have time I wanted to visit and check on you. Seeing how busy you are with the number of documents on your table, I just want to remind you not to forget to take a rest and collect some smart oriole members to help you organize the reports."

Xu Kai: "Don't worry Big Brother I have scheduled a timetable for my work and rest time, let's talk about some other things maybe the condition in Xu Province for example!"

Lie Fan and Xu Kai spend some time together, Lie Fan sees Xu Kai as his little brother so he allows some personal closeness from Xu Kai.

After meeting with Xu Kai, Lie Fan alongside his Think tank began to put their focus on He Jin and Zhang Rang's Faction preparing for their retaliation. Lie Fan's Think Tank Jia Xu, Xun You, and Sun Qian were very busy with their official duties, their duties to Lie Fan, and teaching the Sima Clan young generations.

Lie Fan met with the young Sima Lang and Sima Yi when they began their tutoring under his Think Tank. Both of them showed exceptional talents, especially Sima Yi whom Jia Xu and Xun You acclaim as having an Extraordinary talent.

Lie Fan of course is not surprised by the compliment Jia Xu and Zun You give to Siam Yi, even though Sima Yi is still a child ( 6 years old) he has received some education from his Father and former tutor opening his adolescent mind. He told Jia Xu and Xun You to instill some form of loyalty in the minds of Sima Lang and Sima Yi so that they would serve him in the future.

Sima Lang on the other hand also deceive some praise from Jia Xu and Sun Qian saying that even though his talent is worse than his brother they can't be compared as their talent is in different fields. Sima Lang's talent leans more toward domestic policies and administration, while Sima Yi is also talented in that but his focus is more toward Military strategy and Intrigue.

Lie Fan can't wait for both of them to reach adulthood and begin to serve him, Sima Lang is short term and Sima Yi is long-term. Lie Fan has planned for Sima Lang in 3 or 4 years to become a clerk under Jia Xu and Xun You to accumulate experience and hone his talent.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (185 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 12.000

Renown: 175

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 8)

SP: 376.700


STR: 491

VIT: 204

AGI: 215

INT: 234

CHR: 90

WIS: 199

WILL: 155

ATR Points: 0


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